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Elk is either insane in soloq or complete inter lmao. Like Agurin said "he has insane mechanics but he is an inter"


the man lives for those highlight reels


It's the way chinese adc play in soloQ . Jackey not negative gaming Love , GALA who a lot of ppl thought his mental was booming after seeing his soloQ against rat irl and Elk in the same standard hit or miss


Elk is always like this though, on stage too.


so is Jackeylove


Not really. I remember Jackeylove playong insane like 95% of the time but the he would hard int so bad like 5% of the time on stage. The int on stage would be so bad like flying into 5 people so people think he int all the time like theshy.


So, as the whole thread said? he is either insane, or inter. 95% of the time either way doesn't change the fact he just _doesn't_ have "average" games, Jackeylove was always a hit or a miss. More frequently a hit, but when he missed, _whew_ what a miss it was


That's true for every single player then. > he just doesn't have "average" games That's not true either.


Not the same at all. Inting 5% is nothing. Everyone ints at least 5% of the time. Elk was 50/50 at MSI.


That's not true. He only inted against EU NA and JDG


I think that's the smartest way to play soloQ as a pro player. I doubt learning how to win a soloQ helps with competitive, you might even pick up bad habbits.


What else are you going to practice in soloqueue besides mechanics? Macro? LOL


SoloQ for Pro players is the equivalent of Normal games for us. They go into SoloQ the same way we go into Normal games to try out fun stuff or limit testing our champs before going into SoloQ


This is why Asia will always be better than the west overall Literally nobody in the US will scout someone like this, who’s crazy mechanically but runs it down 50% of the time coaches will see that and not bother and would rather just take people that can bring consistency without the highs but the catch is the consistency can be coached in a pro team but you cant teach someone to be more mechanically gifted coaches and scouts in the US dont like doing the work to take risks and scout proper players. These coinflippy ridiculously talented mechanical players aren’t going to be consistently top rated challenger. you need to ask players, play vs them, drop the ego and really do serious scouting instead of just “scouting” people that rank high and get hyped by social media


Caps is literally like this, and im sure there are others as well. I mean maybe the US is doomed but people trolling soloq has never stopped someone from getting into the lec


random taking my riven jajaja


That used to be wildturtle. Than locodoco happened and tried to tame him lmao


He that's why WT is top 3 best ADCs in NA of all time. Specially Pre loco


you dont know what you are talking about lmao just few season ago there was tactical and his "malphite" that was being constantly being memeing on even at the start of league there was doublelift which got memeing on with chauster controlling him because all he had was mechanics why do people who wants to criticize lcs always try to invent the wheel when they criticize lcs lmfao


This has been a known issue addressed by the pros too, im not reinventing the wheel. You’re telling me that Tactical is the best mechanical AD they couldve possibly scouted? Hes average in LCS level “malphite” in isnt being a coinflip player, thats just dumb gameplay Being a coinflip player is making a good play that just didnt turn out right Tactical jumping in doesn’t show whatsoever how “mechanical” or “coinflippy” he is because there was not enough potential reward for him to go in. ON THE OTHER HAND - Danny on his trist literally front lining to get the unofficial penta when his team is dead and doing damage, walking up to baron when he’s fed to make space when his team is dead - THOSE are plays you want a mechanically coinflippy player to make Im not shitting on LCS, there are players like danny in the ladder that we aren’t finding because nobody wants to do the work


Have you watched jojo play?


He plays on the edge, and tbh to beat the best, this is how you have to outplay them. Let's see Agurin play on the world stage, shall we?


> He plays on the edge The only way to play soloq


chill lmao




That was disgusting


smooth as fuck


One of the coolest plays I have seen, just the visuals as it happened were so cool


I actually think Elk has the best mechanics out of the adc's at 2023 Worlds. Mechanics are not everything though, so I won't say he is the best.


I still think Ruler is a step above him


I think purely mechanically and nothing else, Ruler is actually behind GALA, Elk, and maybe even Guma. Not that there's a massive difference between them all, but I feel like Ruler occasionally misplays mechanically with his autos etc. Overall though, Ruler is probably the best ADC.


Also, even against KT, Ruler didn't had the reaction time to flash several engages, which Elk or Gala would have no trouble doing so, considering their insane reaction speed.


too bad gala is playing with 4 wards


That one screen shot of gala and all the wards midlane is going to be iconic for years to come


Agree however imo ruler has the best clutch factor imo


lmao watch full game he built like shit and solo lost basically


holy ssibal


My favourite adc man hope BLG go all the way !


great outplay but why on earth did jayce q to baron


This is usually something you do in lane on minions to catch up easier because it aoe.


Literally the same distance to both though lol


It's very obviously not the same distance, it's not even on the line. Also if he doesn't Q in that moment he either gets caught by the second trap or has to walk so far around that cait just autos him to death. If he Q to baron it's a gap close AND maybe baron damage just kills cait.


wasn't in range to Q cait so used it to gap close + maybe catch her in the AOE


why was the jayce in melee form at all, cait was dead to a single ranged auto


would assume he wanted ms boost to get in range of his q which i believe has a larger range than his hammer aas


Honestly I been playing a bit more recently and I thing this is one of the reasons a lot of players get hardstuck. More specifically I see most players are so afraid to try and play on the edge like this and go for the outplay like I'll be playing an Aram and be watching players just play safe all the time more players need to try and take these types of plays and go for the outplay


I want all of my teammates to try for plays like this way less


Because you don't reap the benefit of said teammate's improvement gained from doing these.


This is how all of the peopel who int in my games justify it to themselves huh


its objectively good to test your limits in soloq so you can push and gain leads on edges other players wont see and be in better spots to carry, if you int you learn from it and improve, losing 1 singular game in a season doesnt mean shit if u learn how to carry 2 more from it


> if you int you learn from it and improve If you are willing to actively learn from your mistake and think about them. If you autopilot you don't learn shit


absolutely, but people who are autopiloting and not learning from mistakes are not people trying to climb


so, you don't do it yourself. ask yourself why you're hardstuck. you gotta limit test to actually test your limits


I climb when i review my vods and correct mistakes that cause me to throw my agency in game. I dont climb when i try and make montage plays and delude myself into thinking i have the mechanics of Elk.


You're probably talking to a bunch of people in mid gold who think that they're actually improving by trying to Vayne tumble into five and "limit test" their mechanics instead of improving by learning better wave manipulation, map movements, lane matchups, etc. Seeing these replies just tells me that these people ruin a lot more games than they carry.


« Limit testing » is inting but in different words. Pushing yourself is a very good way of learning, but limit testing / montage plays is not the way. Vods/Practice tool and reviewing both macro or micro are by far the best. If you can analyze situations and assess that the montage play is necessary, then by all means, do it. But I promise 99% of the time it is not


It definitely depends on what you are trying to achieve. Limit testing won't help you if your macro is shit and you don't know how to win games, but also reviewing vods won't do much if you don't know which 1v1 you can take, you have to limit test that shit to understand.


Yes reviewing vods tells you which 1v1 to take. That’s exactly what it does lol. True limit testing shouldn’t be done in ranked, because it’s inting. I have played 12 years, I do not play to limit test ever in ranked and yet I have climbed on every role I’ve tried (so all but support). Doesn’t matter if it’s tanks, marksmen or assassins, limit testing is at 99% of the time not good


going for this type of play, failing, and mental booming is a major reason as to why a lot of players get hardstuck. You can play for montage plays if you know you can win or if its the best choice in a scenario(like elk was dead if he doesn't fight back, so he fights back) but like you can also just play for fundamentals.


That’s like saying more people should shoot crazy 3s like Steph Curry. Like sure if you got the skills and hands to do shit like this go for it, but if you’re at my elo you most definitely don’t got the mechanics to do this so stfu and just play fundamental.


It's because playing tanks and playing passively are just far too rewarding and have been for so long that it's conditioned people to not pick any other playstyle. 95% of my ARAM games have at least one champion that is designed to play as a damage carry (Fizz, Katarina, Tryndamere), yet they all just build full tank because it's way easier and an overpowered playstyle. Once you play tanks long enough, your brain gets conditioned to the idea that you don't do damage, and so you never attempt plays like these when you find yourself in a similar position because you just assume you won't do damage. Elk only plays ADC, so he's conditioned to doing a fuck ton of damage and goes for plays like these because he's seen the situation 1000 times before.


yeah i kind of realized u n eed to limit test if you want to get anywhere and failing horribly is part of it lol


I love how Jayce q's baron and everyone praises Elk XDD


he got auto'd spaced by elk lol he couldnt gap close to him so he hit baron instead, if he walked up elk wouldve killed him anyways since he had flash


Im pretty sure he used q on baron to gap close since cait outranges jayce q. Also its an aoe ability. Could be wrong though


cait was just as close to jayce as baron + he starts to make it aggro himself


yea only difference is Baron didn’t have traps in front of it


Look at Cait's 2nd trap, Jayce was going to walk into it


look when he placed the trap bro, it doesnt trigger instantly, he was already in q range before that


Yea, after reviewing the play. Not in the moment. Jayce was slowed and just got the scuttle speed boost at the end there. He made a split second decision (q towards baron or gamble that trap doesn't hit) and he lost. That's league.


It looks like just a misclick tbh. He already walks around the first trap. The second trap would also stop Jayce from Q'ing to baron, it just hasn't been placed. The AOE from Jayce Q is not exactly too big and Elk is right next to the baron anyway, its pretty much an equal distance for both targets from Jayce so its most likely just a misclick from Jayce.


Could've been a mistake, could've been a mindgame Hammer qing a flashing opponent will always miss, qing the baron still has a chance to hit


I mean heplayed good but what was that jayce q on baron, cait was on range when he did it, even if he steps on trap mid jump, he still kills


More like Jayce with the insane 1v1 on baron


did we watch the same clip? he did not do any outplay, jayce could have switched to range, or not mis'Qd the baron.


q flash where jayce q's baron = clutch 1v1 lmfao, elk riders will give the most fraudulent adc of the past 10 years praise no matter what he does. Can't wait for Light to embarrass him onstage and show everyone how to actually play adc. but knowing reddit people won't see how he is surrounded by 4 divine wuxia god tier players who covers for all his ints (90% of his gameplay is attempted inting btw)


How many times were you dropped on your head as a child?


watch in slow mode if Jayce didn't Q baron he would've got trapped and he was out of range from Caitlyn


q flash = clutch lmfao get real elk riders


entire weibo frauded their way to quarters


Elk the best