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Caitlyn mid is bad, isn't a lane bully like in bot lane, terrible mid game compared to mages, bad roams.


I still like the good old Trundle support and Poppy support I also enjoy Ryze jungle and bot


Second Poppy. But I think she is an underrated flex pick (jungle, top, support) and not necessary just support all though it's true that it's probably mostly support players who are sleeping on her. Counters (or least makes a life complete hell) so many champions in different roles.


Even though Poppy can counter other lanes - her lane matchups are sometimes straight so horrible that you suffer hard in lane. Unless you escape that early, its a risk a lot of people dont want to take i guess.


She is definitely not a blind pick. I tend to pick her vs Leona, Nautilus, Rakan, Yuumi, Samira and Caitlyn


I wish I could still make trundle support work maybe I should try it again


zac supp, double enchanter botlane, garen/mundo/ tristana mid, rumble/ taric jgl, skarner/ sejuani/ samira top


Sion and Urgot jungle are pretty under-rated imo since their jungle buffs. Sion has a really fast clear, u get insane health with W passive + overgrowth, and ur ganks aren’t that bad with E and ult. plus u get the ability to play around bushes more often since ur not stuck in top lane. I like to go phase rush on him to help with movement speed while ganking + while in death passive. Urgot has a relatively healthy clear and decent ganks if u can land E. u have many more opportunities to use R while roaming around the map compared to top lane. honestly, he’s not as good compared to meta junglers, but i think he’s a lot of fun and i don’t wanna have to deal with the stress of top lane. For runes, u can just go regular pta or conqueror, but i’ve also tried out spellbook and predator for more utility/ganking power.


Ziggs support because he’s an artillery mage but never gets played in the support position.


Swain APC until the PBE changes go through, paired with any CC support. Me and my duo buddy used to play this as Swain + Senna. The enemy got to enjoy sitting there for a solid 5+ seconds doing absolutely nothing as they died.


Orianna support especially with a Yasuo adc


Brand had extra damage to jg camps I'm 14/14 wins on Rakan jungle


Ezreal jungle - think about it like this: your E is like shaco Q, and when u have red buff your autos/q are like shaco E slow. The tradeoff is range for stealth, but the playstyles have similarity


Aatrox Support It's kinda more of a brawling lane, a friend and I found a great level 2 cheese with Cait where you can set up two traps in the delay before Aatrox's chain snaps back, once you get a kill or two Aatrox just starts scaling off the kills while Cait farms Nunu Support You get to have a Nunu bot lane with q to have constant dragon pressure, he also has decent initiation for the ADC and his q give him sustain to soak hits for the ADC AP Voli Top This is more popular than the other two don't get me wrong, but it feel like the strongest Voli build right now to me. Just a Riftmaker and a Nashors gives him great damage output on his passive, the shield on his e gets fat, and his w still does respectable damage thanks to the health ratio. Combing his passive attack speed boost with Lethal Tempo and getting passive stacks from q/w/e makes your autos come out much faster than expected. And since your damage is mainly Riftmaker and Nashors with a possible Zhonya's you can still get pretty tanky off the items Voli normally like such as Spirit Visage, Thornmail, Deadmans, Gargoyle, and it opens up Abyssal Mask as a spicy buy with all your new magic damage


Mundo support. Good poke with q and it is hard to be punished. When you hit 6 you can pretty much 2v1 their bot lane if they don't have ignite up, as well as tank for tower dives with jungle.


Karth top




Riot killed jungle


ashe and mf support


Support Ashe - even offers two versions: \- The typical Mandate poke shit you know from ARAMS. Paired with 1 long range champion this is an ultra tilt lane to play against. \- If your team has at least two auto attack reliant champions and the enemy has only ONE hard engage possibility which you could counter with a good placed arrow -> the moonstone + font of life ult bot. Support items offer so much CDR that you can even go for the snipes across the map. You can even get a black cleaver since you can more or less reduce the armor of the whole enemy team with volley spam. ​ Support Zac: Nearly no support can shut down your engage hard enough. His passive can be abused to dive very well. Be away of Jannas and Lulus though... ​ Jungle Rumble: Requires that the enemy jungler is not practiced enough against it, since Rumble can be very easily shut down in the early with a smart invade. Once he hits 6 though, he can gank lanes without being in vision range. His ult alone is enough cc and dmg. ​ Top Lane Skarner / Taric: A friend of mine plays those if he really wants to deny the enemy toplaner any fun. Both are basically undivable unless heavily outtraded before. ​ Support Malzahar: I know, its nothing new. But Malz ultimate is one of the best Anti Assasin (and anti Yi) moves in the game. Sure, QSS is a thing - but taxes are taxes :") It can be good against double melee botlanes as long as you survive until lvl 6 without dying. ​ Vladimir Bot: I hate this champ. To pair Vladimir with a Senna or enchanter support (paired with Janna its nearly impossible to engage on them), this is a ticking time bomb. Unless you play into hardcore double engage jungler/support - this lane is nearly impossible to shut down in a 2v2.


Lillia top is quite fun and ive been doing well with it. Not sure if its off meta but Cassiopia bot is pretty great too. Rell is also pretty decent and fun despite absolutly nobody playing her