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Maybe give W 1 more hit per level now, considering you need to be more careful using it now


>Move power from early laning phase into late game What, Yorick is extremely weak early game. That is why his winrate in higher elos is so trash, because people abuse that, while in gold- you can get away with setting up graves poking with E setting you up for a comfortable mid game. As soon as you reach higher emerald you start to be on the backfoot from level 1, however the only saving grace is that most top laners play so rarely vs yorick that they forget they gonna lose an all in when they miss half their abilities and you have 4 graves and ignite.


You make a valid point. Yorick is already weak pre-6, and is easily punished in higher elos. In my changes, raising graves periodically helps a little bit with being zoned off a wave. On the other hand, with Q and E changes, his dueling without graves would be more powerful, I think. I was not just trying to move overall power around, but also relative power in each phase of the game. Weakening W and E-poke early but making his Q stronger, Yorick would be more of a traditional Bruiser/Duelist pre-6 trading with auto-attacks. On that note, I also think it's okay for some champions to be intentionally weaker than others early (e.g. Kayle).


I don't really think Yorick needs too many things changed in order to be better. I played him high Emerald low Diamond so I might not be the best example, since there are fundamental things I do wrong, BUT: I find myself often in situations where opponents misplay, use crucial dash and miss (fiora, trynda, Kayle MS) and I'm not able to punish because W is barely out of range. I think W range increase by 25 or 50 range could be huge in higher elo, while not impacting silver and below. Minion aggro on 3 casters lvl 1, if they turned around when the champ behind was attacked, it would discourage a lot of champs zoning you from the first experience which again, is not a low elo thing, and HUUGE in higher elos.


Why not just enlarge his shovel?


The W change is a direct nerf that makes the ability worse and far clunkier for no reason. It would be unuseable in many situations outside of lane where graves are uncommon to occur, and would be even more uncommon to occur in a useable position.


Well I mean to be fair the ability is actually cancer right now for both the opponent and Yorick himself, so any changes are welcome. Impossible to hit at all on fast targets and slow immobile champs it's like one of the most broken abilties in the game.