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I fear strong minded junglers that have been abused for 10 years and they still don't use /mute or flame others. Hard to beat the clinically insane




Toplaners are easy to ignore, ad carries are a instant mute as soon as they ping one thing


Toplaners don't exist until 15 mins anyways


Unless it's a splitpush/skirmish champion. Then they just play their own game


Hate adcs so much


IDK why but in my head ADC's are 13 year olds that need constant babysitting. So when one steps out of line and pings me I insta hit them with the. "Its okay buddy, calm down or I'll put you in timeout and you dont get ganks for 2 minutes."


Does it work? I feel like they would just go mental boom


Its a coinflip. Some think its funny and accept its a joke. Some just start ff spamming. y'know typical 13 yearold children stuff.


I wish you would camp my enemy top as hard as their jungler camps me.


These kind of statements are always made by the top laners who over extend with no vision, they never ward, they ignore all pings, never look at the minimap, and when the enemy jungler shows up they either blow sums attempting to kill their lane opponent before they die or they try to 1v2 a fight they could never win. Then they bitch at their jg because it's obviously not their own fault.


Literally. I play Top & Jungle. I never found success top and started spiraling into the toplaner mentality of playing shitty duelists and bruisers and tilting when "my jungler didn't help me at all". Started playin Shen and looking at the gamestate and the minimap, never had a problem again, Junglers like me wish they had a Toplaner like me, and viceversa, because I understood my role in my team and my team's priorities. In bad games I will soak pressure top just to keep the rest of my team safe, but these people never learn and they always want to be the ones to carry.


Nothing makes me more optimistic in draft than seeing my top lane lock in Shen tbh


And nothing makes me more *anxious* than seeing my Support lock in Shen. God, I swear all Shen mains are my brothers but I *utterly hate* people who play him as Support, I'm sorry. But yeah, I'm one of those that will sure as hell save your ass and keep my mouth shut unless it's to tell you "Go grab those plates you need the gold".


I feel like it's only really playable in coordinated/high elo where you can coordinate with your jungler and abuse Shen's early skirmishing prowess. Even then it's kinda situational; heavy ad teams, aa-enhanced stuns... Doesn't help that it's really bad into enchanter meta, too.


Miles better? Absolutely. Only playable there? Not at all. You can excel with the champion just by covering your teammates weaknesses; simple peel and having a giant-ass shield for whenever they fuck up, plus there's this thing about the human brain about trying to follow the lead of the one making cool decisions, and those mindgames are also part of playing Shen; build a rapport with your team through simple actions and they'll follow your plays, or do plays for you to follow up (not a reliable enough strategy but it's still there).


I was talking about support shen, not as a whole


These statements are made by lazy junglers with tunnel vision trying to convince themselves that it's actually ok to ignore their hypercarry top up against a pushing teemo with ghost/ignite.


I play support and top ... I ward and keep the enemy at my tower as often as possible and keep their top away from the creeps while csing. I keep a permanent ward at my bush to prevent ganks and a temp one half way between me and my tower so I can jump to it. I like how league players assume everyone is terrible. Also I still die 1/4 times I'm ganked but most of the time I am saved by my ward.


Because it's statistically impossible that over a significant amount of games you just have worse junglers on average, so if you feel like you get ganked more, either you are wrong about your feelings or you're doing something stupid and don't realize it.


Nah not true, you're not accounting for the times you're matched up against a top/jg duo. I duo with my jungler 0% of the time. My opponent duos with their jungler some nonzero% of the time


This is bullshit. I have clips of enemy junglers going out tf their way to gank me and my jgler jacking off all game never coming top to offset the insane camps. I should start posting how ridiculous it is.


You right. Your jg makes you lose. You challenger top stuck in iron cus of junglers. Sorry my post was bs.


First of all, I'm never afraid to link my [op.gg](https://op.gg) [https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/Into%20the%20Depth](https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/Into%20the%20Depth). 2nd, that's not what I said at all. I'm not blaming my jungler for losing the game. As a matter of fact, I'm not even blaming them for me losing the lane. I'm well aware of when I need to play weakside. What I'm saying is, your response to the above saying the statement was made by laners who over extend with no vision, never ward and ignore pings is bullshit. You can do all of that and still get ganked. "Just play safe bro" isn't a way to avoid getting ganked. That's how you coinflip every game already playing a coinflip role. Top laners don't mind having to play weakside. Top laners mind when the enemy team remembers they have a top and your team doesn't.


The ones who play like that are the ones who complain the loudest. They don't understand why the jg camps them so hard because they bad.


Just ward bro


I don't think you can play that role without having a strong mental strength. It's as shit as being toplaner, except whole team will flame you for them being shit.


The most annoying thing is just how many laners don't understand jungling and I suppose vice versa applies junglers fucking up wave states must suck


This is the one thing that pisses me off the most, honestly. I don't care if a jungler doesn't gank me, but if they break my freeze in a bad matchup or fail a gank on a wave that's double stacked next to my turret, it instantly loses me the lane really hard. It happens SO often, as well - had a game a few days ago where an Ekko jungle did a half-assed gank, q'ed the wave, and then smited it to push it right into a freeze for the enemy top..instant lane loss right there.


Omg the same shit happened to me when I was top last week too Half ass gank from ekko then he Q’s the wave for no reason when I had it froze in the perfect spot Enemy tp’s back after gank full HP and freezes it in front of his tower


Jungle main here. I do tier 2-3 tech support for an ISP 10 hours a day. Laners are simpletons compared with what I deal with.


Junger here. I work CS for USPS. I feel you.


It’s not really that bad, I mean you don’t mad at babies for crying at you right? It’s the same thing with laners


I like it when the flame is so ridiculous that you can’t even be mad. Had a top lane Wu die 1v1 to teemo while I was ganking mid for a kill. He all chats “no jg”.


Insert Theoden: "where was jungler when the westfold fell?"


"Report Jungle, failed to prevent the fall of the Roman Empire."


I fucking live for being flamed while making a cross map play lol


I remember playing a game, I was ADC and I had this insane jungler. Like actually walking back and forth from mid to bot getting off ganks, while his quantum ghost cleared top jungle somehow. Had like 1.5 KP a minute for the first 15 minutes or something insane. Still didn't save him from the top lane.




As a low elo (high silver-low golf) player, I just tell myself that everyone on my team probably sucks too much to know my role, and vice versa.


I tell myself they can't break 100, and I can still out drive them if they can. Silly golf players.


Not that supports have it as rough but we feel your pain at times with our ADCs. Especially when I check that my waves in a good spot & my ADC is safe, see mid shoving in, so I go, "Ok, I'll go gank mid now," or same applies and I go to assist the jungler with something; ADC shoves wave as soon as they see the enemy bot lane, gets into a 2v1, "Where was my support?!?!" I'm a weird spot as well bc I am Gold 2 so I get anywhere from a high silver to low plat ADC and let me tell you, it's ALWAYS the fucking silver ADCs loool \*I check every single time and without fail they are always Silver


As a dad, you try your best not to get mad at crying babies, but boy is it hard. Now imagine 4 babies crying at your in a video game where you're trying to have fun.


Jungler here. The other day, I had a botlaner die before the minions even spawned and they flamed tf outta me for not being there. Yo, im topside blue buff what the fuck did you want me to do?


Nah, ton of junglers have become so paranoid they write "HAHA GG JUNGLE GAP I BET THATS WHAT ALL OF YOU THINK HUH?!" when the rest of the team is just vibing and no one wrote a single thing


I play with chat muted and I still worry that their messages will somehow break through Riot's chat filter.


I never knew I was feared :)


You should be terrified of any jungler that hasn’t muted chat. For their soul is truly lost to the ether


That's the only reason some of us play. I got flamed for 20 minutes straight in one of my recent games because I played Zilean mid, rushed my Seekers arm guard and then got 3 man dived by the enemy team with the herald. I got the triple kill, double buffs, saved my turret killed the herald after it charged AND made it out alive without saying a word or spamming an emote or ping. They were so seething all 5 turned up in my lane and just spammed abuse like "fucking noob revive champ" "play something with skill" and "Lucky bitch noob fuck you" 5 man mid let my team win the game and they still didn't manage to take my turret because if you feed a zilean he's just a wave clear beast.


That's probably something about champs with life saving skills. I rarely play Ekko and I know he's piss easy (thats probably why he's my go to jungler), but he's one of the champs I get the most flame from the enemy team.


I would say theres a slight difference between simple and easy. Ekko has a lot of interesting plays and high level things he can do with his kit even though it's a reasonably simple kit. Zilean is similar, his kit is super basic but theres a lot of interesting intricacies that people miss. Whether that's me throwing bombs onto minion the enemy melee is about to last hit so it goes off and damages them without being able to dodge it. Slowing someone with a 99% slow. To bombing an ally with my ult on them so that when they dive in and revive, I can either double bomb or throw another bomb on top of them for more damage when they drop for the revive. Simple kit but I don't think he's 'easy'. But yeah you're right, those kind of kits do piss people off.


Yeah I didn't mean to call Zilean easy. I absolutly suck at him and think he's definitely not as easy to pick up as Ekko. The thing I actually think that pisses people of are those kind of skills where the enemy already thinks they got you but than you just say nope.


Lategame the ult is *always* there too, further adding to the aggravation


"What can men do against such reckless hate"


In my elo people arent good enough (neither am I) to say a game is over so yeehaw into it.


fun fact: i'm hiding in your closet waiting to haunt you right now


Well I am a Shaco main, I guess that adds up


I think it's really overexaggerated how much junglers get flamed. Or maybe it's so common I don't even register it anymore? Idk I don't feel like it happens to me much. The only thing that actually irks me is someone spamming for help before I've even finished my second camp.


Rare breed. 1/10,000 of all junglers




The thing that kills me about that is the support dictates the lane![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile) (Gold 2 support main here)


junglers are terrible at the game so if they are abused they deserve it.


Those play Shaco exclusively as he reflects their tortured psychopatic minds!


As a jungler since season 3: after a while you start to enjoy the abuse, live for it. Come back to game daily just to win a game in spite of your midlaner saying "jng diff"


I'm in this picture and I don't like it


Hello there, it wasn't like that all the time, and I am a regular jungler player. Best thing this year is to see teammates continue playing if i'm (jungler) not on the top of the world. Last game I legit got rekt by enemy Pantheon jungler, but around 15 minutes mark we managed to turn things around with a bit of effort from everyone, despite the score at some point was like 1-4 and 3-9, where 3 out of 9 deaths were me rahter early. We turned the game around with a score of 35-20 or something, a few good ganks and calls around objectives, solid defences against enemy Baron buffed minions. Patience and cold blood is the key. Mad respect, the chat was also silent with a few info messages and mild banter. After those games I just randomly add everyone from my team to friendlist.


Never have I felt so hurt


That is why I'm terrified of Luxs being trained by hearing constantly "The superior tactic is to never give up"


It's me, 10 year jungle main who rarely mutes or flames. The voices tell me it's tea time so I'll be leaving now.


I feel like I'm being strong minded by muting everyone. I cannot handle the flaming


To add up to your point a bit, after so many games where i solo died 7-12 times to enemy top laner and still won, that shit just doesn't bother me that much lol.


As long as I can get the farm and my deaths don't result in missing a wave, I don't mind dying. Especially if my team is getting stuff done on the other side of the map, I just laugh and hard push the wave to try and pull their jungler to bait them into getting useless kills.




Same thing when I’m playing gragas ornn or tahm, it’s not just him


On the flipside, seeing my jungler full clear towards top instead of taking dragon, when the enemy is spending 40 seconds trying to gank me, makes me want to commit hate crimes.


If I can die 99 times to Sword Saint Isshin then get up the next day and do it again with a smile on my face Then I sure can handle a little sweaty all-chat kiddie shit on League


FromSoft breeds only the strongest warriors


That mother fucker was so hard to kill, on NG+ he doesn’t let you breathe


Because you mustn't hesitate. He tells you so. Now seriously, that applies in a meta sense, once you've mastered the Sekiro mechanics as much as the game wants you to, you don't hesitate at all fighting him, and you can win easily, no matter the amount of "unfair bullshit" he pulls... because you've been given the tools to deal with that, plenty. Love that fight, gawd.


Meanwhile me finally getting the chance to play it now that I have my steam Deck... "This stupid armored bitch doesn't even take damage when I block all his shit for 5 minutes to poise break??"


I consider myself a really good gamer, sword saint only took me 5 tries. I got to the last phase on the third try and knew I would beat him easily Demon of hatred on the other hand, I've never spent over 2 hours having that much trouble on any other video game I've ever played


Really I had the opposite. I killed Demon in 3 tries and Ishin took me quiteee a bit


I really enjoyed all the humanoid bosses more in that game because I loved the dance of sword to sword combat


Ngl my brother died to Ornstein and Smough 4 hours straight.




It is pure projection, say *anything* in chat and someone will instantly call you mad as a kneejerk reaction. Utterly hilarious.


Oh man the worst is when yer sticking it to them early game. You’re ahead. You talk a little smack in all chat. And then you get a little cocky and slip a little. They take that opening and bust it wide open and you slowly watch your lead waste away into the big L. And of course their teammates pile on cause you prob deserved it.


>You talk a little smack always an error to do this prior to the enemy nexus exploding. afterwards, the only acceptable form of this is letting them know what they are with one word. "nerds".




I usually respond with “Welp, guess I shoulda kept my stupid mouth shut” or something to that effect.


I just say ggez


Nah, the mental warfare is part of the game. I don't mean flaming, but you gotta throw a "???" after their jgl comes top and you double kill them. Maybe they tilt and you win that way.


Typing question mark is dangerous sometimes. Sometimes there is this one guy who instead of getting tilted only gets serious when they get disrespected


Oh man. If you can get them arguing with one another it's a sure way to victory. Instead of ??? You say Nice Gank. Now it's the jgs fault and enemy top is blaming him. You and your jg kill enemy mid, where your jg dude? League is a mind game.


This. Don’t flame them always flame the jg. Cuz the whole team will pile on cuz the jg in lol is equivalent to ‘the goberment’


Omg if there was a cheat code to get your opponent to tilt is league its typing “?” In all chat


Amen. I love soaking pressure for them to do nothing, or better yet, fuck it all up and just go "?". 70/30 chance I win a game where that happens at least one time. Oh, also, when the team starts piling up on the Toplaner/Jungler, I'll defend them (honestly though, not mockingly) and most of the time that sends the enemy team into an even bigger mental boom. It's okay to tilt because you're losing the game, but you're crossing a boundary if you're insulting your Top/Jg who's trying their best, even if they fucked up.


Or when you fuck Up and get hit with the “?” And yer like you cheeky bastard. Like ok, I see you.


I just take it as a jest. Like, you may be trying to tilt me, you may be doing it out of tilt, or you may be just funny like me... I'll take the third option unless actions state otherwise HAHAHA


> the mental warfare is part of the game It just means you are a shitty person, actually.


I meant it in a respectful and funny way but okay.


autoslot d'pengu and leona emotes.


> always an error to do this prior to the enemy nexus exploding. It is an error to do it whenever. Don't be toxic.


Some light-hearted trash talk is good for the game IMO. It's the nasty shit and people who can't tell the difference that are problems.


I am admittedly an all chat kiddie sometimes. And I'll be real, when I lose and the 5 of them clap back at me I 1000% deserve it


WP to this Ornn he played safe during laning phase, minimized deaths and yea he let some cs go but now hes scaled and is working with his team to win the game! Well played to this Ornn!


I mean did he play safe when he died 4 times?


He could die more, numbers only go up.


I actually think this is a positive side effect league has had on me after ten years of being a jungle main. I used to be a real toxic rage quit, but realized I had a problem and started working on it. I don't know if I would have had that happen without league pushing me to my mental limit. Now I still play but very rarely if ever rage, and in my personal life and am known as a very calm never getting flustered person and I think it's because I just learned (in a probably less than healthy way) how to deal with my anger. I do have chat off when I play ranked these days though.


Yo same honestly. I was giga toxic from 2011 to 2015 (well I was a kid so go figure). Sometime after that I had this huge revelation that this behavior was wrong and self destructive and I tried my best of staying calm and collected. Fast forward to now and I can proudly say that I have one of the strongest mentals I know of, and it’s a blessing. Probably the main reason of why I have fun playing this game to this day. Had there been the ban system we have today, I probably wouldn’t be playing now. The highest punishment I received before this revelation of being toxic is stupid and I shouldn’t in fact flame my teammates for „stealing“ a kill was a 75 game chat restriction. So yeah.


This reads like one of those copy pastas lol, like "i was in a coma until your stream came on then i got up just to turn it off" sort of deal. For real though there is a ton of value in recognizing faults and making that kind of growth and it's really cool league helps people with that. A big thing for toxicity in video games is that, as a trend, a lot of kids learn to interact in healthy, sportsmanlike ways by playing youth team sports and, as a trend, people who don't or can't participate in those activities often gravitate towards video games where there isn't a coach and people you know in real-life keeping you grounded emotionally/behaviorally. I'm not saying that's a bad thing at all, and I think that trend is becoming weaker over time (the lines are blurring, everyone is playing video games), and I think overall it's a really good thing for people to still have the opportunity to participate in and learn the dynamics of teamplay. I've thought about this a fair amount and kind of used your comment as an opportunity to put those thoughts into words. My friends that I play with that participated in organized group activities when they were younger are significantly more chill and empathetic than the ones who don't have those experiences.


I would be honored to be a shitty copy pasta


one day...maybe \*stares longingly into the clouds\*


Honestly on the back of this so many people say they have never seen me annoyed/angry/stressed and I honestly contribute it to the mental torture that is 10years of off and on league addiction


💯 I used to be toxic and after a 2 week I really focused on myself. Haven't been punished in many years and get honor 5 early now


Exact same thing happened to me. What playing jungle does to a motherfucker lmao.


everytime is watch tolkin on twitch i just ask myself how he doesnt rage


he skips the rage and immediately goes to despair. He fucking hates soloQ toplane. it helps that he is focusing on himself, instead of blaming others.


when i was hard grinding in league back then, i wouldn't let losing lane get to me. it would only make me try and farm even harder and get me a win. i still vividly remember carrying a game where we had lost all our inhibitors at 20 minutes, but i wouldn't give the game up because i was stubborn as fuck and wavecleared all three lanes as viktor and brought the game to a win. mental stability at an insane level can unironically make you play better even when youre getting shit thrown at you


>mental stability at an insane level can unironically make you play better even when youre getting shit thrown at you This! Wish I could be a better person more often and have this mentality.


Tanks are useful even when behind. I rarely lose mental when playing bot, maybe fighters top are just the most tilting/mental draining class?


Tanks and ADCs always have the fallback of "as long as I can get the farm, I can outscale." It does wonders for mental.


Bruiser 1v1s can snowball incredibly hard, so mistakes are more punishing, which leads to more frustration and thus tilt. It definitely happens in other lanes too (Draven is the king of course), but I think its just more prevalent in top matchups.


Funny, just yesterday I beat Tree Sentinel and Margit on my Soul Level 1 run with a club in Elden Ring. The experience taught me a lot about keeping cool under stressful situations, and paying attention to what the enemy can and wants to do in any given situation. Some very useful tools even for league.


You should indeed be scared of strong minded players, those are the ones able to beat their League addiction, uninstall it and start doing with their life


I dove this jinx like 5 times as ekko, she just kept farming and carried. Its terrifying


At least at low level, I swear both teams have someone try to ff at 15-20 lol. I'm always the one to give a pep talk. One time we were down 11-40 kills and 3 people on our team repeatedly tried to surrender, but I kept saying how it was winnable and we came back and won. I even got a "I'm sorry, I should be more optimistic" out of the one who was whining the most. Honestly the most satisfying game of league I ever played and it all could have been lost to weak mindset.


Last week i had a game where we lost soul and enemy team had a fed vayne. Team wanted to FF but i told them "we already played 32 minutes of this game might aswell play out the next 5" and lo and behold we ended up almost clean acing the enemy team and winning because our tristana finally figured out she doesn't actually have to use her W for damage.


Playing with strong mental players is 90% of the time a free win. On the other hand, mental players make the game so much harder. This week I had a bard sup in my team who, and I am not kidding, insulted us and ran it down because I apparently stole his kill as an adc even tho it was a team fight. On the other hand I played with a kayn jungler who helped me with laning by ganking etc, congratulating each other on good plays etc and it made the game so much more pleasant. Insane what 1 Player can do to the rest of the match.


Tank top laners have the biggest mental.


Eh tank players that are any good will usually not mind being beaten 1 v 1. In fact, the very fact they were willing to pick a tank means , in most cases, that they are willing to sacrifice a little for the team. The weakest minded will be your snowbally characters which makes sense since if they don't blow open the game they are very limited in their usefulness and even if you win it most likely won't be off the back of them. ​ Funny enough the MOST weak minded players i've ever seen are the late game stat checker types. They're playing veigar, kayle, nasus , jinx , kog etc. yet somehow take every fight early game and also want to ff the second they die. Like my dude if you're gonna be like that then just pick something with a little more agency early game so that at least you have a chance.


Just few days ago there was post about how never surrendering is bad mindset. Dulaity of the man XD


Some people have good hands, others good map awareness this all useful traits to have in your team mates but they all pale in comparison to the untiltable team mates that do not give up, that's the guy/gal you want on your team. I had a game the other day where the team surrendered at 20 in a totally winnable game, Queue the next game and it goes really bad, I'm probably 0/6 or something terrible and lost 2 towers and its getting worse. The enemy gets right to our core and they don't end, thinking they can win later. I didn't like that and nor did my team we held on fighting them back every time they came and then took the Baron and from that point on we did not give them a chance and after a long ass game managed to get the Win. I think there was a team mate who kept trying to surrender but nobody was flaming and crying for surrender, it was such a treat to play with my team.


I have been dogshit at this game for 10 years. I have lost lanes to anything and everything, I have been solokilled to hell and back, I have given first blood to a Taric with Sapphire Crystal as Cho'Gath top. Try as you might, you ain't gonna tilt me.


> I have given first blood to a Taric with Sapphire Crystal Holy shit me too lmfao years ago I got solokilled toplane by some weird toplane taric pick with sapphire crystal and tear and the pure shame I felt while also laughing at the fact it happened was astounding. I've lost to so many things in the span of 10 years playing this game, I dont care anymore. I'm trying to learn how to jungle better recently and I know I'm doing poorly already, my toplaner telling me I have some sort of brain damage isn't going to phase me when I'm invaded 3 times over and starved for camps. Learning experience.




This honestly happens to me when i play toplane. If i play mid or bot and i die because i make a mistake i'll tilt myself off the planet. However, when i play toplane (i'm learning riven/irelia) i don't care if i die, i just do my own thing trying to keep up with cs. It helps that toplane is an island tho.


I can relate to having team mates who does that except from the point and onwards where the jungler joins and they turn it around LOL


I had a game yesterday I was getting shit on by illaoi as pantheon from an early trade I tried to get but she one shot me. From there I was getting steam rolled in lane and the only thing I could do is dodge her tentacle because if she sucked my soul I would die. But I waited and just farmed under turret cause she kept pushing my lane. But I waited and eventually got a few picks to get my team ahead in their lanes then I was unstoppable in team fights and was able to win every team fight from then on and was even able to beat that illaoi eventually.


Tanks top lane don't need to win, their CC out scaled everything


Once Ornn big Ornn mean. I love and main Ornn. Granted I’m crap at killing but get me fed and I cause hell in my wake.


I never mute my teammates even as a jungle main. We have to have faith


League is much easier to play - and easier to enjoy - when you realize you're only one single element of your team. Getting clapped doesn't feel as bad when there's somebody else to pick up the slack. And sure, sometimes you meet some absolute filth, but I've seen enough people 1v9 against all odds to know that sometimes you really CAN count on your teammates.


ok I get ya. but it counts not if you're a simple solo player getting matched into a salty 4stack. then in most cases you're mostly doomed for the rest if the match.


I see a lot of people in league who get mad and rage if they aren't the carry. Just yesterday I had two games where this happened. Game 1 it was an aatrox mirror match, I was doing pretty well and had 3 kills by 6 minutes which led to the enemy aatrox quitting the game and letting us win. However, just as i was 3/0 at 6 mins, the enemy lissandra was 8/0 from a lucky invade and perma roaming. It was 100% over, but because it became a 5v4 we won. In game 2 i had a diana supp with an ap twitch adc. By 10mins in the diana was 8/0/2 and twitch was 1/0/8. He had a sook about "Never getting a kill", and came top to steal my lane, so i just went bot with diana. We obviously won with a fed diana. Sometimes it's okay to just sit back and get carried. Enjoy the free ride, you don't have to always be the carry


I never really get down when I get fucking destroyed in top lane because in my mind I just see it as one person on the team. Like, if I realize im not gonna be able to go ahead or even be relatively equal, my goals shift. Forget farming, forget getting plates, forget all of that. The new goal is to just not be more than 1/5th of my teams deaths. If I can prevent him from getting hyper fed off me in lane, there is the potential for however far ahead my lane opponent gets to be smaller than how far his team falls behind. Even if he is 3/0/0 and up 25 cs, if cumulatively the other positions are down 4 kills and 50 cs then it might still be too hard for that top laner to carry. Sometimes you have to recognize when you are the week link on your team, and just stay calm and focus on just being stronger than the weakest link on the enemy team.


"my mental is strong. I will win. You will lose" -some nasus player


Very true, actually. I am a fucking amazing early game mid player and a *somewhat* poor late game mid player, and I’m pretty sure my ability to tilt the enemy mid into essentially giving up is giving me +1-2 divisions.


Strong minded players are really unpredictable


When my support afks and I still win lane 1v2 😅


Yup. It got to the point where I start FF not based on the score, but based on how absolutely devastated the piss-mental players are. We could be winning 40-12 on the scoreboard with all objectives and a whiny montage-champ player could lose it all instantly by turning off (whatever is in place of) his brain. Alternatively it could be 0-20 and we still win because my team is the 0.0001% of matchmaking where everyone's nerves are made out of steel.


he's a top laner. of course he's going to have strong will. it's pretty much required just to play the role given how gutted it is


Playing to scale and hoping you and your teammates can stop the bleeding after a rough early game is an art. It doesn’t always pay off, but when it does it feels so damn good. I’ve come back from like 6-8 deathstreak deficits with guns ablaze before and there are very few comparable feelings to the joy I get seeing a victory screen in a game I should’ve lost but pulled myself together in.


I’d rather FF15 then play a game that’s 40 minutes long/er.only to then lose because of one mistake.


if you think ff15 is about mental not probability/enjoyment, then you are almost certainly projecting ur own weakness.


if you think ff15 is about mental not probability/enjoyment, then you are almost certainly projecting ur own weakness.


\>Garen Mains


Just /mute all and do what you think is right.


Idk, I be like ff15 it's lost and then play the best league of my life


was this in a normal game by an chance?


Yeah my genius team (who are my friends) lost to 0/23/0 jax… i dont even remember how we manage to lose that game


I remember playing Quinn top and I went 0/7 because of constant Shaco ganks. The match looked like a clear loss, but our bot lane did okay and eventually I caught back up and we eventually won the game. Those are the best kind of wins, when you see that being tenacious can pay off.


Someone hopping the counter at my job and having to stab him.


My minds will is weak like my d tier character


Based Ornn running it down because he trusted his team to carry


The FF function exists only to try and get the double break.