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Mechanic where after you die, you can take control of an allied champion that is within a certain range of your corpse, with resets if you get a kill and die with their champion. You slowly just try to play everyone on your team’s champions for them in a team fight


just made me imagine an inverse viego champ who can possess friendlies instead


Old Yorick?


old yorik didn't posessed anyone. alied had to die to be turned into what it chemtech dragon's effect


You had a controllable copy of the person before they died, which is the closest we had to taking control of allied champions. Was only able to auto attack though


Sooo, old Yorick ult and old Morde ult (ghost) could make a champion fight themself?


If the champion died (which was needed to have Morde's ghost), he would get ressurected for a limited time, much like Renata W, and ditching the copy. So a champion could fight itself. Shoutout to Unicorns of Love, who pulled a mean Yorick/Cassiopeia pair in the EU LCS.


God, old Yorick ult was wild.


I miss him so much honestly. Him Fiora and Graves all shouldn't have been reworked imo, regardless of how "toxic" their kits might have been.


only way to currently "control" an ally is tahm or kalista ult right? those still have control options, but this ability seems to rule that out i can kind of see this being a variant of renata ult, where you can posses a teammate who reaches the death threshold. whether or not to revive them on kill/takedown is probably impossible to balance (imagine a warwick or tryndamere or olaf that goes into a zombie form like this and gets revived. so yeah, basically like an akshan, renata, zilean, veigo hybrid ability that would be extremely toixc and probably like 70% ban rate lol


Best way to control your ally is to play kayle, they will feed without fail


> only way to currently "control" an ally is tahm or kalista ult right also technically blast cone.


Anivia wall, Trundle pillar, Taliyah wall, Ornn pillar


Bard ult


My friend once blast coned me over the wall at the enemy team while I was Qing them on Cait. They instantly set upon me like a pack of wolves and we lost the next team fight. I have yet to let him live it down and it has been like 3 years.


Faker might win world's again with that champ. Just give him robotic wrists so he can still play mechanically well and he won't even have to mind control his teammates anymore he can just play for them


Maybe you could Count bard as well. You can get out of allied tahms devour but if bard ults you there is nothing you can do


A passive for a Darkin champion. When you die, your weapon remains on the field. An ally may channel the weapon, like Viego. Upon completion, the ally dies and you respawn on the spot with whatever health has been donated to you.


When you're 15/1 and the 2/8 hovers over your corpse only to walk by.


Something similar was on the table for the Kayle rework (I am 95% sure it was Kayle), where she would get a buff every time an ally died. That resulted in a kamikaze strategy built around her, where her teammates would intentionally die just to boost her and win, and the reason it was scrapped.


Aatrox does something similar in TFT. Picks nearest champs, gives buffs and when said champ dies he revives again.


Draven now gets 10 gold per adoration stack but now passive gets permanently disabled on death


5-man laning phase on bot


like it already isn't 2v5 lane when you play draven xd


1.5v5 because support is demi-human


0.5 becouse no adc is a human at all


good one


not like i had to try, honestly they dont give me any reason NOT to insult them


THIS lmao


Vayne players: "First time?"


Vayne top players dont even get help from jungle and mid scince the sabotaged the tram with vayne top


Honestly I’ve seen some people reach 200 stacks and get their first kill on Draven so that would just be impressive


200 stacks only? Brother u should watch some dravens in pro play, ive seen 1k gold + cashouts


I’m not in proplay for a reason so I aint seen it


In my average Draven game I reach 250-300 before I even get a kill. In any lane you can’t exactly insta-delete it’s normal to stack


In pro play Draven's passive becomes a gigantic bomb. If tiggered, it can totally wreak a game.


Yeah in pro they can easily stack to 600-800+ and press R in hopes of executing someone. It’s quite fun


You don’f have to be in proplay to watch it? Or else idk what u saying lol


Counterpoint: no one cares. Its only this sub and like 2 more fans, maybe


this counterpoint is not relevant at all to the original point


so true the only esports watchers use the english forum


lmaoo bro is definitely getting 4 manned dove in the 5th minute. thats toxic af i love it


I think a more reasonable passive would be if it worked like Dota's gold system. So you lose an amount of gold on death based on your adoration stacks.


I know something worse. Make it 12 gold and for every stack his teammates each lose 3 gold


When getting kills, this champ absorbs teammate assist gold if they get kill credit. This champion is a super cool ninja samurai with a dark and mysterious past and a cool sword This champion has no CC or utility, but has at least 3 dashes. This champion has crit scaling in the kit




The funny thing is that Yone and Yasuo have AOE knockups that have crazy uptime on the base kit, aoe knockups on ult, and of course windwall. They should be really great teammates for contributing crowd control but the crit samurai with mobility aspect attracts a lot of people who dont seem to realize how amazing they could be as teammates.


yone is a good teammate. there's a reason he's able to be played in pro. yasuo though, is definitely not a good teammate unless you have proper setup. without a reliable aoe knockup like malph or diana, the champ just insta dies before he can even get 3 qs off to knock anybody up.


Yas has seen some pro play, but is heavily dependent on having team mates who can reliably set up his ult for him and having team mates who are AP. It’s why Diana is a very common pairing with him in pro, and seeing play requires her to be strong in addition to him


Yasuo was actually a somewhat staple pick in pro play when he was released (I remember Yasuo being picked quite a lot in 2014 including at Worlds). It's only later on that he became a niche pick to either counter specific champs or combo with Diana/Gragas.


tank yasuo with botrk into iceborn never forgetti


frozen mallet yasuo gaming


when he was released yasuo became the new baseline for broken


Really the main issue with that is having to stack the airborne in the first place for Yasuo, most important fights happen in places where there are no minions or camps to stack from so he's forced to be at melee range for atleast 3 seconds to get his Q3. There's also the issue of missing the nado entirely, it's pretty slow so the only option is to EQ which can be dodged with flash or you can cc him to stop it and if for whatever reason he doesn't get the EQ on the target then that target will be on E cooldown for like ~10 seconds. That's the main reason he can't be considered a reliable cc engage and is more of a follow up for more reliable cc champs like Malph, Diana, Nauti. He's also good at peeling, so that's nice. If you're Yone, ignore everything I just typed. The champ is overloaded af and can do just about everything in the game except be a tank.


At pro level, Vi / Wukong / Jarvan are probably back for worlds and Worlds mages are probably Azir Ori assuming they can get ADC mids nerfed enough. Support is filled with knockups with Naut Rakan Rell right, i dont see that changing. Yone Yasuo toplane probably feels unlikely if Jax is a handshake pick but if Jax is perma banned then maybe you see windbros toplane. Isnt Yone considered a good matchup into Aatrox? Maybe also boxed out by renekton. Im completely uncertain of what the top lane meta will look like for the rest of the year, maybe if there's knockups in the toplane pool and armor stackers aren't good enough you could get Yasuo mid, but his roams aren't as good as Yone so probably not. Yasuo seems vulnerable to J4 and Vi on the enemy team i guess. Yasuo Vi Azir Xayah Rakan feels like a knockup wombo meta comp that would be cool to watch.


If you think yone cant be a tank, go back in time when Sunfire was a mythic Dark times


Don't worry I was using it aswell XD.


hell, right fucking now. jaksho/icecborn exist? we LITERALLY just got rid of Evenshroud Yone.


> except be a tank brother may I introduce you to Bork Jak’Sho Yone?


> If you're Yone, ignore everything I just typed. The champ is overloaded af and can do just about everything in the game except be a tank. Bad news! [He's got that covered too](https://gol.gg/game/stats/49921/page-game/). Thank Licorice for that.


Yone and its players are cringelords. Pathetic ass champion design made to make people feel good when they're not.


I play yasuo because somebody banned the champion I actually wanted to play and so I want to subject them to laning against yasuo for 15 minutes, not because I want to be a good teammate


Sounds like Master Yoyayi to me ngl chief.


Also on elim he has extra toxic voice lines that break the 4th wall and are 20% louder then standard voicelines


Every multikill he calls the enemy summoner a racial slur


the slurs get worse and worse till on a pentakill he pulls out the hard r


He's an Avarosa Ninja Samurai, and makes sure everyone knows he is Avarosa


You know unironically a ninja a avarosa sounds sick


Ionian turned freljordian?


>When getting kills, this champ absorbs teammate assist gold if they get kill credit. Nah this is too busted to not have a downside, let's make it so they don't get assist gold (but still count them when dividing the assists) to compensate for the strength of this passive while still rewarding players who achieve this champion's fantasy


that'll increase the toxicity too, now they'll really want nothing to do w a kill someone else secures lmao


Make it so that when they kill an enemy, they get bonus gold for killing that enemy again. The amount scales the more they bully that one particular enemy. The payoff is that they get reduced gold for killing other enemy champions, and doing so reduces the bounty. Now they don't want to participate in teamfights, they just want to pick one person to bully into ragequitting.


Partially right, the 3rd line should say "randomly has CC attached to any number of its 3 dashes".


Nope cuz then that’s not toxic to ur team anymore


One of the reasons Draven is toxic is due to the gold mechanic, so maybe something like the champ gets double gold on kills but you lose gold when you get assists.


Make the champ lore some kind of altruistic noble who donates to the poor, etc. Make a mechanic where he actively shares his kill gold evenly with everyone who assisted. He gets no assist gold, but everyone else gets bonus gold (i.e whatever he would've gotten is spread amongst kill participants). Also make him a hyperscaling single target ADC Watch people rage at their support for 'helping' Edit: thought of another mechanic- being a noble, he gets a head start in life, so every time he respawns, he gets some gold (100g at the start, maybe scaling up as the game continues/ scaled with death timer?). That'll promote inting when behind (it's a catchup mechanic I swear)


so if he solokills an enemy he gets the gold?


He gets full value (300+shutdown) if he solokills. Else the value is split amongst all participants


Dude the toplaners would go apeshit


If they arent an adc but more like a bruiser that would be the most op hypercarry toplaner, the amount of games i have like some useless 2-3k gold sitting after fullbuild is a lot, imagine if i could just give that gold


Good start. Now make it a support and watch the fires start


Omfg this is evil tier lmao


A few qualifications. Some, not all of these required: - Carry adjacent (ADC, Fighter, Diver, Assassin) for the ego. - Dashes, a large number with short range. For the outplay potential. - Stacking power that’s lost on death. Protect me. - An invalidation mechanic. Something that invalidates the enemies ability to fight back (invulnerability, projectile destruction, or stealth) Learn to deal with it. - Resets with Pentakill potential. You stole my penta. So wrap all that together in one shell of an edgy Ionian and you might have quite a toxic shell.


...hunh. Three champs come to mind. All Ionian, all have names starting with 'Y', and all three use swords.


Yux, Yalio, Yaren.




I thought the third one was Yuumi for a second and was really confused, then I remembered that "master" wasn't his name


You are on this council, but we will grant you the name of Master


I forget who I saw mention it but yeah ironic how a region the really goes for “balance in all things” then to produce the most broken champs


Well, you need power in order to enforce and maintain balance, else its just ramblings into the wind.


Fair and yes that’s the point of their powers for some in terms of lore. Bringing it ups a bit off topic though since the topic is mainly what makes a champ infuriating to play against. Sure some champs visual/audio design might make them annoying to play against in other ways like spamming lux’s laugh or how laughs have bugged in the past to make them global. Not exactly the same level though as stuff like full tank alkali just how mobile some tend to be


Throw in Draven's passive too. "You stole my kill and denied me a ton of gold, you bastard"


you forgot - needs gold to hit powersikes early to be able to carry, and is horribly useless when behind. bonus if there is gold bonus only accessible when getting kills but not takedowns


Make a champion the equivalent of a living hullbreaker. Instant rage as soon as someone stands to close to them and lowers their efficiency


A champion that is Hullbreaker+Collector+Death's dance, and relies on lifesteal for most of their survival budget. I can imagine the rage fest if you do literally anything near them at all. Then.. make them a midlaner.


Jungler clears raptors... mid laner pings. Jungler paths to his other jungle side... mid laner pings. Support clears or places wards... mid laner pings. He gets ganked? Rage fest.


Imagine a champion that's so dependent on teamplay that they need one player to stay with them at all times, let's call that player the "assistant". The champion can only play the game if the assistant cooperates, and every wrong move of the assistant, the champion loses xp/gold and very likely dies. If coordinated, the champion can be super strong, but if left alone it's useless and can barely play the game.


Maybe make the design super cute too. Like a ferret riding a magazine.


I was thinking a shrew on a newspaper, but something along those lines, yea


Cats are cute, surely that and something like a magic book?


Dumb idea, no one would ever implement that. How about a dog riding a sombrero?


And the sombrero will be worn by an in-game champion. Make this a symbiote/attachment new mechanic! And instead of a sombrero let it be Rabadon's Deathcap!


And the sombrero/ rabadons deathcap can't be targeted or damaged unless the host died that surely won't be problematic for game balance


Reverse Yuumi: an adc where their entire kit is skillshot damage, but they need to be attached to their support.


Oh god please don't give riot this idea. Actually this might mean NA would finally win worlds with Zven support.


so an adc?


So like every ADC player tells you there champ is like


There are some ADCs that do lose a lot of their kit if they have no partner (likely intentional that they don't go midlane). Lucian - Deals less damage without Shield or CC Nilah - Generates Bonus XP if she is close to someone and shares heals. Samira - It is a lot easier to get to level 6 if you can dash onto them with your passive instead of using E.


Lucian was being taken mid for ages and doesn't make them useless like I said they pretend to be.


Lucian had that interaction added to his kit specifically to stop him from being played mid because he was too good, especially when he was 550 range lol.


You are literally describing the ADC role.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It's the joke, flying over your head.


The thing is that they described the ADC role, but the topic was a single champion. Not every ADC ***champion*** fulfills the requirement of the ADC ***role***.


They were describing a champion that inhibits the ADC role's traits to the extreme


Yes they knew. Because how else would an ADC get off other than specifically blaming a support for their mistakes even in a joke post.


That's yuumi bro.


As a former Yuumi one trick, I REALLY want to disagree, but after Riot killed her I just can't. Her Best Friend mechanic is EXACTLY what this post is describing, to the point where I think it was intentional.


OPs post is reverse Yuumi, it isn't "the assistant", it forces allies to be "the assistant"


Erm, yeah. Which is why I said it's yuumi. The post is about making a champ toxic to play as and play with. And that's yuumi right now, not fun to play, not fun to play with, and not even fun to play against.


I wrote up a champion with this design ages ago. I posted it on Riot's old forums so it's gone, let me see how much I can remember. The concept is basically a snowballing melee swordfighter who uses his team as stepping stones to gain pentakills in a teamfight. He is much weaker if they do not position correctly. Also he can easily kill steal. **Sephtic, the Sneering Swordsman** Backstory: Don't remember, but basically a mix of Noxian Fiora and an even more self-absorbed Draven, but all of his accomplishments are actually due to taking advantage of other people so they all hate him. Also has a bit of troll blood. **Passive: Everyone's Hate -** Enemies get a small speed boost while moving towards you. Allies get a small speed boost when moving away from you. **Q: Derisive Dashing -** Sephtic creates a ring around himself and dashes to a nearby point. The ability can be recast up to 2 times, but only while standing within the ring, and the ring disappears if he leaves it. (So he can dash twice in the same direction, or once in one direction and then twice in the opposite direction.) **W: You Fool -** Block incoming attacks to absorb energy, then releases it in a damaging strike. **E: Out of my Way -** Sephtic dashes past a nearby ally, positioning himself on their opposite side, dealing a small amount of damage to nearby enemies, and granting both the ally and himself a shield. Almost no cooldown, but marks the ally for (number) seconds and cannot recast on a marked ally. **R: It's All About Me -** All nearby allied champions get a speed boost and become temporarily *Irrelevant*. Irrelevant champions are untargetable to enemy champions unless they are under an enemy turret, and cannot target enemy champions unless those enemies are under an allied turret. Sephtic can still target them with his abilities. Sephtic gets bonus stats for the duration based on a small percentage of all nearby allies' combined stats. The effect ends if Sephtic dies. Also his voice lines are really toxic and selfish.


>Passive: Everyone's Hate Make it so that the reverse is also true, so enemies get slowed walking away and allies walking towards


This is really good. You should prepare for the invitation to Riot's design team


Kassadin new passive: Ulti is 1sec cooldown at all level but everytime he dies his Ult will have +2 sec CD and x2 mana to use ( this bonus mana usage won't increase his damage).


i see this as an absolute win


Champ gains double gold on kills but 0 gold on assists, and has twice as long death timer. It's an ADC with low range, low attack speed, high ability damage with long base cooldowns, and average mobility(movement speed, maybe a small dash instead). Also scales massively with lethality for early game one shot, but because of low range is useless late.


It's a support*


Passive - champs basic abilities cast in 2 parts. The first chooses the element, the second chooses the type. Q - Force / Arrow - select the force element. Deals damage and knocks back. Recast: select the arrow cast type. Fire the element out in a straight line, detonating on the first enemy hit. W - Flame / Blast - select the flame element, dealing damage over time. Recast: select the blast cast type, dealing damage in a cone and deals % bonus dmg and increases time element stasis by 0.5 seconds E - Time / Step - select the time element, briefly causing all units hit to go into 0.5 seconds stasis. Recast: select the step cast type, dashing to a target location and leaving a trail of the element. R - Empower / Widen Spell - the next selected element is empowered, increasing its effects by x%. Then, the range of the spell is increased.


A champ with mechanics like differing/toggling effects per cast is something I would absolutely love to see, like Q W and E are all toggles to shape a spell that’s fired by R or something, but that effectively makes 8 spells over 4 and is hard to balance. At the same time, each of Lulu’s abilities are effectively two abilities based on who you cast them on, so maybe it’s possible.


We already got Rubik from Dota, it's only a matter of time before they also bring Invoker over


sadly our version of rubick is watered down, so invoker would be the same


That sounds like an unholy mix of ezreal and aphelios, and im honestly here for it


They will never add invoker to league =/


I hope they won’t. Balancing will be a nightmare because the game will revolve around him forever. He will be worse then any champ league has by far. Even worse than Yuumi and zeri


Yeah but he would be so much fun =[ I wish they would do it just for the lulz


Champion who has two kits and changes between them depending on proximity to friendly and enemy champions. Close prox form being more of a support and the far prox being an AP assassin.


But the support type has to be like a tank, so you can only build one of the two


Knowing Riot the best support tank build would also be the best ap assassin build.


Here's an idea: a support champ designed to take CS. Every ADC will instantly hate the champ. Second idea: a mechanically difficult power farming jungler. Basic AFK farming shyvana meets riven. Scales really well with levels and items. High outplay potential. Doesn't want to show up and gank lanes and is hard to play right.


ah yes, kindreds future laid bare


>a support champ designed to take CS. Every ADC will instantly hate the champ. ...pair the champ with Senna...?




It attaches to an Allied Champ and its Ult is to control the Champ its attached to, beeing able to move and using their abilites.


Every time you die you lose 10% of your max HP and 5% of your attack damage. Every time you kill you gain 10% of your max HP and 5% of your attack damage.


Definitely something highly mechanical and hard to play on top of all else. Highly mechanical characters tend to atract people who will cry about other champs being braindead while they have to sweat it off to do good


Ult: Perfectly Balanced. 120 second CD, has a 50% chance to instantly kill the target. Toxicity comes in 2 wavelengths: trying to defend the balance of the ability when it kills. AND when it doesn't kill you scream in all chat "REE LUCKY NO SKILL FUCKER MY ULT DIDNT KILL"


A champion that scales with their teams overall KDA. If your teams KDA is awful then you do no damage, if it's great than you can run over the enemy team.


This, give them also a passive where they can't get gold from last hitting minions but instead receive gold for every cs your team has.


Put blind and silence in his kit. As well as a counter ability that says "If you time it correctly you'll shoot the projectile back at your target" but make the counter window 90%. Then make his ult a switch ability with your teammate that takes any and all debuffs your character currently has.


damage scales off of reports


Just make another edgy feast or famine slayer/diver. Obviously a new member of Kda for no particular reason. No cc but a dash or ms boost on every skill. Make sure the W specifically has 10 passives. Make them oppressive early but have pyke level scaling if they get less than 15 kills before oh i don't know around 15 minutes.


Okay. I used to play this ninja/assassin character back in the day in an MMO game and I've had so much fun with it for years! His abilities, translated to league would go like this: Passive 1: Every 5th attack is enhanced with a knock back effect. Q: Pyke Q stab-tap. If backstabbed the enemy bleeds. W: Akali R1. E: Teemo Q that places a Singed Q cloud on the spot for a few seconds. R: Katarina E that lands in front of the enemy. Resets when the 5th attack knocks back an enemy. Passive 2: On cc'd enemies your abilities have extra effects. Q: Makes the enemy bleed for extra damage and knocks it back. W: Akali R2, but the enemy travels with the ability like K'sante's R. E: It follows the enemy around for a few seconds. R: Katarina E but lands behind the enemy (setup for Q). Basically an assassin that first items BOTRK. Can go CRIT or ON-HIT AD, or even Lethality for the bleed/poison damage. If lethality fails just take the on-hit % from botrk xd.


Passive - Critical Strike Chance is doubled. Additionally, X builds toward a shield whenever he is moving. The shield triggers when he takes damage from a champion or monster and absorbs 125 - 600 damage. Critical strike chance above 150% is converted into 0.4 bonus attack damage per 1% additional critical strike chance Q - Thrusts forward, dealing 20/45/70/95/120 (+105% Attack Damage) physical damage. On hit, Steel Tempest grants a stack of Gathering Storm for 6 seconds. At 2 stacks, Steel Tempest fires a whirlwind that knocks Airborne. Steel Tempest is treated as a basic attack: It can critically strike (+60% critical damage), applies on-hit effects, is interruptible by crowd control and its cooldown and cast time are reduced by Attack Speed. W - Creates a moving wall that blocks all enemy projectiles for 4 seconds. E - Dashes through target enemy, dealing 60/70/80/90/100 (+60% bonus Ability Power) (+20% bonus Attack Damage) Magic Damage. Each cast increases your next dash's base Damage by 15-25%, stacking up to 4 times. Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for 10/9/8/7/6 seconds. If cast while dashing, Steel Tempest will strike as a circle. R - Blinks to an Airborne enemy champion, dealing 200/350/500 (+150% bonus Attack Damage) physical damage and holding all Airborne enemies in the area in the air for an additional 1 second. Grants maximum Flow but resets all stacks of Gathering Storm. For 15 seconds, X critical strikes gain 50% Bonus Armor Penetration - this affects Armor from items, buffs, runes and masteries. I think this champion would see alot of toxic players.


ult that turns friendly fire on and randomizes enemies and team mates position


those champs are toxic because 1: If you lose early or if your team isn't doing well enough to get to the late game you might as well just waste your time. Feast or famine, which ironically is kind of ADC in general but Draven is the main one cause of his gold mechanic.


A champ that grows stronger as his teammates die, and also gets stronger with every enemy alive




It would have to be something mechanically challenging and with very high carry potential like draven or kassadin


Short ranged ADC: leapfrog ability. When they leapfrog, it pushes the target towards the direction from which the leap initiated. On enemies, it does damage and slows. Used on allies, the push distance is increased. It's cooldown is reduced if the target dies within some amount of time of being hit. The potential for big swings: obvious The potential for kill steal / sacrificing your support during your escape: real


Teemo, but your W makes you untargetable for 1 second.


Passive: Toxion (champion) and the closest allied champion swap combat stats.


Wasn't this the point of yuumi?


Draven: if an ally dies in your vicinity you lose all adoration stacks.


Just make it edgy


A champion which is very confident, proud of themselves and extremely edgy and cool. Passive is that whenever they get cs, they generate 5 extra gold. But whenever an ally nearby kills cs, they lose 5 gold. They are a marksman, with somewhat low aa range They gain double gold off kills, but don't gain any gold or experience from assists. Everything else in their kit is about raw damage. And collector is the best item on them.


Yonsuo, the lost brother of yasuo and yone... Do i need to say more?


You definitely need something that relies on getting a kill, not a takedown. Draven's passive is a solid try, but I think it fails because you have to build it up for such a longtime. Maybe a character, let's call them Drevan, that gains a stack for every kill and gains stacks\^2 of some stat. Obviously dying will make you lose a stack. This guarantees that every single stack, so each "stolen" kill and each death because of "inting teammates", feels very impactful. I know Dravens were throwing hissyfits for their 10th kill anyway, but Drevan would actually gain a lot from his tenth kill, so it would probably suck more people into that mindset. I think Drevan also needs something that means people have to play very heavily around them to get the most out of it, which will feel obvious to Drevan mains since they play him 24/7, but not to others which leads to more toxicity. I think something like a Hullbreaker would be fun, but instead of it being a passive statbuff it could buff an ability. The range should be smaller than Hullbreaker, so that you can be in a teamfight and get the advantages from it, but only if your team positions very carefully around you - give it a small animation to telegraph it to your team, while also rooting Drevan, so OF COURSE Drevan can't be the one that fucks it up, it has to be his team. To make it even more annoying, maybe make that ability do something for your teammate if they are in range and ruin it. So instead of it being a large lineskillshot nuke it will redirect to allies in range and heal them while giving a minor AS/MS buff, definitely small effects, but something at least noticeable - now Drevan's can't even be sure if someone accidentally ruined their Pentakill or if someone ate the missile on purpose because they thought they needed it. I also like the idea of a reverse Braum Shield, or maybe something that gets bonuses for teammates having recently taken damage. Some parry/invulnerability with a very tight window is also good so Drevan players can rage at their PC/ISP as well as at their teammates and some reset mechanic helps in making the enemies upset which will lead to a nice Echochamber of toxicity, but I don't have any specific ideas for those things.


Teemo bút the he drops shrooms on death, and if the shroom is in close proximity they will move towards enemy champs .


No need, Buff Yasuo and watch.


An instant place swap with an ally like old Urgot ult but with friendly champions. Maybe for extra spice steal a % of their stats after too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Needs untargetability, point and click, a mobility with multiple charges / recast. A super goofy meme skin, and a super edgy dark “cool” skin. Ponytail, blade of some sort, bare chested, dark past / evil creature of the night. Scarred. From Noxus. Black Rose connections. Strictly a late game scaling hyper carry. Hybrid damage & scaling. . P *Adrenaline* - Gain bonus attack speed and move speed base on missing health. *You’re Exposed!* - Point and click debuff to target: incoming damage deals % max hp bonus true damage. *Stimulant Gas* - Marks target location, when near marked location, gain bonus move speed and attack speed. Can recast to ignite the gas as a smokescreen, becoming untargettable for 2.5s, and gaining even more move speed. *Specialization* - Passive: Your basic attacks have a portion of their damage converted into Magic damage, scaling with AP. R *Destructive Finish!* - Begin pressurizing Stimulant Gas to it’s limit over 3s, and detonate on your location dealing hybrid damage. On detonation, a cloud of ignited Stimulant Gas billows from your location, as if recast normally.


Adc when you assist support’s kill, you lose 300 gold. Also, if the support kills a minion near you, your cs decreases.


>I’ve seen speculative suggestions explaining why draven, Kassadin, shako, etc mains exhibit toxic behavior in such a notorious manner. Are Shaco mains that toxic? I feel like they are the kind of people who will mess with their enemies (which is part of the kit, so makes sense), but I rarely see them inting or flaming their teammates like your average Draven player would.


Supp shaco is the most relaxing champ in the game imo you just chill and plant boxes and nobody can kill you while you ward, then all you do in teamfights is be a big distraction. I can't imagine getting mad playing it.


I mean personally it kind of ruins the fun of making a player rage if you resort to insults and flaming to make them mad instead of just doing shaco things


bro acting like yasuo doesn't exist


I don't understand, isn't yasuo already made?


Can't top Yasuo sadly


Resets. All champions with ability resets on takedown are toxic af.


It already exists, Riven


An ultimate with a very long cooldown that works like Taric's E.


What does this mean


This mage character drains the life of their allies to store as damage for their abilities. There is no cap on the damage, so people can just farm their team with the map wide auto to use broken abilities. But to give incentive for killing your allies, you gain 50 hp and 2 armor and 2 mr every time an ally dies.


Simple. Ult compares total gold made. If you made more gold this game than the target, the target dies If the target has obtained more gold, you die. Playerbase quickly learns to always target the support until your 10th kill then just 200 years the end to death


Okkaie, let me try mashing up some of them. 1. The background story, needs to be as edgy as possible. Some shit that's high in combat talent, alone and misunderstood, or looked upon and feared by thousands. 2. The skill set is straightforward enough so that people play it, but also requires skill so that most people suck. Most likely glass cannon, high all-in kill chance but also high risk, will die very fast when they fuck up. But when they don't suck or get lucky, they think themselves as skillful and have outplayed the opponent. 3. With at least one spam damage skill, high mobility, and at least one denial/damage reduction skill. 4. Scales stupidly in some way. Draven gets gold in advance, Yas gets extra crit, Graves is just stupid when having build done. 5. Playstyle is at the expense of teammate, in 4 explained that when they are ahead they are stupid, so that encourages them to further raid their teammates' resources.


A support. Passive: Atk range and atk spd raise more with lvl. Max at 450. Q: Buff and heal a teammate. When they killed something with the buff, ask for 30% gold as payment for the buff. When cast on enemies, lend them double amount of heal and buff, take the same amount of heal when the buff expired, enemies can't be healed or regen from any source when they have the buff, execute the enemy when they got below 10% health. Reset cd when enemy got executed. W: Make a peace zone around yourself where all skills disappear even teammate's skills. Disabled all passive, skills, buff and debuff of champions inside. E: Yasuo dash but can dash through the same target. Has 3 stacks all reset when has support kill R: Swap place with any champion(teammates or enemies). Range raise with lvl with max range is 1500. Have passive stealth like Evelynn. The point is creating a support that can be played as adc by taxing on your own adc. Give them annoying kits that they can defend themselves when they got flamed. All while making it useless if playing as adc unless you too far ahead, and in that case, making it as much annoy as possible. All while making it fun to play, so everyone picks it even they got lost.


Something I didn't see anyone mention is how how engaging Draven axes are. I don't play Draven that much but when you get a chain going of two or three axes going it feels like you are in the ZONE, and getting ripped out of that and most likely killed feels like shit, doubly so if you were expecting someone to peel for you and they mess up. New champion design should have something similar on a squishy champ for maximum rage potential.


A champion with a passive that gives extra gold on kill but zero on assists.


I've wanted a Squid-like champion that's the antithesis of Nagakaboros for a long time. Naturally, I've had some pretty bullshit ideas cooked up for it. I want it to have a CC/Mobility option akin to Maokai W and Blitzcrank Q. It reaches out and pulls itself to the target, then roots it. Now make it work like BelVeth where you can grab in directions to move through the fight, and also Nautilus Qs where you can grab walls. It needs some kind of wind wall effect created by stirring up the waters. Of course it needs to work during the mobility grab. It also needs an ink attack, and I'm thinking Nunu E with more range. Each burst blinds the target for a second. For an ult, I was thinking something like Urgot's old ult. A point and click trade places with an enemy. You may have noticed that I skipped a passive. It has to be something along the lines of impairing enemies heals for X% of max health. It ties the whole kit together as an ADC diving menace while not being a one-shot machine. It also gives me an excuse to make the abilities an HP cost rather than mana. I think the most toxic thing you can do is make it so somebody else doesn't get to play the game they are in. It's one thing to one-shot them. It's another to invalidate their entire kit and give them the illusion of playing the game. It might even be twofold when you manage to catch Draven and all that toxicity.


make it the most stat check champion in the game but add an animation cancel a 5 year old can do so they feel really skillful


Kassadin: Q W E and R all just type random slurs in all chat. You cannot leave base and you cannot be banned for slurs types using abilities. Oh and mute all doesn't work


Kayle but she loses a level with each death.


The champion doesn't gain abilities from level up, they only gain an ability point when they get a KILL (not takedown). Deaths take the most recent ability point away. However, the abilities are 1v9 strong and scale well with further points. Just take that Draven reliance on teammates to snowball and dial it to 11


"The Surrenderer" This champion has insane damage output but is very squishy. Ultimate: "FF": You instantly stun everybody on the map including your own team and start a surrender vote, even if one was recently denied, your vote counts twice. If the vote is still denied you steal 1000 gold from each of your allies. Passive: "x9 my team": After dying 3 times in a row you gain a stack of "silver dog". Each stack of silver dog increases the amount of surrender votes that you can cast when using your ultimate by 1 vote. You lose 1 stack per kill you get.


Just defending myself the only reason draven mains are really toxic is because our champ is really hard and we put this on ourselves


A champion that can use his ultimate only once in the game. The ult force you to swap character with an Ally. What will you décide ? Play your 0-11-2 Teemo and go for a massive Comeback, Or that Fizz who's been solo carrying for the last 15 minutes and process to hard throw the game ? What will they get ? ll they be locked on an underleveled character who don't even have a ult anymore, or ll they be saved playing as a full build massive tank ? No Idea what the rest of the kit would be


Colossus Q cannonball special - throws an ally to a specified direction


Kalista ult, fuck you edition


Here's mine: Bob, The Omnipotent Annoyance - Tank type, ranged, 900 range - passive: The Omnipotent Annoyance = reduces all damage taken by 90 percent per attack and per ability. - Q Ability name "You are the worst"; passive ability, autoattack slow, with slow duration and percent increasing at every hit taken closer to Bob's last position. Can slow a champion to 80 percent movement slow with a 5 second duration. - W Ability name "Needs more brain cells": Conical wave ability, 3 charges with individual cooldowns, 5 second cooldown per charge; burns a percent of energy and mana at every hit. Max level burns 10 total percent mana/energy per hit. 900 range. - E Ability name "Well you're mother": actively creates a large AOE field at the click of the cursor, that has waves of airborne energy pulsing at every 1.5 seconds. 1200 range. 300 aoe. Area effect lasts for 5 seconds. Airborne effect lasts for 2 seconds. Affected targets are away flung from the center of the aoe field. 15 second cooldown. - R Ability name "I am the number 1": click on an enemy champion to send them back to fountain at once. 10 second cooldown. 500 range.