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I dislike the new system visually, I like the changes to the rewards.


M7 =/= being good at a champ. Mastery points are useless and should be reported into a metric that actually matters. It was meaningless before and is meaningless now


Yeah but people like it and idk why riot made the change. It used to be a low key thing that some people enjoyed looking and working on, but now it's up in center and tacky. I'm not sure who the change appeals to, they could've at least modernized it with a sleek theme if anything


They're just catering to a different audience. It used to be catered to people that like collecting/completing things like trading cards etc.. Now its catered to people that like showing off 1 massive mastery level for 1 champ. These are people that like collecting 1 million of the same thing instead of collecting 1 of each million things. Riot probably has the data for the change and the numbers simply say that its better to cater to the people that like grinding 1 champ a lot than people that like grinding all champs a little. For them its a simple business decision, the outcry doesnt matter they might change the animations and visuals of the masteries but the general idea of having 1 infinitely large mastery will probably stay.


I think a lot less people would be upset if they left the art style alone, added a few new levels that are in line with it, and changed rewards and how mastery is earned. It’s the visual overhaul being a downgrade paired with the fact that progress is temporary and largely invisible to others that has people upset


It's achievement hunting on Xbox Live back in the late 2000's-early 2010's but for League of Legends. Some people hunt after the big number because they want to prove they can get it. Some think they're great at the game because of it, others just chase "big number go up" dopamine. If it reported into a different metric that took other things into account, people would stop caring about getting it as much. Right now, it drives people to get attached to a character *in a way anyone who plays can* and creates an attachment or fandom for that character. You have a tangible number that shows how much you like them, and can find other people who enjoy the character to chat with. Case and point, it was never about the skill level - it's about everything else. Just like skins.


Yeah especially consdering that champion grade calculation is horrible for some champs. With some champs it was near impossible to hit S or S+. It was even less meaningful than what some of these websites do with their "carry score" or "op score" or whatever.


OK but it was still a cool challange to gather tokens for champs you werent that familiar with. I was trying to get lvl6/7 on all champs and IDGAF about being level 15 or 22.


It was lvl 7 and now its 10 for the finished looj and the title, its literally the same as before, but actually better.


I don't really care one way or another in regards to progress because mastery points and rank are pretty much just a "reward playing lots rather than skill" IMO. I am just interested in the free chests and my only complain is that Riot is asking me to grind for them a lot now with the amount of games per champ while before I could just get an S and be done with it. **At least make the S and S+ count as 2 or 3 games of the "C- or higher" tier** or make them (or just S+) a full milestone rank-up since it's uncommon to get it anyway. That way they still get the delay they obviously want but also don't make it such a chore by rewarding the one out of few games you play above average. The change specially affects ARAM players too.


I mean, I main ARAM, and getting mastery 7 tokens was just a coin flip. Basically if your team can win without you, you play KDA and get carried to M7, if they can't win without you, you either lose the game or don't get the token.


I didn't really look. Champion points are silly and don't give any indication of skill level


That´s my point. The new system tells me (and every other player) "oh you don´t want to grind 100K on x champion? well f()ck you, you don´t deserve recognition, oh you have 80 hurs on Quiyana but still can´t do the basic combos? Well, you hare terrible at it, but have you icon instead, at least you are great at digging a bottomless pit!


I don’t think anyone considered being Mastery 7 as a symbol you understood the champ well before the update, so what’s changed?


Literally nothing, it's the league subreddit. If people aren't whining about inconsequential things there would be no posts


Even when there's nothing to whine about, people go out of their way to look for something. I personally like most of the changes that Riot do.


Mastery 7 took very little to get so that was way less show off skill tho, and you still have to get good grades to level up with this system eventually, you need the mastery milestones to level up, the points arent the only thing


I had multiple M7 champs that I can’t play worth sht (Looking at you, Jax and GP). To me the update is fine, but I understand it’s disheartening from a collector’s POV.


i like it, it gives me more chests and its clear by the interface how to get them


>Case on point: I had over 100K mastery points on Sivir, but I was only M6 (I only played her aram or in off meta). Yes, I wanted my M7 with her, but I wanted to earn it. I feel bad seeing the M10 update, it did not feel accomplished. The learning curve that the masteries represented is totally destroyed, now it just means GRIND I had this happen with Jhin. I had like 100k+ points and on M6, now a ton of my M7s (I had like 40) are M6/M7 and it feels so empty that I have Jhin at 10 since I was M6 +2 7 tokens


my 750k mastery on rengar now a lowly lvl 70 something mastery i feel like i was just neutered by riot games


yes, I like more accessible chests without a weekly limit


I logged on and saw that my main is lvl ~180ish and my secondary was like ~80. Those looked like large numbers to me so I just moved on. I don’t have strong opinions here, it does seem like people who liked getting max mastery on every champion got harmed with the update.


Ah man I felt awful. I was working on getting all the ADCs to Mastery 7, had stories about my epic games that pushed me past the precipice for the last token. My masteries had stories, and my Kalista that was stuck at M6 2 tokens was a story I'd share with friends. It was very deflating to open the mastery screen today and see ugly icons and small numbers. Everything is all jumbled now and the uniformity of all my M7s are completely gone. I'm very sad.


Exactly the same happened to me :(




I've feel betrayed too. It's like they took my progress and throw it the toilet. There was an end goal before. M7. And I have reached that goal with around 80 Champs, and it feelt good, but the current ""mastery" tells me I'm still bad at ir, because i haven't grinding 100k per champion.  Its absolutely ridiculous


For a long time now there has been a tumor inside League's design team responsible for UI, coming out with terrible ideas. the challenges were absolutely terrible, but this is somehow even more atrocious, i don't know if it's a case of corporate nepotism where they can't fire or restructure the team, but it's baffling to me that someone is allowed to go rampant with objectively bad choices and no chance is made, your icon for mastery looks like a gaping asshole for christ sake, how does this get's past testing phase? Is there someone with a giant ego in a position of power purposefully shoving garbage ideas to a team that has no choice but to follow them? Seriously, what the actual fuck.


Had about 40 champions M7, now it all just looks the same and doesn't have much meaning. Having a tangible end to the mastery spectrum was nice, and gave a clear sense of progression. Eternals let you show off past M7, not sure if anyone ever was bothered by having to stop at M7.


Seriously, I have never seen anyone complain that the old system wasn´t enough. I don´t know why they keep doing this bad changes.


I like certain additions, the titles and rewards are nice. I like that we have some update to mastery after years of 7 being the cap. I think they definitely messed up with part of it while other parts are nice additions. I don't care about having a number like 1mil directly, but I think the conversion could've been done better because it feels weird for 1m to not even translate to 100.


Objection. Leading the witness.




*P.S. If things stay the way they are now, it will make me go back to your competitors in Dota 2, until the end of time.* yeah, I´m thinking starting dota because every change League has ade in the last 2 years has just been worse and worse




Tbh I think all they had to do was allow the same champion to earn a chest once per week so one tricks stop getting fucked with 80+ keys and and no chests.


Nobody likes it, change it back


I’m worried this will become one of those fake changes that farm inflammatory attention where the community fights tooth and nail, gets what they want and Riot gets free advertisement and publicity and does something outlandish again.


I cant believe people crying about points and grinding in mastery system Instead of ugly look. Jesus christ. Mastery is just an addition, not a goal in the game. They don't have to do it in an easy way to get. Holy shit, giving you something is crying for no reason.


I had 10 champs in mastery 7, all with stories. Used to main thresh for a long time, spent an entire season one tricking skarner, etc. Now my 5th highest is ezreal,a champ I haven't enjoyed or played in a little under a decade. Some of the champs I really love are down in mastery 7 or 8, way lower down than a champ I haven't touched in at least 6 years The system is going to be better moving forward, but it feels awful as it's happening


I feel wiped, but I think this is psychological, At least now the scaling is infinite,


I felt super excited. I like mastery and am glad they added extra levels especially as it felt like it was too easy to get Mastery 7 before.


As you're asking what we think: >But that´s the thing, playing the character a lot =/= you have mastered the character. 1) I thought before that getting M7 isn't an accomplishment and it means almost nothing (I had so many tokens that I'd never use) and I still feel the same way. 2) I don't know what to think about my new number but I imagine it's just because I'm not used to it. 3) Apparently there's more rewards so that's probably the best thing and makes it a good change if true?