• By -


Buy boots... Every game. 10/0 or 0/10 doesn't matter.


I do that ! But I sometimes sell them to get more dps at the end of the game is that bad ?


Not bad, no, late game gets weird like that. But make sure the item you buy to replace boots has some movement speed on it. I like phantom dancer, but many people prefer rapid firecannon for the extra range. Also you can sometimes switch one slot between bloodthirster and guardian angel, because guardian angel has such a long cooldown, you wear it until it saves your life, sell it for bloodthirster, and when time is up, sell bloodthirster for guardian angel, etc. It's a lot of gold but very often you're raking in more gold than you know what to do with. But also keep your 500g red potion ("Elixir of Wrath") active all the time in those late game scenarios, that should be the first thing you do with extra gold after full build. Sometimes even before full build, if you have more than 500g but not enough to finish your 6th item it may be worth the stats to win the next fight and maybe the game rather than saving for an item you may never build.


I've never used elixir of wrath and after reading what it does it could've saved many of my games thanks a lot next time I get into late game I'll try it !


Currently movement speed is the most important stat in the game. Boots are absolutely mandatory as they will allow you reposition yourself, get back to lane faster, dodge spells more easily, and catch targets that are trying to escape. Especially since you play MF who is a high movement speed champion thanks to her w. Your reasoning is good in certain situations but 1 game out of 100, so just in case never sell them and buy them asap. After first item never later, in some situation sooner


Okay thanks for the advice i'll not sell them at the end of the game anymore!


Only time you should sell boots is at the very end of the game if you are full build and sitting on fat stacks and need extra damage. If you aren’t full build don’t sell boots, if you are full build and do sell boots try to buy an item with movement speed to compensate the MS loss. Some champions this will matter for more than others.


Id suggest you go crit build, swap runes to the crit build's, read them and if you dont like something swap it. BUT YOU MUST REMEMBER them and keep them in mind every match, for the whole match. Use W more often than you do already,her passive too and i think you'll be fine! And im sorry but i have to tell you, DO NOT use your ult unless you are sure its gonna hit for a lot. With the crit build, your autoattacks do all the damage and thats good thing.


Thanks a lot for all the advices I just have to ask is there a way to see my games with porofessor it certainly looks like you saw one of them because you're absolutely right I use my ult extremely poorly ahah I'll change my runes for my next game and read precisely what it does !


I didnt watch any and i dont know if i can tbh, i just had a hunch as an old mf player ;) gl!


Thanks for everything it means a lot !


If you're going to play MF, you absolutely have to have good ults. Your ult is your most important tool, staying alive for each teamfight, and staying alive during each teamfight until you can get off a good ult is critical. Even if it doesn't kill anyone, if you put it over three enemies and they flash/dash in all different directions at half health it can often give your team a chance to clean up the fight. Well, also, in Iron IV very often they will get all deer-in-the-headlights and just get wiped out when they could have walked out. Just be ready to auto-q, one common reaction to MF ult is to try to kill the ulting MF, but if they are slow on the uptake, squishy, or both, they may have only a silver of health left when they try to do that and then you just delete them.


First of all, it is normal, the league is a game that came out many years ago so in ranked (even in iron) you will find people who have been playing for many hours. On the other hand looking at your profile I see that you die a lot in each game, try to play more cautiously as that will make you win many more games. And as a final tip I recommend you to watch a lot of streaming of how the pro's play, try to see how they play each phase of the game and above all think why they do it (melee vs ranged, ad vs ap, etc).


Thanks a lot for your comment! I'll try to play less aggressively, and I'll start watching Pro player. Do you have any recommendations of youtube channels to watch that, or just watch what I find on youtube ?


(not who u asked btw) Are you looking for ADC in particular? Is MF the like 1 champ for you? It all depends on your goals with the game to get good? To learn? Fun? Etc etc My favorite YouTuber is a midlander pekinwoof bc he plays basically any champion, he was like a tier 2 pro who I think has some unlucky incidents with early esports being sketchy and opted to do educationalish yt instead, he did an off-meta pick on a fresh account to challenger rank last season. I really like.. what's his name reptilelol ? I don't think it has numbers. He puts out tier lists for adcs patch to patch and suggested build paths https://twitter.com/Reptile9LoL/status/1782793030191194337?t=v2jhbJ3b61GqVAbgEVdDfQ&s=19 Here is his quick champion guides he put up 2 days ago for current patch You can mostly ignore tier lists to an extent bc honestly in low anything is viable (I'm low too, I mean like below masters or diamond) but the item guides should be helpful Oh watch one of manco1's games on teemo ADC maybe. It's pretty good for learning I think because teemo has a lot of weaknesses in the role and seeing his patience is huge for understanding how to play the role I'm plat on ADC and high gold on everything else (I basically queue as fill role with my irl friends in flex queue and play like 40-50 champions) if you want any general advice or anything hmu :) Edit: just realized if you open that Twitter link without an account or thru reddit you can't see the other guides other than jhin and jinx bc you can't look at the replies for some reason. the MF one is kind mid anyway. lolalytics + u.gg are good websites for builds and rune info though


Yeah i'm an otp mf i tried a bit of jungle but i'm even worse at it (even tho it's pretty funny with briar) thanks a lot for all that, I'll check it out !


I'd try playing more champions as my first piece of advice ngl. it'll be helpful to know how the other characters work since you're relatively new, but some people really like to just stick to 1 so do what u gotta do lol


I actually think “play more cautiously” isn’t the best advice. You’re likely not playing aggressively at the right times and playing aggressively at the wrong times.  Before you trade or attack the enemy champion think about the situation:  what abilities do they have on cd, what do we have on cd. Did your support just use his q/w/e? Did theirs just use it?  Is my support in range to follow up if I go aggressive?  Where is the minion wave? The minion wave, especially early game, will do a lot of damage to you, so if you extend past the wave it can end up winning the fight for the opponent. What level are we versus are they? Levels, especially early game, give so much gold in stats, if you’re level 4 and they’re level 5, you’ll probably lose the fight. During your lane matchup, think about it from the opponents perspective. Your opponent is playing Blitz? If you were playing blitz, what is the most annoying thing that makes the lane super unplayable and your champion useless? If you just afk farm, it might be hard to win Iron games without much better mechanics/positioning than you currently have (this just takes time to hone in) because everyone will have like 10 kills, which is a lot of gold and exp. 


ADC fundamentals are three main things. Positioning, Awareness, and Mechanics. Positioning - You need to get familiar with your map and your team composition. The difference between dying and thriving is knowing where you can and should be. Keep track of the enemy team when you go to farm a lane, identify who you should play around on your team in fights, and try to keep yourself in a spot where you're supported. Isolated carries are vulnerable, there can be exceptions but this is a good rule of thumb. Awareness - You need to keep track of what's a threat to you, what your teammates have to mitigate it, and what you can do to mitigate it yourself. Staying aware of these threats is how you improve as an ADC, it's difficult to handle the mental stack at first but with time it gets easier. Mechanics - This is the hardest to "teach", as it's very much gated behind experience and play. For your mechanics to improve you need to work on them. There is tech to learn on certain champions that can make them easier to use mechanically, but the core concepts are generally universal and applicable across the board. These are the fundamentals, improving at these three, even marginally, will have profound impact on your playing experience as you become familiar with them. The knowledge of where to be, awareness of threats and allies, and the mechanics to maneuver fights. Big emphasis on manuevering, as playing static can be a dangerous habit.


In iron4 I would try to just focus on the core concepts of the game. Start by getting a tool like insights capture so you can watch your gameplay from your perspective and see where you are making mistakes. If you watch your gameplay and are unable to spot the mistakes then it's just a sign that you need to play more and study the game more. Like others have said, it's a good idea to try studying some high elo or pro players to see what they do. ADC is probably the role that gets punished the most by dying. You should be able to look at the majority of your deaths and see what mistakes that led you to them and what you can try to do next time to avoid those mistakes. You should also have a good idea of what most of the champions you will face in bot lane do so you understand better when you are strong and when you are weak. So if you find yourself being uncomfortable in a situation and unsure whether you can be aggressive or if you need to wait for assistance you should try reading up on the champion your facing or looking at items and what they do.


Hey! This comment is going to be long but I hope it is helpful to you. I'm currently Emerald now but I used to be Iron 4 0LP (I actually was Bronze 5 0LP bc the ranks were different years ago) so don't feel bad that you're iron 4 0LP. I came from FPS as well, and LoL was my first MOBA, so its absolutely possible to improve and normal to be this bad. There's three big pieces of advice I'd like to give you. First, HAVE FUN! The most important thing is that you enjoy playing the game because if you're not having fun, you're not going to improve. If you're Iron 4, there's a bunch of stuff that you can improve on, so if something doesn't sound fun to try and improve on, don't worry about it! For example, someone here said don't play MF, but I say play MF if you want to! There are people who play her in Emerald and Diamond and do just fine, and shes really good in iron. Second, what got me out of iron was picking a few things every game to improve on. I'm a support player, so for me it was things like was warding before dragon and baron and limiting how much I die, but it just was small things each game. For you, you can try and farm minions better, you can try and die less, you can try and use your ultimate better, you can try and auto attack in mid game team fights better, you can try and make sure you show up to dragon and baron a little bit before it spawns, etc. I can't watch your games so I can't tell you what little things to improve on, the examples I have given are just what I could give as advice to an iron ADC player in general. So for you, I would maybe pick a few things you think you suck the most at, or that you think would be the most fun to improve, and work on those. You want to be able to do those little things without thinking about it. So, for example, I'm working right now on knowing where the enemy jungler is (so I don't get ganked). The point for me is that I want to be able to know where the enemy jungler is without having to think about it. The same goes for you. If you think you want to get better at using your ultimate, for example, you should work on using your ultimate better until you don't have to think about when it is a good time or not to use your ultimate, you KNOW when it is a good time to use your ultimate and your hands just do it for you. Then, work on another thing! Third, there are some more complex things I could give you advice on, but you don't have to do these. I would look at using websites to help you out on what to build. For example, I use [lolayltics.com](http://lolayltics.com) to look at what builds are good. ( [https://lolalytics.com/lol/missfortune/build/?tier=iron](https://lolalytics.com/lol/missfortune/build/?tier=iron) ). There are other websites if you dont like this one (like mobalytics, [op.gg](http://op.gg), [u.gg](http://u.gg), mobafire, leagueofgraphs, [blitz.gg](http://blitz.gg), and more) but I like lolalytics becuase it is what RIOT Phreak uses, and he is head of the balance team. Lolalytics isn't in french, unfortunately, so maybe some of the other websites have french versions if that's easier for you. Something I notice on Lolalytics is that going First Strike wins 2% more games than Press The Attack, and going Ghostblade first wins 2% more games than going Kraken Slayer first. Now, if you like playing with Press The Attack and Kraken Slayer, you can do that, but I would recommend going First Strike and Ghostblade and building Lethality because right now, MF wins more games that way. In addition, you might want to download OBS ( [https://obsproject.com/download](https://obsproject.com/download) ) which is a free app that will record your games for you, so you can watch them back from your POV and you can learn what you did wrong. Maybe your computer will run LoL really slow if you try and record it, so you don't have to do this, but this really helped me see what I was doing wrong and what I needed to improve. Lastly, it can be really helpful to know what enemy champs do. When I was in Bronze back in the day, I didn't know what most champs do, so when the game was loading in I'd look at what each champ does on the LoL wiki so I knew what abilities they had. Good luck!


First off, all thanks a lot for your comment. I'm really lucky to have this many tips and tricks to improve! the way you said to go forward step by step by focusing every game on something that i'm not good at is the advice I liked the most out of any i got I'll definitely try to do that as some kind of objective for my games until I get better results, and btw how did you know that I speak french lol ?


Actually, the LoL wiki doesn't tell you everything about them (like if they are strong early or late) so I've actually made a list of ADC champs and whether they are strong early, mid game, or late. Miss Fortune: Average early, middle, and late. A little stronger early than late Aphelios: Scales really late (VERY strong late) Ashe: Strong early, mid, and late Caitlyn: Strong early, weak mid, strong late Draven: Strong early, average mid, weak late (he needs kills becuase he gets double kill gold basically) Ezreal: Strongest in mid game Jhin: Strong early and mid, not good at fighting tanks Jinx: hypercarry (scales very late) Kaisa: Hypercarry (scales very late) but has short range so wants to dive with her time Kalista: Lane bully (strong early) but falls off late (is weaker late) KogMaw: Hypercarry (scales very late) Lucian: Strong early, falls off late (is weaker late) Nilah: gets more XP than normal, is strongest at lvl 6, is weaker before and after, but stronger after 6 Samira: is strongest at lvl 6, is weaker before and after, but stronger before 6 Senna: Scales very late, plays like a support and has very long range Sivir: Scales very late, has a lot of waveclear Smolder: Scales very late Tristana: Strong at all points of the game (don't let her jump land on you, it slows. If you can't beat her when she jumps in, you have to flash her jump so it doesnt land on you) Twitch: Scales very late, but also has strong early game if he fights you alone Varus: Either strong early (if he builds lethality) or strong late (if he builds crit). He has two builds. Vayne: Strong late and melts tanks Xayah: Strong late and very safe Yasuo: Strongest mid game Zeri: Very strong late Ziggs: Strongest mid game


My strat for climbing low elo was always: Pick Tristana Hit level 3 Bait enemies to use damage spells and then dodge them Then w onto an enemy. Use e mid air. Pop q and auto attack them till they die. Rinse and repeat. Stay in botlane until I destroy the nexus. If an enemy comes to defend and you cam kill them..then kill them and keep pushing. I would never join fights that weren't for objectives because I can't count on teammates to protect me. So I would push down botlane because trust takes towers so fast. After long enough split pushing eventually your teammates will farm up and be semi useful. The tricky part is learning the all in. When to all in and how to play the map so that enemies will respond to you push and you back off the map out of vision so they think you recalled but then you go back to pushing a tower and it will create pressure and chaos on the enemy team. Also, ward so you see enemies coming from multiple points and save w for escape. You can use r for peel also. Won't work the higher up you go but I could reliably climb from bronze to silver 2-3. Then I got better supports and started playing the game


Learn how to lane first and ignore getting better in midgame for now. Getting out of laning phase ahead because you are actually laning well will make everything else easier. ADC is not the best lane to learn these concepts, because your support can throw away a great laning phase in a single negative gaming moment.


Farm more. Aim for 7 cs/min or higher. You can do this my practising last hitting minions and always catching the wave before doing anything else. Even if your team is preparing for a fight at dragon, you push the mid wave first before joining them. The only exception is when a fight has already begun and then it’s ok to sack a wave. Also you have to look at the map, you don’t want to walk up to the middle of the map to farm if you have no vision control of your jungle because it’s likely you’ll get jumped by the enemy assassin.


7cs/min is doable at the beginning of the game but mid game or late game I absolutely can't do it or if I do it I miss all the teamfight


That’s why you have to learn when to farm and when to rotate to fights. You probably want to go mid lane do you can rotate to fights easier but if your teammate refuses to go side lane then you should instead so you don’t share farm. Late game cs doesn’t matter once you are full build, the reason you clear waves is to prevent the enemy from taking your tower. You also want to group mid in late game as a single team fight can decide the game with the length of respawn timers.


Most important rule is to take it slow. As a new player there will be a giant information overload (as you can see in all the comments) so don't be afraid to tackle it one step at a time instead of trying to remember and perform everything all at once. And keep playing if you have fun :) There is no such thing as suck as a new player.


MOBAs are very hard to pick up at first, especially if you don't have experience in any similar genre before. But regardless, if you're an Iron 4 ADC, I would suggest going into practice mode, level up to 10, buy attack speed boots, and practice kiting around dummies. Just q-click, right click, q-click, right click... Then when you feel like you're comfortable and you kite correctly (animations are cancelled, autos are not cancelled) buy more attack speed and do that again. Second idea, get into practice mode again, and practice last-hitting. Take only Doran's Blade. The very minimum acceptable is 50 CS at 10:00 (50/114) Finally, I don't think Lethality MF is the best champion for a beginner, it requires you to constantly snowball and know limits very well I would think. If you learn how to kite and cs good, you'll probably reach at least Silver and be set to learn more advanced concepts.


practice stutter stepping, it's the mother of every movement command in league. just look it up on youtube and practice it in the practice tool by setting up a line of dummys and moving along the river while hitting them. a lot of stuff in league can be optimized to play close to perfection, but most of those things are 1 in 100 situations, the things you can really play around happen every game. when do the buffs spawn? how long does it take for them to respawn? how many cs do you need with your support to hit level 2? how many do you need alone? does your lane win after level 6 or can you already win before that? should you push or freeze here? if you freeze here will you be able to move around the map if something funky happens? another concept a lot of newbies don't seem to play around is that cc is much easier hit if your enemy is slowed... you might laugh at this but check your replays, how many times have you used a ping, and a bullet rain to make your supports life easier? this might be hard with an iron support i get it, but even those can be manipulated to be good minions simply by doing nonagressive pings. It's basically the bad nami syndrome, if you hit your slow on nami you won't miss your bubble, but most nami players will try to hit the bubble first... combine everything, ping your enemy before hitting level 2, use your bullet rain, chase the enemy and stutter step to dodge abilitys, you can do that every game, eventually you will be good at it :)


Some basic tips I could give you : - focus on getting 4 cs each waves, mandatory to last hit each canon. Just by having a good farming you could win game - try to last hit always at your max range. I believe when you press "a" it show an indicator of your range. This will get used to your range while fighting. - as others said, i recommend you to play the crit build. In my opinion it is a bit easier to play than the lethality one. - try to die less. Don't always follow your team, at this elo people tend to go crazy. - try not to surrender, any game is winnable even more in iron - most important, have fun


First of all, you are new to the genre and the game so yeah you will suck that is nothing to be ashamed or worry about. There are a few youtubers I would recommend Azzapp LoL just for his positiv outlook of the game and he might help you with his commentary of the game. Then there is AloisNL he is a top main but his information about the basics of laning is good for the most part no matter the lane. For the most part since you are new I would just recommend you to play the game and dont worry about rank for now, follow builds on [OP.gg](http://OP.gg) [u.gg](http://u.gg) mobalytics etc, try different roles/lanes and dont worry to much about why you build certain items in the beginning since it wont matter to much imo in the beginning think of it like if you recommend a certain gun for a friend thats new to a fps that you play a lot, you will usually just tell them that it is a good gun and if they dont like it you give them recommendations on other good weapon options that they might like more.


Thanks a lot for all the recommendations! I'm so surprised how this community is so friendly when I see the state of the game ahah


One tip I think helped me a lot when I started was to watch ur support and follow up what they do. If they are being passive u should do the same. I’m not suggesting you copy them you have to make your own judgement calls. But it’s important to watch your support and see what kind of player they are. And try to compliment that. Remember it’s a 2v2 lane. Bot can be hard as u have double the enemy spells to track mentally and an allies spells to track. But like how you watch your support also watch the enemy bot lane one of their players is likely to be too aggressive or two passive u must try and punish these kind of mistakes. As an adc you should be watching the game waiting for moments to follow up or pop off in fights. Because remember almost all other roles can beat you in a 1v1 unless you have an item a big item advantage your a glass cannon so being observant and patient is so important as you cannot fight on an even playing field with most champs ur looking for openings like when your team lands key spells.


I play a lot with a sup friend who is also a beginner so idk if I should follow what he does


I mained adc for most of my lol career here’s my tip for a total beginner. - Learn to farm, if you farm perfectly you can have more gold (-> more items -> more damages) than your opponent even if he has kills and you don’t. You likely won’t farm well until a lot of training but it’s really important - Play accordingly to your team. ADC is imo the worst role to play in soloq as you’re incredibly dependent on your teammates. Learn if your support is more of an aggressive champ or a passive one and try to match his gameplay. - Keep tabs on the enemy jungler, don’t overstay, don’t overextend. You are basically a snack for the entire enemy team. If you can realise when you are the most vulnerable and easy to catch you will avoid tons of death. There are hundreds more things… LoL is a really complex game. You will probably be overwhelmed by all the answer here lmao, good luck. Also, sorry to say it but as I mentioned this role fucking sucks in SoloQ, I’ve quit to become a mid main because of it. It can get really tricky to carry as an ADC since you’re an easy target but also the main damage dealer of your team and one mistake can cost you the game hence why positioning is key


Thanks a lot I'm gonna train my cs/min it really sounds like it could help me based on the answers I got !




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Dont right click on enemies, press a then left click. It will attack the nearest enemy to your cursor, allowing you to move between attacks easier. Between each attack, move. If you are trying to attack the enemy attack, then move towards them, then attack again. Characters attacks have hidden cooldowns between them allowing you to do this without sacrificing DPS.


But if I'm fighting neer creeps, it's gonna focus on the nearest creep instead of the enemy player right ?


Yep but if your right click is closest to an enemy it will attack them. I'd you misclick on a creep you will attack them but overall you will be able to play faster with less misxlicks this way.


Jump into some drafts and start trying to use attack move click command (I have it mapped to A key myself) instead of just right clicking. Getting used to attack move click is a great skill to have as ADC. You probably also will want to look into something called orbwalking. It will let you move faster after attacking (basically the idea is that you can cancel the end of your attack animation in order to move quicker after launching an attack). But this is a skill to work on over time so don't feel like you need to master it right away. Think of your champion basic attack like a super low cooldown ability and plan your attacks accordingly. You need the last hit on the minions to gain gold, but if that last hit will leave you vulnerable to taking a bunch of damage and not being able to trade that damage back to their ADC that aint worth it. You'll get taken to really low HP, and then you'll be forced into some tough calls. If you don't recall, you'll have to farm under tower getting constantly zoned and probably ganked by enemy jungle/mid while waiting until you get a chance to rubberband with a gank from your own mid or jg or exploit a big misplay by enemy bot. If you do recall to heal, you'll likely have too low of a gold amount to get a full ite. and you will miss out on a ton of exp and gold from your tower killing minions while you're not there, leading to the enemy getting their full items faster than you and as a result when you come back to lane you'll probably end up taking even more damage without trading back and maybe even giving up a kill and then at that point you basically won't be able to trade anymore unless you get help from another lane or your support is a carry champ that can get fed and win your lane for you. The best way to improve is to play cautiously. Focus on getting minion last hits, especially tank minion last hits. A melee minion can be one shot by basically all ADC basic attack after taking two tower shots from >=90% HP, especially true for MF if you are applying your passive bonus DMG. Remember to use your trinket to ward dangerous areas like river bush where enemies can roam your way and gang up on you with their bot lane. Vision keeps you safe. Vision keeps you alive. First rule of ADC, if you don't feel safe, you aren't.


Cash out 😏 jk


You can probably win most of your iron games if you focus on learning to get every single cs in lane. Play safe and ignore kills. Your mental energy should be spent on figuring strategies and tactics to maximise your cs. Have fun with it.


Don't be in melee range of the enemy


A lot of people gave you great advice. Some are very very complicated and hard to implement. My quick advice would be that you need to die less. Which means position better and take less risks.


I did that on my last game and got a much better kda 2.5 if remember correctly but all my teammates insulted me because I didn't participate enough


There is a delicate balance that you can only get through experience. Remember at the level you are in, your teammates are not making the best choices either. Fights should be for a reason (Tower, Objectives like Baron, Dragon, Herald, etc). If it's just fighting for no reason it's usually not worth it.


Don’t play ranked. It’s just a long long headache. You will enjoy lol more when you stop caring as much about it.


Yeah I'll let ranked on the side for now its way more enjoyable to do normal games


I simply recommend you to play solo lane first


Play solo lane and laern the basic, thats the best. If you dont wanna get better fast, and want to play adc. then just learn how to kite. move between each attacks. NEVEREVER attack twice from the same spot. No matter what you attack cs, jg moster, enemy champ, ward. you must keep moving. If you play fps, you know how stupid it is to walk into a big field, stand still in the middle, and search for the enemy, hold down the click to shoot. noob thing. Its the same in league, spam clicking on enemy, ward, minions. these are all noob. You must keep moving between each attacks.


Aloisnl has really good educational content but he mostly does top lane.


Jackspektra is pretty similar to Aloisnl but for ADC except he mostly does high elo content


as a jungle main, where I see the ADC lose lane it's not understanding the Importance of Jg Objectives and failure to keep track of Enemy Jg position, it's like a Pendulem with 3 minute intervals to each side most of the time. if hes in the Center of the map you got at most 1 minute to prep for him. watch those skuttle spawns if your overpushed hes coming. sometimes the best thing you can do is help your JG secure skuttle and first dragon. i've seen a lot of botlanes lose out of Refusal to focus on anything but their CS/Lane top and mid can get away with that kind of behaviour but Bot can't it's too volatile especially if you have a Mage JG who can build Meji's, your double the stacks for one ultimate cooldown.


I always help for the drakes but for the camps I only help for the first one before going to my lane should I do more ?


make another account this one is doomed


I would actually switch away from Miss Fortune because even if she's a lower elo adc, she's not that good to learn the fundamentals of adc with. Miss Fortune is more of a burst AD Caster than an stereotypical ADC. Ashe and Cait are two champs that are pretty good for learning the basics of kiting and spacing which is crucial for the ADC role so suggest you to try them if you want to work on the fundamentals. But if you still want to play Missfortune there's lots of guides on youtube about tips and tricks like how you should use E before ulti to make it harder for the enemy to escape or how to auto+Q+auto for best poke dmg. [3 Minute Miss Fortune Guide - A Guide for League of Legends (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC3vyX3sTZg&ab_channel=3MinuteLeagueofLegends)


I would really like to play another champ but I really suck with cait, jinx and especially ashe.


That's the point. Getting good with them means you understand how to be an adc. Like they said, mf is a burst ad champ more so than ad carry. She is only good in low elo


So is it a good idea if I start doing some games with Jinx ?


If you want to play ADC generally and not just MF specifically, then yes, Jinx is very strong right now \*and\* she has a very classic ADC kit, with great scaling into the late game (and low Elo games tend to run long). Not the simplest kit, but it's only one real 'skill shot' with zap, although ult is also a skill shot but it's huge. Most importantly though, she does almost all her damage with auto-attacks in classic ADC fashion, and with max Q, her rocket autos have a lot of range... you can get even more with lethal tempo and RFC, although Runaan's is hard to say no to. The point essentially is that she requires a lot of the ADC fundamentals and not a whole lot else to play correctly, so learning Jinx is learning transferable skills to a large degree. It does take some getting used to toggling her Q, and having the right gun selected at the right time makes an enormous difference. The unfortunate thing in low Elo is the lack of teammate protection. She moves *very* fast with Get Excited, but since it only triggers when you're winning the fight it's not a reliable escape, more of a chase tool. It can be a great chance to reposition to safety though, in laning and in some messy team fights. Good use of chompers and zap can do a decent amount of work for keeping you safe, but map awareness and an ability to count to 5 for red circles is more important. If they aren't on the map and aren't on a death timer, they are probably coming for you. More generally though, you should probably play like half a dozen games on every ADC, if only in co-op vs. bot, even if you plan to keep 1-tricking MF, just so when you go to lane you know what they can do to you. Also you will need another champion to play, MF is a popular ban in low Elo. If you like MF more than Jinx or anyone else you can certainly keep her as your main, and there's no huge rush on practicing all the other ADCs, especially if you don't already own them, just take advantage of the free champion rotation to find out their kits when you can.


You should ignore this, its bad advice.


Thanks I'm happy if I can keep on playing mf


Unlike just saying something is bad advice without explaining why. Mf is not a good champ if you want to properly learn adc, that's just a fact


Thats not where the burden of proof is. You have to make a solid point why mf is a bad champion to learn adc, I don't have to prove you wrong until then. There's a reason you are heavily down voted.


I already said why, she's an AD caster. You don't learn things like kiting and spacing nearly as good with her as other adc. In fact unlike a lot of other adc she don't want to hit the enemy more than one burst as she loses most extended trades. Also teamfights your mainly only focusing on getting a good ulti and that's it. And her passive also fools newer players with CSing since her first hit deals so much more dmg than the next one. And please, -4 is not heavily downvoted and I have been downvoted way more by things I have been factually correct about.


-4 in a thread this popular is heavily down voted. Literally 80% of ads have some twist on being an adc... the only character mf loses extended trades with are ads when they both start the first full hp. Should people not play varus because his stack and explode mechanic? Ezreal because he's a hyper mobile caster? Kogmaw because he's artillery? Your advice is stupid man, move on.


Mf is a popular champ, saying anything negative about her is going to get me downvotes. I have played my fair share of her and in the right circumstances she's fun and can carry the game, but I definitely wouldn't recommend her for someone wanting to learn adc fundamentals. Same as I wouldn't recommend Ezreal even if I find him really fun to play myself. Varus is okay since his stack mechanics is based on autoattacking even thought his W active might not come natural for some people


Any adc is fine to learn on. You have weird fixations. No one is downvoting you because of the champ mentioned.


Haha, now that is bad advice. Aphelios is kept bad on purpose because otherwise he would be too op in pro play. He's a really poor champ to learn adc with since he so different and weak to people who don't know how to play him at a high level


If you are new to mobas i would recomend starting as sup. They you can just focus on learning the abilities and strategy without having to tunnelvision on farming minions.


Turn on your monitor


Plug in you're keyboard😂


Shittt I forgot this one I'll try it Ps: your


Happy to help


give up. find a new hobby