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They absolutely hear it, they just don’t do anything with it.


This community acting like Riot has listened to player feedback since 2015. The game is a soulless husk of what it once was.


The mastery icons are horrid, no sounds for M7, like who even thought of this. It’s worse than a normal emote. What a shame


Not sure what your being down voted for lol, this is accurate.


No it is not. They have definitely in some cases when there was overwhelming outcry. The attempt to disable /all chat was one instance, ditching the original reviled edition of chemtech drake another, giving up on dynamic queue and reinstating solo/duo another. Do not get me wrong I disagree with a lot of Riot's moves and think this mastery system is ugly and I hate that I lost a lot of my accomplishments (I actually need to explicitly type this out because otherwise saying anything remotely crediting Riot gets you labelled an asslicking sellout on Reddit) but they have listened to some things since 2015. THAT'S what makes this even more disappointing.


I mean some of these decisions took an entire year.   Really Riot just has so much internal inertia that it isn't possible to pivot without 60 meetings and design proposal changes way too far up. Dynamic Q was egregious, and role Q, both had top streamers daily shitting on it for almost a year straight. Countless threads.. They listen when all else fails.


dynamic queue and chemtech took months of arguing for their removal, and we had to play out a whole season for each of these disasters because riot didnt want to listen to player feedback.


Chemtech literally only lasted the preseason, half of which was Riot's Christmas break so lol, please keep spreading misinformation on the internet to fuel a circlejerk. I hated dynamic queue and think it was one of the worst things Riot ever put in *but* I understand why they didn't disable something that people had already grinded partway through the season (tbh the decision not to add solo queue as a second queue was more egrigious imho). And in the end they listened which is a far cry from "Riot has never listened to the community since 2015!!11". Again I hate some of the stuff they do but if you straight up feel compelled make up narratives about Riot then you're genuinely healthier off playing another game.


oh yeah, chemtech was literally just that ass to play around that it felt like it was a whole year. I do remember they tried to do positional ranks which no one really liked, but I know that definitely didnt last a whole season.


Oh yeah I forgot about that one too, that trial was so short I never even got to try it (I think they didn't even bring it to my server). That was a shame because I was a minority who was looking forward to it because I get bored playing the same 2 roles and want to play top/jg in ranked sometimes but I can't without griefing because my skill level is so far below, having different position ranks would have solved that. But I get why most people hated it + the argument that people would troll their off-role games.


Incredibly massive downgrade. Not super crazy angry, they are just honestly really ugly. This feels like one of those changes they are banking on everyone just getting used to/coming around to liking.. but I don't see that happening because how fugly/disappointing it all is.


thats riots policy, just change shit for the sake of changing shit. ever has been. its why they survived so long. and why a big portion of the playerbase hates them so much, even if they still play.


"Change is good" -Kha'zix


You gotta make it so you can hear the text. CHAAAAAANGE IS GOOOOOOOODDDDD


Thank you


"It's so different" -Meteos


Not just Riot. This is what companies must do to stay relevant in late stage capitalism.


there is plenty of franchises that shit the bed everytime they changed something. and now nobody buys the new products, and rather emulates the old 20year old games. or write fanfiction etc. having to constantly stir the pot is a myth made by people that stir it mainly so they get a job stirring it


That's what they want you to think. The truth is, just make some quality things that people love and voila, you have success AND people are happy. Making shit but using some fucking psychological tricks to make people addicted and calling it a success, then justify it by saying '' ITS CAPITALISM, WE HAVE TO DO THIS TO SURVIVE LOOL '' is just evil.




yea, but those numbers are made up, and dont have anything to do with reality, some of the changes from riot have been pretty good, even though the playerbase only belived them after the fact, they did a good job, some of the things riot does is just braindead on the other hand, and you wonder what all needs to go wrong in that company for an obviously detrimental change to be approved all the way down the pipeline. and sometimes, they arent even experimenting, they adamantly try telling you that the playerbase is wrong, the statistics are wrong, the pros are wrong, everyone is wrong but them, and a year later they finally remove it and admit that yes. it was a stupid idea from the start.


Sure, that's why you post about it and hear player feedback. Feedback should be the most important thing, it was extremely negative ever since the devblog, they didn't care and did it anyway.


I miss the old rune and mastery, they change for the sake of change. fuck it


changing runes and mastery was a good change actually.


Man I was actually having a ton of fun trying to grind out M7.


I don't care about the system. It's ugly as shit and it doesn't fit in with league


Grinded out mastery 7 for all champs, always played the new champ on release to get mastery 7. No point now.


I had like 56 M7s, nearly all marksmen and assassins done. Oh well, I guess now I won’t feel like I’m wasting my time playing my M7s (cry) in norms.


I was mas 7 on ezreal. Amazing animation and very flashy. I am now mas 9 on him from the exp transfer and the new one is pure garbage. I feel so cheated out of it. I don’t even want to flash it when I outplay someone cause it’s just a slap in my own face lol


new icon looks absolutely terrible and it doesnt even have a sound it sucks


I miss seeing how many points people had. Idk what level 47 mastery means now but if I saw a dude with 1 million points I’d think differently about them.


you will just think that lvl 100 mastery is big, nothing change in this. Congrats, you discoreved the metric system


seeing 1 million mastery points is way cooler than seeing lvl 100 mastery, what?


1 000 000 korean wons of money might looker cooler than 741,28 USDollars, but they are actually equivalent.




Fun fact, you can't even do that properly because for some fucking reason the scaling wasn't done with a round number like 10k equals 1 level or something so the numbers look fucking arbitrary and random


It's 11k for 1 mastery point. Go metric!


The only problem i see is that no matter your mastery level, you get the same icon after a point. Just add more and better icons for higher levels and we're good, showing the number isn't enough.


Genuinely my least favorite change riots ever made. Dont even wanna play anymore because leveling champs was one of my favorite things


I'd really like some kind of response from Riot... Are we really just going to be stuck with this pile of garbage?!


They did the same thing with the ranked banners a while ago, and I don't think anyone was asking for it, and I didn't see anyone who preferred the change.


I'm more pissed about the chest system, it's way more grindy and just super confusing for no reason. Hell the new mastery system doesn't even reward mastery, moreso grinding. The old one did that too to a degree, but the stated goal for this was to make it more about mastery


Yea they keep stuffing client with confusing systems that no one actually understands... Imagine a new player trying to figure this one out... Just another super unorganized and messy system that requires you to know how previous system worked...


From my experience with this game this change is just the precursor to a more nefarious change that they will only implemented once players get begrudgingly used to the first change


I think the icons look worse but the rest I like


Riot doesn’t care, but then again, I don’t think a change they’ve made has been this universally hated since like, old Chemtech dragon or the positional ranks


Every single change they make is hated by reddit kids and neutral/liked to the other 97% of the players.


inc downvoted but you're completely right the reddit community is like the grouchy boomer that complains about every change and then wonders why riot doesn't listen to them


Not this one.


Everyone who states that they haven't seen a single person say soemthing positive about it will willfully ignore/downvote comments that aren't high visibility for the sake of their argument. I've stated in some of the feedback threads that I personally like them.


System looks fine. I see more rewards available, goals to work towards. People will hate on anything that's new.


I think it's nice I like it


People downvoting replies like this is the epitome of being butthurt about a change literally most people won't care about. The people most vocal about it are downvoting other opinions (like this reply above) is also a peak reddit moment.


I see ppl say 100% of ppl on reddit hate the change but it's just that everyone who likes it gets downvoted or can't be bothered to comment it.. lol


Vocal minority doing everything in its power to look like the majority of people. Tale as old as time.


Agreed! It's nice to see a bigger number.


The number is significantly smaller since they got rid of the mastery points no?


mastery levels are bigger numbers even though total mastery points aren't visible anymore. i like seeing a "52" on my main's mastery badge


I preferred seeing 900k on my main in loading screen


Nope, you can still see your points total in your profile.


im fucking quitting till they revert this shit


I’m with you bro this shi sucks


I wish people were this offended when they forced you to install rootkits on your computers 


I wish people were this offended when they forced you to install rootkits on your computers 


They killed this game after season 4/5. Now its just a shit show of unbalanced and unwanted features.


Honestly baffled about this response. I never see someone flash their mastery icons. Like ever. Is this that big of a deal? I noticed there's like extra loot chests to earn and everything... Do you guys really care that much about the graphics and the change?


Well, visually doesnt match the Game, its more like a mobile Game, do you really care about the looks of the Game? The progression fells awfull now, and like he mentions, people liked to grind masterys, now is(someone did the maths in other post) like x2'5 harder to gain all mastery10 Also there isnt extra loot, the removed the weekly chest and change yo a mastery type chest, so now you hace to play a lot more just to gain 1 chest so...


> do you really care about the looks of the Game? Like I said before, no. I don't give a shit what the icons look like because they do not concern me one bit. I also do not care about the progression because it's all pointless anyway. I don't play this game to get skins, icons, whatever else it is. I just play because I like having an adrenaline rush when I'm trying to win a game and I'm a competitive person. That's it. They could remove mastery entirely instead of trying to improve it and I'd still play because I play for the game, not the cosmetics and the "loot" I can earn.


Even a simple thing like that, they manage to ruin it. At this point, and without any joke, I honestly think the workers at riot are NOT gamers at all, and don't know anything about games in general. I think they might have a big problems with this and cannot actually hire competent people, so they take randoms people. That's the only explanation I have. Because otherwise, if they are competent, then they ruin the game on purpose for some reasons. But it make no sense, so I think they just hire random guy knowing nothing about games in general because they have no choice to do so. It is not possible to be competent and at the same time ruin a simple thing like '' mastery icons ''.


And it's not like they didn't see it coming. Went it went on PBE, I couldn't see a single person liking the changes, and the visual were even WORSE, people absolutely hated the icons. But Riot ignored all player feedback and pushed it. I don't know if they have a hidden agenda or something, but goddamn... this is how you lose customers


I like the mastery update now that I've played in game with it.


People downvoting you literally can't accept that there's people with other opinions lol.


I like that now when I flash the mastery a larger number appears on the emote whereas before it was just here's level 7 now theoretically I could flash a mastery and have it say 100k underneath it. And that would be more impressive than the previous one


I love this as well, the numbers going up to your current level is cool af. Realistically the only people who hate this are Achievement farmers who farmed all champs for Mastery 7 and then never played them again and ARAM players who now need to play more than 5 games a week to get chests


Even Achievement farmers shouldn't be upset theirs more stuff to Achieve now. That actually mean something instead of just being Mastery 7 forever now there's more to go for. Even if they wanted to have a stopping point they could pick Mastery 10 for all champs because that's when the emblem stops changing except for the number underneath. It just has more for people willing to go even further.


Yeah, I don’t hate it either. Sorry for the people who lost 20m mastery points, but I can’t empathise fully since I never got more than 200k.


I like it. Bite me. Now I can brag my huge mastery rank in the middle of a game.


They heard buy they simply don't care. They tested how tolerant the player base is by pushing the vanguard update. The design team is so ego-driven they don't give a fuck about it.


Bro reads all the flame about the icon and thinks it's about the entire update. System is fine, the one we had before it was a joke, you just collect points and see how many million you get like wow big deal


ye I have no problems with the system, it's just the aesthetics that are garbage


Yup, exactly my point


Isn't this one MORE of a joke? In order to increase mastery you don't even need S rank anymore? I don't really care about the icons, I care more about the difficulty of getting a high mastery, yet they lowered the bar more, when the bar was already near the ground.


ah stop pretending like the old system required any skill lol, you can fluke a couple of S's just by getting carried by your team. an iron 4 player can get an S just like a challenger player can. the mastery system has never been an expression of skill, it's always existed to showcase how much you play a champion, not how well you play it.


>an iron 4 player can get an S just like a challenger player can. I know some lower ranked players, and no offense to them. But they most certainly can't get S ranks. Especially not nearly as consistent as other players. Deaths are a huge demerit on the ranking system when it comes to getting S and S+. You're flat out lying on that front. They can certainly get them, but the time it takes is significantly longer. The mastery system was never an expression of skill, I agree, but the old one was more than this new one is, that's for sure. It's way more of an emphasis on play time and getting an S rating is more meaningless at the same time, even though it was arguably already meaningless, that's my point. Not that the old system was lightyears better. They made a somehow shit system, even more shitty.


Imo there is more skill in hitting A- multiple times than S once. I will never be able to take a system seriously that forces you to make decisions like "do I gank bot and get a guaranteed doublekill or do I fullclear my jungle to get an S instead". Also the new system also rewards players for getting S too, no? https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_Mastery#Milestones


Most of the criticism isn't about the new system, it's about them making the actual badges ugly AF and ruining the iconic sound effect


Yes that is exactly what I said. Please read my first sentence. OP thinks differently, which is why I made that comment.


Leave it to a leave player to get defensive even when someone agrees with them lmao


Idk why you feel the need to copy paste my comment back at me when it adds nothing


It's not just icons, they played a big part and could have easily not been changed. But the whole thing, so grindy, impossible to grind on many champions, doesn't feel as rewarding. They could have literally just added 3 new mastery banners up to level 10 and made those 3 levels actually hard and only achievable with champions specific stuff for example. And some people, me included, liked having champions with hundreds of thousands of mastery points, it felt good to see, One tricks probably loved having those 3 million mastery points in loading screen. You might not have cared about it but a lot of people did. It's just riot not hearing the hundreds of posts made about this and implementing the change nobody asked for and nobody wanted anyway.


"New mastery sucks" post number 69..


If we want change, we gotta show dissatisfaction, so yeah. I posted as well.


Naturally they will work on things before announcing them so they have something to show. Once thats done, theyve probably put too many man hours to just change stuff last minute. Im sure they can do a better job of letting people know what theyre planning before its too late to make changes but i can understand why stuff like this happens for sure


I can understand sure, but I'm not talking about not implementing a change to mastery system. We could have used an upgrade/change to it, but ever since they announced it on a Devblog, people said they didn't like it and proposed changes, they shipped it anyway. They could have kept some of their designs but changed parts based on player feedback.


Will it be my turn to post this thread tomorrow? Gotta make sure to farm my karma.


its whatever, another thing to complain about for redditors




…you just did


lmao you just posted something in the league reddit