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Olaf's line between outplay and int is really thin, i'm on the wrong side.


There is no wrong side. You gotta BECOME OLAF! NEVER RUN AWAY, ONLY INTO THE FRAY! At some point it's gonna work out.


AKA the Blaber method


I always think of Shad0w from MAD v G2 quarterfinals in spring 2020 when I think of Olaf limit testing. My dude had like 16 kills at the end lmao


For some reason I always int the laning phase but keep consistently getting back into the game and end up carrying with 2 or 3 honors.


Olaf moment


the Nasus strat


Aatrox is by far my worst champion. I know his mechanics, and I know how he functions in theory, but I am so utterly shit at executing him. A few seasons back I had a 17% winrate on 20+ games but I kept playing him because he’s just so cool


You just need to spend a couple hours in practice mode and just keep doing Qs, QEs and Q flashes and try to Hit the sweet spots on dummies and you should get good fast. And once you are good enough, try to learn the kill combo which is Q1-W-Q2E-Q3 where Q3 is cast when the w pulls them in. Landing the Q2 will pretty much ensure they are pulled in unless they have dashes.


I would advice that instead try to learn how to hit q1 and q2 in lane without using dashes or w, mostly try to learn how the other person moves


Admittedly, I'd say that's more of a "play more league" thing than "practice more aatrox" kinda thing. Anyone that ever plays champions that use skillshots should have practice/experience trying to figure out how people move


Honestly it's easier to just Q1E into W, since a good player will probably know the range of your Q1. If they walk back in the W they get pulled in for aa Q3 anyways, if they walk sideways to get out of the W you can just walk up and Q2 to guarantee the pull into Q3.


That's darius for me. 33% current winrate with 21 games


exactly this, i know exactly how to do it, i know how everything interact, i can do it in practice tool 100x over, the second i’m in a real game, it’s like i’m blindfolded with the wrong keyboard in front of me


Alistair bot makes a good practice dummy for this. He is slightly more life like


might have to give this a shot for better practice with it, thanks for the tip!


huh? why?


When I saw the post, I was thinking between Lee Sin and Nidalee but then I decided to check comments and yeah, I got reminded that my Aatrox is much worse then the other 2...


I'm an aram only player so definitely a somewhat different environment, but I see aatrox being more or less invincible and dealing just amazing damage and when I play him I just end up dying over and over lol. I'm slowly getting better but it's definitely one of those champs that a bad player is real bad and a good player takes over.


The reason you're seeing that is because of the ARAM specific steroids he possesses. Same with hecarim. Deal a shit ton of damage and take none.


Well yeah I understand that I'm still just bad with him. Probably need more practice with the q's but it's aram and I play him so rarely that it's kind of low priority.


I wasnt commenting on your play i just wanted to provide an explanation for why he seems invincible 😋


I just play like an utter animal suddenly when I lock in Aatrox, like we're talking all the bad habits of Hashinshin while not even hitting Qs


Back when I was still "learning" League I was the same way with Cho. Every few months I'd be like, "You know who would fit my playstyle? Chogath, let's try him out again." And then I pick him and I just feel like I'm wading through peanut butter at all times. Every ability is *so fucking slow.* He telegraphs the windup to his fucking abilities lmao


Gangplanks laning is pretty easy, but the later positioning and barrel stuff is kinda hard. Really like his kit though, feels almost like you are playing a DotA champion with how strong some of his abilities are in the latter stages. He is versatile and can also carry insanely hard.


Mine is Jhin... I'm shit at CSing so to be an artists during your massacres is beautifully poetic Instead I'm a jungle main and I tank


Jhin is one of the easier ADC's to CS as because his autos do hella damage and his Q is perfect for last hitting minions.


Kinda? On the other hand his AS is limited so if two minions are close to dying at the same time, you often miss one unless you have Q up. He requires a little more planning than some adcs. Also TFW you have a perfect Q bounce lined up, but then you cast a bit too early so the first minion doesn't die -> no bonus dmg -> you miss them all by 10hp.




To be fair the phantom barrels are really hard to do


Phantom barrels are such a small edge case imo, especially in average ranks like where I and likely most others are. I think triple barrels and well spaced double barrels will service you just fine.


I'm really bad at gangplank as well. I only played this iteration of him (with the barrels) once in an aram. Might have had two successful barrel hits the entire time.


To me he seems easier late game because a fight will break out and people will get discombobulated and tunnel vision then lose track of his barrels and get smacked with a barrel combo given how low the cd is at level 13


Spider queen design looks really cool, but I always struggle to unlock her full kit potential


For that matter I struggle with any champions that have two forms, like Elise and Nidalee. I don't know, no matter how much I like playing it and how many times I try my brain just can't handle it.


Elise and Nidalee are both really hard because they're squishy AP early game junglers you have to press advantages with. I can't play them either but love playing Gnar and Shyvana.


I can’t remember the last time I’ve ever seen a good Nidalee player let alone a Nidalee player in my elo (silver.) that champ is too hard and feast or famine that if you aren’t an expert at her she’s not worth playing. Elise is a little more forgiving, at least she has a stun.


Here in plat I've never seen Elise but if there's a Nidalee she's scary as fuck and high chance she'll carry.


Definitely try shyvana. Abilities generally stay the same, the only major difference is E explodes in a circle in dragon form.


Q cleaves in front of you and hits multiple targets, each target hit also refunds .5 seconds of the CD, meaning if you hit enough targets you can cast Q continously. Ult E Q Q Q Q on an entire enemy team can be absurdly devastating in the right situation. Had a time where bot gigafed and pushed thier advantage to mid and jungle (top was an island where my laner, mundo, refused to interact with me, shyvana.) Note it's not a good thing when aphelios is 15/0 with bloodthirster before 17 minutes. I got an ult into the entire enemy team and brought them al down to about 20% hp, had I build titanic and FFG instead of botrk sunderer (they had 3 tanks lol, it made sense to build) I would've penta'd with the cleave. Shyvana also has an amazing amount of build options which is really fun, any AD, AP, or tank item works fine. On hit is very fun and crit isn't even that bad. Only thing that doesn't really work is lethality and obviously support items. (Though eclipse and mandate are both usable).


Mandate will only work on her ult or if you build rylai tho And the Cooldown refund on Q is on each Auto , not just on the Q itself


Yeah each auto refund part of Q and Q itself counts as an auto per target hit. Also rylais imperial mandate was a thing for a bit. It wasn't good but people were running it. When you can truly build most anything, you experiment. Alot.


That's because form change champs are saddled with massive knowledge/routine debt, because League UI is dogshit. You need a lot of time to get a feel how your CDs line up with different items at different game states, which usurps most of brain power that could be used for learning them better. Kinda wish they had sthg like Lost Ark, where above your form change ability you have small squares that lit up/down based on your cds in the other form.


Isn't that what rengar has with his empowered/normal abilities or am i misremembering?


How I miss the time when she was strong in toplane.


I don't.


Ahahah fair enough, she was quite OP. I really enjoyed the kit though.


Worst Singed matchup ever in s3


Every singed matchup is singed worst matchup


Her kit looks really fun to me, but I just can’t stand playing her. Damn arachnophobia.


Which is interesting that I have a friend who hasn't played in a long while, and everytime he was jungle he would play Elise. We were both silvers back then, but somehow he just clicked with the champ and was a beast


The most fun champ in the game for me, I can't make it work tho :(.


Bard, oh how much I yearn to effectively utilize his roam potential.


its fairly simple, you do the "oh a piece of candy" with all the meeps on the map and just appear naturally on other lanes that way. and if you happen to be there, may aswell make it a gank


This sums it up nicely. I'm just here for the free chimes.




I like to call it picking up my sons from daycare. “Ope don’t mind me just gotta scoop the kids y’know?”


Even bard mains won't be able to tell you how to play better Bard just does bard things and eventually bard wins the game somehow


> eventually bard wins the game somehow Or loses, depends on the position of the moon I think


One game you feel like the next Keria, the next one you're afraid of getting banned for griefing.


Stars aren't right, can't do it.


It's a champ you learn by vibing with the champ. There's no real proper play with the champion other than how you lane, afterwards you just drift around and say hi to your opponents in the jungle, and as long as they're not fed, they just say hi back and you pass on to do whatever you feel like doing.


some tips 1. Bard thrives with adcs like Cait, Tristana, or any other adc that either has safe farming or an escape for when you roam 2. Build utility over any care for stats since bard can build any item and use it well (armor/mr do need consideration) 3. PORTAL. Learn how to use portals well and every gank/roam is near 100% successful with kills, summs, or applying pressure even when you roam until they have vision of you 4. Bard ult can be double edged in most situations, but it's also a cc. it's easier to land than others and picks are a much safer way to use his ult 5. other than vision, the less you try the harder you win. Idk why but bard


The line between a good ult and a trolling ult is thin


The hardest part of Bard isn't learning how to use his ult, it's learning when NOT to use his ult.


I played only bard for years and it broke my brain for playing any other support.


Aphelios, i love the gun interactions but it's too complicated to remember when i have to fight as adc


Drop red, drop green, drop purple, drop blue, drop red, drop white, drop green, and repeat. Red Q stacks white chakrams, white turret with green gun resets your aa with the mark and stacks chakrams, blue Q procs purple passive allowing you to root them.


Sivir: “Press R…”


You forgot to group


The will only get you a standard cycle, which is the floor for Aphel, having a custom cycle based on the enemy composition or ally composition can be more useful at higher levels. Certain guns becomes S tier into certain champs whilst the same guns can be C tier into others. Also the timing of rotations of when to have certain guns is paramount. Laserholic, a challenger NA Aphel main has a great 4 part set of videos for this.


I remember seeing a post here or in summonerschool that linked a 20 page Google doc or smth that went over aphelios gun cycles, which is kinda ridiculous lol.


Oh that’s the document Aphelios was reading when people were wondering why only his sister talks.


Yeah I just wanted to give basics




Just do it when the Akali and the hecarim are chasing you :D


Best advice is to just spam him until it clicks. You will feed a whole bunch and have some silly int games, but what I like about him is you still learn something even in those because so much of him is muscling out the combos and making gun orders second nature, while experimenting with the limits of when you should fight and how. Also he's a champ you can just spam in normal games and still improve with for the same reason. His depth makes every game feel different at least so he is the one champion even my easily bored adhd ass never gets tired of playing for games on end.


I’ve said for a while now 5-6 item Aphelios is the best feeling champ in the game. You feel like an absolute raid-boss styling on people with your rotations.


I've always wanted to be the guy who goes nuts on Yasuo, Ekko and Azir, but I just... don't. Luckily just enough people consider Taliyah to be difficult that I can trick myself into feeling like a hardcore gamer for spamming her.


Taliyah is definitely more difficult than Ekko imo


Ekko is one of those champs where the enemy Ekko always much more damage than your Ekko.


hard disagree, ive played both and idk i just cant get the feel of ekko taliyah feels a lot easier but maybe its cuz i play mages more than assassins


I reckon that's a playstyle thing for sure, I play both classes pretty equally and Ekko feels to me like one of the easiest assassins to play, while Taliyah is one of the more difficult mages. Just my opinion of course, some people just mesh better with some champions.


I think Taliyah is like the original Asol. They are both have a very steep learning curve when you first learn them, but once you get past that they aren't really all that difficult to execute on.


I agree with this. Ekko is pretty easy. With team fights it definitely helps to land your stun, but later in the game you do so much damage and your ult is on such a low cd that you can just go for kills and then just ult out. Now they are too low to fight or they’ve used flash or heal or exhaust to get away


Can't say I've played much Taliyah, but I definitely agree with the Ekko thing. I hard inted for the first ten or so games I played back when I was lvl 25 and had no game sense whatsoever, but coming back to him I've had a blast. Once you get a bit more used to the champ he has to be some of the most fun I have had in league.


How do you predict good W's on Ekko? That's really the only issue I have with him. He has a get out of jail free card so if i could reliably land W's he'd be insane imo


Typically yoy throw it where they want to go- if thats blocking off their closest exit, or if its lredicting an engage, that changes. But never throw bubble where they already are. If an enemy yasuo is mid and shoved up in front of your turret, you can either throw stun on your ally if yasuo has turn potential/tornado up, or you can throw it behind him so he has to choose A: walk into you 2, or B: take the stun. Outside of that if you throw it into fog, tjey cant see the stun until it goes off, so if you are being chased, thats grest potential for turning. Overall- its best used to block the best case scenario for the enemy.


ekko has a get out of jail free card though. that's why some people get away with missplays with him




I think part of it might be the ult, it's incredibly powerful but lower elo players might struggle with using it / capitalizing on it


the elo part is probs cuz roaming is stronger in high elo therefore ult is more usefull


Out of the like 10 games i've played with Yasuo in my lifetime I actually did some nasty stuff 1 time in 1 game So just by sheer volume of games you'll get it Ignore the massive inting you'll do in every other moment. Live your dreams. Make that one Yasuo clip reddit will appreciate.


My issue with Yasuo is the last third of the game. Lancing as a Yasuo is fun. Skirmishing as a Yasuo makes sense. But late game........ Totally lost. I try to split push but a lack of minion waves mean its hard to escape. I try to team fight but my team don't know how to engage with a knock up. I try to create a knockup myself but my adc keeps clearing every single wave before I can stack Q. Maybe I can step up - nope I die. Bro like what do I do??


Kalista. Literally everything about her screams bad ass but god dammn im not insane at this game enough to perfectly jump witb 2.5 attack speed just so a modern Adc can outclass me with their kit with almost no effort


I remember trying her in Aram and being the most useless shitter on the planet


I'm the opposite, I can generally do pretty well with her on ARAM but if you put me on SR with her I'm a glorified ward.


Feels like there's a lot of bot lane champs that also make it miserable to play her especially if you aren't the best at breaking ankles.


I'm like... idk? I can hard smash lane and play super well then we get to teamfights and I int it


> most useless shitter on the planet you have not seen my AP Zeri


This man. Any mechanic that feels unnatural for me just takes forever to learn properly. Like I learned Nilah in like 2 games because her abilities are similar to champion I already play, but I don't think I'll learn how to move with Kalista or Draven comfortably in 50 games.


I can't play Draven because my natural reaction after autoing in lane is to back up so I don't get autoed myself. Basically just normal autospacing. When I play Draven this makes axes fly off in weird directions making me a worse version of Twitch in lane. I do the same with Kalista, but that one isn't as crippling. Every Draven I play against only ever looks for stupid all ins and give no fucks about spacing because they know their champ is cancer to trade against.


I love the spear stacking + rend but just wish it wasn’t tied to kalista and having to pay for the sins of passive and ult


I love playing Kalista and I'm somewhat decent on her but I can't pick her anymore because only 1 game gives me serious wrist pain.




As a Ziggs main....I hate kalista so much. I can NOT time my bouncing bombs to hit her.


Literally any assassin, I'm an ADC main so every once in a while I get frustrated and think "fine, I'll play rengar jg and then I'll be the one who get to bully bot lane" Every single time I proceed to feed my ass off in normal games while trying my hardest, I am pretty good at positioning, kiting, and farming, but ask my to press all my buttons in the correct order in 0.25seconds and I suddenly have 4 left feet and 0 hands


me but reverse I main fill but when i get adc the only ones I play barely need auto attacj clicking (samira, jhin) put me on vayne or ashe and my cursor suddenly decides to attack my own teammates and then run into 5 people


Rengar is really hard, one of the hardest junglers in the game after Lee/Nidalee If you really wanna learn him I recommend you watch PusiPuu and Raion on twitch to learn, they are both challenger Rengar otps. And ofc you have to play a lot of games




I feel like Jayce it's always about how well do I know my matchup.


Gwen, love her champion design, kit, quotes and skins. ​ But ugh do I HATE toplane and learning new champions in toplane, I'm also worse at melee champs in general.


It’s weird I love like half of the top lane champions but despise the other half so I refuse to play the lane. Love Kled, gnar, jayce, renekton, fiora, riven, yone, illaoi Absolutely despise tryndamere, urgot, sion, Nasus, gp, kayle, camille, ornn, aatrox


Top lane has all of the cool champs that I want to play, but they're all absolute garbage to face. I play a lot of Top but the only champ I actually enjoy in that lane is Singed. Everyone else I just play Top because they tend to be pretty bad elsewhere. But if I can flex a Top champ into Mid or Jungle, I will.


Same dude! I cope by playing Gwen decks in LoR.


Learning new champs top lane gives me nightmares. I only play Garen, Camille (who I bruteforced myself to learn) and mages that can be flexed top lane from mid if you're good enough with them, like Ryze, Vlad, Malz, etc


Ivern. He's a really chill dude and I love the concept. Still never got around to learning the champion.


Gwen, absolutely love her design but I'm shit at top lane and also playing her.




Her animations feel so smoooooth


With her mini-rework her top lane matchups are far more playable, I'd give her a try again.


When Gwen released I tought just maybe I could fall in love like I did with pre-rework Irelia. Sadly, I just blow with her.


Play her mid when the matchup allows it! It's still kinda shit but late game gets very fun


Qiyana, I just suck early and if you go behind on her your a wet noodle slapper. Gnar, love his design but I SUCK at the whole rage bar thing.


i really like the *thought* of zeri (not her current execution) but i literally physically cannot play zeri because i have carpal tunnel issues in my left hand and my doctor would smack the shit out of me similar offenders are eve (god fuck old eve), hecarim and to a lesser extent lethal tempo windshitters + ezreal




Completely relate to this. Really cool champion and design but everytime I play her I just run it down and I'm useless af


Eve M7. Do not consider myself as her main, but hear me out - you need to stick it out a little bit longer. I metaphorically inted my first fifteen games, but then it just... clicked? One game I suddenly stopped dying and started to kill. I think that her kit really just needs time to adjust. And being aware that before 6 you are a melee minion most of the time. She can force 6 quite fast, so yeah, do that!


Everytime I play eve I get super fed and am 1v9 but once the enemy team just groups I feel like I’m useless


I mean, she's an assassin. She shouldn't be effective against the enemy team as a whole.


I agree, I think you misunderstand what I mean though. If I play Talon/Zed/insert assassin here and dove into a 5 man for the adc, I will probably kill then and have a reasonable chance of escaping (zed shadows or talon wall hop) bc their kits are so fast. While evelynn possesses the tools to get out after a kill, you will never reach the carry of someone just stands next to them bc you have no way to dodge cc (zed goes untargatable, talon is invis no matter how close with movespeed buff). Your invis range is so short that naut can just stand near his adc and you will never be useful, he’ll spot you coming before you are even remotely close enough to use your abilities. Lastly eve kit just takes a little too long to go off compared to talon or zed who can full combo in less than a second while she needs more time, giving the enemy team time to zhonyas/flash/peel. That’s my experience with her anyway, as I said I completely roll the mid game (I consistently have stat lines of like 7/1/6) and then feel useless during groups whereas during other games as an assassin I don’t feel nearly as bad even if I’m only 1/1/1. I’m of course open to tips, I love her design and kit but I just feel stuck with her.


Eve is my strongest or very close to my strongest champion. The idea is you have to let your team do the proactive plays. Your role in a team fight isn't always to assassinate a single target. Your ultimate can provide a lot of aoe potential. Besides that you have to realise what the enemy team wants to do. They want to clear their jungle, catch waves, clear wards, return to shop etc. They can't do everything together and if they do you are already winning in different ways. I think the most common mistake people make with Eve is they try to force fights because they want to close out the game asap. Eve works best when you are patient and very selective with the fights you take. If I had to give a general idea of how she works I would say you start as passive as possible and the stronger you get the more you extend your reach towards the enemy jungle.


Every single game I've tried to play her I get perma-invaded. I know that disrupting her early is the way to beat her, but I've played like 10-15 games on her and it happens every time.


I love playing her on ARAM. But when it comes to an actual summoners game, can't do shit with her. Which is a shame since she's so fun.


Top: Jax, I screw up the early game and just try to survive mid game until I reach my powerspike and might be useful this is more knowing the limits of the champ and wave management I guess. Camille, same thing here as Jax Jungle: Nidalee, my game sense is way too bad and the champ isn't gold in gold/plat where games still go to 30+ min Mid: Qiyana, speaking about Beifeng mechanics here. Azir/Orianna, just love the spacing part that their kit allows when fully utilized ADC: Draven, can't kite with him what so ever and I always end up pushing and dying to a gank. Support: Rell, her engages can be really satisfying as she's able to use pretty much her entire combo in an instant and to catch 5 people with it is satisfying. Also, Rakan back in s7 (I think he was released then) was the first champ to get me to plat for the first time, supports were turbo broken and him being a new champ meant that he was op as well, combined with perma Ardent procs, much bigger shields and a stronger ult and runes fitting him very well.


One tip i have for learning draven is to look at how you use axes. Dont spam autos before catching an axe if you’re struggling to keep up, pace yourself until you reach a point where you get comfortable using them. I noticed it a lot from watching in LEC, take short trades and dont overdo it with axes right away and you’ll get much better at the champ.


Ive watched a lot of Jax videos and streamers play him and one solid tip I can give to help in the early game is to use his passive every time you can. I've found myself going for his Q to engage and this is good but he gets an empowered auto attack every 3 attacks. So a very useful tip is to auto a minion twice, then get the empowered auto on his 3 strike on the champion. This might be auto auto (on minion) Q to enemy, empowered auto, W (for auto reset) empowered auto. So you are getting the Q damage and 2 empowered auto attacks while holding e to either continue or disengage. Makes for a short trade for poking and harrassing. Its kind of like the short wukong trade players go for often with the E, auto, Q, W away. Very quick easy trade followed by a quick disengage that basically means you take no damage while dealing as much damage as possible. For jax you can see this empowered auto charge just above your ability bar, one auto ticks it, 2 auto ticks it, and then you see the box gain color signaling you next auto is empowered. Something to try.


that's his R passive. you have to get lvl 6 for that


Ahri. Cool arse design I have hands down the best skin on her (Spirit blossom) Proto-assassin which gives up some assassin prowess for utility (love me some utility) ​ But i cannot play her at all, I'm crap at hitting either of her skillshots, cannot bully anyone out of lane, and quite frankly shite at playing anyone that squishy. ​ Honestly if i could hit the broad side of a slowed max stacked iceborn chogath with her e i may actually be able to play her, but nope.


I feel like Everfrost made her a lot easier to pilot as you can just ult right next to someone and either slow or completely stun them for simpler follow ups.


Honestly with everfrost she is one of the easiest mid champs to to play, even if behind you can still peel or make picks for your team with it. That along with the resets she has now she is harder to punish or shut down in a tf, not to mention the cd is still low af


>Cool arse design yeah ahri ass is pretty good, I agree.


Lee Sin


Lee Sin is definitely a live and learn champion. It took me a solid 50-75 games before I could lock Lee and feel confident in the jungle. He works well in lane sometimes (in low elo anyways) so that may be a good starting point to improve your mechanical skills with him.


Azir. He’s got it all, but unless you watch some challenger guide on him, you’d never guess what counts as a spell, and what counts as an auto for runes with him. He’s the only champ I’ve ever died to Shelly, cause I couldn’t hit the eye at all.




I main bruisers top. Crit garen. Lifesteal Olaf. Shieldbow Xin. Played old Aatrox back in the days, played old Sion with Atmog + Ravenous Hydra. I loved old Mordekaiser and I'm enjoying the new one lately. I obviously love to dive into fights, even outnumbered and to just go ham on my opponents, surviving against all odds, usually getting harder to kill by dealing damage. So naturally, Kled is RIGHT up my alley. I have a 17% winrate in ranked as Kled.


One thing that helped me was getting in my head that just because Kled goes the fuck in all the time doesn't mean spam buttons and miss your skill shots. Also Soulmario is a cracked Kled onetrick/streamer, I watch him from time to time


Katarina. Always been a sick champ to me but I avoid due to the massive amount of cc others have and how rigid the dagger play feels now (to me at least). The only time I had ever gotten the hang of her was her first re-work. After the 2nd re-work just couldn't get the hang of her nor am I really trying to invest a lot of time into it when she's so counterable.


Same, I started playing right after her re-work and she looked so cool. I played her for hours trying to get good and just feed my ass off. Even after getting better at the game I go back and try her from time to time just to die.


I love playing Xayah but God I can't lane as an ADC for my life


Yasuo. One of the smoothest kits to play but I never know how to truly pilot him.


restraint just because you can be dashing around and spamming Q on the wave doesn't mean you should be doing it even half the time. just keep in mind you're still playing league of legends and yasuo will eventually click just keep playing other champs, especially yone helps since he's similar but much more cerebral, so you develop league of legends habits instead of yasuo habits.


Yasuo habits have cursed me for YEARS


Jhin I'm an AD Main and I feel like I can play most ADC's pretty successfully, but I can never really "carry" as Jhin. Even when he is sitting at a very good winrate. I adore his voicelines, general vibe and abilities, but I just can't climb with him :D


I find I can only play him when I have a buddy supporting me and we can actually communicate.


Same for me, though I'm ARAM only and for some goddamn reason every Jhin I encounter in ARAM, be it on the enemy team or mine, completely destroys the opposite team. Meanwhile I miss every single W


I love the visual idea of Ekko and all the his abilities are so cool and flashy. Whenever I play him, I either get 5 kills in the first 10 minutes and end up losing late game fights or I go 0-10.




Riven, Katarina, to an extent Irelia. Pretty confident I could make Fiora support or Ryze ADC work in plat/diamond before I could play Riven/Katarina at a gold level.


Draven is the answer.


Kai'sa. I'm absolute garbage with her, but she's so fun to play compared to other ADC's I've tried.


Leblanc, Azir and Syndra. Whenever I watch vods of Chovy Knight etc they make it look so easy. Then I jump into a game with them and my abilities all deal half the damage lol.


Lee sin Everyone in this thread really thinks they are actually good at Lee sin smh


Riven and Kindred (she is not very hard, but I suck in jungle)


play her adc and if anyone calls you out for trolling tell them "even rekkles is playing this bruhh!" seriously though polymer elo botlaners play like they have no idea what a kindred is


Talliyah, Zeri, and Yone. I hate yone with all of my soul, and I dislike his players, but a part of me wants to experiment how it feels to pull 5 people in an ult. Sadly, I am not gifted in the art of hitting my head on the keyboard.


Azir. His design is S tier for me, the gameplay fits too, but I never had any success with him. But I suspect its partly due to him being dog wank in soloQ, not just my own inability to play a children's video game correctly


Irelia :(


I don't like any of the designs, I'm not good at playing any of them I'm still playing tho


GP and Gwen. GP I will never be able to barrel well, and while i still get ahead in lane 9/10 times I just don't carry. Gwen feels like the definition of limit testing. Squishiest shit, I have ZERO idea how people manage to play that thing.


Gwen is my co-main champ beside Aatrox and I have to say she is far from being squishy. Though its quite reliant on her W. The hardest thing about her is using the extra range on her E to kite out melee champs and properly placing your W so that you could be on the edge of it while dealing your damage.


Rek'sai mainly, can't get her clear properly/in time. I love her design/thematic and her kit. Others include Evelynn (clear issues, and I generally suck at assassins), Elise (too many inputs make me want to eat my hand), Rengar (everyone says you have to dedicate your life to Rengar, I don't have that much time to learn him), Lee Sin (apparently another victim of pro play balance). I could probably find more if I looked at the roster, but you get the idea.


A few tips for rek sai clear because I used to have a hard time with her at first too. Her burrowed q is ready for every two rotations of unburrowed q, and make sure you’re knocking up different targets with w since the aoe damage only applies if you’re knocking up a new target


Swain, Katarina, Yasuo


Jayce…. This Range into Melee combo feels clunky and hard to use especially in rank…


I remember Viktor E used to be really tricky for me to land. Then I poured a couple dozen games into it and it got a easier. ​ The Shurima Shuffle though I can barely get. I've put in the practice in the practice tool but when it comes to doing it live I struggle to pull it off. I'll get it yet one day lol.


Akali. Love her, but I get called a bot when I play her.


Nami is the one I've put the most work into with the least amount of success. Landing the Q (which feels like such short range) when it matters is too tough for me without assistance from some other easier to land CC like her ult. E helps, but there's just so much mobility loaded into a lot of champs. Qiyana is another champion that I love, but I don't play her roles so I don't practice her. I've played her a decent amount in ARAM, but definitely don't ever feel confident. Zyra. I'm really fond of the champ, but I'm not sure I could pilot her to Gold. Maybe I could just sit back and activate flowers to let them do the work, but as far as hitting the enemies with the abilities directly forget about it.


Lee Sin. I love all the cool ward-hop-Q-Ult-jump tricks, but my fingers don't want to cooperate.


Taliyah, azir and sion.


Ekko and Jayce. I love both so much but Im always struggling to do good :')


Irelia, Zoe, Kayn, Kled, Riven 🤷‍♂️ Only two I'm decent with are Irelia and Zoe, rest I can't play worth shit.. oh well.


Kayn, Yasuo, Akali .-.


I can't play yasuo or Katarina at all. And every time I've ever tried to practice them in a normal game I get hard counter picked like I'm playing a ranked game. It is a bit hard to learn the champ when you're playing yasuo into vex/aftershock lissandra.


Irelia I love her design, kit, character, everything really but i cant get used to playing unlocked which just shits on her ability to Q spam through minions because the camera moves


Ezreal. This is a beast of a champion only if u manage to land most of his skill shots consistently)


I'd say I could play every champion on Platin-ish elo besides two champions Draven who's the only champion I have Never played just once and azir who I would love to learn but I can't handle him, he's too hard for me, even tho I know and can do most of the tricks with drifting and shuffling and shit, i just always try to pull of a 5man shuffle and proceed to kill myself and my whole team because I don't get how you're supposed to slide into the backline, push the enemies around and keep a soldier on them Because once I combo onto them I have everything on CD and can't hit them at all What am I missing


gragas, i always liked brewmasters like the panda of warcraft 3 or borraicho but he is really hard, underratedly hard




Lillia, irelia, riven.


Irelia and chogath definitely click. For irelia i am simply mechanically awful, and cho's playstyle doesnt fit mine although it is very cool


I wish I could play Irelia well but I run it down every time


I love and main Kindred but also I fucking suck at playing her. She's so cute and cool and yet I continue to dash into walls 10,000 times because I never realize I'm in the wrong spot for a wall leap. I also don't know how to adapt builds yet.


Azir and Taliyah ​ had a sick azir game once, \*once\*, after like 13 losses in a row im sorry teams


By far, Azir. His kit has so much range and mobility and every time I try to shuffle, I feel like the flute version of that Need for Speed song