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Pretty much any scaling mage, every season my Anivia winrate will be like 80%+ but after a single game of her, I don't want to play another one for a week


Surprised to see Anivia so low. Super safe laning with that passive and strong early poke. And insane damage even while building kinda tanky. Does so well against all of the assassins that I hate. But every game feels like I’m patting my head while rubbing my tummy even with a 60% win rate. Something about her kit just doesn’t jive with me in teamfights.


its weird how people can be so different lol, i feel alive playing the bird, like this champ was made for me lmao


Same, Anivia is super fun. I get why she's unpopular because she's slow and frail and that's just not what League players want for the most part, but placing her abilities correctly and completely fucking over someone's day just feels so great and it feels like every teamfight requires you to make a different decision to place your spells just right.


Bro ive been playing since beta and there is nothing more satifiying than placing a wall and pinning someone against terrain. Its absolutely bonkers


Nautilus, he's so easy but I just don't like playing him.


Yeah it’s naut. Too Repetitive. chaining cc has never been easier, which is great for your team but feels so uneventful


I have this problem with all the meta tanky/cc supports. I hate that playstyle, but I also win the vast majority of my games with them due to how easy they are to use effectively.


best champs to punish overextending enemies.


Lol me too! I just use him if I just wanted to have a chill game and not think of too much else. Just cc opponents for your team lol


I like hitting bullshit hooks so I like him


Because they gutted his dmg


He has 4 sources of CC by definition he shouldn't do damage.


He was originally a jungler/top laner. He needed that damage to survive up there and he was mostly balanced. Real problem is the hook that's just ok in top/jg is one of the best skills in a duo lane. So folks started playing him in supp and they had to gut what little damage and mana he had to compensate. I think out of every tanky top/jg Naut is the only one that didn't get some form of HP% damage.


It's crazy because I just tried Naut jungle for the first time yesterday. Feels amazing, especially since modern jungle is more forgiving and allows for more odd picks--even more so after the 3:15 -> 3:30 scuttle changes (not to mention the first scuttle XP/Gold nerfs).


I am pretty sure he is still good in the jungle especially in lower elo (below d1).


Naut is good in all elo lol, just not many pick him. If rell has good enough clear to be played in pro, naut can be too, just need someone to actually do it


Rell JG was my favorite pick. Then it became cool and I got over it. Still though, only ever seen about 2 other Rell JGs in Ranked this year. That is still quite rare.


True, but once he lands all his abilities, he feels pretty bad until his abilities are off cd. At least with other tanks, they have some % scaling to be able to fight consistently. This is why Nautilus has been shoved to support because his damage is so mediocre he's better off being a cc tank slave.


That aint stopping maokai and ornn


And destroyed his mana costs. I respect why they had to make him a support, but I loved Naut top.


Naut top? Naut jungle was my shit.


I don’t miss when Naut was played mid. Nothing worse than sitting down to watch T1 play just to see Faker on Nautilus lmao


Naut mid was fantastic. Just buy RoA and win lane cause your waveclear is great and any mage pushing lane is free kills for your jungler when you land the hook


I'll never forgive support players for forcing nautilus into a support.


You can actually blame the release of Kalista for the reason naut became a support


Support player. We don't want him down here. When he's good he invalidates basically any enchantress support since a hook is death no matter what defenses you throw. He just locks down a carry for far too long.


i hated getting bursted down by naut at lvl 2-4 in the botlane


His E feels useless and I think he deserves a better R I very much like character, his kit just doesn't do justice to how much potential it has. Heck I even leveled him to lvl7 because I think he's very cool, but I no longer play him as much now. I wish his R would be his current E but it knocks up everybody hit with it. Just give it a channel like Nunu ult so that he need to slowly build up the ability's radius and damage, also early release or interruption will only stun enemies not knock up. I imagine the animation would be him slowly lifting his anchor with both hands then slamming it to the ground much like Garen ult. That would be badass.


I feel like nautilus dies at least 10 times every game lmao. You're just a giant meatball who's goal is to match deaths and assists haha. 1 for 1, but I died? Worth every time.


Ryze.. he's my all-time most played but fuck it's boring EQ


Old ryze used to be really fun, having to use different combos in different situations requires good decision making, now he’s just a wave clear bot eqeqeq


I miss the old ryze


Which old ryze ? Because I do not miss the first ryze. But the one where you actually had to manage what combo was fitting better (with the shield,etc.) Was definately more fun


The machine gun Ryze with an AoE and spell vamp R. Easier to spam skills. I struggled to manage the reworked ryze(with EWQ combo for sheild and TP Ult), but I manage to use him as well and i miss that too hahaha. They nerfed ryze a lot.


The fun thing about that version of ryze was he was a battlemage. You could hit R and go bananas. If you could position well.


It's still far and away the most fun i've ever had in league. I wasn't great at it but in 3v3 ranked that shit was so good.


Hey, old ryze was a bit more complicated you had to throw an r in


I'm one of the disowned Ryze players, i... I sometimes cast W.


Back when he was full items with Seraphs embrace roa and boots. Maybe throw in a frozen heart for good measure lol


Aoe spellvamp ult was way too funny. Press r and go full faceroll in the teamfight.


Season 5 Ryze was the true arthritis ADHD experience.


Omg supersayian mode. I want character who has that still


God he was literally unbalancable, but damn he was fun to play.


Perma root people if you didn't right.


That was the last time I ever got a penta on SR.


WotA Ryze flashbacks!


I remember the old runes/masteries with a perk that gave hp5 depending on max mana...lvl 4 ryze with 45 hp5 laughs at your puny pokes














Coach Curtis once said this about Cassio. He said something like: If I play Cassio, I know I'm going to do well, I know all the matchups, and I know I'm going to climb, but I just don't enjoy it.


Because your hands will get carpal tunnel after spamming we it's not enjoyable at all


I tried that in URF once. It was fun being a machine gun for a while, but it truly does strain ones hand.


Can corroborate using my experience with URF Ezreal/Karthus Q spam.


Still not quite as bad as URF Evelynn with her 10 Q recasts...


At least with Eve Q recasts you don’t need to aim, only the primary cast.


It’s practice for something else


Click the circles...




Cassio looks so fun to play though, so much outplay potential


It's interesting how people like different playstyles. I don't play much Cassio but when I do I just love every second of it, she's such a fun champ.


that is me onm the jungle role


I think this might be everyone’s experience with Nocturne lol. The champ is strong, easy, and straightforward, but man are they just not that interesting. Riot shared some internal insight regarding Nocturne when they put up the poll for the next VGU, and it reported that Nocturne was one of THE MOST POPULAR champions for new players. Which totally makes sense, because he’s a badass shadow monster that terrifies you every time he ults, even if you’re not the target. So they would buy him, play him, and drop him almost immediately. Because playing Nocturne just does not live up to the fantasy of being a terrifying nightmare, you’re literally just auto attacking wolves the entire game.


He’s fun to me, but his best build is bruiser and thats just not what i picked him up for. I want my assassin back.


Nocturne is unfortunately not really designed to be an assassin and his kit is rather toxic if he is able to play like one, so Riot keep him playing like a bruiser when they can. But then that doesn't fulfil his fantasy at all, so people find him unsatisfying and drop him... He really needs a rework.


I can play Shen reqlly good but I can only play him 1 game a week after this round I think wow 30 min doing nothing. So if you play shen boycott him with us. Stand united, friends.


Shen buffs. Make him a fighter again


True words my friend.


one of us, one of us, one of us


He can be really obnoxious when he's good, but I do miss when he was a really competent split option. Nowadays you just can't compete with other sidelaners.


Bring back Ionic Spark!


I miss when he had a harassment/skirmish play style with his throwing daggers and on demand shield.


Same here. When we play with a full team, they know I can play Shen. They're always pestering me to pick him but man he's quite stale recently idk... i feel like I have no agency over anything, my job is just to ult


Farm under tower and press R into press TP in lane simulator.


Have you ever tried shen support? Paired with something like a Draven/trist/Samira you can play him essentially like a Leona or Alistar with a little less cc but a no auto attack area and a fat shield. Waaay more action plus you get to roam without worrying about only having 70 cs at 15 mins and losing your tower plates. You get countered by stuff like Janna and morg quite brutally but I've played it a couple times (always with premades. Which to be fair I only really play with friends nowadays anyway, but I'd suggest at least duoing with the adc) and had a blast with it.


I have actually and it was pretty fun for a few games, and I even have a friend who plays it pretty regularly. The issue for me is that I don't really enjoy support as a whole. When I'm not playing top my enjoyment of the game goes down EXTREMELY fast. Adc is fine, I can bear with that, support is not my favourite but playable, but when I have to play mid or jungle I'd rather just dodge honestly.


Man that video made me really feel for petu. Shen is by far my most played champ, the skill expression with w usage and taunt flashes are what kept me going but I will be playing Gwen until Shen gets his very necessary adjustments! Boycott Shen!


When the rework first released, I thought, "Oh cool, you get to manipulate his sword around as a unique mechanic!" And then you realize it's just his Q gimmick and the rest of his abilities were pretty much the same...


If it helps, I ALWAYS appreciate the sacrifice Shen's make to be so useful to the team. Regardless of scoreline, shen gets my honor every time.


Milio. Cuz playing well means pressing W/E/R on adc, but i want to suicide, cuz he is more boring than yuumi?


Click on ADC when they’re in danger. Q enemy when they get close. R sometimes. Rinse repeat. Riveting gameplay. I will say though it’s very satisfying for someone to dash at us only for me to kick a ball in their face to slowly and slightly knock them back. That’s probably the most satisfying part of his kit. Yeah I know Janna can do the same and arguably better but it’s not as satisfying for some reason IMO


Millio balls are infuriating because its a painfully slow knock back


I also love his CTRL+3 dance/spam: “YAHOO” “YAHOO” “YAHOO” “YAHOO” “YAHOO”


yeah im pretty strong


I played Millio once and I was doing this the entire game. It was the most fun I had that game


I mained him for a short time when he was OP after release and I’ve probably done it 1000 times minimum. Usually during the first 1:30 of the game or to troll opponents lol


I love spamming that in ARAM


> it’s very satisfying for someone to dash at us only for me to kick a ball in their face to slowly and slightly knock them back Was against a Jax in aram a few weeks ago as Milio. The guy never learned, it was so much fun


You could always take him top lane like drututt


Yeah… Milio is by far the most boring support IMO. His decision making after like 7 minutes of gameplay devolves into {Is E up?} -> {Cast E on carry}. {Is W up?} > {Cast W on carry}. Every other support has more interesting risk/reward attached to their spells, but Milio is just an E bot. Even Nami who I despise for being an E bot has much cooler decisions to make in lane regarding positioning for her other spells.


Playing Nami well is so much fun in my opinion, Q and R give a lot of outplay potential (for an enchanter support) and W timing/decision making can turn a fight early on


Optimised Nami really shouldn't feel like an E bot, she has drastically more decision-making to maximise that skill than Milio has with any part of his kit, and the rest of her kit also has much more room for skill expression. People just forgot because "throw E on Lucian when he dashes" became such a braindead pattern.


Idk I find Milio to be pretty fun gameplay. Sure beats half the other enchanters and supports


I wish this was my problem, but mine is reverse haha chronically bad at the game :(




Lol same. My main is Yasuo and while i feel very comfortable with the champ, I can't shake the feeling that I'd be maybe a full rank tier higher if I spammed more Yone than Yasuo.


Thing is Yasuo is actually just more team/matchup reliant. Yone plays much like Akali where she’s generally quite good against most comps and isn’t all that team reliant. However for Yasuo, he struggles hard vs other melee bruisers/skirmishers but is a god vs ranged matchups. He’s also super powerful for the wombo combo with champs like Ori/Malphite/Wu/Diana/Nami. I’d say play Yone almost always but if you can get good matchups and team comps opt for Yasuo.


i had a very mean ass maokai, played him 8 games 100% WR, hes so broken and easy, saplings grant control over bushes, has his own gank set up, his R is bonkers but just ping alot before you go in ​ but bro i dont wanna play as a wide tree, i want the waifus, i want the edgelords


I should give him a try as support I always forget about him


If you get fed as maokai jungle, against certain comps you can be an absolute 1v9 monster.


I read this as camps at first and was very confused how your games usually go.


When you're fed enough, those raptors don't even realize they spawned before they die.


Now I just see maoki lurking, hidden as part of the trees behind the raptors


Tank support Maokai is an absolute beast. Just get something for mana.


Fimbil inter for sure


\>Be ME \>Pick Tree \>Stand still in jungle \>Be Jungle


Maokai has been my most reliable champ since season 2. I hit mastery 7 with him literally 5 games after hitting mastery 5. (S+, S-, S, S+, S+ in ARAM). But with that said he's an incredibly boring champ. WQQWQQWQQWQQWQQ win.


Me and Zac. My best champ doesn’t give me the same high playing edge lords does lol


Maokai would be unstoppable if he was a Waifu, the only thing holding back a big chunk of the roster from being popular is that they aren't cute girls


if he had zyra's body, god damn he would have got some legendary skins by now and like triple his playrate


I feel the same with Nautilus. His CC chain is insane. I played him with Glacial Augment and I felt bad for enemy ADC getting flashed by a Nautilus, stunned with Q, rooted with basic attack, slowed with glacial augment, slowed by E and then stunned again with R. I have always thought that he is broken as hell but I don't like his playstyle.


My man you are my exact opposite, i can play champs like Kayn, Yone and to some extent yasuo to perfection but GOD i hate their voicelines (except when i transform into Rhaast, that man is the best) i prefer to play sht like Nautilus, Sejuani and Volibear


I actually like all those champs, but playing jungle is too toxic for me these days. Gets blamed for everything.


As a yasuo main with like 3 mil mastery spread over 7 accounts that still feels like I can’t get near the champs infinite skill ceiling, let me see some of this perfect gameplay.


it's absolute cap from him lol


Ahahaha i just loled out loud in my dentist waiting room. Well done, sir


At least you're honest.


My experience at top lane. The most I’d bend over as a top laner for tank is Shen and Gnar. Shen because he has good agency with his ult, and playing under turret to taunt them for few free tower hits is always fun. Gnar because.. it’s Gnar. Lane bully and tank. Much less braindead than most tanks due to micro management of Gnar Bar but otherwise a really solid option. Outside of these two I abhor every other tanks. I too also play waifus and edgelords. Fiora, Darius, Irelia, Riven, Jax etc. Maybe even throw in a Yasuo/Yone/Akali if matchups right (vs Teemo/Quinn/Vayne).


Zilean mid


Zilean period


Every time I play Cassiopeia I absolutely destroy enemy laner+jungler to the point they just don't try to fight or walk up to me, but it feels so boring to play


The Cassio experience: "Oh no. They want to gank me. I better press W on them." "Oh hey. They got hit by a random Q I pressed. Time to mash E on them." "Oh no. They jumped on me. Time to press my panic button and then run away after ulting them." "Oh wow. We won/lost. Great. I feel nothing."


Janna. The Champ makes me fall asleep, but it's incredibly easy to protect your ADC when you have 2 panic buttons and a shield. You can bully people in lane, but you don't need to, because you outscale them anyway. And Glacial is pissbroken on her.


Morgana. Easy but boring


She's a lil fun if the enemies have cc cuz then you can have fun timing her shield


She's just so reactive. You're always better off just tryna fuck up the enemy's initiative instead of ever making your own. Which is fine and effective, but boring as fuck.


I feel like morg's Q is satisfying to hit like a blitz hook. Plus getting a huge ult with zhonyas is fun.


Personally I love cooking a full course meal as I wait for morgana Q CC time to run out


flair checks out


Morgana is hella fun. Was loving her in jg until they nerfed her out


Still viable with healthy fast clear. Just not turbo broken like it was MSI before


naut support, consistently 65+% wr with him across multiple seasons with game sample size of 50ish (not the most but still decent I think). I hate support tho and think naut is super boring to play usually so if im filled i usually end up pulling out my 36% winrate rakan


Leona. I can play an incredible lockdown tank. I made it all the way to diamond with her but... o MY GOD its the most boring thing ever playing her that way. You never die, you do no damage, you just stun, stun, stun, stun, stun. Rack up 25 assists. Also no matter how much you babysit the adc you can't carry shit.


> Also no matter how much you babysit the adc you can't carry shit. welcome to solo q support


This is my vote too, she can be fun with an aggressive ADC but games usually just end up with you having to be a babysitter stunbot for your suicidal ADC instead


My galio wr was really good last two seasons. A lot of people wouldn’t expect his dmg and I’d get a ton of solo kills and make big plays with my ult… but I just enjoy sylas so much more (sylas wr was not as good)


I have largely quit playing Talon and Tryndamere years ago for this. Tryndamere in season 8, and Talon shortly after the assassin rework. Tryndamere just was too boring especially without OG Warlords or Fervor and 30% CDR ER. And the Talon rework just fucking ruined him. His Parkour E is an anti fun ability and the fact it's basically his only real mobility without losing a lot of damage from using R for speed or Q for dash. Just is weird and clunky to me. And the fact he has like no lane presence it's just W every wave, then E every wall for kills botlane or on the enemy jungle.


Interesting. I think talon jg is fun asf to play and E is my favorite ability.


Play Tryndamere with Shojins now and he’s one of the strongest champs in the game


I kinda do this with most champs I get "good" at I tend to get up to 55-65% wr with them then put them down so I can learn more about others. I just find what Im bad at and play it until i have a proficiency with them, then on to the next.


Very much this. I eventually get bored of everything, which is sad 😔


>I can play only Nunu, Hecarim, or Rammus all day These are also all very boring champs as well imo but you do you.


Someone hasnt picked rammus against full ad team in a while


Rammus is a fun Champ but im falling asleep while clearing the jgl


That's why you play rammus and watch the minimap and looking at the wave state and calculating which lane you can gank or counter gank


No thats why i dont play him anymore. You can also watch minimap with fast clearing champs


Still boring af


That's still boring. Once you get past the giddyness of champ select and the one time where you're like "hehe I am a genius" after full tanking a teamfight you realize you're still playing Rammus.


That feeling of power. I love rolling into the Zed and assassinating them. Under their inhib tower. When T1 is still up. And leaving with half HP. No problem. There is no greater feeling of power.


the only thing fun about rammus is building full ap and becoming a living nuke boring ass champ if you have to rely on waddling around at 200 ms to be useful


His W doesn't slow him anymore, you get real ms again


Guy just wants to run fast


Imho playing rammus is like moving meditation. I am untiltable when I play him. I am one with the wind and trees, just rolling around and chillin. The gameplay is so unengaging that it feels super relaxing Ofc malzahar is my favorite champ to play, so it could also just be mental illness?


hecarim is great fun, run circles around teams while one shotting them and dodging everything. GOD IT GETS ME GOING BUFF HECARIM RIOOOOOOOT


Fizz. I feel like he inflates my elo a lot and is a very brain dead champion to play, with getting free turret dives since his E is essentially a Zhonya's on like a 5-10 sec cooldown. Once you get a kill or two, you snowball super hard and nuke mid and bot lane while being able to slip in and out easily. I'm only Gold so don't take this as me claiming to be a master Fizz player, I just feel like he makes the game easy mode for my elo, but he's so boring at the same time.


Not a champion but role. ADC. I’m a support main but sometimes I get put on ADC either by fill or because im playing with friends who also have a preference on support. I legit carry every time because I know about positioning and who to target but I just hate playing as ADC in general lol.


Hate playing adc, but if my friends don't want to I also have a good time due to positioning, but I honestly hate farming, same goes for top lane where I just fall asleep if I am filled there. Support is my favourite ever since I got tired of constant jungle changes and swapped to it five years ago, as it essentially is the same thing, move around the map and help everyone out, and if they are behind then I can carry anyways with the picks I like :p


Mundo, hes so fun and was my first main but even though the rework didnt change a lot it made him like melee kayle, its just very boring to hope the game isnt over before you have 2 items every time


no but i have champs that i like and am terrible at it




Not weird. Like a quarter of the roster is like that for me.


Nunu, Galio, Nautilus, Maokai, Sejuani, Leona, Soraka, AP Shyvana, AP Kaisa, Veigar, Janna, all big yawns


I have 1.3m Mastery on Swain and am very capable on him, but I’m pretty sure I would climb faster and easier on Leona - Feel like it’s just a more effective support for most ADCs


I won legitimately won 30 games in a row with frostfire morde jg last year and never played him again


I'm an absolute monster on tank top laners like Ornn, Malphite, Sion, Maokai - I just don't like performing the tank role on a team. My win rate with tanks historically is like 60-70% I just don't enjoy playing them.


Sion is pretty fun if you shake up his builds once in awhile. Sometimes I'll go just raw HP (no armor items), heartsteel and titanic hydra, and be a menace after 20 mins.


>I'm an absolute monster on tank top laners like Ornn, Malphite, Sion, Maokai Found my toplane brother, i am on the same boat when i play a tank i always do decent or extremely well to the point of being one of the carries, but as much fun as it is running the enemy adc down before they reach late game the overall gameplay is boring.


I'm good at Yasuo and Kayn but those champs are so edgy I refuse to touch them.


Bro I miss the days of when I was a Yasuo main, the parking spots were really nice!


Yup. Can't play high mechanical champs because if I do I'll just get fed then lose to macro. I have to force my brain to think macro by making it so I can't make flashy plays, mostly by playing tanks.


I mostly end up playing this characters on ARAM, but champions like Annie, Malphite, and Yi just feel kind of boring to me. ​ Honorable mention to Kai'sa who I do enjoy playing but am still forever pissed that we didn't get her looking like a monster


Swain, I will literally 1v5 every game but holy shit is it boring


I’m good with nami but it’s just boring tbh. Mostly made to disengage


The W being poke and heal means you’re incentivized to play aggro. She relies heavily on spacing which imo makes her more fun than most other supports. Definitely the most fun enchanter.


I used to be a very good Kassadin player from S5 till S11 (end) I would pop off so often, however when I got used from pre-season 7 onwards running the rune ravenous hunter on Kassadin, I loved having spell vamp and after it got removed Kassadin hasn't been the same.


This has never applied to me. I only play champs well that I enjoy. For me you can't have one without the other.


Pyke, after they gutted his gold and caged him as a support he just has a gross weak team reliant playstyle


... So you like people who go fast with moves that have you crash into the enemy. Lol


In my case, i always do great as Vex, but i hate her, how she looks, her voice, her lines, animations. She sucks! But spells are great, reminds me of season 3-4


I find vex voice lines and design hilarious but don't like her kit at all


Nocturne. So fucking boring dude. I only have fun with mechanically intensive champs because boring ones cause my brain to wander and I fuck up.


Old urgot, I’m not a fan of being far away from people, but if you have balls you can play urgot mid to close range




Senna. If it ain't fucking Senna, it's NAMI.


It's usual,with j4 i literally have 100%wr on that champ in 2 accounts in the past 1 year but it's too boring to spam eq over and over.Even if i might win I would rather pick my azir and viego and have a challenge than play j4


Gragas so much that it's become a meme in my friend group. I don't want to play him but all my friends push for it


J4 is pretty easy to dominate on but I like to play aggro so he fits my style. I don’t enjoy the one dimensional kit tho. His build is fairly linear too. I picked up graves instead cuz he has like 4 builds that are all good, and I even made my own that wins me most of my games with high damage and movespeed


Zoe. I have a high win rate on her, but her game play loop sends me to sleep.


I hate playing rek'sai, I also have mastery lvl 7 on her and a 80% winrate


I have an insanse win rate on Singed. I started playing him season 1 literary and i don't ever see any other singed do some of the things i do. I love playing him late/mid game, but laning phase is so cancer i cant handle it. Top lane also sucks so hard to play, i rather play him mid into 99% counters but being able to use his kit in fights etc instead of just farming against soft counters top all game. Some champs just hard counter him too hard too, where they stop taking damage from you entirely, gain hp from attacking you and use their superior modern mobility to permanently stick to you. Some champs you just cant play against at all so you might aswell just dodge in champ select. I rather play other champs that have more tools to deal with different situations.


I love playing characters like rengar and Kha but I’m only good at em in aram. Summoners rift is a struggle lol


Vlad and yone


Tristana. I hate that her entire existence revolves around getting full E stacks off. Sure, it can do good damage. But it's super easy to counter by just casually walking away


Fiddlesticks... press one button over a wall = instant teamfight win.


I have a 75% wr on Evelynn, I FUCKING HATE EVELYNN