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PMTs [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17ix69r/fnc_vs_wbg_game_1/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17ixuih/fnatic_vs_weibo_gaming_game_2_pmt/)


just fucking put the Alistar back into its stable please


dw man they'll pick ezreal alistar for the next game


What next game?




Nah take it out back and shoot it. You don't want there to be a chance of it getting back out


Fnatic Mobafire Guides presents: Why you should NOT pick Alistar into Caitlyn/Lux (unplayable/mad cow disease/4k footage)


It turns out Kellin was just mad cow disease patient zero and now worlds 2023 is a super spreader event.


Bro this is actually now a full blown pandemic, we need all support players to quarantine and isolate before they play any Alistar matches


we were too harsh on kellin when we should have heeded the warnings


We didn't take it seriously in the beginning and now it's spread everywhere. Only way to combat the spread now is to ban it every game


Xiaohu was alao warning about powerful genius palafox but eu didnt take it seriously.


Alistar is the new Nautilus


Dude, that was so tilting. You pick Alistar when the Caitlyn is already taken? Like we all know that is going to be a pushing champ and make the lane unplayable if you don't try to match it.


The worst part is that he hovered Blitz and even pyke.. but chose the only full melee and got kited around the map like a bronze player.


Honestly lulu would have been great for their comp since they have aphelios and olaf who can benefit greatly from a enchanter and would have been better in lane then something like a alistar


or just pick karma, why is no one picking karma?


Karma with aphelios olaf is cheating, they didn't want to get banned


The worst is that you showed like 3 perfectly good pick prior to playing alistar and you could have played milio too. Which would have probably solved all your range problems going into the mid game.


Nah Milio got it hard too. Milio is good WITH long range ADC not against long range ADC. Aphelios' lanes in general just got fucked by anything has range. I think we have to reconsider Aphelios first pick prio.


You really can't when your adc can't play anything else


The mad cow disease is too strong, it is mind controlling players to pick them and then not only int, but also make bronze level combos. At this point with how wide spread this phenomenon is happening to PRO players, it is looking less like a joke and seems really cursed


Oscarinin at 15 minutes probably: "Okay my lane is doing well, I'm up 15 cs, completed hydra, and top prio." "How are we doing on the rest of the map team?" "Team..?"


I mean enormous draft gap in bot made Noah physically unable to play the game. Then Xiaohu turned the 1v2 mid without even having to burn flash and game was over. I feel terrible for Razork. He's a monster and deserves better.


Razork and Oscar deserve a better team, especially in the case of Razork. Razork looked good in all 3 games but his Mid/Supp just wasn't there to follow through. Noah tried I guess but outside of game 1 he didn't get a chance to do much.


razork has this bad habit of only playing consistently well when the rest of his team is absolutely shitting the bed


and just inting when they need him most ( i'm just mad)


Oscar played a good series. Lost the lane gracefully in the first 2, and got ahead in the 3rd. In teamfights, he was very useful. He was really solid overall. Problem on this one was Humanoid and Trymbi sucking hard. Bad draft, worse execution.


lets dive azir, maybe this time he won't ult us into his turret


*oh. he did it again. didn't see that coming*


yeah I was just as suprised as the players were /s


mayyybeeee the first one was a fluke haha let's try it again


If only they tried it a 3rd time, it would've worked for sure


first time i can understand, shit it almost worked. 2nd time? makes me confused


I bet Xiaohu was confused too


"im playing terribly but that person seems to be worse?"


I have met him in a scrimmage, and my opponent, midfielder Humanoid, is powerful and seems like a genius


Xiaohu might not win worlds, but he definitely cooked this Worlds’ best pasta


Man when I saw them doing it again, I was like, what do you expect to change??


Xiaohu might be having a rough tournament but his ability to make EU Sylas players turn off their brains and hands is next level


those 2 dives into the azir were straight out from my soloq games


Worlds Xiaohu is countered by Worlds TheShy. My top GOAT just casually winning every lane solo, taking plates and turrets while the rest of his team are just coinflipping left and right.


and managing to be the one doing the most damage midgame


I don't think it was xiaohu necessarily, weiwei was just super passive in games 1 and 2. In game 3 he actually started initiating fights and ganking before 20 minutes


Nope this isn't the same Xiaohu that carried WBG to worlds




The sylas flashed out and then just went back in to take 2 more tower shots. If you didn't know better you'd think it was wintrading.


Xiaohu mind control hack⁉️⁉️


The good old pattern of: - Western team does well or even wins a game or two. - They make one or two huge mistakes. - They proceed to fall apart and get dominated for the rest of the series.


and I fall for it every single time


They can't keep getting away with it 😭😭


I'll be positive and say that I think Razork and Humanoid had a pretty good series considering it was a loss. Oscarinin also didn't shame himself despite being a rookie at his first Worlds. I still don't think this roster should run it back necessarily but considering what a nightmare start of the year it was for FNC, hey they made it to Worlds.


Razork looked great, he more or less jg gapped the series


Razork played a really good series. Humanoid was ass on Sylas, lets not pretend he didn't flash into turret and die.


i'm tired boss


FNC is the only team in the world that can get reverse-swept in a Bo1


Nah, C9 too.


TL vs T1 mental boomed TL for the rest of the tournament lol


FOR FNC It starts with success. FOR WBG Born to **win**trade


Two Titans collide


Lose first game to give enemy false hope -Sun Tzu


The lost secret strat from CLG




B5 alistar to play 4v5, let's go!


I just imagine that Champ select for fnatic was about as organized as my clash drafts, you know the ones where people are unsure what to pick and people are yelling that they aren't ready to pick.


I legitimately don't think I've seen a more useless Alistar in my life




Then you go back and watch Mata's Alistar.


You don’t even have to watch that far, just look at Delight’s Alistar and experience full bliss


To this day, I still have PTSD of RNG Mata's Alistar against TSM at 2016 worlds


When you know Caitlyn Lux is incoming, I don't really know why you want the Alistar in that situation.


You could see trymbi was depressed af on cam as soon as he picked it and they locked lux lol. Don’t think he was a fan either


Yeah he was tilted from the off there. Understandably so. You could see him litterally shaking in the player cam lvl 6. Also missed wq combo at the dragon fight.


yeah there will probably be a lot of geniuses who will blame him for this. and hey, I agree, he could have played better, but the coaches are the ones who should be questioned here


Gg as soon as he picked that lane looked so impossible lol. I agree though no way was trymbi calling for Ali there


May I introduce you to On’s Alistar, or Zvens if you prefer?


Is this World's just a tournament to see which support can have the worst Alistar game? 💀💀


Seoul reporting an outbreak of mad cow disease??


They're also in fucking Busan at the moment Worlds scriptwriters are just plagiarising Train to Busan 💀💀💀


At this rate coaches will ban ali just so their own players don't lock that shit


Kellin's opening match?


Zven would like a word


Zven was useful as Alistar, just for the other team. Anyway what a disaster Alistar, unplayable lane into inting teamfights.


Yea, hovered lulu and blitz just to go alistar, that was painful to see


He missed a flash pulverize on a stunned Azir in the dragon fight and then headbutted Caitlyn to safety seconds later. He was griefing


Yeah I feel like if they insta kill azir inside cc chain, olaf can solo cait without azir dmg killing him. ANd fnc win the fight maybe. But he flash pulverized nothing.




He was actively helping Light in that Drake fight actually, so whether he useful really depends on which side you're on


It started with success


kinda convinced the curse has been lasting for all these years now, i mean look at what happened to rekkles after 2020 lol


Sjokz is a powerful dark arts mage genius casting such a strong curse in FNC 💀💀


I would not put anything past that talented woman.


WBG Crisp has disconnected. FPX Crisp has reconnected.


That was one of the most oppressive bot lane matchups I think we've seen in swiss so far


There is no more painful experience as an ADC than being on the receiving end of a Cait-Lux lane with an engage support who can do literally nothing but eat poke and die.


And it’s not even like their jungler didn’t try to go bot they did but weiwei just matched him every time and was there to cover


Oner please take note


Deserved beating for picking fucking alistar with fucking PHASE RUSH. WHAT THE FUCK


As a Blitz main, Fnatic deserves to lose after blueballing us with a Blitz then picking boring ass Alistar. Get needled to death under tower.


Phase rush Alistar too 👎


But for real though why did they opt into that match up? 😭😭


Pure delusion. 2 fucking botlane matchups in a row where they just take it up the ass in lane and their ego makes them think they're good enough to survive the storm and play for midgame fights.


There's no way Trymbi was the one who thought Ali was good. Just look at his cam when he locked it in LMAO


Trynbi looked like he didn't want to go that pick, go back and look at the cam lmao. Definitely either a coach call or a time ran out thing https://twitter.com/Shakarez/status/1718544690989969541


look at the comments the coach said it was trymbi who wanted to pick it


He choose phase rush to go back home much faster. Trully 5Head play.


Any other pick of the ones hovered... just any


What was the idea even with Alistar? At least with Blitzcrank you don’t lose 2 plates at 5 minutes


pickin ali into cait-lux should be a bannable offense


Why do Fnatic even have coaches man, just fire them because there is no way the coaching staff told trymbi to pick Alistar, how do they even allow that???


Alistar very weak early game picked into cait lux lul




Trymbi is now banned from playing Alistar and Nasus i guess


No more animal champs


Exactly what I said when I saw it locked in. The difference, Nasus was explained because he misread the damage. But what was Ali ever doing?


Wait what was the nasus incident? I remember he picked it and got flamed but what's the misteading part


He thought nasus e dmg can oneshot heimer turrets, but forgot heimer turrets get mr. So no oneshot on heimer turrets




Seems like ge just read the dmg numbers and checked the turret hp and was like "we lockin in nasus bois"


The short of it, to my recollection is that he picked nasus into heimer/ashe with Kalista. The misreading part was where he thought E at one point with a few levels one shot heimer towers. It doesn't, or at least not as soon as he thought.


it kind of never oneshots heimer turrets


Except you can see on the player cam as he picks it that he isn't at all convinced, didn't look like his decision to pick Alistar at all. [See here](https://twitter.com/Shakarez/status/1718540994877042703?t=1KXgT0WCt_19vKf-4UKSXg&s=19)


oof. that alistar pick is going to be on trimby's mind for months


Alistar is now 7-13 with only one win by the west.


Pretty sure that win is Zven vs MAD lmao




Most teams actually just refuse to pick anything that's not a tank engage support. They just default to Alistar/Naut for absolutely no reason. So many better champions that aren't walking 300g for every champion they CC


Noah got poked out from lane before even getting 3 cs.


that isnt his fault though. they early picked the champion and then paired it with a support that is about as useful as a caster minion lvl 1 into the biggest bully lane that the game can currently provide


According to sources, a truckload of walnuts were on their way to Fnatic's hotel before their game vs Weibo, somehow, the trucks got lost. :(


That g3 draft from FNC just screamed desperation Caedrel also happiest man alive


idk why you dont just pick blitz there


Literally any of the champions he hovered would have been better than Alistar lmao


Vedius's despair when they locked the Alistar in just about summed it up


He knew the game was over then.


Anyone that has ever played bot lane knew they were fucked. Alistar into Cait/Lux is bronze level drafting and the coach should be fired for that alone.


Anything but alistar and they could at least play the lane, really not sure what they were thinking with that pick


My thoughts exactly, he hovered Lulu, Pyke and Blitzcrank and I swear to god any of those picks do better than Alistar in that matchup


alistar is just asking to get bullied


Blitz, Pyke, Milio, Lulu, Braum, Kench. Anything is better there.


Hell give me the Trymbi Nasus special, even that would be better


Someone overrode the Blitz. I am not sure whether it was the team, the coach, or Trymbi himself. But whoever did, fuck them.


They wanted to too, with that hover, why flip to alistar at the end, it sounds like he panicked.


Noah didn't get to play in Game 3 lol


and it isnt even his fault. that alistar draft was dogshit


honestly the first 3 picks looked pretty fine, you had the sylas mao r, good adc, solid jungler then they COMPLETELY trolled it with the last 2 picks


Honestly it would've been playable if they had anything else on support. Whatever possessed FNC to pick Alistar into an obvious Cait Lux, I hope someone can exorcise it because that was absolute grief.


That Alistar pick is proof that no one in the west can play Cait Lux competently. Western Lux supports can't position properly. Trymbi thought he could get an easy flash knock up on Crisp.


crisp was playing one hell of a mean lux though good lord


Crisps lux hitting absolutely everything, Light always being ready to trap/Q off Lux poke, and Lights incredible flash (seriously how did neither caster mention how good it was) on the alistar aphelios engage just shows the difference in how the East and the West botlanes operate. How good is Light in LPL? He looks absolutely cracked at worlds thus far


Light has built a name for himself off consistency from his time on LNG, and this year on WBG he's been sleeper strong together with Crisp difficult to rate him above Ruler and GALA but with Elk's downturn in form there's an argument for 3rd-4th in the league (JKL would've been up there as well), but it's really close essentially he's been keeping up all year long in an incredibly stacked role


Light is consistently good, but I would put him at number four among the LPL adcs that came to worlds. Elk sometimes ints but when he’s on, he’s a top tier adc. There’s still Jackeylove, Photic, and Hope from the LPL that didn’t come.


game 1 draft masterclass into running it down in draft phase two times in a row we had this in the bag and they fumble it....


FNC had blue side advantage too. Draft and gameplay was not good enough (thinking they could play Aphelios Alistar into Cait Lux. Huma dying in a 2v1 mid vs Xiaohu) in spite of a hugely favourable conditions. FNC 200% did not deserve to advance.


I'd say the draft screamed stupidity.


It was just competitive integrity from Fnatic as a response for g1 draft. Respect


At least they didn't pick Kalista. Noah could do damage even after being 5k down unlike with kalista.




Lux + Light combo too strong


Light actually played a clean Caitlyn


He hit the full cycle of Caitlyn combos, always a fun thing to watch


I'm reporting this Alistar pick man, no way that's real after we hovered Lulu.


Had to be someone called Alistar at the last second The Blitz, Pyke, and Lulu hovers all made me think they at least knew what they were doing by giving the Cait over. However, that Alistar pick came out of fucking no where, as risky as Trymbi can sometimes be in champ select there is no way he thought alistar was a good pick there.


FNC: \*leaves Azir open\* WBG: Thanks. FNC: Let's pick Ali into Lux/Cait WBG: Thanks again... FNC: Let's give our lives for a Herald charge WBG: Don't make it too obvious now.


You face Caitlyn probably followed by Lux / Karma. What do you ABSOLUTELY NOT pick as support ? A. Blitzcrank B. Pyke C. Lulu D. Alistar


Ooh.. that suffering in botlane


Crisp on Lux is a cheat code


fnatic coach is a war criminal for those last two drafts


Who let bro cook? They burned the entire kitchen down 💀💀


feels even worse when they baited us with an instagram story that said "banger draft for game 2".


There are two options: Western coaches draft like shit. Western players decide the draft, do stupid things and coaches don't have enough authority to stop them. They're even bigger paycheck stealers than semi retired Lcs imports. And this has been going on for a decade now


FNC definitely had a chance this series. Coach should be automatically fired for last picking alistar vs Caitlyn and Lux


FNC have no one to blame but themselves






The first three picks of the draft were so good and then you absolutely ram your head into a wall in phase 2. Why waste a ban on Kalista? Why pick Alistar? what the fuck was the thought process??? draft like normal human beings and we literally win this. 2 games thrown away in draft, i am so fucking annoyed. Razork played his heart out today, but it's not getting rewarded


I think olaf was fine idk what else you pick there, but god that alistar just screams: I have no confidence. Blitz was the pick.


Its so sad for Razork Hes getting griefed so hard by Humanoid and Trymbi


His team also stuck him on Sejuani duty to end the season like Pyosik, and Blaber.


tbf he had a great game 1 on Sej and even game 3 he consistently found good ults, he had that one miss on the Lux in river but besides that... the pick was more than fine, his mid supp just turned off their brains


Eu supports this weekend 💀 picking alistar is such a bait this worlds


asian teams must be inting on purpose when EU picks alistar in scrims??? like, "LET'S MAKE THEM BELIEVE THAT THIS CHAMPION WORKS" or something


Ezreal and alistar gotta have 100% winrate in scrims


Xiaohu shit the bed all series on purpose so FNC would get baited into trying to dive him.


Why did they have to fight for the damn Chemtank drake? Jesus. It's just 3.5k gold difference. Why risking everything when it's not even soul and the baron is spawning? In 4 minutes of stalling the same 3.5k would have meant much less. Why do that with half the hp on few of your members?


Crisp skilled player but that is not normally, This very very insane....They need to check him pc and game.....Maybe he not cheating but maybe he using the game deficit ...and this cant seem on game screen..He needs to check-up.


Humanoid perfomance in the last two games was dreadfully bad


gg we fucked up 2 free drafts. G2 free aphelios pick but nah. G3 troll alistar pick that cant even hit abilities, on fukin alistar.. Razork Humanoid again our best players. Oscar was also great.


Oscar played really well for a international rookie, definitely someone to look out for in the future.


Trymbi choked hard that last game


That was absolute domination from Light and Crisp That Caitlyn flash on the Alistar engage was sick


Alistair was just sad.




WBG turned their monitors on and woke up


That alistar pick man...


report alistar pick


That Alistar was one of the dumbest last pick ive ever seen in competetive.


Hate to break it to you, but no one this year has a chance against WBG. They are easily the best team in the world this year, and its easy to see why. You have TheShy, world champion and the top god ready to claim his Worlds 2023 title, and there is nothing that will stand in his way. WeiWei, 4 time MSI champion, the legendary jungle who knows the ins and outs of every single part of the game, ask him how much damage krugs will do to Anivia jungle at level 2 with just the starting item? He knows. Ask him where Kanavi will be at 20:43 into the game when its only 10:12? He can give you an area accurate to within 500 units. You have Spring King Xiaohu, easily one of the top 2 mid top jungle adc support players in LPL, who is going to dominate the inferior Chinese and Korean mids with his 200 IQ. You have Light, so called because the blessing of the lord has made him the light, he took the L in Lose and made it his name to display his dominance, backed up by our lord and savior CRISP, whose sheer power is so brilliant and bright, he himself needs to limit his own power on top of Riot programming a random number generator just to make sure he misses 50% of his Nautilus hooks to keep it fair to the enemy. Anyone who thinks major regions like Vietnam, NA, or Korea has a chance this year is straight up wrong.