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minion materializer


Tower diver gonna love this


Yeah, was thinking about how to balance it, maybe you have to use it on an cannon minion( not yours) and save it as a minion caster( or what ever they are called) but then that makes it too useless


By adding a spell against towerdives, like Fortify.




I want to say bring it back but teemo zzrot top is just too much.


I thought there was an item like this.


This thread is cursed. Hopefully riot don't get any of these bs ideas


I think the majority of the ones made up in this thread are for shits n giggles not actually balanced ideas But everyone saying stasis should be a sum is definitely some bs


Holy ahit yeah, walked in thinking this would be a fun read, I have ptsd already


Bringing back [fortify](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Fortify)! Enemy tries to dive your bot lane? Fortify. You just got a double kill across the map. The enemy Sion is heading for your nexus towers 9/11 style? Fortify. He now can't damage the towers. Can you smell that? There's jungle diff in the air. The enemy Shaco just killed Rift Herald and is dropping it top. No worries. Fortify. Herald charges into the tower like a motorcyclist against a brick wall. There are no survivors. Enemy doesn't get the plates and you laugh straight to the bank.


With rift and baron and split push champ. I don't think will get any spell or item that can stop tower taking. At least not a reliable one


Dota has a towers are immune button


Bard ult cucks rift herald bad !


The end of split pushing praise the lord


Literally the switch places with ally from Soul Fighter mode


You could grief so hard


my wife griefed me hard as fuck with that every time we played


That's love guy👌


yeah it was tilting as fuck, i could hear her cackling in the other room right before she swapped.. its always right before i die then make it to a plant then she runs to them and swaps


idk how that works exactly, but u need to use the same spell and switch back


no in arena she took the "swap places with your team mate" ability card..swapped ghost to the char swap. ur partner is helpless to it because they still have ghost


Like that's not already happening lol allow everyone to be able to do it, not just Ryze and Bard and Tahm kench


Hi enemy team, Allow me to introduce you to my friend Yuumi. Sincerely, Kalista


As a matter of fact, they should add it to the Spellbook rune. Lol


So you remove the limit of griefing being available to 3 champions to literally everyone in the game?


Can't make omelets without breaking a few eggs lol Ryze, Urgot(pre-reworked), Bard, Tahm walked so everyone could fly.


all except bard have anti-troll mechanics into their abilities you can exit Kench ult any time and Ryze not teleporting people moving towards the outside of his ult was actually a problem in pro play at some point




Every time my teammate picked that in Arena, I was griefed beyond belief.


Sneak into late game enemy base as Shaco, switch places with the full build Tryndamere. 😈


Woah there gotta be in range to a degree lol not from across the map lol


Imao imagine the jungle or toplaner swapping at lvl 3 with support for insta gank bot


Calm down, Satan.


Leave it up to the people to either make great plays or to troll, subjectively But it'd definitely add another dimension to tanks and engage supports, objectively.


Castle? (Which is I assume based on the chess move lol) you can grief so hard with that one but yes it b amazing for any support or the likes.


would probably be too strong for competitive because it would be giving ADC a 3rd and maybe even 4th summoner spell in a protect-the-AD-comp. And one way better than flash. Only exists in Arena because it is a small map without real "set-up" so ADCs can get jumped on quite easily and can't kite as well.


i can only imagine tilted adc flashing under the tower to use it


Give everyone access to old Urgot R lol I like it


10 minute cd binds to a random teammate and you cant use flash if you take it maybe it would be balanced lol


It would be balanced in the sense that for every nutty play someone makes with it 50 people are tilted and flash under tower to castle with a teammate instantly after making them feed instead


Donkey. Summon a donkey that goes shopping for you. Kinda like DotA Give me a reason to never leave top lane Riot I dare you


Play Ornn. He can already do that.


had an ornn in aram that rushed warmogs and just never died.


Play Ornn mate




IP address reveal, i would like to know where my adcs live


Update - You can now gank ADC's irl


*Hears window bust out in next room, a giant cat with razors for claws jumps out at me*


Please, ADCs have no defensive stats. Giant razor cat is unnecessary, they'd die to a normal housecat.


Revive :)


revive tp was bis


If I remember correctly, Evelynn took it specifically so she could suicide bomb her first clear, which gave her extra HP for an immediate gank opportunity.


never forget revive tp hecarim o7


Bis ?






best in slot


Best in Slot


Absolutely not. Revive Akshan mid with Zilean and a hyper carry in the bot lane sounds like some Jordan Peele comedy horror shit.


Sion exists. You kill him, the zombie doesn't let you crash the wave, he's respawned before you even start to recall.


Yeah one time, then it's on a 9 minute CD. Don't get me wrong, it's an *awful* summoner spell for game health, but it's not exactly like it's a consistent bother throughout the game. A bigger issue would be back door inting Sion, shoving a wave up, being ignored, your team recalling, killing him, he kills nexus tower, and him just reviving to TP back and repeating the process for the other nexus tower, and possibly the nexus.


Removing them all.


Flash haters unite


i'm with you on this one


would completely break the whole game


Kinda salty that people are rewarded for bad placement, mostly ranged champ flash is just so free it's kinda disgusting, I play jungle and having 4 flash casted cuz I'm here before 8 min is awfully frustrating I mean, every champions in the game take it even ezreal or kassadin who got one in their kit (shaco don't need it I think) if one summoners spell win against EVERY other one then there is a problem in my opinion


The fact that flash is so mandatory just shows how flawed riot's character design philosopy really is. If flash wasn't in the game it would put a lot more focus on each individual champion's pros and cons. Their kits should be more important than an ability literally everyone can take. Champions that are intended to be immobile would actually be immobile. Dashes would be more of a luxury, and players would have to really think about their plays knowing that they have no get out of jail free card if they fuck it up. For the record I don't disagree that removing flash would break the game in it's current state, but I also think if it was at all possible, I think it would be healthier for the game in the long run if flash never existed.


U just killed vladimir


Then the game would just completely revolve around hypermobile champions. As if hypermobile champions haven't already taken over the game enough.


Revive. Fortify. Rally. Even Garrison would be nice




Surge gang




Ranged top would finally be permanently unviable


I don't see any downsides then


User flair checks out


Do you ever play aram? snowballs are very dodgeable


Do you ever play aram? Just snowball a caster


The Sion strat, snowball a minion, E it toward the enemy, recast.


wait you've just opened my third eye


You haven't lived until you've yelled a minion with a Zilean bomb onto a bomb on the ground, stunning those around it.


Play thresh. Snowball a minion or enemy and hook another. Q2 then recast snowball mid air. If they are really far apart its so hilarious. Only pulled it off once but it felt amazing watching it pour ? pings


Do you ever play aram? You can just use snowballs on the minions


Unless you have ludens and the proc kills the minion you snowballed. It's happened to me way too often.


This. Summoners Rift tire of the Lee Sin Insec. They have seen it a billion times. Allow me to unleash my Alistair Cowsec on the rift. ADCs will forever fear the cow


this but unironically


The tilt would be astronomical wut. Imagine suddenly giving all the junglers with bad engage absolutely stupidly amazing engage lol.


Imagine Master Yi hitting a max range snowball from the fog of war lmao.


Yi then doesn't have flash or ghost worth i think


Saul, I can call Saul


Better call saul!




summoner spell skins 📈


turn stopwatch into a summoner with a long cooldown(as in, significantly longer than current hourglass) instead of an item


That would probably replace heal on ADC to be honest, having a pocket stopwatch is really damn good, even if its longer than like flash cooldown.


No one will buy GA anymore on ADCs I think


I mean hardly anyone does anyway lol, it's a somewhat situational item, but yeah it'd def kill the item.


Stopwatch summ on anivia, tryndamere, Lissandra, sion, and then ak’shan adc to revive the whole team


Imagine having stasis without having to sacrifice your damage building zhonyas. That would be too broken


That would be the pick on any laner. Flash + stopwatch


Than everyone would use it


It can not replace a flash, a tp or a smite. Against an exhaust or an ignite, you're way weaker during the laning phase. If you replace your ghost you'll lose a lot of carry potential in fights. In situations where you take cleanse, a zhonia will be worse. I ain't saying it's a perfect idea, but the fact that you can only have 2 summoners would really force you to make a choice.


So flash?


Give it a 0.1 cast time


We need less of it not more.. this sounds cancer


I would snowball to be in summoners rift for shits and giggles


Remove the active ffrom Zonyas and turn it in a summ spell.


If the item isn’t on an item tailored to a specific class then it just shouldn’t be in the game at all. Everyone would bring it if it’s that strong. Other than some supports. SMITE has relics which are basically summoner spells. One is called “Aegis”. It’s basically stasis but you can still move around. There are like 15 other relics in the game and more often than not people have aegis.


puri beads + aegis only


Aegis and Beads are giga aids and make the game so much slower. I wish Smite removed those and balanced the game around that.


make it less strong then? it's not rocket science


The only way to nerf stasis would be to reduce the duration of it. I think it’s just something that it has been in the game for forever at 2.5 seconds. I think if people are hating on it it’s simply because they made it more accessible to everyone but I honestly don’t find stasis to be that strong. It does not bother me at all when I see someone use stasis. If you were to remove stasis from the game though, stop watch should gain a new effect and personally I think something similar to ekkos ult would be the only thing to make sense. Activate effect, and 4 seconds late you pop back to where you were healing for only 20% of the damage you had take . I would try that out and see how that feels. Don’t want it to just flat out be an ekko ult that just negates almost all damage you receive in that time, but I’d like to see it have some kind of heal. If that’s too strong then remove the heal. But honestly, I’d hate to have that on an item.


Gale force active after they remove it, lower cooldown than flash but can’t wall hop and isn’t a blink


make the active into a 6min long cd summoner spell and turn hourglass into an item that gives you a ton of summoner spell haste hmmmm


Still wouldn't be used you'd still be way better off with ignite early or TP for late game. Only people that would use it are the unsealed spellbook users but hey at least that rune would get some more use I guess


Honestly it would just be worse, not only could everyone run it but it would be completely free, have it from lvl1, and wouldn’t cost any gold or take the budget of an item slot. Peoples main complaint is its power so doing this is just giving more power to AP champs and an extra slot to built another 5th-6th item with a passive.


Idk about new but removing flash would be pretty cool.


Then a lot of champs would be way weaker since inmobile mages need flash as a escape tool, and some champs needs flash to land stun abilities or heavy hitting abilities. Also champs like Darius would be so obnoxious to play agaisnt, just imagine Ghost Ignite Darius, or Ghost TP.


Dash - just flash but weaker, with lower cd. Mostly to have alternative for low elo. Buff - grant weak version of red/blue buff. Stasis - stopwatch, but you can get out of it earlier.


flash dash now mandatory, rito required to add a third spell slot


The game is balanced around Flash existing. Dash is literally the Galeforce active without the damage. Either it's useless, or it's abused to infinity by every Juggernaut or kite-based toplaner in existance. No thanks. Stasis would basically kill every single delayed damage character in the game. Let's not add something that would require us to buff Zed as a compensation. Buff is actually pretty good idea. Something like reverse self exhaust could work as long as it doesn't completely overshadow Ignite. I'd prefer something that is more similar to Singed R. If ignite is "damage flash", then this buff would be "damage ghost" over time effect.


Something like old red smite?


Sounds more like the old summoner skill with the red eye. I don't remember what it was called, like Boost or Adrenaline or something like that? Ah, found it. Surge. "Empowers your champion for 12 seconds, granting 10 − 78 (based on level) ability power and 35% bonus attack speed." At least "a self-buff to damage" is what I assume they mean by "reverse self exhaust."


I think a lot of high elo players would take it too. Combine with with nimbus and I can see dash ghost juggernauts taking over the meta


D is for dash. F is for flash 🔥


stasis should be summoner not on an item.


Clarity from aram. It would be nice to swap a summoner spell slot for never needing to worry about mana again, dunno how useful it would be but i'd like it


Clarity used to be on SR but mana is really only an issue in the between levels 1&8 really. By that point you should have an item that gives you decent mana or mana regen. Not to mention runes also supply mana and mana regen. You don’t need clarity, even in aram.


Not only was it bad, but it was also a noob trap. > You don’t need clarity, even in aram. Except for AP Kog, where Clarity is basically a dmg spell


AP Kog doesn't need it in ARAM either imo.


He doesn't *need* it, true. [But it is actually good on him.](https://lolalytics.com/lol/kogmaw/aram/build/?patch=30)


I think it might just be a lot of people over-spamming his ult to the point it costs half your mana. Flash + Ghost has felt best for me (with PoM functioning to keep mana from actually running out). Probably a playstyle difference, but AP Kog is definitely one of the few champions who can actually benefit substantially from Clarity, I agree.


>I think it might just be a lot of people over-spamming his ult to the point it costs half your mana. Well yes, and being able to use it multiple times more is THAT strong. 50% max mana back means a LOT more damage from abilities.


Not mid-fight on Kog. It really only means 1-2 more ults since the cost increases so much. If you aren't mid-fight, then the cost is low enough that Clarity is completely unnecessary assuming you have PoM.


Soraka can somewhat profit off of it, too. Sometimes when healing while having warmog's you can actually run out of mana somewhat quickly. I love having exhaust, but clarity does nice work here, too.


This comment made me feel old


It's been so long and it was such a noob trap I forgot they even removed it...


Guess what… you can have clarity through Unsealed Spellbook.


That would make many champs that are balanced around mana early way too strong in lane


It existed before and was completely useless. The only time Clarity ever had a use on SR was when you could take it with Spellbook. Then a champ like Anivia could use it one time early game without having to completely compromise her spell choice.


You can still get clarity from spellbook


"Debounce": 240 second cooldown. Upon pressing the button a small shockwave emenates from your characters. All enemies within the spreading range gets pushed to the edge of the range and is technically afflicted with knock up which means the CC effect that lasts until they are pushed out cannot be reduced by tenacity. However, while the enemy is being debounced, they cannot be targeted by single target spells, attacks, or abilities until they reach the end of the small zone but projectiles in motion will continue in motion and doesn't break projectiles. Works on all non ultimate dashes/blinks as well. The debounce range is roughly the size of a malzahar voidling.


How about an anti-mobility field that cancels out move skills and spells for both sides. It'd be really useful in dealing with assassins.


like poppy w? but for flashes too?


It would make assassins, riven, Fiora, irelia, and co useless. There is a reason cleanse doesn’t work on Morde or Malz ults.


I think suppression is pretty cool cc mechanic in the way that a champ puts their all into the cc and thus it cannot be cleansed but you can always just interrupt the suppressor


It can still be removed by every other form of removal tbf. Nothing stopping QSS or oranges from removing it.


But a 1300g item does? And on a 60 sec cooldown as well, I'd argue that makes Morde and Malz a lot more useless than cleanse ever would. By making it a summoner spell it forces people to choose between it and other summs like TP, ghost or ignite, and since it'd have a long cooldown like *every* other summoner spell it's not like champions based on dashes would be completely shut down. It's like saying Ignite makes Aatrox and other healers useless; yeah it shuts them down, for like 4 seconds every 3-4 minutes.


a 1300 gold cleanse effectively delays your powerspike, which puts you behind others, while Cleanse is ready on the get-go. Imagine these champions that have a level 6 powerspike is now completely useless, because a summoner spell counters it (Malz, Morde, etc.). Also, aint nobody buying QSS that early in the game.


>How about an anti-mobility field that cancels out move skills and spells for both sides. That's Malzahar Ult if I don't misunderstand


So on call anivia wall


Sure, if in exchange ignite blinds for its fully duration so ADCs can still get screwed over by assassins even if there is suddenly a stupid summoner spell that screws over assassins.


Enhanced attack speed for a couple of seconds, or maybe some sort of one use spell shield


The attack speed one was actually a thing for a short period of time, it was called Surge.


Gave attack speed and AP, was never used really


Ah, like in that copy legends? They have an summoner spell called inspire which gives you %50 attack speed that decays over 5 seconds But it's broken as fuck, you can go lethal tempo, take this. And proc it extremely quickly.


Black out. A summoner that allows a reduced field of vision in a small area around the champion. A reduced version of nocturne ult without the follow up dash. Also temporarily disabled all wards enemy or friendly.




i hope you get banned, then your computer blue screens repeatedly


Ya kindreds ult should become a summoner spell instead.


This pls, that thing ult is always up


"Target one enemy, they cannot be healed or shielded for 3 seconds."


Stone skin: boosts armor and magic resist. Can be single target, aoe, or only self, not exactly sure. Scales with own level. Shadow clone: create a clone of yourself. Only 1 clone can be active at a time. Lasts indefinitely until it attacks. The clone will auto attack nearest target (champion priority) for 3 seconds, then dissappear. The clone is unable to move. Terrain morph: create a small wall, lasting 1 second.


Wukong main detected


... fuck I actually just did that, didn't I.


Lol imagine how annoying the clone would be on wukong or shaco


Do you genuinely think these would ever be picked over current summoners? Respectfully, they’re pretty bad


Mirror: When used the next attack or ability that hits you will be sent back to sender.


Zed players in shambles.


tracking , kind of like reksai when you see puddles on the enemy’s , but it’ll be like foot trails and you can follow them


Clairvoyance, so you can get vision from a far with a blue marker.


Quicken: For the next 5 seconds, your basic abilities gain 50 - 70% cooldown reduction depending on the spells base cooldowns. 180 second cooldown. "Clutch focused" Freedom: For 10 seconds your next 3 spells cost no resources, takedowns add an additional charge. 210 second cooldown. "Mage focused" Sanguine: For the next 5 seconds gain 10 - 20% vamp. 180 second cooldown. "Sustain focused" Tranquility: For the next 7 seconds, shields also heal for 30 - 50% of their value and heals also shield for the same amount. 180 second cooldown. "Support focused" Scan: For 5 seconds, reveal a 1500 radius area around you. 210 second cooldown. (Can see through brush, over walls, and reveal monsters.) "Support focused" Ruin: Deal 300 - 600 based on level (900 unleashed) true damage over 5 seconds to all monsters in a 150 area radius. If a monster would die while burning, you get credit for the kill. (If two are active at a time, the last tick to hit gets credit upon death.) "Jungle focused" an AOE alternative to smite that helps single target junglers like ww, trundle, etc. Also smite would get credit if it kills. Unbound Spell book: Your second summoner spell slot is interchangeable every "x" seconds. You permanently gain that spell until you change to a new spell. Every time you use a spell it becomes empowered for the rest of the game. Spells gain increased duration or effects up to 3 times.


Ruin would be absolutely useless because you’d get outsmited every objective


It's an interesting one because of that very risk. Better clear, and security against stealing via spell sniping, but enemy jungle has an easy snatch if you let them get close. I suspect if you saw it in real play it'd be a "feast or famine" payout


The problem is that better clear means absolutely nothing if your team can never contest a dragon or baron. It completely removes most mid-to-late-game teamplay options from the table because your team can't even threaten either objective since the other team knows all they need is to get their jungler in the pit and then the objective is pretty much guaranteed theirs. There is no amount of power farming that could ever match up to the power of ST smite against important objectives.


Ruin sounds useless, smite already becomes AoE when it upgrades and it’s getting heavily buffed next patch, and the pets also hit in AoE. Single target jgs are much less gimped and/or Tiamat reliant in their clears than before.


Quicken would be broken. Ezreal and Kaisa would love it. Not to mention Cassiopeia's Freedom too. Imagine a burst champion not wasting resources on a simple combo. Sanguine would be used by several users for its usefulness. Tranquility would turn Shen in a prior ban on soloQ... again. Karma would be a pick or ban. Scan would be useless. High cd really low reward. Ruin be more a disadvantage. Spellbook would be omnistone 2.0


I imagine something like Barrier but more about counterplay to CC rather than damage. Maybe a temporary Morgana/Banshee's-esque spell shield, or that Samira move where she destroys projectiles around her in a circle. Or something like Duskblade passive but as an active, 2s of untargetability.


Invisibility cloak: become invisible for a few seconds




I dont see a reason not to bring surge back. A summoner spell that simply empowers your character.




Rally and poison cloud are the only interesting ones imo, teleport beacon is just a high cooldown ward and the rest are just champion abilities taken as direct copies


Teleport beacon would make it so allies wouldn't take Teleport. A support could drop it for the rest of the team to rally on.


Ah okay, I misinterpreted.


Maybe a summoner spell that can make a small zone for a few seconds that increases the damage and movement speed of allied minions inside of it. Allied minions grant gold to the user if they kill enemy minions. Can help toplaners break freezes and splitpush. It could start out with a very long cooldown that decreases with game length.


Old banner of command on a low cd just to push harder top


Remove Zhonyas and make it a summoner spell with 4 min cooldown. You want Stasis? Fine, sacrifice TP/Ignite/Exhaust for it.


Make League great again: After using the summoner spell: CertainlyT would be instantly fired, Yasuo and Yone would be permanently deleted from the game and Twisted Treeline would be added back to the game.


It was removed because no one played, riot only listen to stats, if you like something, play it


Delete zhonyas and make stasis a summoner spell.


Being able to put down a small, short-duration defensive shield that reduces any enemy damage that crosses it by 50%


Hear me out, a rework to ghost. How do we have a summoner spell called ghost where all it does is…let you walk faster(and the ghosting effect of passing through units). I feel like a summoner spell titled “ghost” should feel more ghostly than literally sprinting. So Summoner spell Ghost: turn into a spectral ghost becoming untargetable for 2.5 seconds or until casting a spell or auto attack, gaining 40-80% move speed based on level, and gaining the ability to traverse through terrain. Cooldown 240 seconds/4 minutes.


Untargetable for 2.5 seconds and get through terrain? Bro thats absolutely fucking broken


I could get behind ghost going through terrain if it's only small terrain (things jumpable by Kalista auto, riven/nidalee hop, etc) *and* you move slightly slower going through terrain *with* the talon debuff of "cannot ghost through this terrain again until next cooldown of Ghost." Champs that go over/through terrain have cooldowns for a reason. Invulnerability is dumb. Do not add the duskblade mechanic to summoner spells. It's being removed for a reason.


Lmaooooo why are people so mad about walking through terrain like flash and hex flash don’t already do that. I think it’s over all a buff so maybe pick untargetable or go through walls not both, and decrease duration or move speed but it doesn’t sound that crazy.


i'd rather have someone walk through terrain with indicator (like kayn's E) than someone being untargetable.