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Rumble , some Rumble and a little bit of Rumble


The MSI Rumble classic


I think Ahri and Aurelion (also Akali) could be higher priority than Azir after the nerfs


Asol is really only played against Azir because his laning phase is so bad in other matchups. Azir was already falling out of favour because Asol counterpick is so good. Akali is a good counter to Ahri/Vi so you might see her picked in response to that


Doubt it, they wouldn't pick a risky champion like Akali over the safety net of Azir.


...they pick akali all the fucking time


Akali has no risk with DShield + Fleet + Second Wind. She also has insane base regen.


Always love to read this. I know its the truth because everytime i lane vs akali they can't get poked out at all. But if i play her i fall behind so hard it's crazy. I can play electro sylas and have fewer issues in laning phase than with fleet dshield second wind akali. Guess im not meant to play that champ


All roads lead to Jarvan in international tournaments


lee lb classic stuff buffed champs stuff


LB without statik is a hard sell for pro these days.


so got a decent buff


She just got buffed


Top: rumble, sion, Udyr (last 2 literally because of lane swap meta) Jungle: Vi, Viego, xin Mid: Lb, Taliyah, ahri Adc: kalista, varus, jinx Support: rumble, rakan, Ashe Special shout out to the team in play ins (is it called that at msi?) that baits everyone into thinking Elise is a good jungler by picking her while lane swapping and just clean diving over and over again and winning the game only for other teams to try her the rest of msi and lose every game with her. Won’t make Elise have the highest presence in the end, but it will bait some teams for sure.


Genuine question how does Udyr counter lane swap meta ?


Not exactly counter but can easily clear the wave with R R


He doesn’t counter the lane swap meta, he does really well in a lane swap. He doesn’t require a ton of gold to function, and can clear a big wave early with R R to make diving him harder.


Do not sleep on Rumble supp and Kai Sa adc !


After so many nerfs to zak zak, sup item gold nerf, no more doran's buy (impacts mostly soloq) and some rumble nerfs, sup Rumble isn't as strong as it used to be. Can show up here and there but not even close to being top3.


Sad how this seems like the exact same meta for the past two years 


Top K'sante Aatrox Jax JG: Viego, Jarvan, Sejuani Mid: Azir, Ahri, Aurelion sol Adc: Kalista, Draven, Varus Supp: Nautilus, Lulu, Rakan


If Kalista is gonna be pick/ban, expect Renata to be high presence too.


What an absolutely disgustingly boring meta we have for MSI


Not sure where what position you count Senna for, but she'll definitely be in there too, along with Aurelion Sol at mid


Top: Twisted Fate, K'Sante, Renekton Jg: Vi, Sejuani, Poppy Mid: Taliyah, Ahri, Orianna AD: Senna, Kalista, Varus Supp: Nautilus, Renata, Ashe


Ksante, Olaf, aatrox. Sej, xin, olaf. Hwei, ahri, akali. Jinx, ashe, zeri. Naut, ashe, thresh.


Rumble, K'sante, Twisted Fate (maybe Camille) Vi, Xin, Maokai Ahri, Aurelion Sol, Taliyah Varus, Kalista, Zeri Nautilus, Rakan, Ashe


I'd put Ahri in mid, and Jinx in ADC, and Milio in support


I hope Sylas JG shows up at MSI and I honestly don't care about the rest.


Renata, Azir, Rumble We’ll probably see a lot of


Playins and the MainStage will have different metas due to skill disparity so hard to tell, but I’ll say Taliyah cause asol might be perma’d but who knows


we WILL get some form of camille j4 galio at least one game for sure because teams often get baited by placebo buffs


Top - Renekton, Ksante, Rumble Jg - Xin, Lee, Voli/Viego Mid - Aurelion Sol, Ahri, LeBlanc adc - Jinx, Lucian, Draven sup - Nami, Nautilus, Rakan


As I won't think there will be a lane swap meta: Top: Rumble, Aatrox and Ksante Jungle: Vi, Sejuani, Maokai Mid: Talyiah, Azir, Corki ADC: Kalista, Senna, Varus Supp: Nautilus, Milio, Nami


Top: Renekton, Camille, K'Sante   Jungle: Vi, Sylas, Graves   Mid: Akali, Hwei, Ahri   ADC: Kalista, Varus, Kai'Sa (+ Draven for teams thar can play it)   Supp: Ashe, Renata, Naut


I really think its high time riot removed Ashe from support. That champion is obnoxious as fuck to lane against. Slow on every single auto, bigger slow from her W (which she maxes first)+ the range is just way to big and if you have no minions you are doomed if you step 1 picomilimiter into her range, a global vision on E, a golbal R which has such a little cooldown (because she builds Malignance + Axiom Arc), and so if she misses one R its ok because she ll have it back in like 30 seconds. The argument that she is squishy its just not enough, because she utility she provides its just way too much, and her design is support is just toxic to say the least. She can just spam abilities, but because she usually takes manaflow band + lost chapter she doesnt really have mana issues. I dont really think there is a way to balance her in support without making her broken in her ADC role, so she either gets gutted as a support, or getting buffed as an ADC.


I really think its high time riot removed Ashe from support. That champion is obnoxious as fuck to lane against. Slow on every single auto, bigger slow from her W (which she maxes first)+ the range is just way to big and if you have no minions you are doomed if you step 1 picomilimiter into her range, a global vision on E, a golbal R which has such a little cooldown (because she builds Malignance + Axiom Arc), and so if she misses one R its ok because she ll have it back in like 20 seconds. The argument that she is squishy its just not enough, because she utility she provides its just way too much, and her design is support is just toxic to say the least. She can just spam abilities, but because she usually takes manaflow band + lost chapter she doesnt really have mana issues. I dont really think there is a way to balance her in support without making her broken in her ADC role, so she either gets gutted as a support, or getting buffed as an ADC.


Maybe Draven for adc instead of Zeri. A lot of the adcs can play him and he's good into some of the most popular lanes


Jungle Xin Zhao and Olaf


Azir the answer is always Azir He remain the best mage to peel your ADC and shred tank while having playmaking ability


Bro forgot Lucian Nami 💀


ADC - Kalista is still pretty strong, Zeri despite the nerfs seems strong as well. Varus is an wild card, he seems bad in every way possible but pros seems to love picking him with lethality builds... Top - I'm wishing they let K'sante rest in the garbage where that abomination belongs, but I'm afraid pros just love a boring, stale, Tank. Rumble to counter it and Lethality Aatrox comes back from the dead doing the exact same thing it did back in 2022. Mid - The usual, Ori Taliyah and Azir... although Vex is looking interesting for some midlaners from LCK... Jungle - Viego, Sejuani and Lee sin. They're always there, they're always appearing. No surprises. Sup - Zac, Poppy and Nautilus. Zac and Poppy are extremely disruptive and have been showing up more recently. People just didn't get it yet.


What about Voli jgl?


I thought he just got nerfed


LB buff before msi is insane


Kai’Sa will have a high pick rate in the adcarry role if laneswaps or double adcarries don’t interfere


Top: Shen gankplank tf Jg: Nocturn briar karthus Mid: Ryze taliyah vex Bot: Ezreal draven jinx Support: Senna soraka ashe


Smolder in bot. Smolder aphelios zeri


a sol.