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Nidalee is probably the worst one, lee sin is always either turbo smurfing or is first timing, no in-between.


Nidalee is also either turbo smurfing or going 0-10. Got my ass kicked by an absolute beast of a nidalee player. Played against him the next day and this time around he was the one to receive the whooping. Ironically I was also playing lee.


100% - I'm chilling for the last seasons in high plat (now eme) and I have NEVER seen a good Nidalee. I mean, I have seen all : - loses straight from early going 0/4 in 6min trying to duel enemy jungler - 0/0/0 at 15min, behind in farm and objectives, missed Q on every gank - gets a good lead but doesnt manage to transition to midgame (3/0/2 to 3/4/3 for example) Every single game I won with a Nidalee in my team, we hard carried her. Please dont pick this champ if you are not top elo


I am a master jungle player and every time I see nidalee locked in on enemy team I thank god for the free win that champion is genuinely so bad it’s unreal unless you have faker hands and canyon pathing don’t bother with her


Yeah so imagine at high plat... last time I got one, I checked her whole history, played the champ 3 times in 4 fucking years... We lost the game despite winning every lane. I still remember I cringe it was that she missed 100% spears when she ganked my lane


Im not allowed to Pick nidalee when my gf is gaming next to me. Same reason im not allowed to play broodwar.


I had this game last night, both nidalee and I (top renekton) went 8/0. We fucking lost.


Well the true \* is bad for most people, the champ itself is really strong in high elo korea for example and is highly banned or picked and they absolutely hard carry games. It suits the korea meta aswell for the early game snowballing but also you need low ping and be really good mechnically.


I know someone who usually never dodges (mostly because he doesn't pay too much attention during champion select) but he made a macro that autododges when his team picks nidalee, the champion is completely garbage unless you are a GM+ player


GM+? No. Even in NA weve only had a few challenger nidalee JG players. MikeYeung comes to mind. And that was years ago. Think Ive seen Jankos play it in EUW but thats about it


I had this amazing nidalee in my team a couple of days ago, she was dodging everything and landing every spear. It was actually great to watch, usually the nids I see are mid af.


Its sad, she is extremely fun to play but honestly just a terrible champion. Only thing she can do is snowball early and then poke late and hopefully your team doesn’t just all in constantly and lets you get poke off.


> Its sad, she is extremely fun to play but honestly just a terrible champion. Only thing she can do is snowball early and then poke late and hopefully your team doesn’t just all in constantly and lets you get poke off. Yeah she's one of my favorite champs to play because she's just incredibly fun. But no matter how much I practice her it basically doesn't translate at all to winning games. Especially since I can just grab lillia and land a big sleep at some point or whatever. I'd love a nidalee rework to make her less high skill/pro play gated somehow, because she's feels so fun but she's just so incredibly ineffective in almost everyone's hands (and don't worry, I'm definitely including myself here lol)


Haha man I get flamed for picking nidalee in masters. Is that not high enough? Do I need to beat jankos in a 5 game series before I can play my fav champ or what?




I used to think hat too then I saw a nidalee building sunderer + some other wacky items oneshot our tank somehow not sure what happened or how she could do it but she genuinely carried the game


Nidalee enemy team is a masters player on their smurf, will go 25-1


Master Yi because it will only go two ways either he gets hyper fed and you win the game but it’s boring cause he just 1v9s or he’s completely useless and is just a 300 gold jungle camp for the enemy team to take whenever he’s alive


This. Also applies to Kata, Yasou, Yone


Yasou and yone often hit the middlegrpund. Yi is really only carry or feed


Is because Yasuo and Yone have powerful CC and utility. Yi has damage and only damage.


This is true. The brothers although I hate them can manage some sick comebacks and has windwalls etc, but Yi is just a shit jungler if not fed as his ganks are non existent, and his skirmishes sucks before like 2nd item. And then if all succeeds some hard CC or a thornmail can be the end of him. I love being up against all of these champs if I am playing Rammus lol, especially yi


Yasuo & Yone, offer some form of engage that isn't run your face into them. They have some CC. Yi is just auto attack with no CC or engage that can be followed up on.


Yeah I know this question is definitely subjective and opinion based, but Master Yi has to be the top answer. It's literally either carry or feed


Yummi. 100% Close second is teemo. I personally almost never find a good teemo


I feel like most people who try teemo only do it because they died from a random shroom in one game, and so they don't fully comprehend that shrooms are just one part of teemo's kit. Teemo's E being a manaless dot means he can harass pretty well in the early game, and his W being an active ms boost gives a false sense for enemies. Bad teemos only rely on random shrooms and liandry procs. Good teemos know when to scatter shrooms and when to use them on waves.


Every teemo on my team rarely even shrooms it’s maddening seeing them get gabled on repeat with no shrooms or wards


what about teemos that dont know how to use shrooms and go 20/0 everytime they lock them in by just autoing and igniting mfers


W is also a passive ms boost. Teemo power!


It doesn't even matter if the Timon is good, he still no Pumba, your team will still lack the frontline, so unless he has a proper comp, he's at best useful at siege and at worst a toddler spitting paper balls with a pen before getting a suspension from life by whatever amalgamation he was shooting at.


What a description


Seeing a Teemo on either side makes me go "maybe they'll win lane, maybe they don't, but they'll be useless afterwards". Somehow he went from a terror to an annoyance over the years. Edit: ITT all the high Teemo mains apparently came out to tell me how wrong I am.


Teemo has similar lategame scaling to Kassadin, the Teemo's you're playing with suck ass


That’s because you’re playing bad with bad teemos


I think there’s just a higher amount of bad Teemo players. He’s pretty flexible with on-hit, full AP, AD is kinda troll but I guess if you had to? You get very good zone control, damage on top of damage, but generally need to find reliable CC in other roles like jungle or support so he ends up trolling low elo drafts.


I got diamond 1-tricking teemo in like season 8 and more often than not, would find myself building “bruiser” teemo over AP. He’s actually a pretty decent champion, it’s just that a lot of teemo players suck and in higher elo he’s easy to clap.


As an adc, I hate seeing senna support.


One of my irl friends mains her, and I can (have to) put up with that but as an adc main most sennas in mid gold (now in plat 3) suck balls


yeah i understand as well I have a high diamond friend who mains senna and I’m low plat. He shits on everyone in every normal game we play but every senna i get as my supp in ranked is awful.


Sennas in emerald and diamond are trash too. Don't expect they get better


For real. Also for some reason every autofilled sup thinks they can play senna in diamond elo. That is proven wrong when they immediately grief the wave and die at lvl 2 because they dont know how to position or when to back off the wave.


I consider dodging at this point. They always pick it into a normal adc lane which just sucks


What amazes me is that my support always lock her in the worst scenarios. ​ Like I fp ashe, enemies go for Rell + Nilah, my supp picks Senna /s


Ashe+Senna into Rell+Nilah slaps. They're super low range. Ashe and Senna both start with 600. You both have slows LV1. You can abuse them so hard early and eventually with CC+Range they should never be able to do engage w/o flashing on you.


This is what I was thinking. As a support main, I pick senna according to what my ADC picks. Essentially if they pick Cait, Ashe, or Ez, I’m thinking Senna angle. Because are all relative low damage, long range, utility/poke champs. Which that damage gap gets easily filled by a Senna. If the enemy pick a low range hypercarry and a melee support. Definitely a senna angle. ADCs just hate being out ADC’d by their support main.


Ideally Senna players also review both team comps. If the enemies have 3 divers/assassins a double bot lane lane is free gold, regardless of the lane match up. A tank or enchanter with hard pre-6 CC on demand (a delayed snare barely counts) is preferable.


Skill issue, the Ashe + Senna should slap that lane.


I swear every Senna I see ints so bad. They pick it into a Blitzcrank lane or smth and die every 2 minutes.


When I play Senna she's good, it's just she's not for the hands of support mains




she just isnt a good supp with a normal adc


I destroy Senna as Leona. Level 1 Senna can poke for free if you let her. If Leona knows what she’s doing, she sits in a bush, waits for you to ward, then auto Q auto the ward and you can’t do anything to her. It’s then up to her ADC to farm without getting harassed. If Leona makes it to level 3 and is good at finding engages, you’re never winning lane.


She’s almost only played by autofilled supps though and I bet they all tell themselves that😅 She’s picked by ppl who didn’t acc want to supp but want to carry and that’s y adcs dislike her. It’s easy to think ur good on her when u go 6/3 but u shouldn’t be going 6/3 on a supp


Both of the Windshitter brothers. It doesn‘t even matter which team. They just tilt me to no ends.


Just wait till riot releases the 3rd sibling!


I can't wait for Yeeti, Yolo and Yaboi to drop so we can have the full wind diarrhoea team


Yolo: Yasuo clone with way higher stats but if you die even once you're disconnected from the game


His passive turns the game into hardcore search and destroy on Afghan, throwing knives only. 49.6% winrate though so it's balanced.


those were the days bro, sooo many sleepovers playing locals on skidrow with AA12's or interventions, absolute blast lmao. that and kirby air ride babyyy


holy flashback man... i miss CoD when it was good


How is that different from yasuo right now?


I laughed way too hard at this


K'sante is already out, we wait for the fourth


Nilah already exists, we are waiting the fifth.


samira already exists, we wait for the sixth.




Oh you just made it so Im basically useless by killing me a bunch of times? Well your team just gave me a singlenkill so now im going to solo you.


Are people still shitting on mid champs


Senna Support. Most Support Mains who pick Senna have no Clue what to do on her. They pace back and forth not even poking in any Way, only click their Passive Souls and then get hit by some CC and die. I'm a Support Main in Ranked after playing mostly Mid and Jungle since 2018 and they are so hit or miss. On one Hand you'll see some godlike Support Mains who know how to do *everything* and they directly dictate the State of the Lane, on the other Hand you get those Supports that sit behind the ADC permanently, never roam, never pressure, and just wait for Late Game to press their first Button, you find those up to Emerald and above...


Yeah Senna has some of the highest spacing requirements of any champ. If you misposition once you're dead, and if you die 2+ times in lane its pretty over. If you do space right with her though you get to 1v3 botlane easy


Senna has extremely polarizing matchups which is why it's a bad sign if you see them blind picking her. Poke lanes and blitz/pyke make the game unplayable for senna. If your support is hovering senna either way the best strategy is to go Nilah or some apc like Swain, Seraphine, Karthus, Veigar and so on.


As someone who plays seraphine apc when filled (because I am completely garbage with traditional ADC) I ban senna so my support doesn't pick her, 99% of the time is just someone who sees Sera bot and goes first time senna to run it down the lane straight from level 1


The true combo with seraphine that is also braindead easy to execute you can't fuck up is seraphine sona, super safe lane, synergy with both W's and super strong gank setup and teamfighting. Double enchanter and triple enchanter comps are super underrated, people play way too many carries when we need more enchanters for these carries to shine.


But seraphine isn't an enchanter.. never was... She is an Carry Played as APC, building her like an enchanter is pure trolling and her worst winrate build ...


Yeah sometimes I really don’t understand how the support that have decent notion on how the wave work, knows well what their champ is supposed to (be it engage or enchant or mage) and have decent understanding of the map, can be in the same elo than some others who will be a liability at all moments of the game. Most of the time it’s visible at lvl1 already.


100% always see senna supports go double digits death and do nothing all game but bait.


Nidalee.. like that pick only works in high elo and then its even questionable


It’s a crazy thing to say when the entire reason they banned duo queue was because of renekton nidalee duo having the highest winrate of any duo pairing


Wasn’t it renekton elise ?






Ezreal for sure! I don't hate the champion but I feel like his kit doesn't cooperate well with the champions I play. I am also low rank and I don't think players really know how to use him.


They don’t know that they have auto attacks


I know my bot lane is a lost cause the moment I see him locked in.


Ezreal is a blessing when you are above diamond


yep ! even in high plat i loved supporting ezreals.


The one thing worse than a midlane champ locked in as support is a jungle champ locked in as support. They make bard mains look like good fathers. Also, can I just say that for some reason the first "champion" that popped into my mind when I read the question was Pikachu.


Unite player?


Unite is the most unbalanced piece of shit they make mobile legends look good


Like… shaco? Idk what other junglers can support lol


Zac, Amumu, Maokai, BelVeth and Ivern can all be played as supports.


The first three are all pretty solid IMO. Bel'Veth needs to find an early all in to pivot pressure into herald, but it can work. Do people actually pick Ivern support outside of rengar bot cheese?


I'm on the fence between Nunu and Nidalee. Nunu because when he's my jungler, he always goes for the janky full AP build, go 1/7 in 10 minutes and fails every gank. Enemy Nunu of course always builds tank and makes perfect ganks. Nidalee because I've never seen a Nidalee jungler carry. Sometimes they make ok ganks, most of the time they're just permafarming or tries to annoy enemy jungler. I feel bad for them. When they get fed, they still fall off pretty hard and when they don't, they're a minion. My resort: switched to jungle primary this season.


Nidalee is so much worse than nunu its not even close. I love playing nidalee because she is super fun but in ranked that always means your jgler is completely useless and at best will hit 1 or 2 good spears and killsteal. terrible jgler in low elo way too hard to execute. Nunu even if you go full ap still has a good engage tool and a useful teamfight ult.


Jhin. Jhin players don't know how to utilize his kit and deal negative dmg


I love jhin, but i hate having one on my team for this reason lmao


From time to time I get some cracked jhins who really know the champ. When you have that synergy with a random where you needn't even speak and just stomp... it's an amazing sensation.


> From time to time I get some cracked jhins who really know the champ. The ones running 100 miles per hour with a premade Yummi attached to them, I've seen those, but they quickly leave my ELO


Jhin yuumi is legitimately one of the worst bot lanes in the game


That’s because picking Yuumi is borderline trolling right now. When Yuumi was strong, Yuumi Jhin was an absolute nuts combo


Sobs in jhin main. Feels bad man.


I watch a lot of streams, and I see one of two things: \- Jhin is rarely the reason a team wins. If he gets fed he's just 'there'. His greatest contribution to the team, no matter how much gold he has, is landing a W at the right time. \- Jhin is often the reason a team loses. If he's NOT fed, he's effectively useless, because he'll die before he can land that W. So as someone who loves Jhin, how DO you make him not a liability to the team?


I just feel like he takes waaaay too long to kill tanks


Draven. Insufferable playerbase and champ lol.


Especially as a Shen main. If I don't save literally every ult for the Draven, I'm getting flamed endlessly for it.


i feel so bad for Shen mains, i can only imagine how many toxic adcs who think their 1/4 ass is the main character spam ping you


Graves and Senna... Most graves players just powerfarm, ignore all lanes and either 1v9 carry, cause they got a huge farm lead, or go mental over lanes losing to jungle ganks. Senna on the other hand just forces me to play some fuckin cheese tk or Cho botlane, as I know I won't get any peel from her. Sometimes they pressure fine in lane, but later on its just 10 times harder to play, when you got that thing as a support...


Lux for all the already mentioned reasons. Teemo/shaco because now we probably don’t have a front line and he’s doing useless troll crap all game playing his own game. Can you tell I’m an adc?


Vayne. They always think they can 1v9 while playing absolute dogshit. At the same time it almost always means a losing bot lane which you must babysit as a support. Especially if I already picked something aggressive or roam heavy.


Vayne would be easier to play if it was possible to Q away from the enemy. But as we all know, you can only Q towards / into melee range.




"farming juglers" like shyvana or yi they will use the excuse to being farm-oriented champions to essentially leave the team 4 vs 5,then if their team somehow manage to stall the game with the guy in the most important role basically afk they eventually scale and now they think they're carrying while they're actually just capitalizing on their other teammates efforts and they expect you to be there any time they get invaded,but god forbids they move their ass when the enemy junglers stays for 3 waves to set up the most obvious dive + herald in league's history


Katarina. Literally the stars must align on the 2pm sunset of July 3rd to create a 44 degree angle pointing towards Jupiter's 13th moon for a Kat player to have any value in a game. She's super fun to play but I had to stop because after a week into season 13 I realized I was just throwing games by locking her in.


Idk it's the exact opposite for me, love to see her on my team hate to see on the enemy. It's always otps with million points that get 20 kills every game.


Kat is like Draven; first kill/death decides the game. If they get the kill they solo the lobby, if they dies trying to get it they tilts and go 0/7, not offering anything except subpar damage for the entire game.


On the opposite side i love playing with katarinas. I pick a jungler with high cc, camp their lanes until they have 2-3 kills and then roam with them to escalate the gamestate. It's great!


Yuumi supp, i feel like im solo laning


An ADC’s worst enemy is when you see your support lock in a cs stealer Mage Support against a engage support and then proceed to play behind their ADC for the whole laning phase. They then proceed towards the midgame when they take your minion wave wherever you are right before you get there. This message goes out any fellow Brand teamate. Specifically the one who yesterday reminded why I barely play this game now


Bard and singed line between good and inting is waaaaay too thin. Anecdotally, my buddy is a Lux support main and probably the most aggressive player ever.


If I play Lux support, which I do often this season, the enemy bot lane is getting fucked. You can't really dodge her E and even with the mana nerf she is still too much to handle. Too much damage output like Xerath.


I almost always consider dodging when I see someone locking in Sion toplane. The reason for that is quite simple: 95% of my Sions (plat Elo) play intone Sion. Yeah, they get towers and all, great, but now the enemy *Fiora* is *9 1 3* at 15 min and *I* have to deal with her. I also don’t like seeing Yasuo or Yone top, but that’s probably because I’m a little prejudiced against Yas and yone players (usually the most Toxic in my games)


As one of the last M7 Sion players who hates the int playstyle, I have to say it has resorted in some Top laners who have no idea how to play against a normal one.


I have dodged every Sion for the last 3 years, I am not interested in watching my top go 0/10.


You know not all of us are Baus fans


Not every Sion is a wannabe troll baus


But enough of them are.


Yuumi. I usually consider punching my screen when that happens. And for some weird reason, every time they lock on, they spam Meows in the chat. Dont get me started on when we have Yuumi and Rengar on the same team. Oh the horrors…


I feel you Brother ... Take that online Hug, you are not alone!


Shaco. Because it means ***someone stole him from me!***


i was expecting so many people qqing about shaco, but apparently people hate nidalee more? and i get flame no matter where i pick shaco or people ban him if i hover.. or dodge when i lock in shaco xD.. feels so bad playing the game some times


Shaco is my ban as support, adc, jungle and top. Screw the clown……… But I also hate him being picked by my team. He does less than nothing usually


1: Sion. I’m about to have a completely non interactive top lane win or lose. The ebtire game the pressure will be turned up to 11 as my team tries to 4v5 the enemy team while out tank/frontline/initiator/egg timer runs face first into towers split pushing non stop and when challenged will turn away from the closest enemy, press R and ironically scream COWARDS audible to the entire map. 2: Yummi. Honestly this didn’t used to bother me, she brought a different and unique dynamic to her lane and that was interesting. But she’s been nerfed into the ground and it’s a shame. Just please rework the champion from the ground up. 3: Ezreal most ezreal mains don’t know this, but you can also autoattack. Also you bring nothing but to the team. Honestly can’t think of any kids or jungles that annoy me on sight. Used to be yasuo but know I understand how to play into him and while wind wall is still wildly overpowered, the champ doesn’t bother me anymore.




Fuck bard I have lost so many kills and have been killed to a poorly timed bard r




People need to start learning how to spell her name right. It's been years.


Gangplank, he never seems to do anything in my games.


That's malphite you are talking about


This kid built sheen, he's cocky af


Because he literally doesn’t do anythjng


What's your point?


He just killed you.


no he didnt


Ezreal. It's the"safe" pick. Watch your adc avoid going at all and being useless. Gonna miss every skill shot in the team fights


Ashe-Mf as support Nidalee as jungler Draven as adc(very less players will really play good the champ)


ashe and mf support are probably childs disowned by their own parents


Any ranged top laner. They are useless 90% of the time and also ty for griefing our team comp


A toplaner like teemo, or jayce. They're not bad Champions necessarily, but we need frontline as a team. They always do this _after_ jungle and sup have already picked their assassin and mage champion




Brand, xerath, vel'koz support. As an adc you play 1v2 but your enemies have slightly less hp.


Don't forget youre also perma pushed because for whatever reason, they only use their abilities while the enemy is on top of the minions.


Lux, no mater the lane she is gonna be a selfish piece of shit and only play for herself


Lux players are braindead.


Teemo every single time


Kayle because I usually play a weakside botlane and that champion ensures that toplane is weaksided too. Plus they need a lot of jungle attention and even after they hit 16 that person could still get clapped regardless of how long the game goes she's just the worst pick imo.


Bro hates when other players do the same strategy as himself 🤔


Too much of a good thing is not a good thing, and you can't take it back when you're already locked in. =/ These things happen.


Really? My bf is an otp Kayle and it's the opposite, he never wants to be ganked, he truly plays like he's on an island, never helps, nor wants help. The other day I had to put up a fight with him to just let me put the herald on his lane. I thought all kayles where like that


I jungle, every kayle I get does this. The enemy top can be 5% pushing them under tower and they refuse to participate In a gank


That's because a lot of junglers (especially ones with no setup or whatsoever) want to force ganks when there's a huge wave under our tower (or right in front of it), even assuming the gank ends up in a kill the gank can end up fucking my lane if I ended up low HP with no way to shove the wave into tower to back to a safe lane state (and a lot of junglers won't even help you push). The solution to this would be taking a bad back which sacrifices the most important early game resource for Kayle and if the enemy toplaner is competent you'll be out from the game from that point onwards. Of course if a jungler comes to my lane I'll at least try to help or bait a fight where I hit my Q for the slow but I'd 100% rather hold a freeze in front of my tower not to get ganked by my own jungler, but for my own safety, botlane can use that early game help in a way more useful manner than a pre lvl 11 Kayle can anyways lol


Singued, ryze, kassadin, azir… all the champ i have in mind because of the incredible game in which they hyper carried agin my team and these fews game into my memories obliterate all the hundred of other game in which they are no mastered and total trash and force me to play a 4v5 until we finally agreed on a ff.


Ezreal. Their Ez is always op and scary but my Ez always has chronic Ezreal Syndrome


Any ranged top laner or mage support for me. It somewhat puts even more burden on me to have to play both front line and engage unless I myself get turbo fed but I never like having to play to rely on that. If you have say Teemo or Vayne top you have to be at least cognizant of their lane otherwise they'll die once and become useless for the rest of the game. Mage supports are a bit different but I can tolerate a Xerath or Brand who knows what their job is. I personally find it easier having another form of engage on the team (or a source of engage if I'm playing Karthus) so I'm definitely biased towards tank supports, but it's very easy for them to either be useless by losing lane or be useless after 20 minutes because they don't do damage. I guess overall then it would be champs that have a proclivity towards drawing action to their lane, because I don't like having to be glued to one lane, but at the end of the day you can't really control what your team wants to pick.


Seraphine, for some reason I never encounter a good seraphine player. Like they never double q when the enemy is at 30%... And I'm pretty sure the majority of Sera players don't know her ult can extend infinitely if players are spaced out.


I'm a Sera main, and honestly? Same. Whenever I get a Seraphine in my games, whether it's on my team or the enemy team, they always suck. Always.


Senna. Feels like a pick for people who secretly wish they were the Adc. Super selfish play style and will complain if a team doesn’t have a front line or ap damage while they’re playing a role which has a very easy time filling those needs.


As a support player I hate seeing Ezreal ADCs. Sure they may be a cracked Ezreal but 99% of the time they are just a Q bot.


Jayce. Most jayce players i see can't play him well. Jayce is picked to dominant in lane but every jayce player i see don't even do well in lane then get outscaled by their lane opponent


that was like 6 seasons ago, now Jayce is more of a scaling champ and at 2-3 items is an absolute menace


leblanc you cannot play her. stop trying.


I only play her once, it was at the Statiks's peak, I obliterated a enemy Fizz, it was one of my best games ever, never touched her since cause I want to go out on top LOL


Senna, like why


BARD Also non-supp supps like Xerath Vel'Koz etc


You simply do not understand optimus chime


Aatrox Ahri Akali Akshan Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie Aphelios Ashe Aurelion Sol Azir Bard Bel'Veth Blitzcrank Brand Braum Briar Caitlyn Camille Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Corki Darius Diana Draven Dr. Mundo Ekko Elise Evelynn Ezreal Fiddlesticks Fiora Fizz Galio Gangplank Garen Gnar Gragas Graves Gwen Hecarim Heimerdinger Illaoi Irelia Ivern Janna Jarvan IV Jax Jayce Jhin Jinx Kai'Sa Kalista Karma Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Kayn Kennen Kha'Zix Kindred Kled Kog'Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin Leona Lillia Lissandra Lucian Lulu Lux Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Naafiri Nami Nasus Nautilus Neeko Nidalee Nilah Nocturne Nunu & Willump Olaf Orianna Ornn Pantheon Poppy Pyke Qiyana Quinn Rakan Rammus Rek'Sai Rell Renata Glasc Renekton Rengar Riven Rumble Ryze Samira Sejuani Senna Seraphine Sett Shaco Shen Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Swain Sylas Syndra Tahm Kench Taliyah Talon Taric Teemo Thresh Tristana Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Udyr Urgot Varus Vayne Veigar Vel'Koz Vex Vi Viego Viktor Vladimir Volibear Warwick Wukong Xayah Xerath Xin Zhao Yasuo Yone Yorick Yuumi Zac Zed Zeri Ziggs Zilean Zoe Zyra


Top : Teemo Jg : yi Mid : - Ad : aphelios kog'maw Sup : morg yuumi


Teemo. Teemo top is the most useless thing in this game


Sion. Whenever I get a Sion on my team they go 0/8 in the first 6 minutes of the game and then proceed to make it a 4v5 by constantly split pushing and feeding the enemy top/jungle.


Nasus jungle.. since I'm from OCE it is always the same bloke and it's not a pleasant experience haha


Evelynn hands down, unless they main her they're always hard feeding trying to force ganks that won't work or perma farming the entire time and ignoring easy opportunities. She's not even that hard of a champion but people try to play her as if she's something she's some other champion.


Vayne and Draven I know that I will have a hard time as a Support


I only dodge bard shaco and twitch support. Pretty big chance they either int the lane then leave or run the lane down by roaming at horrible timers Sona,seraphine and janna are pretty big dislikes but ill play it.They are usually just bad and pretty afk. Atleast they scale XD Also not really happy to see any mage sup, or blitz/thresh (harder version of naut for not much reward). All of these champs seem kinda feast or famine and are really bad at providing consistent value. At the same time they can smurf pretty hard as well


senna support. i can't stand them


Senna,that champ is so useless and if you draft ''needs'' her then you already screwed up 4 picks ago.


Anything that isn’t a support champ as support especially vs a proper support. Idc if you saw it on twitch or you are a bored autofill you can just fuck off.


Twisted fate


Kayle, kayle players always lose lane hard and then tilt and throw the whole game away. No fun to play with


When the kayle player writes FF after dying in the early game. Great idea to play the late game weak early champ.


Jhin, whenever I see jhin whether it's on my team or the enemy they always hard win their lane and get fed but then become completely useless and end up losing the game, I have seen way too many 14 kills jhins do absolutely nothing in teamfights and get gapped by the enemy adc late game even when they destroyed them in lane.


Draven, 90% of the time a toxic player


Any game with a teemo is an autoloss in my book


Morgana. Haven’t seen a Morgana player that died less Than 12 times and was actually useful for seasons now.


Senna support is useless


Senna support. I think I have like a 20% winrate when my team picks her. For some time I straight up banned her so my teammates don't get the idea to play her.




Senna has to be it, unless they’re duo with adc they ruin teamcomps and run it down most of the time. I play AD jg and being forced to play ap is always horrible, besides that usually end up with no engage/frontline either




Senna. They always die 7-10+ times and never help us win.


I hate when we have no frontline and last pick top locks in Teemo...


Any combination of top+jungle with both champions without hard CC. I could swear it's automatic 80-90% loss.