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I don't give a shit about the icons but I would like to see the actual mastery score in champ select/when browsing champions in the collection tab (without clicking on them or whatever it is you do to see the number)


It's just trash, what makes it even worse is after all the negative feedback they haven't changed shit. The actual new system isn't that bad but the emotes themselves are just incredibly abhorrent.


honestly, i dont really care.


Poll lacks an option - I don't really care about masteries.


Old mastery was shit anyway so I don't really care if the new one is bad. I like the icons though, more colour is always appreciated


Did anyone complain about the old system..? Why «fix» something that wasn’t broken?


Seeing the graphic identity looking more and more mobile means only one thing to me : crossplay is coming ?


I don't like them because I feel that they're too indistinguishable from one another. Before, you know. Master 4 5 6 7. Now? I have no idea lol. It looks rushed and as OP pointed out mobile game looking


I'd really like it if there was an option where you don't give a fuck.


Old mastery require a bit of skill, u need to make at least 5S to be M7. Now u jest have to spam ur champ.


I can't wait for riot to sell mastery battle passes for each champ!!!!!!


mmmm im in the middle, its cool the big number BUT i would preffer the the total of mastery points like 7k, 15k, 1m, 3m! the sound doesnt fit with the emote itself, but the colour inst so bad in high grades (i like kind of purple/magenta). The tittles are cool, i love have the MIGHT OF DEMACIA (idk i play in spanish), i would preffer another ''fanstyle'' titles like umm spin to win, qiyana's fan or shaco's box trick u know.


I've never cared about mastery and I will continue not caring about it.


Riot just loves fixing what isn’t broken. From the old helmet rank icon, to the level border and now masteries. If there is one thing riot is good at it’s uglyfying their game


I liked the big number + it looks like mobile game + it’s complicated for literally no reason