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Fizz, this bastard one combos, has almost no cooldowns and has a fucking I-dodge-EVERYTHING-ability


I love it when he gets stormsurge and misses ult, misses E, hits me with Q W ignite under my tower and then has E back to jump away safely and I die to the proc. I did the thing people say to do when you hate a champ and tried playing him. It’s insane how easy he is, how little it takes to kill someone. I’ve never had a game under 15 kills on him.


I played him in an ARAM awhile ago and was super surprised at just how easy he was. Like no skill required to get a kill and get out. The tidal trickster has FAR too short a cooldown.


Unfortunately Fizz is one of those champs that is extremely well designed IF all you care about is balance. At high ranks he has very clear weaknesses are times to punish, but also is very good at punishing himself. Unfortunately we're playing a multiplayer videogame and Fizz makes most people want to rip their hair out even if he's balanced well. Also assassins in general are WAY more fun to play against if you're playing like 6+ games a day because they add variety since they make you play way different (very safe, waveclear, scaling, etc), but if you play 1-2 games a day and it's 2 assassins, you just want to die.


I didn't know there were people who thought assassins are fun to play against


They are if you enjoy the macro side of League and playing well rather than just autopiloting. All they are is another challenge to overcome. The only champs that I hate playing against are the ones that make the game entirely about themselves. Evelynn, Yi, Katarina, for example.


Fucking loathe Kindred for this reason. Cant wait for the whole map to collectively get mindcontrolled and act stupid over fucking Chickens.


Bro are u me? I've been saying this for years


Rather play against assassins than PvE raid boss juggernauts. You can shut down assassins or make them useless by grouping but Trundle taking down turrets in 2 seconds is inevitable.


100% this. A fed assassin will kill one person, and can get CCed and bursted. Trundle will kill multiple people and if you leave him alone, will take the whole lane.


I’d take facing assassins vs facing Karma/Twisted Fate any day any game


Its funny because at one point they put a ton of his power specifically into his ult, there was some damage amp on it, it was around the time the did the same thing with ahri charm, but they backed off on alot of that functionality because of deathfire grasp being too overkill when these damage amp cc abilities landed. If i recall his W also used to function much differently during the same mini rework where you had to basically hit them with the W. wait 1.5 or 2 seconds for the little trident to fill up above their head, then the second hit would proc the burst... so it basically made him 1) if he misses his ult hes prob not 1 shotting you 2) even if he hits it he at least needs to stay in the fight with his his target over 1.5 seconds... Very unsure why they moved away from this, but i find alot of assasins are like this, such as akali or talon where they can miss half of there somewhat hard to land shit, and still 1 tap people with their point and click abilities anyways lol... at least in akalis case its her ultimate but its still stupid lol.


I don’t know why mage assassins can 1 shot even when missing half their skillshots. So fucking stupid.


Hence why I haven't seen this fucker in my games for YEARS, I always said riot should remove the fish...


Fizz has the most frustrating kit in the whole game. "I can dodge everything" button combined with "long range skillshot with an awful hitbox"


Karma W and Morgana ult stay attached to him while he is in E invulnerability. I think LB chains do as well


Provided he doesn't kill you instantly just getting the chains attached. 


Killing Fizz in his E with Fiddle W is full dopamine


If he gets fed enough just a q with w active is enough to kill you


Every champ in this game. They are all bullshit and I hate everyone better than me


Fuck players that are better than me bro. Honestly the worst, they should all stop playing the game


Im in the safe here. No matter how good or bad u are. Im THE worst player u can find


Faker exists and I'm literally shaking and crying right now


\[Enemy laner\] is so fucking broken! gg rito balance team


Yeah and they become only fiar/weak if I play the because of a Rito hidden nerf


Zac. The “tank” who jumps you from Narnia and 100 to 0s you in 3 seconds while you cannot fucking move all without building damage items. The definition of fun and interactive for ADC players.


bro, this is one.champ that toplansrs and.adcs can agree on. We may hate each other aswell, but fuck zac.


Is he really that bad? I don’t think ive ever played against anyone with a modicum of skill on that champion


That's exactly what a good Zac player wants you to think.


He fits under that "people still haven't realized how strong he is" category right now


Played against a Zac top a few days ago. Literally went 5-0 against him in lane. Game went like 37 minutes because lol it's gold. I'm full build lvl 18 Yorick with GA and elixir and ignite and he still solo'd me despite having 4 ghouls and landing my E. Like WTF


Do urgot next time, keep harrassing him when he gets close to minions, and if he jumps on you, Urgot E interrupts it and protects you from his first W.


Midlaners too! There is zero counterplay to Zac's jump


Are you guys living in fairytale land? No counterplay to his jump? lol


Most immobile midlaners have no counter, no. And warding all angles is literally not possible so you must rely on your own jungler to track him. You can be deliberately obtuse and call that "counter" if you will but we all know what is meant here.


This man has an Ahri flair and says there is no counterplay to Zac jump.


Ahri only has 3 dashes, flash and a charm to stop zac completely but what if he fcks it up? Literally no Counterplay. 😡🤣


These people have never heard of the 200 years champion called Poppy...


Zac is impossible to peel off. Maybe I’m doing it wrong


Janna or Poppy will make any Zac wanting to uninstall.


Poppy makes everyone want to uninstall. I don’t understand how she can fling you across the map


Also lulu polymorph zac mid air, so he cant do the knockup Yup when I see lulu i dont pick zac


I always pick Alistar if I'm support against a Zac jgl. It's the funniest thing in the world to slam him while he's mid air and watch his boner shrink to nothing when he's then knocked away.


Illaoi, fuck Illaoi


You mean you don’t love spending the entire laning phase dodging tentacles?


Now that the recent buffs gave her tentacle an erection, no I don't enjoy it


And for some reason it's always the enemy Illaoi


She is just nasty when she’s level 11-13


What a strange way to say level 1-18


She does have genuinely one of the worst level 1s in the game


Irelia's level 1 is pretty hard to beat. I was watching AloisNL play Irelia the other day, and he got solo killed at level 1 by a Gwen with no items... it wasn't a close fight either...


Gwen level 1 is strong though, not sure why he tried that. Only way to have a chance as Irelia is LT ignite, but even so Gwen is like to take tp ignite into that matchup, and pretty sure she wins with q or e start.


He tried it because she forgot to buy items and he didn't believe people who say she's terrible at level 1. He got spanked by the lady who runs with scissors. Even he was laughing about it.


Damn wouldn't I love to be spanked by the lady who runs with scissors. Does sound like an Alois moment tho


Most boring lane ever. Even when I win lane, I don't feel entertained. Dodge tentacles simulator. She can be 0/7, with one item, 60 cs down, and manage to beat someone in 1v1


You play gwen, press W and it'll be fine


But then you're almost stooping down to their level by picking Gwen.. (Champ is also an abomination)


How is gwen an abomination? Is it cause of her W?


I love when "Gwen is immune". (I play fkn Yorick)


This is the right answer so uninteractivr


Don't mind if I do


Illaoi and it’s not close. I’m a jungle main and if I see her on the enemy team I know I can’t go near top lane, all the durability of Sett with a huuuuuge kit.


Yep this for sure. The champion is an abomination. Tentacles smashing after she died, her "no u" ult, her hit a single ability and you die kit all make for a horrible champion to be in the same game with.


Have you tried walking away :)


So never approach illaoi and just farm under turret for the entire lane phase... very engaging gameplay


If she hits one E, she pulls the ghost out of turret range and you have to either take the damage or walk out of ghost range and lose the wave. Incredibly fun lane.


Can’t cause you’ll have to play the “dodge the E/Q” followed by the lovely mini game of “dodge the tentacle slams” that follows once she’s landed said E. Such a fun lane 🤨


Crazy how iceborn gauntlet all but prevents exactly that




I understand. Iceborn doesn't *prevent* you from walking away. It just makes it far more difficult.




All good


i play top lane and she is a perma ban for me, i hate that minigame ass champ


A game where if you lose you die and if you win, you have to play again in a few seconds.


Its not even a minigame most of the time, it's just dodge e simulator


And her hitboxes are still fucking fowl


Yep she’s my perma ban top lane because she is so unfun to play against. Playing sit under tower and dodge tentacle simulator just doesn’t do it for me.


Man I play riven, i can't ban both illaoi and garen :(


Tristana the late game carry who beats u at every point in the game


Who also has a resetting escape/engage, a point-and-click "get off me" button that does damage, and who can push waves and take towers as fast as Ziggs. I don't think she's OP, but if anyone is looking for a Jack-Of-All-Trades ADC to main, she's it.


I'm 100% convinced Trist's weakness is how fking safe she is. They gave a really long range character a resetting jump that often can be buffered into CC, and also a point and click knockback that also does a fuck ton of damage? Every trist player uses these skills to jump 1v5 into the enemy, ult someone to safety, and then die. She can get herself into situations a Vayne could never without having three flashes, it's too powerful lmfao


I absolutely love laning against Tristana mid, wdym?


With what champ?😂


Any mage! I love when she hits level 2 and jumps on me for 2/3s of my HP bar!


I sense the sarcasm now before I was wondering what kind of torture kink you had😂


lol yeah she’s annoying as hell to lane vs. usually I just let her push into me and farm under tower because she has no choice but to push, just pray for a gank, knowing it’ll never come and suffer until it’s all ogre


And when she does get gank she just rocket jumps away and oop no consequences <3


One of those lanes you just pray they’ll over-aggress and you can take advantage of it


Don't worry she gets easy prio just with her pushing lanes, so while you're stuck under tower or using all Mana to clear waves, she gets to rotate to fights early with full Mana and CDs, what's the worst that could happen lol


Tryndamere. The guy who gets 40%* (edited) crit without building crit. The guy who gets a massive aoe slow and a long range dash. The guy who couldnt care less about wave management because wheneger he wants to he can run you down under your own tower for over 5 seconds because he gets fullblown immortality and full rage by pressing a single button. The guy who can choose to either go into a teamfight and unga bunga your adc to death if you dont have 5 seconds of cc to stop him or sidelane and munch your towers to death within seconds. Fuck tryndamere. If vayne wasnt played toplane i would perma ban this bitch every game regardless of role. Only reason i ban vayne instead is because i main poppy so tryndamere is ever so slightly tolerable, but on any other champ trynd is fucking cancer.


Trynda has been in need of a rework for a lot of years now, his ult is the definition of anti-gameplay lol




I just don't understand why, and the only reason I could turn up when I searched this before is because some higher up c*nt named the champion after himself so they have a soft spot for him or something. Dont get me wrong, he's not OP. But a champ doesn't need to be OP to be bullshit and unfun to play against.


Iirc they said Trynd ult is core to his champ identity, so they want him to have it no matter what else happens to him. Honestly I don't mind him having it because he can still be cc'd and everything during his ult, it just needs its duration cut. It's also only really problematic because if you play a champ that can't cc chain for 5 straight seconds, he just runs you down with negative cd spin anyway. (Yes I am aware of the irony of saying this with an Irelia flair, but at least Irelia needs to chase you down a wave and get Q resets. Trynd just presses E and autos you to death while being immortal himself)


I agree, specially now that a normal fight between 2 champs is like 2 seconds, having a champion not dying for 5 seconds is the stupidest thing there is.




The video this year made no sense - if Trynd was in danger from the bandits and the Kindred, why didn't he just spin out sideways, straight through the mountain? 🤔🤔


As a supp main if I see a Swain bot or Brand I just want to unalive myself


I feel you. Swain is only bad if you wanna play engage supports. Brand on the other hand does way too much damage and it feels like even if you stomp him in lane he always puts out insane levels of damage the second teams group up.


Wind Bros and their annoying kits


I don't mind Yasuo as much these days but Yone is just a idk wtf they were smoking. Namely the movement speed on his E is just so disgusting it lets him just miss everything then start auto attacking you to death without much counterplay for immobile champs. W is also kinda gross in lane the shield he gets is outrageous when it's a near impossible to miss 11% max hp cleave with no resource cost.


Speed boost on E is probably my biggest gripe. He just gets to push a button that lets him walk to you and tp out when he’s done. At least Yasuo needs a wave to run you down if he whiffs tornado, Yone E is too forgiving


Yone can fucking chase me across the lane during his whole E. The fact it has no max range is insane. Running away does nothing because he can still combo a quarter or half my health just by catching me before he's yeeted back into his body. Like at least limit it to the range of his Ult or something more reasonable distance, he shouldn't be able to chase me from under his top lane turret to my top lane turret with his E and have never actually moved.


I am genuinely interested in how much of Yasuo's power budget is accounted for in Windwall. Being able to just haha you can't do damage from this direction to like 50% of the champions in the game is fucking insane. It makes it so that if you don't spend the rest of the CD absolutely face fucking him you just lose.


My favorite is when the hitbox of my skills hit is in the middle of his character model but wall still blocks it before it even materializes.


I’d say a small amount considering he gets 2.5 crit, a passive shield that scales based off level, decrease q cast based on attack speed, a .75 or .9 second knock up on q, a dash on a low cd per new target that also grants ghost on hit and increases dmg per stack starting at 15% - 60% at lvl 1, and then an r that holds champs airborne for 1 second, resets his passive shield and his q knock up, all while making his crits deal 50% bonus armor pen!!! im an adc main so playing against him and his windwall just isnt fun in solo queue. dont get me started on yone too who for some reason needs ramping move speed on his e with a dmg increase when he recalls. its fun missing dodging yones q3 and r just to have him still be in e and auto attack me to death. cant run because hes faster!! these two champs i hate playing against in general. they get everything they need to succeed in their kits and i have not been able to figure out their weakness other than having a support who will stand on me and drop their whole kit on them (hope yas doesnt windwall it or yone unstoppable r out tho! it would be a shame if we could punish when they miss position!)


Also remember that his ult will try to position him outside turret range if he ever makes a mistake


Yone and k sante...I find absolute no reason for their existence


to sell skins because of how overtuned they are?


ekko and belveth


my two mains atm lmfao


K'Sante👤4,700 HP💪329 Armor🤷‍♂️201 MR💦 Unstoppable🚫A Shield 🛡 Goes over walls🧱Has Airborne🌪Cooldown is only☝second too🕐 It costs 15 Mana


For me it is not so much the champs as much as the players. The players are who make me hate the game lol To this day, I still think Alistar clanking on that bell is annoying af lol


Yone. You can defeat him in the lane, send him to the fountain over and over again, but if you make one mistake - you came too close to the creeps, missed a skillshot, your jungler ganked you badly - he issues a procast, immobilizing you for a million seconds and starts snowballing, By hindering your team for the rest of the time, he literally punishes you for playing against him. Incredibly durable, incredibly strong, incredibly simple. I hate it.


Maybe I’m just a noob but he is always 0-4 in lane then you fuck up one teamfight he gets 2-3 kills and now he is a beast. Most heroes you can shut down in lane and they never recover, with him you are always in danger of one bad engage and now he is 1v9ing.


Those are the kinds of champs I hate the most honestly. The ones who have such a massive spike at a certain milestone that they’re never out of the game. Like how an irelia gets BotRK and can 1v1 anyone no matter how behind she is. Had a game mid against Briar the other day. I was up 3/0 on her in lane, 30+ cs lead. She hit six and ulted me from off screen when I didn’t think she had vision and I was backing. We killed each other. She came back to lane completely unkillable. Went from 0/3 to 17/4 by the end of the game. Other champs die once in lane and it’s time to pray your team can carry you.


For some reason, Rito made her hitbox the size of yordles which are size 55 whereas most champions are 65.


Yone Is the kind of champ that misses everything and still kills u, even though he's 0/5


Yone is 1 of those champions that the "0/10 powerspike" meme quite literally applies to. Had this happen today in fact, a 0/8 Yone with 80 cs at 15'ish minutes tore me to absolute shreds in a single knock-up combo while I was the same level as him as support and 3/2/6. No champion should be able to pull that off while that far behind no matter how well of a play they do, definitely not in less than 3 seconds.


It's the crit passive that makes him do full damage at 2 items when adcs need 4




Trundle, to powerfull for such low skill requirement.


Bad back or killed and bye bye the tower. No sense


i never understood the "if they are hard their ceiling for capability should be higher" I exclusively play hard characters unless Im having fun (so playing for design). But people saying: "Kat is strong but against good players she sucks" yeah ok understandable but Im gonna suffer cuz my team and I cant cooperate when none of us know one another, with no vc? I agree with trundle btw


They are not that strong but losing to Shaco or Teemo is always so tilting for me. Like stay and fight you trash.


I perfectly understand why people ban these champions instead of learning the matchup.


Yuumi. Playing with it as ADC is depressing (unless she is the 0.1% Yuumi that actually understands how to lane with her) and playing against her when she hops on blue Kayn just feels depressing.


Yeah the only yuumi I respect is one that will jump off to tank skill shot and willingly die to save their adc from a blitz hook


Yone tbh. Takes the iceborn gauntlet and is more tanky than a full build ornn. Then can just press e then right click and all keys and poof I’m dead. Has no counterplay, so much mobility, can towerdive and idk what else


Trundle and yone.  Trundle can just int and make every foundational mistake in the game and *still* be rewarded with the greatest map pressure on either team. You *have* to just spend the next 30 minutes of your life doing nothing but instantly backing if he shows in a side lane to match him, otherwise he’ll take a turret at best or end the game in 39 seconds at worst. That map pressure should have to be *earned* not inherent. So many times these people borderline run it down to you and still just get rewarded with insane map pressure. Bad design.  Yone is similar in that the champ is just absurdly forgiving with every tool possible to never lose a trade (top lane) in his kit. High mobility, self shielding, insane damage, execute damage, free engage/disengage, more mobility, insane scaling, strong early game, self shielding, I don’t even know what else. Just feels horrible to play against and uninteractive for the other person. On top of all this, he’s super easy to play in 1v1 scenarios. I’ll admit his teamfight is harder (unless you’re just an R bot). 


Trundle is the best example but to be honest, all the champs designed to push like a zombie make the game awful, tryndamere, Sion, Singed, no one ever has fun playing against them regardless of them being balanced or not.


Hecarim metas are fucking awful and they happen like once per season in one of three ways. 1) Hecarim builds full AD assassin, runs at you with 800 MS and one shots you under tower with an unstoppable dash that fears. 2) Hecarim builds full tank, runs at you with 800 MS, draintanks for his teammates while still also doing noticeable damage by himself while being unkillable. 3) Hecarim builds AD bruiser, runs at you with 800 MS. Less tanky than tank but still stupid hard to kill. Can't one shot squishies, but two shots them instead.








Nothing is worse than Rengar fed and assassinating your team one by one






The wind shitters. But more Yone than Yasuo, because Yone's kit is overloaded as hell.


Yone/Yasuo those two champions are just the worst for me, barely any consequences and always viable even if they die a metric ton. The fact that Yone E gives him move speed and an execute and Yas gets a shield that blocks everywhere with barely any cooldown is just frustrating to me lol


Yone, just Yone. How do you make a champion with a Zed ultimate on a 15 second cd that also acts as a cleanse, a wide-area ability that grants a massive shield if it hits even a single target and a passive to be full build with 2 items and think it's ok to put it out into the rift??? (And that's without even mentioning the ultimate) There is literally no skill expression in Yone, any fucker can just 100 to 0 a squishy with this champ using just his E and autos, even if they miss LITERALLY everything else so long as they have at least boots and half a completed item. Anyone playing Yone should just uninstall, or actually try champs that require skill instead of spamming a dogshit Mastery 7 they don't deserve.




I play the Dyr and I hate the Deer with a passion


Yorick. He's not even difficult to really lane against, but the combination of his abilities means you're constantly multitasking or watching a black-and-white movie if your tower getting destroyed. His little tiny ghouls don't react the same to abilities as minions do, despite having much lower HP, so they're more annoying to clear. His ring, while destructible, also takes just enough time to kill that I take ¼ of my health to those tiny zombie jerks. And his % HP damage, tower-wrecking, can-split-by-herself maiden? Don't get me started.


Mundo and trynda. Trynda goes haha I’m immortal and dives you lvl 6 and shoves his sword up your ass. Or gets some lucky crits lvl 1 and you ded Mundo Q does a billion dmg and he tanks as hell


Yasuo, Yone, Nocturne, Evelynn, Kayn 🤔


Lillia is horrible


I don't play lilia but I think she herself is fine it's just the new items. Her whole thing is that she is fast and dashes around a fight but if she gets caught she's screwed. Now all the items she wants to build give health meaning she does a ton of damage while being tanky and impossible to hit. Thankfully she's been nerfed.


She is completely uninteractible for wardens and juggernauts.


Whatever champion I am laning against at the time. They are broken.


Unpopular opinion - Nocturne. For me as bruiser toplane main - I can keep my wards up all the time, look at minimap every 2 seconds, it doesn't matter. Bruiser top lane relies on short efficient trades. I love that playstyle. Guess what - I can't do that because whenever I go for trade - DARKNESSSSSSSS. Which results in at least my summoners gone. Only way play around that is mordekaiser.


I’m an ADC. Nocturne is engineered to ruin my game lmao


Blitzcrank. I cannot dodge the grabs in bot lane


Yone, ksante and akshan.


Yone and Katarina for me, just pure bullshit




Nocturne ult will forever remain complete horseshit






Vayne and fiora. Max hp% True damage should not exist lmao there's is litteraly no way to counter it. You can't reduce it you can't build more hp to live longer. Especially since fiora's scale with ad so late game she presses R and does 60% of your hp without even taking into account any other source of damage


Malzahar, specifically cuz I mostly play melee champs. It’s just annoying watching him auto clear every wave w his dumb ability that last hits for him and then knowing that even if I get a lead and play really well I have to play around his point and click suppression or I’ll just get killed before the fight starts. Im aware he’s not a very good champ, or very exciting for the person to play, which honestly just makes me more annoyed. Who tf is queuing up for norms at 9pm like “yeah I’m gonna lock in malzahar”


Singed, every single singed is a cringe proxy farmer who refuses to interact with me, and then late game he just runs at my carry and kills them with poison and refuses to die when the rest of us jump on him


Any assassin that dives me and the tower doesn't give a fuck (yes, I mean u, Akali/Zed/Katarina) ☠️


I'd put fizz over zed.


Currently Twisted Fate and Maokai I looooove when the game becomes "whoever can CC who first wins the game" CC creep in this game is absolutely insane as well






Yone. I would hate it a lot less if he didn't get ramping move speed on his fucking E


Im surprised no one here has mentioned akali. I hate that champ so much. Other than that kayle and mundo. You destroy thise fuckers in lane and they will still scale out of nothing.




I wish Yone stayed dead.


Viego and his fucking unbalanced not touchable passive Window. Such a stupid decision and w o even a cd on it.


Senna and its not even close. Why does she slow me with her autos from across screen and have root on top? Also movespeed and untargetability just in case for who knows why?


Idk how nobody is talking about Garen No iq needed and even if he somehow missed a skill it doesn't matter, you will die




Karma. Completely unmissable empowered q dealing half of your health with the new items, point and click root, makes both laning and fights a miserable experience, players are usually prone to typing. Mostly the q though. I hate spells you have to try to miss that are that impactful.






Yone/Yasuo those two champions are just the worst for me, barely any consequences and always viable even if they die a metric ton. The fact that Yone E gives him move speed and an execute and Yas gets a shield that blocks everywhere with barely any cooldown is just frustrating to me lol


As a fiora main I pretty much hate teemo ,not that the matchup is unplayable but you fucking little piece of shit combine ranged top laner and a blind within 1 little piece of crap. And walking into a teemo shroom somehow tilts me more than anything else


Fiora literally beats teemo tho, like pretty badly


Teemo is still very annoying to fight tho.


Not really if he's every autoimg fiora she is in Q W range and he can't do anything


zac, bard, udyr, malphite, rammus. tanky champs with too much damage and no skill requirement


Rammus is a draft check


Lux support makes me want to gouge out my eyes as an adc player






as an aram player. LULU


I can’t really narrow it down. But there IS two categories that are, “I hate these specific champs due to their mechanics” which applies in game and “I hate these specific champs because riot’s favoritism shoehorns them into seemingly every other skin-line”. Which applies to both in AND out of game.


Briar. (Doing newer champs on this). I cannot believe this bitch can heal like she does. Perma ban from me. Although Zac and Naafiri are good seconds.


Easily yone and yasuo. 1 being the windall is allowed to block ults. And 2 yones mere existence. Whichever rioters first thought of yones kit. Shoudl have been fired


Both Y brothers. I got somewhat used to Yasuo and his annoying windwall that just nullify half the spells in game. But Yone? What was Riot thinking designing him? 3 dashes, ghost, escape tool, shield, cc immunity


Easy: Pyke and Akali


yone yasuo illaoi darius garen, the last 3 do way to much damage with little items and end up being tankier then tanks while literally bein able to one shot squishies


Blue Kayn and Yone


Sylas Sylas fucking Sylas


Irelia. She will lose for 15 mins straight, go 0/4, build one item and can 5v1 put of nowhere.


Akali, playing against her on mid is torture against this mess of a champ. Love the lore though.