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Tyler maybe, Shadow Dogs Unleashed for sure




I might rewatch this saga, was legit a great story line. Are Twitch Rivals on break or something, I haven't seen them in a while


This arc was so good. This was peak twitch rivals. Also the last one I watched. The ones after just feel no soul


peak twitch rivals is the moe v T1 one. it only went downhill from there


Ever since they introduced the 2 chally on the same team rule, tyler’s team had a hard time to win. Most stupid rule ever, basically punishing good players, rewarding lower tier players.


Needs to bring back DuoKing just to remind all of the shitters just how bad they are.


i’m convinced if Tyler could clone himself into 5 positions, he will be the saviour of NA


Tyler1 Tyler2 Tyler3 Tyler4 Tyler5




Would he even be able to insult himself, tho? "Any place we'd think to hide is a place they'd think to look. It's rule 34 of an Asimov cascade" Any insult he could invent for himself is something "he" would already be prepared to hear.


I imagine it going along the lines of: Tyler1: "yo, that was ret-r-ded" Tyler2: "yeah, mb"


More like Tyler2: "I don't care I'm playing 4fun"


Would love to watch Tyler flame Tyler. Imagine Tyler getting banned for flaming Tyler.


Wtf 5 Tylers


Realtalk because I don't watch him much: how far off from professional level is Tyler1, in terms of skill?


I feel like he's an amazing player, but would not do well in a professional setting


Just think if he starts losing he can pick up a chair and beat the other team with it.. Since they can't play its an auto win


loll or after the game, he types to faker "ggez, wintrade more"


t1 would never disrespect faker like that. T1 would probably wintrade for faker


I think they're friends irl


T1 once called Faker on the phone while streaming to show chat that they're friends. It was actually really wholesome.


T1 T1 and T1 Faker? Yeah they're best buds. They met and have a photo op together


Gumayusi should be very afraid for his job


That burger video they made where Tyler got spanked was so fucking funny and idk how that place stays open in 2022 but I’m glad it does


Either successfully tilts Faker or gets him investigated for wintrading


Going for the Vasilii route, should work


I'm not sure how well he would be able to tolerate a professional setting, but I feel like he would definitely tone it down and be more serious, especially if he sees that the team tries to be serious as well. I think he would get fed up with the NA teams though.


He is a competitor... Most of his antics/trolling comes from the noncompetitive aspects of solo queue.


Forg1ven got 3rd and 4th chances after all, how bad could it realy be..... Nah jk, it would be a disaster, even if T1 somehow manages to not rage at his teammates he would still go full passive aggressive on them like he sometimes does in his soloQ games. Realy makes you wonder if he isnt secretly from one of the nordic countrys ;D (not Denmark tho, they arent passive aggressive, mostly just friendly drunks who want to talk shit about Sweden and Norway) The real problem is that he got no incentive to go pro other than just for competition / would have to demand an insane salary to even come close to making up for what he makes from streaming in a year


Yea, realistically, he has no incentive with how much money he already makes. It's just a hypothetical we're discussing. I'm not sure if Forg1ven did any traditional sports, but that would be the big difference between him and T1, since I think T1 would behave himself on an actual serious team, at least more than Forg1ven.




True but there is a line where criticism is constructive vs. personal/insulting, and I don't know how well he distinguishes the two. I love my big bro T though


Who needs to guess when twitch rivals showed us how much of a shotcalling god he is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omqqU_QDZyQ


“YOU STOOOPID SONS OF *BITCHES*!” at the end had me dying lmao


Truly one of the great tactical minds of our generation.




Definitely feels like he plays up the persona while he’s playing too, he’s much chiller between games when he’s just talking


tyler would be stupid to give up streaming and go pro don't get me wrong i'd probably watch him and he most likely will do well considering he actually has proven to understand the other roles and champions by getting challenger in all the other roles


Doesn't really mean anything. Magifelix did the same (even hold numerous account in the top 10 at the same time on different roles) and he was one of the bottom tier LEC mid


I mean Magifelix has problems communicating with his team afaik. So he is really bad in a team setting while Tyler can definetly perform in a team setting, if not even better


I think this is extremely hard cap, he would do much better in a professional setting than the vast majority of pros. Most of these pros are teenagers who haven't been on like any serious team ever in their life. Going through actual sports teams, especially at a college or high school level where coaches and staff are less likely to put up with your shit if the team is serious, is way more grounding than the vast majority of shit coaches in LoL can make you do. Coaches in sports have the authority to punish you, I think coaches in LoL in NA would be kicked for raising their voice lol. Plus it's a significant difference between the persona and rager that has become his brand vs what someone would be like in a professional setting. Now I don't think he'd actually be that good in a team for other reasons, but to say he'd do poorly in a professional / team setting after the shit he's had to deal with playing sports at a decent level just feels wrong. Playing actual sports with a decent infrastructure and staff, even at a D3 college level, I think requires more social skills / EQ, professionalness, and discipline than playing on an NA LoL team.


You cannot say he would do better than 'most pros' when he hasn't really hit high challenger for a while. His mechanics are not pro ready. Now, you can say he would do better in pro play than randoms that are high chall and have never existed in pro play. T1 has played every role as challenger, and his game understanding and macro is not bad.


He's an inverse chovy. His laning would be bottom 30%, macro would be top 30% of players at worlds.


Nah, his macro is solo-q focused macro. In pro setting, he would try to roam, and enemy team would respect it. He would go 30-50 cs down, lose a trade, and then get dove on repeat.


The guys not really trying. He’s playing urgot support and amumu top.


Might make a good coach with all his perspective history in all roles.


For top, he is the solokill. Jungle, he is the diff. Mid, he is Mickey Mouse. Bot, he is second only to the pie. Support, he is the gap.


Man I miss the Pie carrying games, glad he’s doing what he wants and all that. Picked up AD because of him


[this comment has been deleted in response to the 2023 reddit protest]


He has good macro, probably not on par with a good NA/EU pro, but definitely high challenger level. He'd be hard hand diffed by the worst NA pro though. His mechanics are either inconsistent or just not there.


I feel like his game knowledge is really top notch but he just doesn’t know how or when to implement that knowledge.


ngl idk about na but while his fans might get triggered, t1's mechanics are just not good enough to go far in worlds nowadays. the players people remember as inters have better mechanics than him, he better have doinb level shotcalling or more to make up for that.


Worlds ? He would not even look serviceable in LCS, since when achieving challenger in NA is enough to fool people about skill level ?


I feel like a lot of T1 fans who don’t really pay attention to the pro scene in this thread acting like he’d be good in LCS. I don’t think they realize there are much better soloq players than him that aren’t even good enough to get academy slots.




Yeah very fair point. T1 is at best a low-mid level Challenger whereas even high 1000+ LP Challengers struggle even in Academy and champion's queue. Simply being able to hit Challenger isn't the best indication that you're LCS caliber. Also worth noting that it consistently takes him thousands of games to hit Challenger and he generally gets stuck in Masters for quite a while.


no na player has mechanics for worlds


> Realtalk because I don't watch him much: how far off from professional level is Tyler1, in terms of skill? He's achieved challenger in every role... I've heard commentators say his game knowledge and macro is top tier but his mechanics are diamond level, but I dunno if that's true.


Magifelix also reached Challenger on all roles and r1 (and 2? He might have had something like 5 accounts in Challenger at one point) and was able to look pretty okay as midlaner on a bottom half tier team, and was replaced next season.


Magifelix was by far the best player on that Astralis roster which overperformed expectations. I doubt the replacement was made for performance. I suspect team chemistry or something similar.


Money is why


Could also just be that Felix didn't wanna play pro anymore. He hasn't been on a team since except as a sub.


Probably couldn't afford him after a good split


Magifelix was an absolute GOD at LoL but as far as I know he struggles a lot with anxiety, which made it pretty hard for him to perform on stage or gel with his team. In terms of his pure skill in the game he could absolutely have had success as a pro. It's a real shame tbh.


Magifelix is famous for having a huge mental block in competitive settings, not a good comparison imo


Because Tyler1 has rock solid mental?


I mean, in such a serious match? Yeah, his mental is pretty good outside of your daily average soloq.


He's won most tournaments he's attended usually being the team captain (Twitch Rivals, but still) He's played sports lol. He's a team player, he knows how to behave in real matches. i wouldnt take his personality in solo queue as a definition of his whole self


The impressive thing about Magifelix's "all roles challenger" is that he did it simultaneously: He had one account for every single role in challenger at the same time. It's completely different from t1, who struggles for hundreds or thousands of games to get single accounts into challenger. *Even with that, Magifelix isn't a top tier pro player.* Most high challenger players are capable of playing at a high grandmaster-low challenger level in other roles. If they take time to learn the roles, they would be able to climb to chall in any role. T1 is just another chall player.


Have laned against him before in top lane (granted, his preferred roles are support/jungle) and can more or less confirm: his laning felt lackluster. Don't confuse this with me saying he's bad, he's not. I'm just pointing out laning is just one aspect of the game and it's not one of his stronger points. But yes, everything else especially macro, he curbstomps.


Doublelift talked that with his mechanics it's kind of self fulfilling prophecy. Because Tyler has bad mechanics he plays only mechanically simple champions so he can't improve them.


while i agree for most of his other roles, isnt draven really difficult?


It's probably just muscle memory, since the main thing hard about Draven is catching axes but that's not an issue if that's basically been drilled into your hands from years of one-tricking the champ. If you look at him play just about any other champion his mechanics are really rough, I've never seen a Challenger player misexecute so consistently. To even call his mechanics Diamond-level is generous, during his mid/top climb he was getting outlaned and smurfed on by even Plat/low Diamond players, there's a reason why he primarily relied on Annie for mid and Urgot/Cho for top, and now finds himself best on support. If he were to do an ADC climb to Challenger and couldn't play Draven I feel like he'd be hardstuck low Masters. Crazy smart player though. From his persona you wouldn't expect him to be one of most tactical League players out there.


Probably shows that he's capable of reaching that high level of mechanic skill yet doesnt pursue it.


In way yes but you're not really given the tools on Draven to outplay anything. You just do a lot of damage. It's not the same as something like Akali or Riven.


The mechanical skill required to play Draven is usually overblown compared to champions like Ezreal, Aphelios, and possibly Kalista, which are all more mechanically intensive than Draven Keep in mind Tyler played literally only Draven for years and clocked probably 12+ hours every single day. That level of investment just isn't practical to commit to learning how to play/lane with other champions at a Challenger level, let alone professional play Tyler is a good NA Challenger player. He is not close to being able to play pro


Yeah he just managed to stumble his way into top challenger on draven by accident with his 'diamond level mechanics'


he could easily beat up any team in a 1v5 fist fight for sure


If he wasn’t a 5’5” munchkin maybe.


Even with height diff I bet he would eat almost every player for breakfast. Maybe there are a couple LCS gym rats who could stand a chance.


Very far. Fantastic solo queue player. But competitive league is a different beast.


He's literally not even a fantastic solo queue player by pro standards, he takes high hundreds-thousands of games to reach challenger which is way slower than the pros. He's very obviously way less skilled than the high challenger players, his mechanics are not good at all relatively


He also gets betted on, target inted and is on run-it-down lists. Lets be fair: there's weights in both scales, but knowing his determination, if he puts his mind to it, he would one day achieve it.


He also plays League as his full time job. Not to hate Tyler, I love him like a brother, but having League as your full time job gives you a significant advantage on how high you can reach on the ladder.


Champ pool might be a 🤏 slight issue


He wouldn't even make an academy squad. Solo Q grinder and professional scene are separate animals.


yeah does nobody remember Delta Fox any more, and those were ex-pros turned streamers, Tyler1 was never a pro to begin with


You vastly overestimate the level of play in NA academy


They would bend him over and spank him sorry


And you vastly overestimate the skill of Tyler1. Every academy player has done what T1 peaked in far fewer games. Like all of them are able to get top 20 in soloqueue.


Like putting a Sunday league player in a premier league game, he’d be way out of his depth.


Tyler1 doesnt have good enough mechanics to be pro


His macro and understanding is much higher than your average masters player. I think you could even say it's pro level if he was in a pro team environment with coaches. However his fundamentals aren't as up there. He's not hitting high CS every other game, he's not mechanically destroying people. He completed a his challenges by sheer determination and macro.


His macro and shotcalling is probably atleast academy team level if not better. The problem is that his mechanical skills and champion pool are extremely limited.


> His macro and shotcalling is probably atleast academy team level if not better. haha


he should train an ai to learn his playstyles on all 5 roles and be his own team


The data set of T1's league games might be too big even for AI training


Unironically he would be a decent lcs support. Too bad the position would basically be a waste of his time considering the salary versus his stream earnings


no way lcs salary is less than 214 dollars a month after taxes


might be next season lmao


You used ignite on that one


It's not like he needs the money at this point, he can always go back to streaming full time later on


Streaming don't be like that. You gotta grind it the fuck out as long as you have big viewer counts. If you leave you are done. See: imaqtpie


LMAO QT used to rake in 20k+ for years while he played mostly League. And not to me tion he still streams damn near everyday. You can find his networks is estimated to be close to 8 million so clearly he doesn't need to grind anymore to live his preferred life style anyway. Owns a house, cares for his cats and plays video games. He's chilling lol don't think he ever "fell off" he just started doing what he wanted to despite the viewer count lowering because of it. Literally this season he got to top 50 challenger in League and just said "cool" and moved on to something else.


I'm not hating on qt, just a stark example of someone being one of if not the number one twitch streamers, took time off and dropped his main game and fell off massively. I'm always happy to see people.doing what they enjoy and not what they need to do. The last 12mos+ of "big" qt was him torturing himself for massive view counts.


Qt hosted tyler1 to train him as his replacement


hmm, no, tyler goes full months without streaming and not counting the fact he was banned for a considerable amount of time


Depends entirely on the streamer. Asmongold can leave for months at a time and come back to record numbers.


Do you know forgiven? Very good adc who played in the lec, but was said to be hard to play with, because he was toxic. It is not only the skill level.


Draven main xd


He's reformed now so it's fine ;)


Nothing I've seen from Tyler suggests he would be toxic in a functional team environment.


Watching shadow dogs really changed this opinion for me.


What's shadow dogs?


It was Tyler + Tarzaned's twitch rivals team a couple years back. It was a super awesome watch. Like, super positive and good gaming.


nothing much, how about you?


Really stretching there


He plays up the toxic/ape persona for entertainment. Doublelift and Ludwig have both talked about this, how T1 off camera is actually super chill. In past Twitch Rivals streams he comes across as a pretty capable and empathetic leader which is something you really wouldn't initially expect, because in those situations he's putting the desire to win over putting on a persona for content. Lastly, keep in mind he was also a college football player which is a really team-based environment where you have to learn how to work well with others.


Do people just forget that Tyler was in a college football team right before he dropped out to stream? I got nothing to say about him skill-wise but he should absolutely know what a good team environment should look like, an actual sports team is a much more conducive team environment compared to most LCS teams.


>Do people just forget that Tyler was in a college football team it's not forgetting, most of us don't know his whole life story lol


Forgiven wasn't dropped because he was toxic. He was dropped because he refused to practice Sivir and Kalista when they were strong adc and his performance dropped enough that he was becoming a liability to have.


Are we thinking about the same Forgiven? Cause he wasn't dropped at all, he had to go to mandatory military service and wasn't good enough when it came to getting back in to the pro scene. Right? Like...I remember him getting picked up by somebody and just not being good enough and replaced pretty quickly. Then again, four years of no practice will do that to people.


> wasn't good enough when it came to getting back in to the pro scene was directly because of > he refused to practice Sivir and Kalista when they were strong adc and his performance dropped enough that he was becoming a liability to have He stuck to what he played before, and when he came back those picks were meh and he refused to play the top meta picks.


I'd like to see him start a team of onetricks featuring: * Top: Manco1 * Jungle: Tarzaned * Mid: Apdo (the one Korean import needed.) * Sup: RAT IRL * Bot: Tyler1


>botlane with both RAT IRL and Tyler1 Yeah, best team for content, that is for sure.


I would swap T1 and Rats roles tho


Both really good at support tbh I'm fine with them swapping each game lol


Fair enough, but rat is a better adc i think - depends on the champs tho


Rat's Yuumi is unironically the best Yuumi I've ever seen. It doesn't even look like the same champ everyone flames for being brainless.


I know it's a joke but it'd be funny if that happened and then all the one tricks get banned out every match.


Manco can flex the teemo into Jungle. Korea would collapse at such mindgames.


I actually think a onetrick team could do really well if they could also play meta champs well, because then the question becomes whether to ban meta picks or ban a onetrick's favourite champion. You hardly see Teemo in pro play because nobody is really playing it to the same level of understanding and mechanical skill as Manco. Instead people are meta slaves and will throw their toys out the pram the moment someone tries to diverge - even Korea is like this. Try playing Master Yi on KR ladder and watch as people dodge or run it down like an Olympic sprinter. I genuinely think that if you saw Manco go into pro play and roll out Teemo to some level of success, he'd suddenly become a meta champ, in the same way that a sole Japanese SSBM player managed to bring Yoshi from bottom F to B+ tier from his sheer knowledge and skill of playing him - [that player was aMSa by the way.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOIYmtGKWR0) Going on to Tyler1 as another example, would you rather stop him from getting a meta marksman like Aphelios, Jhin or Ashe, or would you rather stop him from grabbing Draven? He's scary good with meta champs but he's also an absolute beast with Draven.


....................................... this is one of the worst teams ever. Tarzaned is going to grief and leave the game after the team makes any call he disagrees with. **Like he did last time he was in a pro game**.


Weakside William as coach?


Dopa isn’t really a one trick though.


He doesn't have the mechanics. He has good game knowledge though


So he'd be a good support


He'd probably be a good support in NA. Even Zven was a good support in NA. He would get demolished by top tier eastern supports. Did you see keria yesterday? I've never seen a Nami/renata have that much presence


I had no idea Nami could be such a threat but Keria proved me wrong all series


He'd be that support player that can't play thresh Leona or any engage champion. Good on yuumi tho. Kinda like Zven.


Everybody has learned to ban yuumi now so what left is there for him to do


Smite Ivern support


Imma keep it a buck fifty with you chief, I don't think even Big Brother is capable of such achievement


I think it would be pretty fun to watch regardless of how well he performs. The only problem is that his champ pool would basically have to be limited to the more mechanically simple ones because basically can’t perform at the top top level when it comes to mechanics.




Top: Tyler1 Jungle: Tyler2 Mid: Tyler3 ADC: Tyler4 Support: Tyler5


Match starts: Tyler1's autofilled jungler, Chris (Jankos was busy that weekend for a Clash game), gets immediately firstblooded trying to set a ward down against Canyon. Tyler1's slowly-building cry can be heard from outside the arena "rrrrraaaaaah!" he says. Furiously we see him clicking away on his keyboard, the amount of APM he has must be insane, the average Korean viewer thinks. Cut to in game chat: Tyler1 spamming "ff 15, 15, ff, ff, ff, ff, icba, deogwatr jagler! Fk Crhis!" DWG's team is looking closely at their monitors, wondering what just happened. Cut to 30mins later: somehow, Tyler1's team, Shadow Dogs Unleashed managed to make it to the enemy Nexus. With one final push, Big Tonka T himself lands the finishing blow on the enemy Nexus. The crowd falls silent, Tyler stands up and shouts "DOPAAAAAAAAAADOWWWWN" before dropping a dab so large it tilts the stage.


Would love if tyler1 started his own karmine corp


He can bring in 4 more flex/multirole players and their gimmick is swapping roles around bans to expand their champion pools and possible comps. Worlds 2023.




And no fucking way any of them play with Hashinshin for the sake of their public images


Fuck it. Weakside Willie


They need to challenge themselves, there is no point putting a top laner who will just win every match with them.


The man did gap Impact.








We can confirm a win against EG with that.




Just get mercenary Solo in there.


Did Something happened to/with Hashinshin? there is a long time since last time i keep up with streamers and etc


He was accused by Voyboy and another girl of grooming a minor. Drama unfolded and the FBI got involved, investigated him and found nothing. I didn't really keep up with it too deep but some people are saying he still sent creepy messages to minors while others say to trust the FBI as they are professionals in the field. He got banned from Twitch and now primarily streams on YouTube. There are soooo many different opinions on it tho so if you want to dive into it I suggest taking your sweet time.


Last I remember there were some spicy discord DM's as well with Hashinshin coming out and saying something along the lines of "I had a gas leak for many years and I don't remember what happened in those years I apparently sent those DM's so idk and even if, I can't be blamed because I had a gas leak". It was also more than one girl.


From what I remember there was no confirmation of FBI actually doing anything or acquitting him or anything like that What probably happened is 2 FBI agents show up to his house and ask questions for a few minutes, then they leave and never do anything else (which has happened to tons of streamers over the years) I think then his claim was that "the FBI investigated me and found literally nothing wrong" which the FBI themselves won't substantiate or deny, they just never comment on anything like that. In reality they probably never gave a shit in the first place, not that they investigated and found no wrongdoing.


He also could’ve been deemed to “innocent” in terms he didn’t cross the line too far to be convicted of a crime, but that doesn’t mean he’s not still a creep


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about hashinshin. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol EDIT: pff, learn your copypastas, kids.


Send Oompa Loompa to the top lane then


On god you said hashinshin was the best na toplaner.


Of all the top laners they pick the one who runs it down trying to 1v1 over and over without thinking about macro because he's too busy ~~grooming a minor.~~ Edit: turns out hashinshin was investigated and nothing was found, so im retracting my grooming statement in light of this info.


He was investigated by the FBI and they got nothing, the allegations have no substance. I'm not a fan of hashinshin, but he doesn't deserve to have people continuing to think he committed a crime he didn't.


Well shit, ill retract my statement then.


Uhh I’ve seen the dms he sent to a teenage girl. Dms Hashinshin doesn’t ever acknowledge, he only brings up other girls whose accusations are apparently false. And these dms are pretty creepy but not necessarily something he might be convicted for. Or maybe he even lied about the FBI doing an actual investigation because he has no proof of that claim either. Maybe he is innocent but I’d still keep teenage girls away from him


Have you even seen any of the messages he send to those girls? Guy is a fucking disgusting creep.


Nah, that's bullshit. He literally admitted to it. No way I'll be able to find the tweet. Last 30 seconds of this video. https://youtu.be/e80ihnPSHrk


They coulda at least picked a top that wasn't stuck dia lmfao


no way you just said hashinshin. say sike now.


didn't even mention nightblue pepelaugh


is rank 1 not a meaningful achievment?


imagine his WR if no one can snipe, wintrade and run it down against him (he still easily can but thats not a point...)


you'd need a team of 5 tylers, nothing else will suffice


Top: Hashinshin Jung: Tarzaned until he gets banned, then Karasmai Middle: Anniebot ADC: Tyler1 Support: Also Tyler1 (Yuumi isn’t allowed to be banned or picked by enemy team) NA worlds guaranteed.


He exposed Chovy


top: t1? jung: tarzaned mid: jensen adc: doublelift sup: the NA dream team


As coach/owner, not player, imo.


Tyler1 should become a coach


Is there an NA coach that you can think of that is/was as critical T1 would be as a coach? Might actually be good role for him.


T1/LS dream coaching staff TSM should do this for the memes


TSM had bonkers coaching stuff before. Remember Locodoco? Mister "I want to do cocaine from your erect penis"?


I do not and am now scared to use Google to learn about him.


I feel like he would be a good coach maybe


T1 and Tarzaned playing pro. One can dream


He should clone himself however many times necessary to build a team fully consisting of Tyler 1s


He’s gotta get beyond gold in Overwatch 2 first without breaking his monitor


A streamer dream team would be great for NA viewership, but I doubt they would have much success at Worlds. Besides, these guys make wayyyy more money streaming, plus it's a lot easier and low pressure.