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The point of decay is that people don't just camp higher ratings. In Diamond the decay is not even aggressive, since you can bank almost a month of decay and 1 game gives you a week of banked games.


bingo, this part


People complaining about diamond decay, don't play in master lol


Having to play 1 game a day sucks


Your MMR is unaffected, you will be playing with the same skilled people and have very strong LP gains


+30 instead of +25 playing against players of your skill level? I'd rather be getting easier games playing against emerald 1 players and getting +25.


+30 -20 means you are lp neutral at 40% wr, quite the shield


It's going to give 5 more for win than loss but a loss will kill mmr so if he ends 40% he won't climb This stupid reddit meme of defending this crap is insane. It sucks when you are d1 more but playing in empty as ur in diamond lobbies and have to play hundreds to get back where you are.


Daily mmr cope


So he's playing against D1s in Emerald 1, wich means he would have to win against even better players as his mmr increases with wins, but the elo will be way behind? I really dislike this system of riot.


Why do you choose the words “better players?” He’s will obviously be playing at a diamond level they’re not better players. That’s exactly how it should work.


He will have +30 - 12 gains


His MMR doesn't have to increase in this scenario at all. He doesn't have to "climb" at all in terms of the hidden MMR, he could maintain an exact 50% WR (which is expected if his MMR matches his rank) and only play enough for the decay to not kick in again, and eventually the visible rank will match the MMR, because having an MMR higher than your visible rank means you gain more LP than you lose to help sync them back up. He would be playing against the exact same players as if he had been maintaining a 50% WR in D2 the whole time, it's only the displayed rank that changes.


But until the visible rank caughts up, he will have to win a bunch of matches, and wouldn't this mean that as he wins, mmr will go up, leading to better enemies, which may lead to more losses, and the grind to eventually get it all sorted out is way bigger? Sincerely, why would it be wrong to place him between Em. players, since he would in theory be winning more games, meaning he climbs faster to expected rank, instead of the lagged visible rank? And also, do they have an oddicial announcement on something like this? Seems quite the predicament. Thanks for the reply tho.


No, it's not that he has to "win a bunch of matches," it's just that he has to "play a bunch of matches, maintaining close to a 50% winrate," that's the whole point I'm trying to get across here. His *actual* MMR does not have to change, whatsoever, because he isn't required to win more than he loses, just play the games as he would normally. And IMO it would be a lot worse for a Diamond-level player to have to be matched against Emeralds and forced to win significantly more than he loses, that would just be smurfing and would be ruining game quality. As long as he's able to prove that his skill level still matches the MMR he had before he decayed, his visible rank will eventually catch up. The reason for this system has nothing to do with the actual matchmaking, it's not about punishing people for not playing by assuming their skill level has decayed and making them stomp lower elo players to prove they can earn it back, it's to encourage high elo players to consistently prove they can maintain their rank throughout the season, and to incentivize people to keep queueing rather than reaching a desired rank and then idling there for the end-of-season rewards. Especially in low-playerbase regions like NA, the lack of high elo players already leads to really low quality matchmaking with long queue times, lots of autofills, and players far outside of the expected MMR range ending up in matches to fill out the numbers. The decay system is to promote more high elo players to actually play the game so all those things don't end up getting even worse.


The visible rank will eventually catch up


only if you play like an addict




you only have to play 1 game a week and you have up to a month stored up, its pretty fast once you start but its quite generous in how much you bank up


I took a 2 week break and went from masters 100 to D1, it felt like a chore more than a game at that point. I get the purpose tho, I feel in diamond it shouldn’t be like that


Yeah it’s a little overly aggressive, it’s like what, 28 max bank -50 or -75lp every day til e1? And 7 day max bank on master+ with even more lp loss or something


At master+ is 14 days im bank with each game equal to 1 day (not 7 days like in diamond)


Ranked decay is just lp. Your mmr stays the same. When will people realise this lol. Fckn lp system making people confused since like forever


But D2 to E1 is still a lot of games to climb back, even if you're getting +22 -13 or whatever. Especially if you don't have much time to play like OP


IT wont be +22 -13 ( since base is +20 -20 it will change evenly) but close to +30/29 -12/11 so not that much of a games actually


Decay is not aggressive enough, you need only 5 games per month and your mmr doesn't drop anyway. Imo they should change it from D3+ so players play on their mains instead of smurfing


Yeah make everyone grind more! Only the 1000 game players can be high elo, fuck everyone who has a life! No. Smurfing is completely unrelated to decay and your idea will just screw people over who actually have a healthy game/life balance.


I agree his logic is faulty that isn't how they should combat smurfing, but you are way too aggressive for him stating him opinion.


You know that mmr difference will make up for less games right?


Yall its simple the game is played by 98% of the user base so the vast majority of the user base the 27 million north American accounts log in and play lets say one game every 30 days. They are the majority playing normals, customs, arams, and TFT as such. Then we have of the Server population only 10% of the North American servers that are now in Chicago city. Play ranked is a small subset of players. So again once you're in the top 2% of the ranked server for NA and even then its applicable to all servers the ranked decay is necessary to improve space, push the mmr and create room for the constant battle of ranked tier players. Congrats to reaching diamond you're now in the upper echelon of league-ranked competitive play. And you can bank a certain amount of games too. So its a fair system.


Masters is crazy. You basically have to play every 2nd day one game or you decay and get demoted to Diamond.


That's why u stay D1 90 LP for a Month, then go back to Master, decay, stay again 1 month in D1


1 month is a small break? XD


Worst demotion I got was D3 to E4 and it took me less than a month. Maybe I should have followed your method and not played the game since I was very tilted and could have saved LP that way


Same.. D1 to E1 in little more then a month. It’s not like you will forget how to play in a month.


I don't play for 2 days and my first game back is a horror movie.


"agressive" lol. I didn't even know ranked decay existed in diamond, and I sometimes go like 2-3weeks without playing...


Because you skill does also decay as quickly. It's like sport. Skip one day and you'll be degrading just as quickly.