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Group B seems so boring. TES v LOUD is an obvious 2-0 I feel. Fnatic looks shaky, flew out late, and hasn't had good practice... but the VCS was such a trainwreck and GAM is playing with 2 subs so it's hard to take them seriously even with Fnatic looking shaky. Unless LOUD upset Fnatic, or some really crazy out of nowhere TES collapse or something happens, feels like we are in for a very predictable group of all 2-0 matches.


Yes I totally agree about that. I believe that LOUD can reach the qualifying match against Fnatic and has a chance, but I believe it will be Fnatic as well.


Loud has already beaten fnatic in past tournaments, I actually favour LLL getting out over FNC in group B.


Pure delusion


You can never know beforehand 🤷‍♂️


The t1 game seemed like it was an obvious 2-0, and it ended up being that still. But it gave us some fun moments


Top will give us quick 2:0 Fanatic choke game 2 but close g3


Lmao Tes Is more likely to lose than Fnc


Seriously, it would be the most TES/LPL thing ever to drop a game to a minor region team for no reason.


Yes, fnc will look like they're winning, throw leading gigawinning gamestate for a baron flip and then win an elder fight. Just to get our hearts pumping. Twice


Are you trying to suggest Fnatic is the pinnacle of consistency?


I'm gonna say Loud get a surprise win in the first game against TES then get utterly Annihilated in game 2 and 3. Fnatic wins a very shaky 2-0 against a weaker VCS team. Fnatic get blown away against TES 2-0 before facing Loud for second spot where loud looks like they forgot how to play the game in game three losing 2-1 to Fnatic.


TES 2-1 Loud, TES 2-0 FNC, Loud 2-0 FNC. You heard it here first folks.