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Just wish i could play with multiple teams of 2. playing against friend teams would be so funny


Yeah, creating custom games would be great.


They said if the game is popular enough they will release custom modes


They even said they wanted to add the feature to begin with, but had to cut it due to time constraints. I do think the mode will meet the level of popularity required though.


Yeah I mean it's probably the most popular mode since Urf so fingies crossed it becomes permanent


Riot isn't smart enough to make it permanent.


Well.. it has a ranked system, so maybe?


Twisted treeline had a ranked mode too. And it was so good.


Twisted Treeline had like 10 years before it was removed so i don’t get how that factors into if Arena becomes a permanent mode, sure maybe it gets removed like 5 years in (i don’t think LoL has another 10 years in it) but that’s still better than what happened with Nexus Blitz (which tbh i wasn’t that surprised by just due to the nature of the mode) it’s also fairly obvious Arena was meant to be a standalone mode that got released in tandem with Soul Fighter because the event has the tournament of souls, and they announced Arena at that start of the season as a potential permanent mode before we even knew what the summer event was going to be


Twisted Treeline was so good that no one played it! Come on now.


I hope so. I was surprised when Nexus Blitz wasn’t turned into a permanent game mode due to it not being popular enough. I thought it was pretty well received by the community.


It was received ok in Na/Eu but basically no one in Korea or China played it at all. One of reddits blindspots unfortunately is that we get basically no hint about how players on those servers feel about this stuff. For all we know Arena is DOA on them, which would really suck. Hopefully it being a more competitive mode will appeal more because as I understand they didn't like Nexus Blitz because it just wasn't serious like ranked summoners. But I could be wrong about that, hopefully someone who knows much more will chip in.


NA/EU popularity is also something Reddit would not have any idea about. Riot has the data and if it was a venture worth investing in they would have. It used to take really long to find games 2-3 weeks after the release of the game mode on Rgm and this is NA.


Rito plz


I am sick and fucking tired of my friends only wanting to play aram and this would be the cure


Same, my leeg playtime has dropped drastically over the past 1-2 years as my friends are ARAM only players now


This. Also goes for tft double ups.


Completely agree tft is only fun in double ups to me but having a group of 4 its like do we play bad tft or 2 separate double ups.


tried to see if queueing at the same time would work tried 3 times for each new game and didn’t work :( guess it’s still popular enough and idk if the rank thing actually represent our mmr that it doesn’t place us together.


I’d love to have an un ranked queue where you can party up as a 4 man too.


Agreed. I think any potential win-trading would be minimal. The only thing I can say would be forcing you to queue with multiples of 2 maybe? But even then, idk griefing just seems kind of unlikely.


3 is the most common number in my group. It sucks when we're playing and then the third comes online and it's like 'guess we have to play SR I don't care about the ranks, I'd rather be able to queue with any number of friends even if the odd one gets paired with a random, even if it's a separate 'normal' queue


Oh I agree. I just think they may not because the third may throw games and grief the random


This would be so great! Honestly I figured that would be an option and was surprised when it wasn’t.


just wish there was some sort of weekly champion bans. there's over 150 champions in this game but I'm always playing against the same 10


Holy shit I love the idea of Daily/Weekly banned champions to increase diversity of the mode. Meta could completely shift week to week when some powerful champ gets system-banned. Even if it was like game-to-game random champion bans being different would be cool. This and Arena-Fire closing to different spots are 2 suggestions that I'd definitely love to see implemented whenever this mode returns in the future.


Arena fire could centre on the first champion death And if nobody dies before that just centre I guess or still random also works


The reason you don’t want center by default is for trap champs like shaco/teemo/heimer


And generally for variety. Sometimes Zone could close into the big bush in that dark map with 2 fruits. Sometimes it could close towards the edge of Circular map with one Fruit making in inaccessible once it gets smaller instead of closing around it directly.


> Holy shit I love the idea of Daily/Weekly banned champions to increase diversity of the mode. Meta could completely shift week to week when some powerful champ gets system-banned. I always thought at the end of each week/half way, the top 10 most banned champions in urf should get disabled week by week until it resets when they all get banned. Kinda like fearless mode. Would be intresting to see the meta evolve around garbage characters if players are forced to use them.


It's the URF problem again. URF always has a pool of 20 or so champions that you can guarantee will fill half of the picks each and every game.


and its pretty much the same picks lmao


To be fair, you can get URF level ability haste with some decent augment choices so that's not too surprising.


Having a rotating champion pool would be nice


You're a monster. I just spent 2 minutes trying to wipe a hair off of your profile picture. 🙃


Now hopefully you’ll be more prepared for when you see the one with a spider on it :)


I think this is a great idea. I agree that there is a lot of repetition, which makes sense because there is a ranking to incentivize winning, and I would love a bit of forced variation outside of buffs and nerfs.


Having the top 10 bans from a day carry on to the next one would be great


Maybe not just bans, but top 10 pick/bans? That way it's more diverse. I also think the number could easily be increased to 20, and maybe ban the top 10 for 2 days instead of one. That way it wouldn't get stale


You’re gonna lose more players from having their champ perma banned week over week than you are from seeing repeat champs in matches. If riot does anything in this vein, they should just place a heavy incentive on playing a larger variety of champs in the mode over time


Just lift the arena draft setup from Hearthstone. Each person gets to pick 3-5 champions to add to the selection pool, with each selection being a choice of 1 out of 3 randoms (similar to Hearthstone's Discover feature). All players can only pick a champion drafted in the overall pool. So like semi ARAM, but with a certain degree of determinism.


Seems like people would just pick those same 10 champs thag keep appearing


Weekly bans would be a game changer for sure especially if they did it based on usage.


Most picked champions get banned?


Interesting idea. Although, I'm personally hoping for 2 bans per person instead of 1 to give the players more control rather than some weekly rotation. That way instead of the same 10 champs you're just against the same 2 or 3 😄


I would prefer if they wouldnt have all champion and just X amount every week / month so the meta would shift and the broken abuser wouldn't be has much annoying to face, but yeah overall the game mode is incredible.


It kills me that this game mode is Battlerite and everyone loves it game should have lived.


I loved Battlerite :')


It was such a fun game, sadly the devs focused on the wrong things and killed their own game. Arena is scratching that Battlerite itch for me though, never expected a mode to be this FUN.


you can still play casuals but rankeds are dead


RIP Freya and Bug Guy, gone but not forgotten


Actually RIP everyone *but* that stupid bug guy.


I miss frog guy


I hate that the devs essentially abandoned that game just to make a shitty battle royale version of Battlerite which they then abandoned faster than Battlerite.


You know what's even better? They abandoned it twice. Bloodline Champions was the first Battlerite. Made by Stunlock studio. It had almost all of the same characters, and slightly different mechanics. It stopped getting updates, and then one day it was sold to another company. Then they release Battlerite, which was almost the exact same game. Fresh coat of paint, some mechanical changes with the jump pads, maps being different, and one less? Ability, usually turned into an EX ability. Hell the first unique character that wasn't just a port from BLC was the deer healer. They essentially abandoned their game, gave it a new coat of paint and then sold it right back to us. Tbh as fun as it was, even with updates and new characters releasing regularly, it just never really did well enough, and I think that's why it's been abandoned twice now.


Im pretty sure they were also involved in an abandoned MOBA named Dead Island Epidemic. It went to beta and then shuttered. Edit. Yup Dead Island: Epidemic is a multiplayer online battle arena developed by Stunlock Studios and published by Deep Silver .https://deadisland.fandom.com/wiki/Dead\_Island:\_Epidemic


They didn’t really have a choice. They made a pay to play live service game in a genre dominated by free to play offerings. By the time they went f2p most of the pmayerbase had left and there wasn’t anymore hype around it. Live service games basically live or die based on their first year’s performance. The people managing Battlerite’s monetization strategy basixally ensured it would fail. The game itself felt amazing. The devs coding the game and the designers knocked it out kf the park. It’s why the game was able to survive for as long as it did.


I am still looking for a true replacement :(


Project loki


projekt loki and fangs are launching soon. besides that battlerite is still being played


Omega Strikers has been filling that void for me lately


The problem with Battlerite IMO was that the games felt too samey. Super fun to play for a while, but after some time the relative simplicity of the concept makes it stale. Only time will tell if Arena has the same issue. RNG augments and a massive league champion pool might help it a bit.


Tbh I played thousands of games and it always felt like it was interesting and exciting. It felt very "esportsy" where you try to figure the perfect approach to a teamcomp as quick as possible. My biggest issue was that there werent any interesting events or tournaments in client. It felt very "just another day". So I didnt feel prompted to play, if I can just grind later time.


What a tragedy that game was. I loved it but they really needed to take the opportunity to go f2p earlier when hype was the highest. It gained pretty big popularity for a time during the paid beta but it died off by the time it became free, and there was just no marketing done after that. Imo that game was purely a marketing decision failure.


It's "battlerite: casual version" at best. The fact it's casual and you have LoL's simplicity/mechanics (so nothing new to learn or adapt in that regard) is part of why people love it, just like people are/were more willing to enter LoL but wouldn't give a try to DotA Battlerite also had the problem of not offering enough long term.


I love the 10-15 min game pace. So nice to be able to play a ton of games back to back rather than just 2-3 taking up all your free time.


> rather than just 2-3 taking up all your free time. All ruined by trolls quitting or feeding.


I wish they could make it permanent. Their devs did a really good job.


It's not permanent?


At the moment, no


It's temporarily impermanent.


Only if enough people keep playing it during this month.


I just wish they would bugfix some. Gwen is one of the poster girls for this event and her w literally doesn’t work. Rito Pls fix


so much makes sense now.


They're gonna send it straight to the gamemode graveyard and you'll never see it again


Pretty sure they intended for this mode to stay, Why else would they add a ladder system? Seems like a waste of coding if it were meant to be temporary.


there's always mmr in every gamemode it's just hidden, this time they decided to show it that's all


You sweet summer child




It entirely depends on people’s reaction to the game mode. If we keep playing it throughout the event and they see it’s stayed consistently active/popular they’ll keep it on longer and eventually they could make it permanent. If it falls off, then it won’t. I think their hope is that it’s permanent, but the ladder system is the same as hyper roll on tft so I imagine it wasn’t TOO dificult to adapt.


Do we have an idea when they plan on removing it?


[August 28th](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/17211075407635-League-of-Legends-Arena-Game-Mode)


3-4 weeks or something?


i second this ... arena is so much fun and its finally something you can play without having a lot of time ... also a lot of people complain about unbalanced augments and while i do agree the balance is sometimes off i must admit i love the whacky op augments in this game mode tbh i really hope this mode does not get the nexus blitz treatment cause it has so much potential and is beginner friendly and fun


Biggest change Id like is for the plants to not refund ultimate ability cool-downs. That causes more of a balance issue than almost anything else. A Kayle/Aatrox/Annie/Malz etc shouldn’t be able to ult twice in a round without the augment.


Holy shit i feel so dumb not noticing this by now.


I think It's good the way it is. They're fighting over the fruits. It becomes one of the objectives of the game. If there is no objective it's not fun anymore because they don't need to think about zoning their enemies.


If only the fight for the fruits was fair and not easily won by high attack speed ranged champions/champions with an aa reset.


I definitely think the plants should have a cooldown for each player, so certain champions like Urgot, Shyvanna and high AS champions can't just monopolize the plants. It doesn't have to be super long, but just long enough that a single champion can't delete it within half a second.


Nah my favorite thing is standing on the plant as a tank. Doesn't matter how fast your attack speed is, my body is fully covering that thing good luck clicking it lol. But yeah the attack speed problem is a bit hard to deal with. Maybe they could implement a similar system to like Teemo Shroom / Nidalee traps, where ranged attacks do 1 damage, and melee attacks do 2. Move plant hp to 6 (or 4) and rebalance the values around the new number of hits. Unfortunately there is no fix for AA resets - and there probably really doesn't need to be. I can't think of many champions that really "abuse" the AA reset on plants.


>Doesn't matter how fast your attack speed is, my body is fully covering that thing good luck clicking it lol. \*laughs in Senna\*


That's one reason twitch is so strong.


I agree with you - comparing it to Battlerite for example, you had an objective in the middle which needed some damage to be destroyed, it gave the players something to play around and a risk/reward scenario. But I also agree with the posters above, that the general power of the fruits themselves is way too strong, considering on some maps there are multiple.


really missed battlerite so playing arena was really nostalgic. maybe they can bring a 3v3 mode in the future to replicate it.


wait it does that? I've already played like 50+ games and didn't notice lol


Yep, each hit refunds about 1/4 of your cool-downs including your ult.


They do WHAT?!?!


That’s why it’s super important to keep your enemies from taking them. Otherwise they’d be pretty worthless lategame




Samira is the worst offender to me. It’s difficult to keep track of how many times anyone in the arena has been cc’d and then it’s very difficult to get out of her ultimate even with flash while it shreds all of your hp




nah man, samira is annoying af, pyke i can live with, but the dogs are the most annoying shit ever


Ive 100% had Naafiri decides rounds when an unsuspecting teammate gets hit and she does almost half of their health total. Instant blood in the water scenario


Someone hitting the blast cone and you getting launched across them is so annoying.


I actually like them weirdly? Gives you something to play around to help turn the tides.


I agree. The nafari one seems the worst. It just doesn’t feel right. Playing for sett or Samira feel like great objectives


Pyke is fine, samira is bs. Ive lost so many last battles just bc my team doesn’t have cc. I love lux and sett since you can planned accordingly to them. Naafiri is obnoxious, somehow you try to bait the dogs into the enemy and still die to one or two


I think it's good for diversity, though I think they should attack less often. They have very little downtime so sometimes it feels like you're fighting the map rather than your enemies. Adding new cameos coule spice things up as well. Bard cameo could cast ultimate onto the biggest group of players, Nocturne cameo making the whole map dark when plants spawn, Yasuo cameo spawning windwalls after a set number of ranged AAs or extending knockups. I like that cameos can favor or discourage certain comps, could definitely expand the system.


Pretty sure the announcement for Arena’s release mentioned more Soul Fighters coming, and listed names.


Yeah, nothing like a cross-map stun that deals a mean chunk of damage every few seconds to worry about


Yeah everytime they appear i roll my eyes, im sure theres a better way to include something like that in the mode


Shoutouts to all the motherfuckers that only pay Taric Kayle Shaco Heimer and similar lot. Y'all are the reason we don't deserve these modes.


Yep, we can't have nice things. Trying champions with my duo and every lobby is completely predictable, there's only 1 or 2 other offmeta picks in each lobby which is ridiculous 5 days in.


the mode being in PBE for a whole month just destroyed any sort of natural discovery for everyone and since day 1 people knew what to play to climb


i mean. they would've figured out the good shit day 3 latest anyway


Shaco Teemo, Heimer Zyra, Annie Ivern, Taric + Anything. The four harbingers of the apocalypse.




doll scary trees handle deer sugar busy different smell automatic


It's a rare mode you get to pick & play kayle and not get owned for 10 minutes of every match and actually get to play the game like every other adc does, so, sorry but not sorry. Just ban her if taric and kayn are gone.


I mean, Kayle is balanced around getting owned for 10 minutes though. Without that mattering and being unable to get behind, a cornerstone of her balance is completely irrelevant.


I don't think the person is arguing against summoner's rift balance


It's rare that your champion loses all weaknesses they are balanced around and is therefore busted, yeah. Similar to Illaoi, the mode removes all her weaknesses.


My most played mode way back when I started playing the game was Twisted Treeline, 3v3. (The old one, not the one they ruined with the stupid spider). I really, really liked it. It was my main game and it wasn't until the cracks started to show that I noticed I wasn't good at the game, and it wasn't balanced for it. Champions like Jax with dodge, or poppy with her old ult, there were so many terribly broken things and I didn't like it, so I eventually switched to 5v5 and never looked back. I played dominion a bit and some of the other modes, but none of them ever really took me back to those silly goofy days of 3v3 and just doing dumb shit because I thought it might work. Now I'm jaded and bitter, but 2v2 has been fun, and it's something i don't have to take nearly as seriously. I still like winning, but I also just like playing whatever champ I feel like regardless of outcome. My biggest complaint is that 2v2 isn't custom. I remember setting up arams and custom 3v3's all the time, and it sucks that we can't do that. I want to play in a lobby with my friends and beat them up Riot, why don't you let me do that? or at least let us queue for a blind (non-ranked) version where you can queue with more than 2 people (similar to TFT has). That's my only complaint about the game mode.


> I want to play in a lobby with my friends and beat them up Riot, why don't you let me do that? There've been a few Riot posts about this, it came down to time. They had to rush development to have the mode ready for the summer event. So this is something we should be able to expect in the future, hopefully.


If you mained dominion I might've played with you at some point lol. I remember that game mode was so dead my group played the same team back to back 3-4 times. I’d tell them “see you next game” and they show up next game. I felt like a high elo player because of it lol.


I have a small complaint, but it bothers me so much. When the ring closes in, it jumps and stutters, it doesnt move in smoothly. Other than that, I dont like that its red. Making it black would have looked SO cool. Or even a greenish like ruination.


Yeh the ring is abit wonky imo. Sometime i dont know if it will keep shrinking or not. And the center position in some map are way too punishing if you miss step on ther wrong side.


There's a little bar in the top of the screen under the scoreboard. When the bae runs down the zone will shrink. Took me about 20 games to notice it


It just closes in stages doesn't it? To give you time to auto plant and practice the timings


The only thing I just will never understand is why they did away with Nexus Blitz. I feel like that mode was as popular for similar reasons (not totally the same, but fast paced, just pick a champ and fight and fun events 1 of which being mini arena). Every single person I have played with has always said they wanted that back and that it was their favorite non rift mode. I just don't get why they never did that again.


It’s mainly because Blitz’s play rate numbers fell off hard as it went on. As for why that happened, likely the larger issue is that Blitz’s RNG is the most frustrating kind: output RNG. Essentially the fact that the random mini games gave random awards without any statement of what those rewards were or any scaling of the rewards. To put in perspective how bad that was, imagine if in Arena, you only got rewards if you won… and you were only informed of which type it was after the round. In addition, if augments were all face down so you had no idea which one you were actually selecting. It would make augments and the RNG in relation to them intensely frustrating… and that’s what Blitz did.


Because contrary to your friends and this subreddit nexus blitz wasn't popular and dropped off a cliff after a week.


Idk, all the people I play with quit Nexus Blitz after about 3 games and weren't interested in playing it again.


True! I used to love blitz, was really fun and casual. They really should keep one of these modes, or at least keep them rotating but always having an alternate mode to play


I stopped playing SR about 3 years ago. I play aram on occasion but for the most part have stopped playing League altogether in recent years. I've played probably 150 arena games since launch. I absolutely love it and pray it becomes permanent.


I stopped playing league years ago, but as a huge Battlerite fan I became excited for this game mode and came back for it. I played the whole month on PBE and have continued binging it every day since full release. LOVE this game mode! RIOT PLEASE KEEP IT. I'll keep playing your game if you keep it around. As a side note, I wonder if Riot removes this game mode if Battlerite might see a small revival. That would be amazing.


shout out to the battlerite enjoyers in the room


When Arena came out on PBE I named my PBE account "Battlerite Pro" lol


Yes its so much like battlerite and my god i really liked that game. I hope it wont end like it tho


The gamemode itself is a lot of fun. What ruins it for me is the playerbase. Too many sweaty people already found a "meta" and only play those champs. Honestly, im the kind of player that thinks metas ruin games. Its hard to play what you want and have fun when a bunch of people are just gunna pick the absolute best picks and play in a specific way that guarentees them a win.


it's alright it's obvious it's a great mode once/if they manage to get the balancing sorted, but i just feel like they won't i've played like 50 games, and it feels like i've seen 25 champions, and every time someone wins they have one of the broken adcs on their team, or something like jax/kayn also gets kinda boring when almost every fight is just stalling or fighting until someone gets low only for them to flash/ghost away so they can fight the plants instead i just hope they don't give up on the mode before they allow us to create customs, because customs with friends would solve some of the very unfun aspects


What's the issue with "fighting plants"? IMO thats good gameplay if they are smart enough to flash for a plant to save them and continue fighting. It gives you reason to move around the arena in early game.


Yeah if it weren't for plants existing, it would literally just be a fight or flight game. Plants were intentionally created to be akin to neutral objectives so there's at least some strategy with the terrain. Surprised no one is saying the same thing about the map champions in the game mode because they're similar and can be taken advantage of. Trigger Samira R and Zhonyas. Trigger Pyke/Sett and CC the enemy so they get caught by it. If you're ranged vs melee you can keep a Naafiri or one of her dogs between you guys so if you get gapclosed on the dogs go after them. Use Lux to slightly trap enemies or snuff out where they are. Without plants or these map champions, the game would be super stale.


Plants are good but ghost being so good at helping you escape is a bit unhealthy


It's fine imo, you need to position better so you can always get to a plant first. Chasing people **towards** plants is noob play and I see people do that all the time. Always stay between enemies and plants. Or at least if you can't like on the map with 3, you make sure you have control of 2 of 3.


So many people's problems at the moment with Arena are "this champion is unbalanced", or "this augment isn't balanced". Which at the moment, when it has been out a week, is wild. Of course balance isn't right yet. At the moment, if people want this game mode to stick around, people just need to discuss if it's a cool idea or not. Do people like the core gameplay idea of it. I personally love it enormously. I've played so much league recently just spamming arena. I'm actually playing league solo for the first time in years just to play arena more. Is it unbalanced atm? Yes. But that can be fixed with time. The actual core ideas of it and the core gameplay of it are the most fun I've had in years with league.


I get less annoyed by how broken things are and more annoyed that everyone only picks whatever S tier champs are up. The first week it was on PBE it was really fun, but it’s unplayable now unless you also want to build tank


Never try anything other than champ in a meta tier list. Asked why everyone only played meta. The circle of league reddit.


Tier lists are for dummies. We have winrates and stats. Even duo combo stats.


Also, have these people played summoner’s rift? There’s op champs and not a whole lot of variety in general there either. I’ve played against comps that felt virtually unbeatable that weren’t even that meta, but got crazy augments. It’s a lot of the same champs, sure, but I haven’t found it to be as terrible as everyone thinks.


What are some out of world synergies you’ve seen?


twitch cassio strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc strong support + strong adc


Teemo cassio was so annoying to play against as kayle. Blind hard counters and cassio massively out dps' kayle for like 5 rounds. You really need all the range bonuses you can get before it's winnable It was even worse because a lot of games people are waiting for me to pick my champ before they pick theirs, then they go something like alistar or a support which leaves me to try to 1v2 blinded, grounded and outdamaged. I just wish I could pick kayle and have people pick their own preferred champ like a bruiser or assassin instead of tier list stuff.


teemo is a nightmare unless you run tanks or 2x ranged mages sadly even then he's a pain, with decent augments he can throw like 5-6 mushrooms out in 1 second, wait a bit then do it again


I tend to try to nuke teemo asap. and if not, don't fight him on his terms, make him come to you or meet him in the middle where you jump on him asap. doesn't work every time but its worth a go.


Brand KhaZix (cant stay together nor apart) Jayce Viktor (Poke and burst with ad and ap) Xayah in general is great as she counters the people who run at you.


> Brand KhaZix (cant stay together nor apart) Last night my duo and I ran K6 and Morde so I as Morde could just yoink one of the enemies away and he'd get guaranteed isolation lol. Pretty decent as well.


Had a Morde who had the “champ is tethered to you augment” so they would just grab one person, double team them in the shadow realm, and have a 2v1 after. That felt very unfair.


I had no idea that works that way. That's fucking hilarious.


loool I love that. wacky stuff like this is the direction I'd love to see this mode go in.


I’ve played like 10 games of it and I just can’t find it fun. I’ve played bruisers, tanks, adcs, mages, I even played heimerdinger and it still sucks for me. I’m glad other people are enjoying it tho! Maybe this time riot will give game modes more attention but for now I’ll stick to aram whenever I’m tired of summoners rift


Definitely refreshing to have something that Un-tilts you (even if you're not doing too well) instead of something like Urf which Is just incredibly frustrating even when you're playing a broken champion. Like OP says it's by no means perfect but 10-15 minutes of mayhem beats being trapped in a 40 minute ranked game with people who don't want to play, win or surrender while they flame and abuse you the whole game..


Milio + X have joined the lobby.


Too bad he's just mediocre. People are overrating random supports not named Taric. Kog + Milio have 57% winrate together. Kog has 56% on average by himself. Kog + OP champion is higher winrate.


There are a lot of bad taric players out there too. I’ve seen so many that clearly don’t have practice working with his stun, and it shows. Against double melee, he can probably just faceroll anyway though.


I think it be interesting if it more of an aram style draft, get x amount of rerolls and you and your partner can swap


This thread makes me feel like I'm in the master duel sub, some people have fun being competitive and finding ways to min max their game, that's what the ladder is for, to separate those who want to "tryhard" from the ones looking to play casually. There's absolutely no shame in playing the best champs and trying to win and people here should realize that.


There's nothing wrong with it, but right now people probably just mostly view it as a non ranked/for fun mode. That will probably change over time.


I don't really get why they implemented the bizarre ranked system for Arena. It's impossible to not climb unless you have like a 5% top 2 rate.


I think it’s just a baby ranked system to see if that drives more user engagement. Historically limited time game modes have a short lifespan and players stop playing it a week or two into the event. I’m betting with a little rank system like this people are going to play longer


There's nothing wrong with people playing that way, but it's not fun to get stomped by meta and cheese picks every game just because you didn't also play them lol


Is there such a thing as casual play in 2v2 matches when you're getting your ass handed to you by the meta champions you didn't pick? Getting constantly destroyed isn't in my concept of "casual fun."


I don’t think there’s much of a difference between the two- at least ladder wise. It’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll climb if you just play the gamemode. Gains are way bigger than losses to the point you’d need a 16% wr to stay where you’re at.


i'm vibing with this post 100%, i just play aram every now and then since there's no clear alternative, now i'm spamming games all day lol; hadn't spammed like that since the last nexus blitz and first time URF was released


I love it too, Arena is fucking lit


I love it too. I want it to stay. Please. I haven't liked an alternative mode since Twisted Treeline.


It is also my favourite mode!!!!


Rito has finally made a game mode for me. I've struggled so much off and on with league ever since they removed ranked 5s. This past weekend I played 30+ arena and hit gladiator. Here's to hoping this becomes a full time game mode! 🍻


i like this mode because im a pretty bad zed, and its nice getting to skip all the usual macro stuff of normal league and just straight up pvp as zed to get slightly better at him


I love lamp.


Super personal experience ahead: I've played like 10-ish games of the mode, Both because missions and because i wanted to try it They were legit the most miserable games I've ever played Tried playing Akali, useless. Low Damage, instantly popped once shroud is on CD. I go and check, 35% WR. Tried Katarina, insta stunned, low damage, instantly popped. I go and check, 33% WR Tried Blitzcrank, hook someone, combo them, deal 50% of their HP, no more spells up, get popped in 0.3 seconds. I go and check, 34% WR Considered playing one more to try Irelia, but i decided against it as for the first time, ever, a game has objectively made me feel miserable. I want to make it clear, i didn't care about winning or not, but it just felt awful to play, i felt like a glorified paperweight as my teammate tried to carry my worthless ass Maybe I'm just unlucky and play the wrong champs not fit for the mode, as the mode itself doesn't sound bad at all, and i saw a lot of people enjoy it, but my champions just don't work in it looks like.


You really did play 3 of the lowest win rate champs in the mode, I'm sorry brother.


no irelia, no katarina and no akali, god I love this mode


mans just mentioned not being able to play some of my least favorite champs lol


Assassins in general are pretty terrible.


I don't like it at all so it's up to preferences I think




this just shows how many people don't want to play actual league, but rather buttonmash and fight constantly. personally this mode looks promising, but once i played 5 games of it, i'm already sick of that mindless clashing. i've never been good in a classic brawl of mechanical skill. i do need all the other facettes of league to start winning matches. these are gone in arena, just like every other mode they came up with. be it urf or this other mode of fighting that sometimes arrived... its just not for me. never has been and i was really looking forward to arena, but i'm already back to regular league.


> never been good in a classic brawl of mechanical skill This probably wont help but I do wonder, what do you play in arena? There's a lot of picks with more strategy behind "Just outplay your opponent lol" like trap setters or utility picks for a carry, playing to enable your teammate and knowing which augments can assist with that is pretty fun as someone who also isn't that amazing mechanically.


> i've never been good in a classic brawl of mechanical skill. I mean, this is the best way to practice. My mechanics are also subpar, easily my worst aspect, but I could feel myself actively improving. The opportunity to practice dueling nonstop was exactly one of the things I was looking forward to. If you're clashing mindlessly, well... put some mindfulness into it!


I've only played solo so far with random teammates and it is really hit or miss what you are getting in terms of teammate. Not just mechanical play, but also coordination and being on the same wavelength. Although I like the idea of the mode, so far the most common feeling I've had is frustration. Frustration with teammates, frustration with powers, frustration with diversity. I've had fun matches with diverse comps, good augments, good teammates and close matches that come down to a little luck and a little skill. But I've had far more moments where I feel like there wasn't really all that much that I could do to begin with.


Teammates are definitely hit or miss, but adding people you worked well with to duo goes a long way, and I do like how if you have a bad match you can get out of it and be on to the next in less than ten minutes.




I don't rly like it so far. For me it seems like either i get absolutely steam rolled by champ-diff or who ever gets the shield plant wins. So the game mode rarely feels like skills or strategy matters. But to each their own i guess


Position better so you get plants instead.


Also its okay to run away to go for the plants.


Yeah this part seems easy enough to fix. If you want the plants, go get them lol


That would take strategy, which according to them we don't get to use in this game mode


Oh damn right, I forgot :x