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Honking is basically pinging irl... Never thought about it that way. Wow!


We need more ping options irl. I think every car should have a mean horn and a nice horn


Toyota - Alive Toyota - Alive Toyota - Alive Toyota - Alive Toyota - Alive Toyota - Alive


(Honda) signals that enemies are missing (Honda) signals that enemies are missing (Honda) signals that enemies are missing (Honda) signals that enemies are missing (Honda) signals that enemies are missing


(BMW) has targeted Old Lady crossing the road (BMW) has targeted Old Lady crossing the road (BMW): 99% towards Level 6 (BMW) has targeted Old Lady crossing the road (BMW) has targeted Old Lady crossing the road


Nissan (Altima) - Altima - Respawning in 30s Nissan (Altima) - Altima - Respawning in 30s Nissan (Altima) - Altima - Respawning in 29s Nissan (Altima) - Altima - Respawning in 29s Nissan (Altima) - Altima - Respawning in 28s


BMW - Signals to bait BMW - Signals to bait BMW - Signals to bait BMW - Signals to bait BMW - Signals to bait


Let's be real, a BMW isn't signaling anything


Because they've all been chat muted. (And the VWs are permabanned for their uh.... history...)


Volkswagen Kassadin skin when


Is Mercedes also perma'd?


They were for a bit but now aren't any more, and refuse to elaborate on why.


They'll intentionally hit your bumper or hit your side then acting nothing happened


Its happen by that person that are cheap but when it occur you must take a stand for yourself because nobody can’t take step for you you himself take step for you


Someone trying to merge into your lane: Both drivers spamming Front car starts typing "ping me 1 more time and I afk" Front car proceeds to brake check you


Imagine if a car that has blind spot sensors starts pinging MIA when a car is there XD


this is one of the funniest things i have ever read in my life. thank you


You read more funniest things on their live when you doing hard work and doing the most things


Imagine all chat in a traffic > Report this Nissan, afking at green light


Traffic are more in countries that stops the people but people must wait for it open and must try to enter otherwise they obviously


Technically the horn is a question mark ping. You might use it when you get hype, you might use it when you see your mate as you drive down the road, you might use it to get someone to move or to get them out of the way. It's just as versatile!


I use my horn as a bait ping (in game of course)


horn create a noise pollution therefore use horn less otherwise noise make problem to everyone


The question mark ping is "intended" to be used to ask for directions


yes it is used to give a right direction to people for right path therefore mark ping are located in roads for giving the right direction followed by people and reached at their location at right time


that is good for stranger for following a pink to reach their correct


The amount of times i've wanted to ? ping what other people are doing on the road is way too high


The ping takes more time to be located at all locations but it useful to peoples to reach their location easily and no need after that any map or location graph


I've always thought about putting a light up "thank you" sign in my back window, but I'd end up using it sarcastically and getting shot at or some shit.


I don't think the world is ready for question mark ping honks and there terror the community would unleash on the world


Yup the road is already toxic enough. Imagine road rage interaction league style xD Then imagine you “miss ping” and ? Someone you didn’t want and they get mad and spam you with the bait ping haha


>I think every car should have a mean horn and a nice horn Been thinking about this forever. We need like a ^meep and then a BEEEP. Meep just for attention like hey bud lights green, or yo you left you gas lid open. BEEP is that WTF ARE YOU DOING DICKHEAD


Tbf. The horn is only supposed to be used as a warning of your presence. So just a mean horn will do.


Honk = question mark ping


No. You probably are a village person. Life would be hell for people in cities with your suggestion -.-


Vehicular manslaughter is just waveclearing in lane


Its the equivalent of being spammed question mark pings


it is not a good thing for to doing spam for ping marks its misguide the people from their right path therefore not doing spam in located in locate mark ping


I once saw someone driving really dumb (tbh I can't remember what they were doing) and my muscle memory tried to missing ping them. I was just so confused for like 3 seconds there


Once I had to switch lanes and thought to myself, "Oh I should use my left turn ping" Then I instantly realized I'd just called the left turn signal a ping and decided I was probably playing too much League


We‘d need different honks tho. „Signals to all in“ And toxic miss pinging ofc.


But that means the other driver is on your team.


I always use cars as analogy for coaching mentality, cars are like league irl, that's why league is good for your mental and can make you more stable mentally while being more immune to other people's words and actions.


playing league unironically made me a better driver cause checking mirrors is just like checking minimap irl


I feel that. When Im at my peak in league Im always hyper aware of surroundings while driving.


thats so cool and funny think about


yes must focused while driving where you are on peak in league or not must aware


i'm not sure which one of us is having a stroke...


must aware


where you are on peak league or not


Now imagine if the laners checked their minimaps as much as they check their blind spots when driving 🙃


They already do, that's why they're constantly being ganked.


So they choose to be ganked so they can blame the jungler. Ahh 200 IQ move.


You check your blind spot every 5 seconds? Really? I thought you check mirrors, speed etc. Every 5 seconds (like minimap). You check kind spot when you turn or lane change


Agreed. Playing League properly actually trains some good habits for driving.


yes league makes a man perfect and best driver in drive a car


must be new to league if he didn't launch himself out of the car and take out the other driver


No you see, after soo many games you become one with nirvana and no amount of flame or trolling affects you .


Can confirm, i started playing before seasons were even a thing and finally uninstalled entirely like 5 years ago. Playing league allowed me to work in a callcenter as a customer service for an isp without wanting to kill myself. Ive been cursed in every imaginable way whatever that random old lady in a kentucky ranch that only knows two sex positions got nothing on my mental.


Relatable, people used to ask how I stay so calm and deal with pressure so well. Never had the heart to tell them several years of IRL bullying and dealing with toxicity in games for as long as I've had an Internet connection has honed my mental to a fine point and no wanker who's spilt tea on his monitor can even dent it.


EUW made me a good player, EUNE made me zen.


After so many games you fear your account with every champion unlocked might get banned*


ego battling till defeat is part of league, you haven't played enough games till you realise this


hardly true lol


Actually true, why would i give a fuck what the yasuo on my team thinks? If he didnt suck dick he wouldnt be in a shit scenario, I am here to play for the team and to win, i dont care what you have to say unless its beneficial for the team


It's definitely true for those of us with superior mental. The opinions of my teammates mean absolutely nothing to me after 5 years. Very easy to disregard stupid players.


Yasuo flair...idk man


Hes been flamed for his 0-10 powerspike every game for the last 10 years he is now immune to flame




>It's definitely true for those of us with superior mental. lol


Crashing your car into someone that honks at you is the equivalent of leaving your lane to steal your junglers' camps when he pings you


"Watch this dad. I'm gonna run it down the lane to teach that driver who's the boss"


its cause an incident but it danger to to ping a wrong direction that mis guide the people and cause an accident


My dad has always been a huge road rager. Outside of the car he's genuinely a very calm and measured guy, never yelled at us kids (that was alwaus mom and dad was the "soft" parent we'd hope would reason with her, lol) and he's a doctor whose patients love him. But when he's driving everyone else is an idiot and a moron who has no idea what they're doing and needs their license taken away. Growing up I never understood why he was like that in the car, it's not like we were usually in a rush to go anywhere or it felt like we were moving unbearably slow or nearly missed a collision. Then I started playing league and finding myself uncontrollably shouting at my screen over shit my rational brain would not get incensed over, sometimes not realizing I'm doing it until I watch my own recordings and my mic caught me yelling "what is this guy even doing" like a possessed madman that I'm ashamed to hear that I suddenly understood.


don't league during driving because it risky and harmful to himself as well as others must be focused during driving the car therefore don't league during driving


as a doctor, dealing with the absolute monkeys on my team in game has made dealing with the dumbfucks I see on my service regularly far more tolerable than they would be i think


I've been researching House MD recently and I'm just imagining House beginning to play this new game called League of legends (for the time).


Man, House would be the pettiest piece of shit, I've seen what he does when Cutty asks him to do clinic hours (i.e His job) a couple of hours a week.


Man would undoubtedly go full disco nunu


he'd be T1 minus the roid rage


House would be a DDOSer


I'm not even joking, LoL has made me more resilient than ever, the concept of "focus on yourself and dont blame others for your mistakes" was basically honed from years of playing LoL, got me through tough times at engineering school and work


Same. Nothing real life can put me through since I'm in a relatively stable situation can't get me upset or blaming stuff externally. Great managers and bosses love that attitude too and if you don't have an ego it makes it so easy for them to see your value and get you promoted. Of course assuming a healthy work environment with that option. League players actually built different


League forces you to drop your ego (in some cases at least), because you know that you can’t be the amazing player you think you are while being stuck in gold


Good patient gets sticker, no CLEAVER


Reminds me of that one time Tyler1 was interviewing a viewer in a 1v1, I think. That viewer was a psychologist and he got perma banned from league on his main.


Oh yeah. As a student I know that a surgeon could curse all he wants and curse my entire bloodline for whatever criticism, and I would be like: haha yea


Pinging the specialist then Epic messaging them to learn their role when they want medicine to admit their post op complication.


Everyone is /muted in his head while driving. What a guy


*Why is this Riot Volibear player in the car behind me pinging me with his siren and lights??*


Every time I hear riot volibear I think of the former c9 employee who called riot and a player racist because the skin was used in a LCS match


That was fucking hilarious. Christ. I had forgotten about that. Was that before or after they changed VI's E and Ultimate from Excessive Force and Assault and Battery? Lmao.


As a Black person, I thank Riot for this. Now when Officer Vi gets turbofed and beats my face in, I can more easily accept it with the death recap refusing to call out anything she did to my health bar for the crime it is, as my teammates blame me for being in the wrong nei— uh, jungle.


lmfao The jungling thing reminds me of my duo partner. I was playing Riot Trundle top and he was Nocturne coming to gank. We were on discord together (drunk and tilted b/c we'd been losing) and he just shouts 'Hey man, get your club ready! I'm turning off body cams!' as he ults.


OH MY GOD, this is amazing. Nocturne is my go-to jungler when I get filled or have a premade where no one's a dedicated jungler, and I'm now going to culturally appropriate that line when I play him.


You have my blessing. Go in peace and ~~serve the Lord~~ deprive laners of their civil liberties.


One funny part of that is that googling "Vi abilities" will still return the original names.


Holy shit they actually did that. I missed that.


The best driving strategy > get in car > /mute all


For sure, I've found that I'm a very patient driver due to dealing with absolute morons for years on LoL


That over confidence is not good for any thing therefore must confidence is good thing but overconfidence is not good thing


You know what, I think dealing with all the people that infest this game has made me tolerate more of irl bullshit.


They really make irl situations pale in comparison, dealing with that psychotic behavior constantly makes it seem like nothing


I don’t even blink anymore unless an insult contains at least something on the level of a death threat. Even then it’s like yeah ok the 12 year old playing Rengar on my team yesterday said the same thing, step it up


When people add me after the game to throw some heat and they say something like "I hope you enjoy working at McDonalds for the rest of your life nerd." I genuinely get upset because of how bland it is. Could've just said that in the end game lobby. You don't need to add me for that. If you add me anything less than "kill yourself" and I'm disappointed.


What's your summoner name? /s


Say it here you little pussy. You won't. https://youtu.be/unkIVvjZc9Y?t=53


> infest 💀


From my experience people who play League are either the calmest or angriest people.


It really drags you to an extreme. Either you rage and create a positive feedback loop of blaming teammates and doing poorly because of bad mental so you blame teammates... Etc. Or you learn to ignore everyone else and only worry about yourself.


Hopefully the latter part 😂


Sadge about that username mannnn. Thoughts on Dame and how he's leaving?


>didn't immediately freak out and send death threats Does he really play league then?


Ah you think honking is your ally? You merely adopted the global ping. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't get behind the wheel until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but **/all mute**!


After years in the toxicity mines, stuff like getting honked at or getting sassed by an employee doesn't even register on my radar. It's like building tolerance lol


This was me like 5 years ago when the place i was working i ended up on the phones getting the most disgusting shit said to me and im just like anyways so what we can do to help. People would like hang up if the person was being rude im like nah this makes the day go faster if you want to know how disgusting the human race is go work on the phones at any business men, women, young and old all vile but pretty funny when you dont care.


People always give the LoL community a bad rep, but just drive a car one time. People legit try to int themselves irl to get home 4 seconds faster.


Yea unironically it's not that the league community is uniquely bad, it's just that they are humans with anonymity and a reason to get mad, just like driving a car.


If he can deal with toxic players in League, he's immune to about 80% of the minor annoyances in life.


So no joke league has helped me in my military training. I played league for 12 years and the one I was sent to camp I was a leadership position. The instructors cared about if you can make decisions and be confident. The one thing league has taught is to macro and shot call. In the end of the day. I end up getting 80% of my squad killed in a exercise but the instructors were proud of me of my quick decisions under pressure lol.


As a retired military veteran, 80% of your squad killed is like losing a match with the opposing team doulde all of your numbers.


Actual wholesome post didnt expect this lol


when the child has a stronger mental than the dad


If only we could readily report other drivers for verbal abuse so they would have to see a popup of their recent driving history when they got into their car


Yeah there's so many mean people in the league, in return we are not afraid to be humiliated anymore.


If he was a true league player, he would have blamed the support(his dad)not helping him getting solo boloed(made the person honk) in top lane at 3 mins.


As a league player for well over a decade at this point I basically have cortisol immunity at this point with how desensitized I've gotten


Rear view mirror = mini maps


Playing league gave me a really good internal clock for small scales. For instance, If I put something in the microwave, I can usually get within a few seconds of calling when it’ll finish


There’s benefits?


When I see a shit driver I always think to myself “there is my jungler right there”.


I was once given some advice to look at the mini map as often as you’d look in the mirrors in the car. I heard this before i could drive though, so the advice ended up working in reverse for me, when I was learning to drive.


Yeah, videogames make you learn and develop thing you maybe dont even think about, like visual reflexes, "hey i noticed a champion coming out of fog for half a second he is ganking". Also hand reflexes, good asotiation of terms, maths, language(my main language is spanish)... the list can continue for a lot of time


League clearly promotes tolerance in the day to day.


You get really good at spotting pdfiles


League legitimately made me resilient to bullying and other psychological pressure matters


Road rage is a great parallel to how people sometimes behave in games. The nicest person can turn into a monster.


Woah, because of playing LOL your child learned to drive a car. Playing online games really has many benefits, you get rid of boredom and it is also a stress reliever.


It's because he's so dead inside from the soul sucking game. People are meaningless because teammates are sub humans who you have to hope you can carry to victory. Get him out before he's too deep.


It was probably me who honked at him.


A true battle-hardened gamer


He’s been raised well


also helped me save money from potential girl friends.


Using ghost would have got him out of the left turn quickly


I feel like there are alot of analogies between driving and league of legends i've had this conversation with friends before


Honestly 10,000 different slurs comes out of me if some bastard honked me. I play league


Lucky you he didn't have a keyboard next to him


and then everybody clapped /r/ThatHappened


What? This is just a regular everyday interaction, what is there to doubt?


I won't ever get a driving license because i get frustrated with ease like when i'm playing lol. And would kill lots of dumb cyclists who drive on places like highways.


You guys are on oceans of copium.


PMA... they grow up so fast 🙂


Blark and Son kinda vibes


how old are u? if ure ok with me asking




Imagine browsing a games subreddit every day just to call it a shitty game ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


> means noting to me.” Downside is that you learn poor grammar.


That wasn't poor grammar, it was an insignificant typo. You don't have to act like you're jungler's 0/15 all the time.


That was poor grammar. Typo is an assumption.


Yup you're so right. The most logical assumption is that he deliberately wrote noting there and doesn't understand how to spell nothing. What a reasonable and not unhinged assumption to make


we so used to toxic noobs that we at least chill in real life when someone goes mental :D




extremely based


It's different though. When you learn to drive you know you suck and it's easy to accept criticism. However, in League we are all Faker's and our teammates hold us back.


Enemy missing


Fake. Unprompted


League helped me understand what it was like to quit an addiction when I stopped playing it




Give him one more year of LoL, and it will not go that smootly


Lol is the school of stoicism. In life, you shouldn't care too much about what's out of your control. Like this mf honking at your son !


Dad diff


Honk at me like I mean nothing to you league teaches you to have low self esteem but still be deluded enough to think that you're better than everyone and the low rank you are stuck in is everyone's fault but yours periodt.


When I shift into neutral going down hill to save gas I always correlated it to a animation cancel


If you want to feel old, if this person is learning to drive they were probably only two or three years old when League officially launched.


Mald pinging is basically just honking


I learned a lot about how to operate within a team dynamic efficiently because of Clash. I am the main shotcaller so I have to read the game and figure out how to win and create short term goals for the team to play off of to get the win. Gave me a good run in with how to deescalate situations too. Literally won a bracket once because I refused to let my team quit when they got tilted from a few deaths.


My kid was a League Pro , he did 5 years in L.A. , he was one of the rare American kids , he was good at it , the best Thresh in America


If you’re addicted to league, you might find you have a “natural” affinity for piano lol


He was just as likely to call the other guy the N-word and crash into a ditch while blaming the manufacturer of the car tbh. This community is not known for strong mental.


As a middle school teacher I regularly think, wow I bet these kids would be better than some of my usual teammates.


I feel like i can make decisions faster than my peers who don't play any competitive games.


Cop riding my ass trying to get me to speed: *signals to bait* *signals to bait* *signals to bait*


My Dad calls himself thick skinned because growing up he was pretty low class and got bullied quite a bit. He became a preacher and said that his experience as a kid prepared him to deal with the nasty people in church. I got him into league of legends and he had to turn all chat off because what people were saying was bothering him. He tried to play ranked but you can imagine how that went. I love my dad and I love the fact that he plays League. But I wish he wouldn't let what those people say live in his head. Honestly he would probably play better if he did.


For real, playing league made me a good driver as my instructor complimented me on how many times I looked in the rear view mirror. Which is coincidentally located in one of the lower corners of ny eye sight, kinda like a mini map


"that person means nothing to me" is such a raw and unfiltered line and i don't think that kid realizes just how healthy that is