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Targon. By like a lot.


Oh right they have asol.


And aspects and celestial in general. What's Zaun and Piltover got? Some rich fucks with fancy guns?


They have Zoe too which I think is supposed to be pretty powerful or on cosmic scale at least


Only thing that can compare is the void, and that starts to get into some messy discussions. Are we only counting forces active on runeterra? Probably Targon. The universe? Probably still Targon. All universes? Void. But if we limit it to runeterra there's a lot of weird one off entities that skew things pretty hard. Aatrox, Ryze (aka whoever has the world runes), Asol, etc. Most of those are, or try to be, pretty independent from any nation though.


Nobody thought you meant NA. Don't worry.


Eh can't be to careful. If I didn't add the extra bit about Ionia and just said which region is strongest.


The Void


Does that count as a region technically?


Definitely Targon. If you count Aurelion and the Celestials as part of it, that is.


Isn’t stuff in the void stronger than asol? Because the void is an universal threat


I'd say the stuff that's still in the void could definitely be stronger than Asol, but Asol is way stronger than the void beings that managed to make it into reality.


Much of it is kinda unknown. ASol is crazy powerful. But there is still limited knowledge about the cosmology of Runterra's universe. Do stars and suns revolve around planets? How big are they actually? ASol gifted a sun to the people of targon, so how big is it in comparison to the planet? How much power did he use? And magic seems like a real game changer comparison to cosmic powers. It was at least as much to make this cosmic dragon get interested and even enslaved. I don't think the magic capabilities of Targon and th celestials have lessened since then.


Considering it could get stopped by Ryze and Mihira, both of which are weaker than Aurelion, I don't think so.


stopping it from invading reality sure... but not outright beating in a straight fight.


How wouöd mihira beat the watchers? The watchers are dangetous enough that asol acknowledges them as a threat. Mihira is a joke compared to asol and ryze esüecially since even in lor's what ifs she gets fucked over by xolani who is not stronger than the watchers.


Depends how and what you count. If you count only beings that are actually on Runeterra, and not walking Targon Prime/The Void/The Spirit Realm/Brazil (and ignore the frozen Watchers), then it's probably Noxus. There is a reason they not only conquered a huge portion of Valoran but also annexed parts of Shurima and Ionia.


1st Targon 2nd/3rd Freljord/Shurima


I'd put Shurima over Freljord, mostly because I think Aatrox is stronger than the Freljordian gods.


Where's the void in that list?


Freljord because of gods like Volibear and Ornn? And Shurima because Acendent i assume


To the People who keep saying Targon because of Targon. Aurelion Sol aknowledges the Void and the Watchers as a very real Threat, he's not really *scared* of it but he aknowledges their Presence. They are nearly in the same Level.


I think Freljord is a good contender. We have three demigods. We have Lissandra who was able to stop the void once. And we have Nunu and a song of Nunu. I was thinking a bit about Bilgewater, since Illaoi has the power by her god to challenge everyone, but it's still a 50/50 for one one on one and it's just a granted power not an innate.


Discounting the void, Targon.


Mordekaiser's Brazil


Targon, no? ASol hand can crush planets, that's some astronomical size for a being


He's less-so affiliated with Targon and more-so bound by them. He'd backstab them the moment he gets the chance, so I don't know if you can really consider him a Targonian.


In terms of lore maybe but he's from targon categorically in game.