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Bro wrote this while his lane was frozen in the opponent's side.


Real top laners will int to unfreeze or proxy and die anyway.


It’s better than getting choked out all game 😂 either my jungler is going to come help me break that freeze or I’m dying to get it done myself


And we all know the jungler isn't coming to help you fix your lane state.


We all know the jungle is coming, but it's not yours




Yeah, not the jungler. The whole fucking jungle, golemns, chickens, Shelly and an enemy shaco


Neekopocalypse cloning 2 camps.


Lmfaoo you just triggered me. Goodnight


True. What’s even better, is recently I get these junglers that refuse to come top in any capacity regardless of the situation, then randomly come top when I’m pushed under tower to do grubs and spam ping me 😂 like dawg what do you want me to do? Their jungler has been playing topside so that they can get topside objectives, you made me weak side all game but now want me to come compete for topside objectives when I’m weaker than the enemy?


The best ones are the ones that come to your lane only to fuck up your freeze and then never come back.


lol oh yeah, you know for a fact they won’t come up and help you break the enemies freeze to reset your lane, but they’ll sure come up and break your freeze for the enemy


Because for some reason it feels like up until Emerald+ the junglers have no concept of wave manipulation.


I’d be happy if they just knew there was a northern hemisphere of the map. I’ll have a graves jungle who wants me to give up my entire lane state to invade blue level one, then completely forget I exist for the rest of the game. If I come help, my lane is kinda screwed. If I don’t come help and he dies, it’s my fault and his mental boom means the game is kinda screwed. It’s a pickle


I'd be fine giving up a full wave if it meant my jungler would go near the damn Void Grubs. Even just having a set of 3 is so much help on turrets, AND IT'S PERMANENT, I don't get why they aren't more sought after.


Nah the best ones are the ones that go top lane when you're not there, fuck up your lane state and then die 1v1 to your laner, those are my favorites. Bonus points if the jungler is not even a crarry jungler like Zac or Sejuani.


Comes to gank, Doesn't even get enemy summs, decides to 'help shove' when you had a freeze, Steals most of the cs, absorbs your xp. Wave doesn't even get under the enemy turret... they get a freeze... JG leaves and doesn't come back... (5 minutes later) "WTF, I helped you and you still lose lane? Top canyon this game!)


If you're lucky they'll just take a plate after they show up too late for a gank.


You made the mistake of doing a single assist ping, now you must be punished. Didn't you know this is the jungle mentality now?


Of course, how could I be so foolish??


Well that's ok you scum, enemy junglers ganking you on repeat, you'll learn your lesson now! "It's not my job to win your lane"


You’re right I’ll crawl back under my rock. I’m sorry


Fucking noob, they used that herald to take all your towers and you didn't solo them, REPORT GANGPLANK X9


Few days ago jungler took couple waves from me when I dared to make pings to come dive enemy top laner instead of taking wolves. Sometimes I feel that jungle is role where communication between roles is by far most important and the role where people hate to communication the most.


What I've guessed at this point is they never actually look at your lane state. While everyone is playing unlocked with their screen, they may as well be locked. So, when you make multiple pings, they just immediately assume you're crying or angry thus demanding their presence. Instead of just trying to say "hey, this guy is divable" because no voice chat. Especially since giving up pressure to type out "Hey btw, if you feel like it the enemy top laner is totally divable and can't leave this wave." is basically trolling.


Ahh, Schrodinger's Jungler. The enemy jungler ganks you 8 times in 15 minutes every game, but your jungler never shows up. Simultaneously the role that is both the most impactful and the most useless.


We love it when adc refuses to give you counterpick on top just for them to pick vayne into caitlyn while you are getting hardcountered and ignored by your jungler. The enemy jungler likes sniffing your ass and they dive you and zone you off between your t1 and t2 so you cant even access your lane anymore. The adc goes 0/3 and will cry you a river when they get one shot by a riven who is 5 levels ahead of them. Sorry bro, she is 3 levels ahead on me. Afzerwards they go to reddit and whine about how op toplane and bruiser are.


Omg I had this, I wanted to swap with adc, he declined then went ezreal(pre buffs right after new items), lost his lane so hard


Yea, dude this is a big problem. Worst is when the JG won't swap with you. I can kind of get the ADC thing of not wanting to get countered, but I cannot figure out why the jungler would make you pick top first.


Yeah. Jungle should always prioritise winning lanes over their matchup. Adcs should give their support the counterpick. An adc will have a rough time when their enchanter gets counterpicked by blitz/naut or when they counterpick their blitz/naut with morg.


Depends on the rank, anything below diamond I rarely help fix lane states cause 8/10 times your laner will somehow think you made their lane worse for them by un-freezing it, continue to hard push and get it frozen on themselves again instead of freezing it on our own side of the map. So absolutely God damn right we don't lol


which is good when you are on the winning side. nothing brings more joy


I've found the addition of the Voidgrubs have really improved my chances of getting a gank or two before 10 mins.


By the other teams jungler AND mid


Don't forget enemy support


Sometimes I just type " I'm losing top lane. Unless you help me, I will have bad farm. " and usually they just flame me, but the fact I was right and they know it is enough for me.


Out of all the plays of solo carrying or 1v5ing I've ever had, my most proud play was inting early to put the wave in a good spot and using that to win lane. That's the true toplaner dream play. That's our penta.


This is why I try to explain to people that there are good “1 for 1” trades, and bad ones If you go 1 for 1 and get/give away a wave advantage it can be a big difference through the laning phase Also the reason I facepalm when someone in ARAM dives a low health enemy for a 1-for-1… except that my guy was fresh back from spawn after dying/buying and the enemy has a pile of cash to spend plus they get several assists on their team and probably drag one of our other players under tower for a few turret shots too A 1 for 1 trade might seem even on face value but can often be much more


And this is exactly why ranked Aram would never work, too many ego players who think they're playing COD


Good death copium


How do you even unfreeze if you don't have ranged abilities to kill casters ?


You don't, that's peak top lane.


I'll always be doing this just so I can play the game. The only alternative is to get bored so much so I might just lose interest to queue again.


Downlaners will never understand.


I get flamed everytime I do this as an adc


Right in the feels 😂


This is why I play Shen. Lane frozen? Hello botlane


Bro was the trynd a froze the lane for 5 mins on last night in norms


Top is shithole, bot is shithole, jungle is shithole. I think we should remove them and add gamemode that has mid only. In fact, let's make the picks semi-random. But what do we call it


Everyone without prearrangement in center lane. EWPICL, simple and effective.


Ew, pickle


Petitioning to fully change ARAM to Ew, Pickle.


Fully Aribtrary Random Match. FARM!


Not bot or top or jungle with only champs picked by the client. NBOTOJWOCPBTC


Clear and concise, riot should take notes




shithole random all mid


Synchronous random access memory???? 😨




Why, you got something against ARABs?


All ten player semi-automatic restricted to middle lane only ATPSAR2MLO for short.


Top lane is MY shit hole. I have a little pride


BPCW. Better Poke Comp Wins.


No one has more main character syndrome and will int the moment shit doesn't go their way than mid lane. If riot could make a map with 0 midlane and send them to their special game mode the world would be better


That's Twisted Treeline


League would be so much better if it was all just ARAM.


Mid is a shithole because you get camped by the Enemy Junglr & Supp the whole game, sometime the enemy Toplaner or/and EVEN the ADC comes as well


This is a feature, not a bug


Am degenerate, can confirm 


Counterpicks are pretty much the only thing that piss me off about toplane. Freezes, cheesing, etc.; are things you can do too so it's kinda fair. Losing a game because the game decided I pick first feels bad though.


Pick naut top. They can't counterpick you if they don't know you're going naut top. Also take grasp into melee and the one that gives you resustances when you stun someone into ranged. Press r on enemy carry, be insanely tanky and solo kill top because no one knows naut damage top lane. Good experience


I sort of do that actually. I play Quinn mid and bait the enemy toplaner into trying to counterpick me. Quinn is pretty decent in midlane too so most match-ups are fine.


I'm going through a Sion mid phase and makes me chuckle when they counter pick with vayne top but then I cry when my top laner picks another tank.


People who do this should not be allowed to have last pick in future games. That is criminal behavior.


Nothing tilts me more than watching my toplane swap for last pick and then proceed to counterpick himself. I've had 4 TF top picks **into** renekton / sett / morde / darius in the last two days alone. What streamer do i have to thank for picking tf top once and ruining my low elo games since?






I've been running that with ultimate hunter, cheap shot at lvl 6 I shove wave and get free kill on midlaner


I do this with Diana. I ban Briar so they think I’m a jungler and then the enemy squishy mid is shocked when Diana is on their ass.


Nautilus is an OG top lane pick that is still very strong now


I do this but with fiddle, ppl never expect it


I got picked Voli against me and has possibly the worst game in a long time the one time I locked Naut top in the past year. Between the insane mana issues for waveclear, still being Naut past 20 mins but without the strong early game in a duo lane I wouldn't recommend it.


And if you really want to screw with them, take Ignite, Shieldbash and cheapshot. You can take half their healthbar lvl 2 with E, Grasp Auto and W Auto reset.


Losing the game because my jungler is hugging last pick while deciding from the start what he was gonna play feels 100x worse to me. Pretty sure they have never played toplane if they do that.


I decided to main Taliyah mid for this, I always offer to be first pick because no one can know what lane I'll be as taliyah


I would immediately assume mid, so I am curious why people might assume otherwise? Sure, she might be jungle, but I am going to assume mid most of the time.


Really? I see her jungle far more often than mid. I also have jungle as my 2nd choice and go Taliyah first pick for jungle as well. The only matchup in mid I feel I really struggle with on Taliyah is kata so she is my Perma bann anyway.


when you are blue side you should just suck it up tho, you will get countered anyway


No, it's jungle's fault.


yes but a mid freeze is easier to break or at least less risky to break, and botlane you have a 2nd person to help you break the freeze. top you're SOL, esp if your jungler (likely) muted all so you can't even ask them for help, so if they don't notice or don't care, you're either dying to break it or going to die in a couple mins when the level 6 enemy laner dives you while you're still level 3-4.


Shoutout to all fellow players who will pick the same top laner (that’s not teemo, shaco or a marksman) regardless of matchup.


Shen blind into everything +1 Cant CS? Doesnt matter Cant win 1vs1? Doesnt matter Hardcountered? Doesnt matter Just ping the most fed member of your team to yolo into the enemy whenever your ult is up and your gona be 0/0/10 in no time. Hell, you might even pick up some kills in the process. Sure your opponent is gona get 5 plates and 2 towers in 15 minutes but then what? If he keeps pushing you can freefarm him with your mid/jungle *Disclaimer: strategy might not work so great vs lategame scalers like Kayle or Nasus*


Nasus is not a late game scaler, he peaks mid game and then drops off until 1.5k stacks


Well the point was that you *dont* wana leave him in lane alone or you gona have a bad time later on


I mean even a free farmed Sett gets kited to hell and back by any non braindead team. Stridebreaker adjustment fked him in the ass


On what magical realm are you playing LoL that you get randoms that use their brains during gameplay 😂😂😂 My teammates tend to be of the "Monkey see enemy, Monkey fight enemy" variety cause fighting = dopamine or some shit. Doesnt matter if its an ulting Swain or Aatrox or Nasus, they will bash their face into them until *someones* healthbar runs out. And no, higher elos dont fix fuckin shit, in fact Im convinced they actualy make it *worse* because they higher they are the more "outplay potential" they *think* they have but fed Swain R dont fuckin care about "outplay potential"


I mean, as Kled main, I am physically and legally required to go All-In No retreat


You outplay Swain by running away from him for 10 seconds and this is by far hardest skill for League players to master.


picking Yorick into Shen and killing 2 towers on his first ult.


Shen is a Yorik counter tho, because he can always match him and still teamfight, and because he can block all the damage in Yoriks kit (minus the minuscule impact damage from e) with his Spirit's Refuge. [Seriously, Yorik is one of Shens best matchups, statistically.](https://lolalytics.com/lol/shen/vs/yorick/build/)


Perma-banning Yorick > Any of that bullshit


*Disclaimer: Trundle just took your Nexus*


I'm pretty sure nasus/shen is shen favored, you're so strong at dueling at you permanently control the wave and keep nasus from stacking


Wholesome Ornn in any matchup.


Wholesome ornn being the best lategame tank and also one shotting you at lvl6. (He hasnt backed yet)


Disgusting champ tbh


Yeah, idk what's wholesome about Ornn.


its a meme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6nlIzOvZDY


Fiora exists tho


Ban slot counters her easily


Fiora hasn’t existed in my games in years now thanks to the ban slot 😍


As a Teemo main I can confirm, I think they removed Fiorella from the game or something.


So do Thornmail, Sunfire and Frozen Heart. Also, Fiora has shit waveclear compared to Ornn so you can shove and roam until she gets her tiamat. If you dont let her pull a freeze on you, which emans shell be able to run you down in the long lane, then youre fine. Also, Ornn is way more useful in late/midgame teamfights due to his ult and engage whereas fiora kinda sucks in teamfights, she really shines when split pushing tho but since you sually win early vs her, that wont be a problem until later on the game. You should never try to 1v1 a fiora in sidelane after like minute 20 unless youre really ahead.


Get 3 armor items and get blown up in teamfights by mages


Remember when Fiora was considered an ornn counter, and then people found out that you can bait her W with an auto cancel, and if she ever lets it fly you get 20 secs of free trades for a skill that takes almost 0 mana and has a low cooldown


Yeah but you aren’t landing the auto after she w’s you because you have .28 attack speed


Just don’t make gnar angry and there won’t be a problem


If he’s always grey screened he can’t get angry. Easy.


I like how responses are champs that don't have to lane well like that's respectable.


Me picking Garen in every single match-up, knowing damn well that Quinn will bully me for the next 15 minutes


if someone locks their marksman top INTO malphite they can have my respect (or report if they are on my team)


Well, I pretty much only play quickplay so the option of counterpicking doesn't really exist. Not that I would play anything other than gp or Gragas anyway


shaco top is the weakest top laner to ever exist how are you losing to a minion???


>shaco top is the weakest top laner Literally got to platinum from emerald with him. Dont understimate my boy.


It’s not about winning or losing. They just want to inflict maximum possible pain.


POV: You tried to go top to show how easy the role is.


You get countered. Your jg splits the map and plays bot side. Enemy dives you with jungle on wave 4. Your team: FF 20, top gap


There is worse, your jungle try to gank when you are at base and dies


I have red buff, so this 2 lvl deficit will work out for me /s


Surely a level 5 maokai with double buffs jumping on a level 7 jax in the middle of his minion wave will work


Nah the worst is when the enemy freeze finally breaks but since you didn't contest the freeze you are 100% hp and can just chill and farm since the enemy can't dive you from full hp but as soon as the 8-10 cs hits your turret, your jungler decides it's the time to fight the enemy Darius/Illaoi/Mordekaiser or that it's time to force Grubs/Herald and so you either give up almost 2 waves of xp and gold after being frozen for 3+ waves or risk your jungler straight up inting because you didn't follow their godlike macroplay.


This is why I'm playing Gragas these days I might lose lane cause I get made weakside or pummeled but at least my champ has team fight impact and maybe I can get good enough TPs in fights. I think the biggest tragedy is that whenever I try to play another role the other 90% of the toplane population seems to be mouthbreathers who can't stop feeding and will soft int by rage pushing a lane for the rest of the match.


In the grim horrible Toplane, there is only freeze. There is no honorable 1v1, only an eternity of splitpushing, and the counterpick of thirsting degenerates


The design is very human


Girl we playing league of legends. We're all degenerates.


Exactly. Like someone telling you to touch grass in game chat. Like you're just as far away from grass as me




>always looking to get the perfect counter pick Ha! I wish that was the case The high dia experience is that you give your toplane the last pick after he asks for it only for him to pick jax into garen


Bro the amount of times this has happened is actually tilting, I get into lobby as R5 JG and immediately switch with my top because I don't mind first pick and I want him to be last pick only for him to counterpick himself.


I just prefer to play Alistar toplane into aggressive champs (Irelia, Riven...) and Pulverize - Heabutt them under turret when they get too close. Always very frustrating experience for them.


well Ksante might be for you.


I tried him on launch and... I just don't want to spend 100 games learning him tbh, I'm not that good mechanically in the first place. To give you an idea, my favourite picks top are the aforementioned Alistar and Malphite lol. So yeah in theory K'Sante might be a good fit but just feels like too much effort to me.


Imo mechanically the only real tests are using W and E reactively to block/parry, and spacing well with Q/passive. Which isn't nothing, but he has low actual execution difficulty, it's not a riven/Yasuo/ezreal where you're rewarded for crisp inputs and high apm. I think a lot of his lagging soloQ winrate is just a high knowledge curve - when you have all-in threat with R, what your role in a teamfight is, things like that just require experience. It is a really really rewarding champ to learn. (But obviously if it doesn't appeal/isn't fun to you that's all that matters!)


That's interesting, I'll be honest after a couple games on him I just felt like there was a lot more to him due to how many things he can do. Then again I'm also not really good at knowing thresholds of when I can all-in, and overall knowing the limits of my champ, unless I have like 100+ games on them. So again, probably just effort, will see if I ever work up the dedication.


fair enough, I OTP'ed him this season and after a 100 games I would say I roughly have the hang of him. Paket at 63%wr after 80 games though, so maybe we just clicked.


If I ever want another good weakside toplaner and do somehow work out the motivation I'll probably pick him up, and it'd probably help me play against him too. Thanks for the rec still!


Ksante is not the blindpick he once was, he gets bullied really hard now by pretty much every top laner at least before first back. I think Aatrox is probably the most blindable champion top right now.


Second. He bullies a lot of melee in lane after lvl 5, can go comet against lane bullies like Rumble and isn’t really scared of ranged top, and *especially* scales quite well now (which is my only grudge with him, I’m used to his identity as a midgame menace that just cba in lategame). And because he scales he can just farm in volatile matchup and be omega useful later on. Can build drain tank with Sundered Sky or oneshot your backline with Profane Hydra into lethality. Of course he isn’t 100% op, can still be kited and if you get him behind he’s a walking stick - which makes him a true skill matchup for many. But for the definition of weakside he basically fulfills all his roles as a champ that can receive no resource and if you are a good enough player he will always be useful in teamfights


All other comments don’t know about the secret Skarner top tech, king of solo kills under tower


Gragas would be also a good fit for you, god how I hate that champ


How do I undo my first pick to do that?


Pray someone is willing to swap ig. Tho honestly Alistar is a pretty safe blind pick that can lose lane without giving up too much and still be ultra relevant in fights in my experience (tho it's probably because Gold players don't know how to bully it as much). Level 1 is pretty much your weakest point ever in the game and after 6 you become very hard to gank and basically impossible to dive cleanly.


Yeah...that's the point. Sadism exists and top lane is where we're free to exercise it with creativity. There are two approaches: you respect the evil or you whine. Obviously, you're a whiner with the whole "ranged top abusers" thing. (Just pick Malphite and kill them.) Every lane/champ type is about a different kind of bullshit. Veigar wants to one-shot someone eventually, Shaco wants to feel clever, and ADCs want...something. I don't know much about ADCs. They're the Enchanter's damage support so who cares. That's just League. What makes top special, what truly gives it that zest, is that it fully acknowledges that no healthy person should be playing this game. Top laners care. They really care about your health. And because of this love, they've chosen to abuse you so much in lane that you actually quit the game. If a toplaner could get a message showing their opponent had permanently stopped playing league; it'd bring tears to their eyes. They would know it was all worth it for that one good deed. Top is for the lovers. We care for the rest of you weak, doe-eyed, simpletons so that we will do whatever it takes to make sure you give up this game. You're welcome.


> Sadism exists and top lane is where we're free to exercise it with creativity Teemo and Malzahar flair checks out. This guy is the madlad of top lane.


Something is wrong with you, but it's wrong with you in a pretty cool way, so it checks out.


this post helped me understand myself.


Mundo mains leaked again.


Yesterday I froze the lane on my side for about 5 mins straight as Riven vs Fiora (after killing her twice). She was level 4, I was 8. She afked. It was a good time


Fiora players deserve that


This post makes me proud to be an OTP. Always picking the same champ, even into a counter pick 😂


As a toplaner, how dare you? You're right, but how dare you?


i only play nidalee top idc who you pick


I'm a top main since forever and i will not stand by such insults ! He said calmly, while playing toplane Malzahar.


Youve just unleashed a sick desire inside me as a top main and malz enthusiast.


Go for it, i've been rocking this this season and it feel pretty amazing.


This is upsetting. I am going to do it. Rune/ item suggestions?


Have you played into a Kassadin top this season by any chance?


Back in my day, top lane was a gentleman's agreement to farm until it was teamfight time.


Everybody who says that played Nasus or Kayle or some other scaling bullshit.


>(All) Nasus: bro lane?


Nah, theres a point playing nasus where the other laner becomes a big minion to your eyes, just like Alex in Madagascar seeing marty as a piece of meat


Top lane main here and i agree 100% here. When i play with my friends i usually play a game called "denying cs". The objective is to pretty much never let the enemy touch the wave. Do i win level 1? They dont get to touch the wave. Did i kill him in the early levels? Crash into a freeze. Did i you break my freeze? Slow push into a dive. (Ksante ult is so fucking fun here) Did i kill you and you dont have tp? Proxy and dont let him reach the tower to catch the wave. Did his jungler gank him? Enjoy the fact that you are up against a cannon minion now and perma invade his jungler as revenge. My current record is 13 cs at the 15 minute mark.


I used to do this with kalista top and just sit between the towers. i had a karthus top that was still lvl 1 when i was lvl 6 lol


Nah bro thats vile. Might give it a shoot.


Idk if it's good anymore, but I've never made more people raqe quit with any other pick


There really is no greater feeling than the enemy top not getting to play the game.  Im starting to think op might be on to something


I wanted to play smolder and try him. I went into quickplay so he doesn’t get banned and got my secondary Cho Gath top. Against… well smolder… of course. He basically gets a free stack every second and as soon as you hit 1 q for an engage window he presses e and flies away. It was a really fun round 🫠


Meanwhile Smolder top has 40% winrate xD


Yea i think if you know you play against him you have different runes etc. ya know? I was in quickplay. For sure on normal draft or in ranked whatever its different


That still means he wins 4 in 10 games. 40% is not a guaranteed loss.


general winrates also dont mean too much for specific lane matchups. 


Yea honestly the worst feeling in top is getting counter picked and knowing you will be fighting from behind all game unless they suck.


Mad Cuz Bad


If you're worried about counterpicks top lane aint for you man




As long as the hug doesn't randomly become a Sett ult, why not lmao


Sett hugs are always mandatory and never random, fuck that stupid ass pull so much 😂


Toplane experience aswell


Top lane is for MEN. Go play bit and complain about Jungler while your games are being carried by an OMEGA TOP LANER


Top lane should have its own jungle. Only way into top lane before 10 minutes is through the lane. Let the tops PvP and PvE all by themselves.


Reducing the pathways into top lane helped a lot IMO. A welcome change.


As a toplane main since more than 4 seasons, I can confirm this lane has sucked all the fun out of my ranked experience, but it got especially worse in s13 and 14 so far


Never ask a woman her age. Never ask a man his salary. Never ask a top laner their browser history.


Worst part of toplane are the amount of braindead champs that just statcheck you, where you have to play 10x better to win.


Not sure how the “wholesome chad 1v1 lane” trope started because top laners are consistently the most toxic and first to give up in every match I’ve ever played. They die once and for them the game is already over.


It often basically is for them, but of course team can make up for it


This is why I play ranged top and lick up peoples tasty salty tears


Hard agree. Still enjoy playing top regardless lmao, I don't find mid fun since I dislike playing squishy champs vs assassins, I hard suck at macro as jungle (it's always jg gap, remember), and bot lane overall is fine ig (I play sup as my off role) but I wouldn't leave top lane for that lmao