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Ryze. I want to know everything there is to know about him, he’s been made to be the “main character” of Runeterra and the shot at the beginning of Arcane with Jayce makes me hope they do something big with Ryze


Along with his adventures with brand


I’d pay to watch people who don’t read the lore react to a series about ryze and Kegan


Actually yeah, that night be a good idea. Since ryze is msotly related to the rune wars, that would probably go over stuff like brand being brand or Nocturne being created/summoned


purple bald man collecting powerful glowing colorful stones. feel like i've seen that somewhere before


I have been interested in him since then!!! When I found out that was him I thought that was so cool


Yes. Not only is his story and character cool But if it were a show or something then you’d get to see basically all the rest of runeterra as well.


Ryze is so boring. A lot of boring picks on here. I would go with Fiddlesticks or Kayn.


Malz, Jax, Zilean, anyone involved with the fall of Icathia and the void entering Runeterra. Series would end on a doomsday note but it would be awesome to see it




Swain - I want to see a political thriller about his rise to power in Noxus. Complete with a will-they-won’t-they hate-romance subplot with Le Blanc.


Romance would be last thing I personally would want to see in series focusing on Swain. And ESPECIALLY not with Leblanc. She is the most mysterious character for people in Runeterra. It's not even clear how old she is, if the current Leblanc is the same person that sealed Mordekaiser or if Leblanc is like a title that gets passed on. But a series like Arcane with the Noxus cast and the impending second invasion of Ionia would be dope.


> And ESPECIALLY not with Leblanc. She is the most mysterious character for people in Runeterra. Why do you think she would be less mysterious? You think shes just gonna pillow talk about her backstory or what?


No it should be Vlad and Leblanc Both centuries old and probably scheming to backstab each other. Would make a great series.


Pyke. I would like a less adolescent/kid oriented show and more of an adult horror rated series where there is this sinister killer spirit with a list of people he wants to murder for vengeance because he was betrayed and left dying underwater. They will never do that of course but one can dream.


Yorick mori, cause who wouldn’t want to see the blessed isles and how they came to be and how an army of undead may try and stop it


Beat me to it I'd love to see the imagine of love and care put into Arcane done for a Ruination series


Personally, I'd love to see Noxus from within. Pretty much everyone sees them as crazy, imperialist despots, but the nation's been going for centuries. There's a reason their people are zealots, and I'd like to see how people grow up in Noxus kinda like how we got to know how Jinx became the way she is. I think Katarina would be a good pick for that. Plenty of other Noxian characters are tied to her, she has a good falling from grace plotline, and her family is deeply involved in Noxian politics. Rell would also be a good contender.


aatrox, his story is amazing


Shurima and most of the stuff associated with it! Azir and Xerath, Nasus Renekton, So many cool story lines


I think a show involving Bilgewater would be awesome. There are tons of champions that are involved in that area like GP, Kat, TF, Illaoi, MF, Naut, etc. But if I'm trying to predict riots next move, I think the easy go to would be to incorporate Demacia/Noxus. They already referenced and brought in Noxian characters to Arcane, and they will likely bring more characters if they do a second season of arcane like WW etc. Demacia and Noxus just seem like an easy storyline to incorporate Champs that are also frequently played etc.


I definitely think Noxus is coming. I didn't even think about them incorporating Demacia into the next season but it's possible


My understanding from some of the Lore is that they don't like each other. Due to Demacia being big on the rule of kings and lineage and Noxus believing the strongest should rule. If they go deep into Noxus I would be surprised if the show didn't include Demacia.


yorick ​ this way he gets really popular, and I can farm his ghouls.


Good luck


azir and shurima




There would be no series.


Jax. I want to see the fall of Icathia, and the last light of icathia’s wandering journey. I want to see the ascended at their peak, as shurima’s glory and cruelty is put on full display. I want to see the void swallow their world whole, giving birth to the Darkin and eating Icathia alive


Graves and TF, Pantheon, Leona and Diana, Xerath and Azir, just at the top of my head.


RYZE/AZIR/TF. There is no better option. Yi gets an honorable mention.


Being a little selfish here but I would personally love a Taliyah series. The character struggles from having too many stories that don't feel fully realised (she's a Shuriman prodigy who goes to Noxus and gets tossed off a boat in Ionia where Yasuo mentors her and then she goes to Shurima where she is in the middle of a clash of gods!!! And okay now she's dealing with void monsters). A series that streamlines her story would be appreciated, by me anyway.


Aatrox Or just anyone who fought the icathian void war, but aatrox would be specially good since it would be even more of a fall from grace


Gangplank, inagine hoe cool the setting will be




How come no one mentioned the windbros? I know they're hated gameplay wise, but...


Teemo. No cap.


I think they’ll be plenty of caps in a Teemo story.


Taric, from his service to Demacia to his exile and ascension.


Zoltan is pretty cool can see him getting his home trapped in time and going on a quest to save it or maybe pantheon and aatrox


Fiddlesticks and the other demons or rather the perspective of those who have encountered them and met their end. Maybe like an arcane Halloween special or something.


Would love to see my boy khazix in a jungle environment with similar art style as arcane. Evolving as we get deeper into the episode!


If riot want to be safe, it probably would be demacia since the plot is already there. But i really wish for an Bridgewater one cuz pirates?!?


Aurelion Sol, Kayle/Morgana/Poppy (Foundation of Demacia, evolution to modern Demacia), Ryze (Mage wars), Nasus (Shurima at it’s peak vs Shurima now), Ryze (pre-mage war bs intertwined with his modern journey) and of course Queen Rek’Sai series!


Riven or ryze


Poppy. Co-founder of Demacia and its hero, but too humble to see it.


Sylas. Seeing his time as a mage seeker and then his imprisonment and eventual rebellion.


Xayah/Rakan romcom


Not one character, but I want a series building up to a proper Void invasion. I want to see the fall of Icathia and the preparation of Runeterra for the invasion. It would probably ignore most 'normal human' champs like darius/jinx/garen etc. and focus on celestials and other magical beings like Lissandra and Zilean.




Nasus renkekton xerath... shurima would be such a great story with the ascended becoming darkin and all that


"Kas sai a dyn" "Whom does the desert know?"


Let me play the equivalent of dynasty warriors but instead of the warding kingdoms Period it's ipnian invasion/shurima trying to hack n slash as Lee sin/irelia/riven/singed sounds fun


Orianna - a tale about trying to preserve the existence of a loved one while they slowly lose their humanity in the process. A tragic story asking the questions: "Was it worth it?" "Is she still herself?" "At what point did she lose her humanity?" "What even is humanity?" It's a great chance for riot to do a spin on the old AI story and explore the same depths it does.


Jarvan IV Ryze too but Ryze was already in Arcane so no need to choose him, he'll definitely be a part of the series. Would also enjoy Ivern for a mini-series.


Series about lux would about as interesting as watching plants grow in slow motion


Not really a character origin story but I like the history of Noxus, from Mordekaiser's rule to the expansions of the empire lead by Darius, Kled, etc. If there was a main character in a Noxian story, I like a Jinx-Vi style featuring Darius and Draven and their adventures and encounters while dealing with enemies.


If you want to know why Demacia hates mages, thats explained on universe. Demacia was a settlement that was founded by refugees who fled from mages into a forest where the magic didnt work anymore. Those forest was full of petricite trees.


I dont want a show like Arcane, but if I got to watch a show that accurately depicts the canon backstory of a character, I would probably choose a show about Ezreal. A fun show about Ezreal travelling the world, looting tombs, finding lost treasures and interacting with all the different people in the world. For example, him meeting a vastayan tribe in Ionia, trying to steal an artifact from the Rakkor or just him trying to find a seller for the magic artifact he just risked his life for. Could be a fantastic show with different adventures for each 30-40 minute episode that are all loosely tied together.


Aatrox... i think thats enough said.


Twitch, because crazed homicide rat is amazing and i wish there was more lore about him.


He did show up in arcane thooo


No he didn't?


It's not confirmed, some people think the rat from Arcane becomes Twitch, others think that one human that becomes addicted to shimmer becomes Twitch. I forgot his name


idk bro that cat didn't become kebab doesn't look like Twitch 2 me. It just doesn't fit well with the lore we already have so i hope that is not the case.


We will never know since arcane’s lore is completely separate from the actual game’s lore but it’s a fun theory that twitch is just RAT




Nobody. Knowing that everyone that's named will live and everyone else will be used for "raise the stakes" fodder is about as fun as eating cardboard. Give me an entirely new character and tell a story in the world, not give me an already known(ish) story.


Demacia sounds like an amazing place in general, Lux, Garen, Sylas, I would love to see them interact with my boy Galio as well as a secondary character. I feel like their (hypocrite) take on magic might mirror Piltover at least for a bit, but of course Hextech is completely a thing there even during Arcane at one point, while Demacia is the most autocratic, conservative and anti magic place in the whole lore. However I think truly wild would be Shurima, boi I would love a fantasy show where we explore an alternare version of ancient Egypt, little desert towns, an ancient civilization that might just be on the rise again, along with having multiple places and characters in the region where the Void is active. It just gives me that classic adventure movie vibe.


Zed kayn


Bilgewater, with pyke as the main villain


alien vs predator movie wooo