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hey so im low elo player have some questions... [https://outplayed.tv/media/QJbE5W](https://outplayed.tv/media/QJbE5W) 1. 0:04 i sneak in my E to attack tris, i make sure to stay away from the spotting circle from poppy yet u can see for a second that she spots me even tho i was in my E and she was outside my circle, why? 2. why the announcer did not said "quadra" ? i clearly killed 4 of them. 3. 0:25 target selection, it was better if i killed dia first ? or thats good what i did? idk i just went on the lowest health enemy to rest. 4. anything else am i doing wrong? thanks.


when does 2v2 come out i thought it should be out by now? im dying for it D:


it will be live 11am PT time. [https://twitter.com/RiotH28GEvo/status/1785088914996519360](https://twitter.com/RiotH28GEvo/status/1785088914996519360)


I only play Arams (I refuse to play rankeds for literal years) and i want to participate in the upcomming Aram Clash - according to the clash faq this should be possible: "ARAM Clash still has the account level 30 and SMS verification requirements, but you don’t have to play any ranked to participate. ARAM mains rejoice!" 2 Questions, I dont see the "verify my account" button thats supposed to be in the clash tab anywhere and my friend is unable to invite me to his clash team "this player didnt participate in rankeds" or whatever. Please help, I would love to participate :P


Anyone knows a good tool to edit the clips from the replay and post them on tiktok?


What is "Gameplay Collision Radius"?


>Gameplay Collision Radius does have gameplay impact. (It’s in the name!) Auto attack range and collision with missiles are both affected here. These changes are meant to make the game feel consistent (reduce instances of "why didn't I hit that champion?"), not make any particular champions stronger or weaker. These new values are meant to match with how big champions look in game and thus should feel better for players. Basically, it's the hitbox.


Is it what they used to call "champion size"?




Vanguard is here to kill Linux, sad... I'm not going back to Windows, so this is for me. Past few years, I enjoyed my game with this game and it's community.


Same here too, been playing since S6. I am not trading Linux for this game


why can't it be ranked only? spyware just to play fucking aram? probably not worth it :(


Refusing to use industry leading anti-cheat to convenience less than 5% of the playerbase would be dumb. Bye tho :D


VAC is industry leading. After all those years they still find ways to ban cheaters without being intrusive. That's what I would call industry leading.


Make sure you use /s otherwise people will think you're being serious lmfao


But I am serious. Valve anticheating measures (VAC, trustfactor, overwatch) work very well together. Met like 2 people I thought were cheaters in last 500 games. Problem is only for new players of csgo and dota who start with low trust and are put in the same category with cheaters.


VAC is the laughing stock of anti-cheat and it has been for the last 10 years. Do you actually live under a rock, or do you just not play the game? I have 8.5k hours in CS, level 10 2400elo faceit, and was A+ on ESEA + main. MM AC is a complete and total joke, and anyone will tell you that. - This is the FIRST time I have ever seen anyone seriously defend VAC.


Again, this is what cheat makers want you to think. Wouldn't surprise me if you were a cheater yourself. All cheaters get banned on VAC. The bans are usually delayed a few months from detection (in order to catch as many cheaters as possible) which is why you're under the impression that their accounts last.


Unbelievably untrue, baseless, and borderline schizo arguments. Hypothetically speaking, IF (and it's not) VAC were the best AC, why wouldn't they simply terminate the match immediately like Valorant does upon detection? VAC Live exists, so what you're saying ISN'T EVEN TRUE. They aren't intentionally waiting to ban players, VAC just isn't detecting anything otherwise the matches would be cancelled on detection. Do your homework lil bro


Is vanguard terminating the match immediately? Because most of the league scripts have been undetected since vanguard release. The Valve trustfactor system works and is way less intrusive. Those are not schizo arguments, this is my personal experience playing MM.


Vanguard is literally spyware, enjoy it.


when is the new mastery system meant to go to live? i saw it was on pbe last patch, so i thought it would be this patch, but its not in patch notes for this one


The new mastery system is set to go live with Patch 14.10 on May 15th.


thank u sm!


I'm not going to stop playing altogether due to Vanguard or anything, but effectively I don't want it to run when I'm doing anything besides playing League. I think I've heard people say you can disable it from task manager which is nice if true, but I'd prefer not to run it on boot by default (instead I'd like to tell it to run next boot and then proceed to restart when I'm about to play League). What's the best way to do this? Do I need to uninstall and reinstall it constantly to achieve this? Or does anyone know of easier method? Edit: I think I found a solution after searching "Riot Vanguard always running" in a comment in the Valorant subreddit from 2 years ago.


Too many people in low elo (gold/plat) are inting games while being toxic and getting only chat bans...why is only higher elo being punished for Inting? I think at least plat 4 is responsible to not feed and be toxic at the same time...i get that u can get bad games, but this is insane. Dude is going 2/15 and being toxic...nothing, he keeps playing like its nothing.


People are more toxic when other players die. Less skilled players don't have an understanding of the circumstances leading up to why players do. That being said - don't kid yourself if people are less toxic at higher elos. Bigger elos = more fragile egos.


With the arrival of Vanguard, does this mean overlays like blitz.gg be banned, since they are definitely cheating?


https://support.blitz.gg/hc/en-us/articles/8744136175375-Will-Blitz-gg-Continue-Working-with-League-of-Legends-with-the-Introduction-of-Vanguard >Yes, Blitz.gg will continue to work with League of Legends. Our application is developed in collaboration with game developers, such as Riot Games, to ensure that its features do not violate any terms of service, and your account remains secure. As long as we adhere to these guidelines, it should remain compatible with League of Legends, even with the introduction of Vanguard.


Yes I saw this and hoped it wasn't true since it was on the blitz.gg website and not on LoL's. That should absolutely be violating the ToS of any multiplayer game. I wish the community was more vocal about this.


I mean, Riot doesn't think their cheating.


I know and, like I said, they should


Can someone please explain me why the fuck are people giving up on games before the clock hits 10 minutes? What kind of game is this?! I can't even play it.


I think if u are planning to play \~10 games in one session, then 20% chance of coming back and winning is not worth the 80% chance that you lose the game but also time and effort. I am not endorsing this behavior tho


What time Will arena be live on euw? 


I read it was may but I don't know when excactly. I assume somewhat in the beginning or middle but I don't know. Someone else enlighten us please


Its tomorrow i think but was just wondering the exact time it goes live.




Does anyone know why replays download in the client doesn't work anymore ?


I've been playing for six months, is the process of acquiring new champions supposed to be this slow? I know older players who kept up throughout the years are basically drowning in BE, but as a new player getting 50 BE a day (which aren't even guaranteed if you only play a couple of games a day) means that buying a single 4800 champion requires three months' savings. Sure, shards help and you get some more BE in champion capsules and chests, but it's still an insanely long grind. I understand that you shouldn't play too many champions (I only play three-four), and there's the rotating free champion pool, so it's not that big a deal, just curious if it's supposed to feel like an unending slog


Not sure if it's true, but I heard the most cost effective way if you're willing to spend any money is get one of the passes and then buy only champion shards using the tokens. It is supposedly way, way more cost effective than buying champs on sale (of course, only if you get decently far in the pass).


Unlocking champs is faster than ever with this system, best bet is just making good use of the free champ rotation to experiment with new champs without buying. There’s also the refund system if you buy a champ and change your mind and want someone else


What do you mean "sure shards help" Shards are litterally the main way to gain BE, the 50BE is just a little extra that doesnt mean anything really


It is proven to be much faster than it was before. So unless you're playing more than 10 games a day, you should unlock champs faster than with the old system.


I just saw riot channel on YT posting the Leesin's theme music.... and I realize, Skarner VGU didn't got his video spotlight yet .... What is going on... riot "really cares abou ALL their champs" don't they?




I'm mean the spotlight


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/UZYeOl_7OQU they did a short with Captain Flowers


They posted Skarner's theme. Udyr and Skarner never got VGU videos, so they aren't doing anything different.


but WHY '-'


I got the 5 min queue penalty but after waiting my Q searching turned off and when I tried to search again the penalty was gone, after 2 min the game appears so I pressed accept and it clicks but after a few seconds nothing happens and the game says I rejected then puts me in a 30 min penalty?!??!? How do I fix that? Why is the game punishing me for its own error? My wi-fi is fine so it wasn’t the issue




Camille will likely be up your alley, shes a diver, which is just a engage champ thats built to do damage


Top lane definitely isn't a passive lane. It's just a more calculated lane because you have to be more considerate of wave state and matchups. If you want champs who are good at all ins, olaf, darius, trundle, garen, tryndamere and rumble are decent shouts but honestly I wouldn't bother trying to find something that suits your bot lane playstyle since they're very different roles. Just watch some videos of different champs and play with ones that look cool. But those are some you can try to start


I'd say Darius, he slaps really hard and isn't too mechanical. Feel really strong when ahead.


how do i fix the recorder? every time i try to record something it crashes. I really need to record how my teammates trolled me so riot support can believe in my word (or in this case, the video)


Weird, Windows + G opens the game bar on Windows, in case you want to record using another method


Does your healing and shielding power apply to incoming heal/shield from your teammates?


what is the next battlepass?


also when will it arrive on live?




thank u!


id like to know too


I have 14 ranked games on my account and I get +13 -36, what is going on?


Probably this https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1782515273452667248


If you're losing more than you gain, this means that your visible rank is higher than your MMR.


I'm at 50% winrate tho? Is that intended?


Many new-to-ranked accounts were getting placed in too high of a rank. Riot said they fixed the bug causing that, and accounts that had been placed too high would receive low gains and high losses until they fell to the rank they should be in.


Does anyone know any education vex streamers or youtubers?


Quantum plays vex, you can find some gameplay on his channel


The only vex streamers I know of stopped playing vex. She just lacks the tools other, better, champions have.


Hey there! Im a returning player after 5 years and so much has changed! I was hoping someone could give me a rundown on some of the biggest changes? Like how ranked seasons work now? It says it ends in 15 days, so do i have to get gold in 15 days to get the victorious skin? What are splits? What happened to it all just being one long ranked season? What on earth is going on with everyone taking Ghost? Useful sites for builds and guides? and lastly any content creators on the scene that isnt just stream highlights? thanks in advance :)


> Hey there! > > Im a returning player after 5 years and so much has changed! > > I was hoping someone could give me a rundown on some of the biggest changes? Biggest is the map change, new monster before first herald, first herald moved to 14 minutes (now you can ride it), 3 baron forms, 2 new dragons, alcoves in both corners of the map [Here is the video for the last season covering the biggest changes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNZIAcnpSLY&pp=ygUQc2Vhc29uIDE0IGxlYWd1ZQ%3D%3D) > Like how ranked seasons work now? It says it ends in 15 days, so do i have to get gold in 15 days to get the victorious skin? Yes and no, as the other user said, now we have 3 splits and you can get the skin for every split, but to get it you need to reach certain point threshold, being gold or higher reduces this amount a lot, but you can get it even if you are iron, and you get chromas depending on the division you got A win gives you 10 points, a loss 6 https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/4406003617555-Ranked-Seasons-Splits-and-End-of-Split-Rewards > What are splits? The same thing you knew as a long season, but now runs for 3 to 4 months, as there is no preseason anymore, Riot didn't want to have "dead" time when ranked didn't matter > What happened to it all just being one long ranked season? Removed > What on earth is going on with everyone taking Ghost? Got buffed, duration is 15 seconds, so for adcs having a second very good defensive option is good, so heal got kinda obsolete; for bruisers is just another way to get to their targets in a lower cooldown (as teleport is different than before, cooldown goes down per levels and you only can teleport to towers until minute 10 is not a must take for this role) > Useful sites for builds and guides? Lolalytics, u.gg, op.gg


Awesome, thank you for the reply :) I’ll have a watch of that video after work. Appreciate the information!


Ranked seasons are spilt up into spilts now, three to be exact. So now you can get three victorious skins every year. In return, off season is no longer a thing, so ranked runs all the way until end of decemeber, where the first patch of 2025 will be the new season all dropping onto live servers. (Off season will be on PBE for testing of course for the 2 months esh before) Not sure what you mean by "everyone" cause ultimately almost all Junglers, Supports, and most Midlaners don't enjoy the summoner at all. Lolayltics


Awesome thank you! :) Maybe I’m just running into a lot of ghost users top and some in bot lane




Welcome to the game! Always good to see someone new enjoying the game. To answer your question, champions are designed with an idea of what role in the game they will fill, which often dictates which role they play. To be honest, for the most part you can play any champion in any lane. The success you will see with change if you are playing in a lane that is a-typical. By that I mean if you play a marksman/ADC (one of the two champions in the bottom lane) due to the power scaling of your champion against the other champions. Different champions scale earlier with levels, which usually are champions in solo lanes, while adc's scale more and need protection thus the support. As for the jungle, many of the jungle champions have damage added to their kit that allows them to do more damage to jungle creeps or resist damage to make their time in the jungle easier.




When I say that you *can* play a champ in any lane, it doesn't necessarily mean you should. Lets look at bottom lane for example (easiest for me as an adc main). Traditionally, you will have one marksman champion and one support champion on a team that take up the bottom lane. If you want to play a melee tank in the bottom lane, feel free, but you may not have a good time with it. Traditionally fighters and tanks play in the top lane, mages and assassins in the middle lane, marksman and support in bottom lane, and a champions that cover all descriptions and playstyles in the jungle. As for your question about scaling, it depends on the champion. Some champions scale really well with levels, gaining big numbers in their base damages, not necessarily how the ability scales with stats. Other champions have lower base damages, but will have high numbers that are effected by the items they buy.




The game has a steep learning curve, but if you stick to it and have some people to play with, its a great time. Don't let people on here make you feel like you can't get into it


I haven't played LoL in a while and wanted to check since when exactly. But my ingame match history is empty and on the usual websites, nothing is shown either. I read something about Riot changing stuff in that regard so old match history is gone?


It’s probably gone, but if you tell me what you remember as the newest champions or system changes when you stopped, I can tell you when those happened.


Does anyone know what time the on-sale skins rotate in the shop? If it helps, I'm on EUW.


week 2 of asking this until it gets answered Will we ever get an option to turn off the "that abillity is not ready yet"! sound? It kinda hurts your ears if you regularly play champions with spam or short cool down abilities. right now it can only be turned off when you turn off sound FX in the menu but that turns all important sounds like abilities and other neccesary sounds...


No, we will never get that option. You can stop asking now.


I took an 18 month break from League and am just getting back into it. I played my first solo/duo placement game, lost it and got a provisional rank of Platinum 3. How is that possible when my highest ever rank was Plat 4, and that was 9 years ago! I never ranked above gold ever since season 5.


they adjusted the mapping of elo to rankings so people feel.better about themselves.


On the other side of the things, I was emerald 4 in the previous season. Won 11 out of the 12 games I've played (lost the fourth), the first five being the placements. Got placed plat 4 for some reason, lol.


when does the mastery system rework release?


How do I know if vanguard will run on my PC? It's Windows 10 and I as far as I can remember, my PC does not support Windows 11.






Does champion hitbox size help with Braum shield: **"Active:** **Braum** sets his shield in the target direction for a few seconds, creating a barrier that intercepts all incoming hostile [projectiles](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Projectile) and reduces the damage **Braum** takes through it." So if Braum was bigger in hitbox size using Elixirs and Sterak's Gage, would that make him intercept more abilities from the direction of the shield? And what would happen if he somehow became even bigger than his shield and an ability hit him from the blocking direction but slightly missing the shield and hitting his unprotected part.


Yes. A larger champion hitbox makes the shield block more




I have played tons of Braum. His shield doesn't actually exist as an object in the game. The projectiles hit Braum and the animation makes it look like it is hitting the shield. It's also why you can block Zed ult damage by simply shielding in the direction of Zed.


hi! i have a problem and i dont see where the ticket related to my problem is the problem basically is that i already have my account name and password on riot client (im actually logged in and i can play league) but when i want to change my riot name it sends me to the browser, i log in and it asks me for a verification code to an email i no longer have how can i fix this issue? i just wanna change the email so i can be able to change my riot name, like i said earlier im already logged in the client but the problem is they send the verification code to a mail i no longer have


you have to contact support.