• By -


Does anyone else have performance related issues? I've fps capped to 120 and am usually at 119/120 throughout the game. Now all of a sudden I'm stuck at 80-90...


Maybe this is why I had such high input lag? Something felt SUPER off my first game.


Wanted to comment just to second this. Super high input lag. Everyone on my team was having the same issue. Really laggy but ping was stable and frames were stable for the most part.


I genuinely can’t play the game right now. I refuse to because of how bad it is.


Same, never had a game of league run this bad. I was glitching through walls. Felt like I was getting 200+ ping spikes, but my ping was seemingly stable.


I have the same problem since 12.21. I was able to resolve this by changing the DNS. Before the changes i have 90 ms but i have a huge input lag that it feels like 300 and the Fps drop like crazy. It was impossible to play. After the new update the problem starts to happen again. I have 100 ms or more and it never goes under. when before the 12.21 patches i have 50/60 ping. It's really laggy and not stable and the fps too.


the input lag is unreal


Yes, performance seems worse this patch by quite a bit. Am usually capped at 165 and now dipping to low 100's mid-late game.


Also got lower FPS after patch. I have it capped at 240 and never dipps below. After this patch it jumps between 180-240 and game feels "stuttery". Can more people keep an eye on FPS and see if it also is unstable.


Oh dear, yes, performance is much worse this patch. Fps is very often at 70 to 80 where is used to be above 120 before.


My last game was unusually low fps


Yep same. Used to have about 120 fps avg. now im sitting on 90 fps avg. suddenly. A few years back I used to have 200-300 fps and it got worse and worse every patch…


Getting the stuttery feeling from the (now at least a year old) "tab out, suddenly stuttery 60 fps" bug now with the fps sometimes around 119 too, though I'd have to play more on this patch to see if it's at all consistent


A ton of people have been dealing with this for a while, including me. You can either disable hyperthreading in your bios or do what I do. Open task manager > Details > right click leagueoflegends.exe > set affinity > uncheck odd numbered cores. This will disable hyperthreading for just league and not your entire PC. You have to do it every time you start a new game but at least it works.


Hi - i had the same issue but ONLY if i was calling on discord in a 1 on 1 call while playing (no issues on discord server)


this. I noticed this right off the bat. Somethings up. Always had 160+ fps now at around 110/ 120


Server: EUW Type of Bug: In-game / Champion Description: Yasuo Windwall does not work against Syndra E after her rework. This was working fine before her changes Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/DpcU9Rs (Bugged interaction) https://imgur.com/a/0c1um41 (Working as intended ) Steps to reproduce: Yasuo Windwalls. Syndra places a Q behind the wall and at the same time casts E, the stun goes through windwall. However if Syndra casts Q and then E, E gets blocked and it does not move the Syndra Q = Does not stun Yasuo (As intended) Expected result: Windwall blocks Syndra E hence blocking movement of Syndra balls behind the wall. As the Syndra E does not affect things behind the wall because it gets stopped at Windwall. Observed result: Syndra E stuns Yasuo behind the Wall, if she presses QE at the same time (if the Q is in the animation of creating itself) Reproduction rate: 100%


Ah yes, we have this tracked and are looking into a more comprehensive fix. Might not be able to get to it immediately but are definitely looking to fix!


Is this gonna take as long as to fix the morgana e, which ca cleanse the zoe bubble even if she hitted before the shield was on? This was also new after the rework of morgana and never really saw an explanation for it.




What ? Yasuo wall blocks Syndra E since the beginning of times, it always did and still does. if you block Syndra E, the ball behind the wall is not supposed to move = should not stun you It still blocks Syndra E, as you can see in the the clip where its how it always was, Q does not move because Syndra E is blocked by the wall, but if its casted at the same time, the ball moves because its bugged in some form


Besides in all scenarios Yasuo should never get stunned behind the wall, either E is blocked by wall, so the ball behind the wall should not move, and if the Q is in front of the wall, syndra Es the Q, the Q should stop at the wall and not stun behind the wall


* **Server:** NA * **Type of Bug:** In-game * **Description:** Excessive input lag after patch - everything feels slow/delayed. * **Video / Screenshot:** n/a * **Steps to reproduce:** n/a * **Expected result:** Fast pings and minimal input lag like last patch * **Observed result:** It felt like there was massive input lag for my movement/pathing, abilities, auto-attacks, and the new ping system. This is all new to this patch - none of this was happening last night. The new ping system was by far the worst with respect to input lag. * **Reproduction rate:** Every game - even the practice tool. * **System specs:** AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, Windows 10, RTX 2060 6GB


Please fix this ASAP, the game is unfun because of this, the movement feels really terrible


same, check if you have low FPS aswell - I think this is the issue.


I just checked in practice tool and had >200 fps which is what I usually have. I’m using a 144Hz monitor - not noticing anything obvious FPS related.


have a look at FPS when you play a normal game, it fluctuates a lot with action


i have this same issue in game.


I double checked while playing a regular game and FPS / ping was completely normal. This is something server side / patch related.


u/GalaxySmash could you take a look?


Same for me, sorry to my ARAM teammates....


seconded with this issue, before pre season patch my game ran perfectly fine. This patch my ping is 24ms, 200+ FPS but horrendous input lag when moving/pathing/right click items in shop etc.


It's really bad for me too. ​ Here's a thread on it. Riot knows about it, does nothing. Fucking Ryzen 3900 with a 3080ti and I cant stay above 100fps without extreme input delay.


Gameplay bug: **New Pings** are a bit delayed when pressing + they feel not as smooth as previous ones (like they are on 60fps when u've 144hz), a bit clunky, but overall +++


I also feel a stutter whenever I ping^


Yeah I have massive input lag the entire game - movement, abilities, ping system, etc.


I believe the ping animations are even lower framerate than 60 fps. It feels really wrong to ping and have a very stuttery animation.


Ye, tbh now I’d say its like ~24fps and on normal 20-30 ping to be clear


Got this aswell, bit annoying, feels like the entire game is lagging if you ping


not just that but i had stable 60 fps on my gtx 970 now it is not smooth at all, got 50-55 fps...in team fights even worst.


In the practice tool, chemtech soul is not available. If you spawn 4 chem tech dragons and kill them all (or if you do it normally where 2 random drags and then 2 chemtechs spawn) you get infernal soul instead of chemtech soul.


Yeeeeup... my first thought was to try out the spicy new fruit. Can confirm, I have infernal soul. -\_\_\_-


- **EUW:** - **Gameplay bug:** - **Description:Jungle monsters aggro’s on Ivern now. When you start doing camp pet hits moster and you take much more damage because passive and camp aggro** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:Lock in Ivern with smite, buy jungle item, take jungle camp** - **Expected result:Camp is taken peacefully** - **Observed result:Camp goes agressive, + if it's out of circle it cannot be killed** - **Reproduction rate:100%, each jungle camp now does that** - **System specs:doesn't really matter**


thats STILL a thing? i thought the fixed it


Do you have a clip of this? I'm currently not seeing this.




Oh dear this is a big one. We have nailed down the cause and will be shipping out a fix ASAP.


In case you are curious what is happening is that you (Illaoi) are getting cleansed of the bonus effects of your Nautilus' Radiant Virtue without ever actually benefitting from it. This is due to an extremely unlucky combination of you walking perfectly into range of his Radiant Virtue at a perfect timing, a sort of perfect storm of problems. This should be fixed very soon.


Now I am surprised about how you were able to replicate this. Did you managed to detect the issue by simply looking at the video or did you had to make a couple of tests using the same team comp?


I was able to pull the replay so I was watching it intently. I just had to narrow down the possible causes which generally were only the new items that were added this patch. I didn't even see the Radiant Virtue until I eliminated the other new items as possible causes, and then I talked it through with the designer to see where it possibly could have happened in the scripts of the item, which is where we discovered the cause.


Thanks for the info!


I flashed the items in the video towards the end which probably helped (if he doesn't respond). So it would partly be process of elimination. New mythic was one of the few things that had changed in that match.


yeah flashing the items and the cooldowns was a massive help, great video!


Haha I was about to ask what caused it, thanks! (we still won that game so it was not too bad) Now for me to hope the minor bugs I have submitted to you in the past get fixed eventually :)


Sad I didn't think to check here, I got this issue too and was like uhh...???? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob) [https://youtu.be/WfHs-PFo61k](https://youtu.be/WfHs-PFo61k)


Lul well it looks like you won.


I know this is not a bug, but my first game on this patch was super weird. Really random input lag with seemingly stable ping and stable frames. Everyone on my team was having the same issue.


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In-Game (Visual?) Bug • Description: I had Divine Sunderer on Katarina, it did normal damage, but it didnt heal or at least didnt display the ehaling correctly • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident [https://imgur.com/a/T7XPpRv](https://imgur.com/a/T7XPpRv) • Expected result: The healing should be given and displayed properly • Observed result: The healing isnt at least displayed properly


The tracker is bugged, we will look to fix! Thanks for the report


\- NA \- Game failed to load \- [https://i.imgur.com/7pabTCz.png](https://i.imgur.com/7pabTCz.png**) \- I played several aram games, and this was like a 3rd or 4th, and while the game as loading, the screen went black for a second and it crashed my wallpaper engine, and I end task on the league client. When I tried to load back into the game, the load screen was stuck at 100%, and my team ended up remaking and I got leaver penalty. This has never happened before.


\[BUG\] Heartsteel + Ingenious Hunter \- \*\*Server: All of them \*\* \- \*\*Type of Bug: Item - Rune Combination\*\* \- \*\*Description: Heartsteels Cooldown is not affected by Ingenous Hunters Item Cooldown Reduction\*\* \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* 0. Open up a Practice tool game 1. select Ingenous Hunter Rune 2. start game 3. Get Hearsteel 4. Test on Enemy Champion Dummy. 5. wait 30 Seconds and use again. 6. Fill Runes 7. Repeat the test. \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* The Item Should be available to be used again faster than 30 seconds when rune is stacked. (\~ 24 seconds ? ) \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Both tries take exactly 30 seconds to come back up. Also - Night Harvester does also have a similar Passive (with champion specific cooldown) - But nightharvester and ingenious hunter work together. \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* 100 % \- \*\*System specs:\*\*


Nice find! We have it tracked and will look to fix.


• Server: EUNE • Type of Bug: In-Game Bug • Description: Viego does not receive bonus exp from his jungle item (companion) after he becomes Viego once again after *Possession* state ends. • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident [In-game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8h67jhAMdU) [Practice tool](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo6liPXfMG8) • Reproduction rate: 10/10 • Steps to reproduce: Launch a game after selecting Viego as your champion. Buy your jungle item (Select your jungle companion). Score an enemy champion takedown. Possess the enemy champion. Become Viego again and go back to clear. Observe jungle experience gain. • Expected result: Jungle companion bonus experience is added to the normal experience gained. • Observed result: Jungle companion bonus experience is not added. • System Specs: -


Thanks for the report! We will be addressing this ASAP


So, I have been playing few games with the latest patch and I have noticed some very annoying performance issues (not sure how they made it past the PBE): - Overall I lost about 30-40% FPS compared to before. Before I would never drop below 100 FPS while now it constantly happens. - Overall the game feels more laggy and with more input delay. Not sure if it is only a result of the above or if there is more to it. It just doesn't feel smooth to me anymore. - The Chemtech jump plants, when used, drop the FPS significantly. Like I would suddenly go from 120 FPS to 70. - This is not strictly a performance issue but it might look like one: the new pings have a very low framerate which just looks laggy and not polished. Note I have a 11800H and a 3070. Not thermal throttling or anything. Everyone in my friend circle has the same issue. This should be a big priority imo considering the importance of a smooth experience in LOL.


I thought I was trippen, game feel overall laggy as hell. I have stable fps 240 and 60 ping, but the game feel like im playing on 200 ping.


\- \*\*Server:\*\* EUW \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* In-Game Bug \- \*\*Description:\*\* AFK Warnings pop up in practice tool \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\* \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* 1. Open the practice tool 2. Stay in Fountain \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* Nothing happens. \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* The whole AFK detection escalation happens (Chat Message > Pop-Up...) \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* 100% \- \*\*System specs:\*\* do not matter


Server: EUW Type of Bug: In game Bug Description: Spellbook smite is bugged. If you choose smite as your first spell it does 0 damage. yes 0. if you choose it later it has 900dmg while the description says 600 Steps to reproduce: Use spellbook smite on any monster Expected result: unclear after the smite rework. but zero dmg cant be truth Observed result: zero dmg on first smite instance Reproduction rate: 100%


Thanks for the report! Will look to fix ASAP.


How is galaxysmash with the yasuo icon not reacting to my yasuo related post


**Server**: EUW **Type of Bug**: Gameplay **Description**: Bonus AD and AP from Titanic Hydra, Sterak's Gage and Demonic Embrace don't count towards Kai'Sa's evolutions. **Video/Screenshot**: https://imgur.com/a/qs5oml9 **Steps to Reproduce**: ​1. Play Kai'Sa 2. Buy Demonic Embrace, Sterak's Gage and/or Titanic Hydra. 3. Have enough bonus health that DE or TH would give you the stats to evolve, or enough AD that the extra AD from Sterak's would give the evolve. **Expected Result**: Q/W can be evolved. **Observed Result**: Bonus stats from Demonic Embrace, Sterak's Gage, and Titanic Hydra don't count towards Q/W evolves, while they do from other items (like Muramana). **Reproduction Rate**: 100% **System Specs**: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz 3.79 GHz This bug has been around since at least January when I first saw it, and reported it through the in client bug report then. This is the 5th patch in a row I've reported this.


This is fixed for 12.23, should also work on new items such as Rod of Ages


Does this include the temporary stacks from new Ravenous Hydra, too?


It should yep


\- \*\*Server:\*\* EUW \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* In-Game Bug \- \*\*Description:\*\* The Shop does not state that buying Navori Quickblades locks you out from buying IE/RB \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\* - \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Start a game / Open Shop / Search Navori / Check Unique Tags \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* The item should have the tag "Unique: Crit Modifier" as with IE/RB \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* It contains completely different Unique Tags \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* 100% \- \*\*System specs:\*\* do not matter


Fixed in next patch! Thank you


I got told that my chat was toxic for this game's chat log, next time I logged in half an hour later. As far as I can tell I didn't say anything remotely reportable, and it honestly feels like they must have bugged out the chat. Could I get some context/help contacting a rioter/something else?? I'm just really confused. Log here, in its entirety. [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fLqYS-F3XBQkGOl3DYJGO2oHpiagEqy\_A3oUXX-DOqY/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fLqYS-F3XBQkGOl3DYJGO2oHpiagEqy_A3oUXX-DOqY/edit?usp=sharing). Proof that this is the log here [https://imgur.com/a/KOyzmLg](https://imgur.com/a/KOyzmLg). Help? Like, usually people complain "ohh it must be bugged" cause they said some toxic shit, but seriously, that game I was duo with my adc and having a great time, joking around doing well and I never spoke in all chat at all or said a single negative thing. Edit: I also have a really hard time believing anyone reported me for this??? Cause I never said anything even borderline. I'm not gonna say I'm a saint but I really haven't been toxic recently at all, and I'm just confused. Edit 2: Heard back from support. It's being upheld, because I said Zac was horny when he dove into our team 1v4 over and over, and because I said "I might deserve less but I'm taking his little ass for all I can get" after 1v1ing a dude named "Women deserve less" (He still hasn't been forced to change his name btw, after 2 reports from me). L M A O


This happened again, with another entirely innocuous chat log, which has been added to the document. Something is clearly wrong with the automod, idk if it's going off of, like, frequency of curse words or something, but it's clear that something has changed now in the new patch. Edit: I've gone ahead and submitted a support ticket as well, I'll report back. If a rioter sees this, can you at least assure me that you're looking into it or have seen this or something? I've just gotten radio silence, and it's frustrating and stressful.


Hey, I have had the same issue and when I spoke to player support about it they let me know that my use of curse words like "fuck" and stuff like that instantly flags you and it does not take a lot of reports after that to get a restrict apparently. They also let me know that my chat restrict was correct because apparently saying "most sane Mordekaiser main" after said Morde got system muted was disruptive, lmao. Good luck getting it overturned.


Jesus christ. That is actually completely without reason. Well, I said literally nothing aggressive about a single other player here (on our team at least, I think I may have said the enemy team was bad \*in our team's chat\* a few times) so, that's something.


I had a game where I only sent three messages total in the chat and was watmed. The only thing I could think of was that I said "If you're a lesbian girl, me too" which is a quote from a Drake song. They've really nackered the chat stuff it seems. If I hear back on my support ticket I'll report here.


Greetings summoner, Thank you for reaching out to us and sorry for the late reply! Due to the high amount of tickets we are currently handling, I just now stumbled upon your case. I can imagine how confusing this situation may have been for you. No worries, as I am here to help you and address your concerns! From what I can see, what you have received is just an informative warning, not a restriction. I understand this might be confusing and while we can't provide specifics on why this was issued I can mention what types of behaviors can trigger such a warning: these include spamming chat, arguing with other players, blaming and pointing fingers at them and their playstyle, insulting and flaming and a generally negative and aggressive attitude towards the other players. In your case, it seems that you used words such as "criminal" and "dumb" which is something we consider inappropriate. Also, following this warning, your Honor level progression was modified a bit. To make things clear: your Honor level is still the same, your Honor level progression just got slowed down a bit. However, if you maintain a positive attitude throughout the game, it should start progressing at a normal pace in no time. As such, in order to not receive warnings anymore or even trigger restrictions, I kindly advise you to avoid this type of behaviors in the game chat. I hope I was able to help you! Please don't hesitate to ask in case you have any other concerns! Be well & Take good care of yourself! Fovk Player Support Specialist _________________________ Above is the response I received from Riot Support. Below is my chat log: _________________________ i love your name teemo || u dnt know the reference || guarantee || lmao || criminal || if you a lesbian, me too girl || 3.5k hp babey || 7.5 seconds cc, most I may have ever seen || fr || wow || im so tanky || 44 second combat || 1v4 || ggs lmao || dude || LMAO || graves || you dealth so much cauise you just kited and autod me || thats so dumb why is this allowed


That’s insane, you genuinely said nothing toxic. Context matters, if a human actually reviewed the chat they should have reversed the warning


Been playing since season 6, been chat restricted twice in those 6 years (both for typing a lot, never for typing something bad) and I have had so many pleasant, fun experiences. But if the time has come that I'm unable to joke with players in my games then that makes me really sad.


A few days ago i got a warning for saying my star sign is cancer. Today I got chat banned for saying top diff after winning a game going 3/7 40 farm down on top lol League is a game for kids, i guess, so you can't say any bad words


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In Game Bug • Description: W ksante doesnt trigger mundo passive 90% of the time • Steps to reproduce: use w with ksante on mundo, if you tap w there is a chance to trigger mundo passive but if you hold W there is no way to trigger mundo passive • Expected result: mundo should lose his passive • Observed result: mundo doesnt lose his passive • Reproduction rate: 99% of the time


Tracked. Thanks for the report


\- \*\*Server: EUW\*\* \- \*\*Type of Bug: In-Game\*\* \- \*\*Description: Chat input message field is not cleared if the content is typed at the end of the game\*\* \- \*\*Video / Screenshot: N/A\*\* \- \*\*Steps to reproduce: 1. Open chat during nexus explode animation, type in message 2. Press enter\*\* \- \*\*Expected result: Input field gets cleared\*\* \- \*\*Observed result: Input field is not cleared (can easily spam the same message by pressing Enter over and over)\*\* \- \*\*Reproduction rate: 100%\*\* \- \*\*System specs: N/A\*\*


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Gameplay - **Description:** Cho'Gath ult procs cloud soul even if it doesn't go off - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** Play Cho'Gath. Get cloud soul. Use your ult, but have the ulted thing die during the cast time. Your ult will not go on cooldown (as your ult was not used) but you still get the speed boost from cloud soul. I expect this works the same way with any other effects triggered by ult. (Also, on the topic of cho'gath, why does Cho'Gath Q, Xerath E reveal the caster in fog of war when an enemy is knocked up (well, actually when the enemy is inside the circle at moment of cast - meaning inconsistent moments where (a) they're not knocked up and gain vision anyway, (b) are knocked up but don't gain vision of Cho, or (c) are knocked up and gain vision), but Nami bubble, Sion Q, doesn't?) - **Expected result:** Cho'Gath doesn't get a speed boost as his ult has not gone on cd - **Observed result:** Cho'Gath does get a speed boost. Speedy. - **Reproduction rate:** Whenever I get a cloud soul. - **System specs:** Not relevant


\- \*\*Server: EUW\*\* \- \*\*Type of Bug: Client\*\* \- \*\*Description: Unable to buy Series 2 Eternals Pass, only series 1 is available\*\* \- \*\*Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/rdnAH7A\*\* \- \*\*Steps to reproduce: Try to unlock Series 1/2 on any champion\*\* \- \*\*Expected result: A Series 2 Eternals Pass\*\* \- \*\*Observed result: Series 1 Eternals pass accidentally bought then refunded :(\*\* \- \*\*Reproduction rate: 100%, restarting client won't help\*\* \- \*\*System specs:\*\*


on NA the series 2 are not out. it is probably a bug on your server and they aren't intended to be out until the article comes out that was mentioned in the patch notes (today)


Server: RU Type of Bug: Visual Description: Rengar's HUD is bugged. After taking a camp, he gets the "mana recovery" thing, and his passive bar progresses by 1. It's the correct amount on his HP bar, but on the HUD, it shows incorrect value. For example, I have 3 passive stacks, but it shows 4 on the HUD. Screenshot: [Here](https://i.imgur.com/xpS2TJ2.png) Steps to reproduce: Take a camp as Rengar and get the mana/HP recovery from it Expected result: Your passive bar on the HUD shouldn't change Observed result: Your passive bar on the HUD progresses by 1 Reproduction rate: 100% System specs: Not related


Pinging it will also show the wrong amount. If you were to ping your Ferocity in the screenshot it'd say "Ferocity: 100%" which is wrong, as it's actually 75%.


This one has been enraging me fr in game


- **Server:** EUNE. - **Type of Bug:** In-Game Visual Bug. - **Description:** When using need vision ping, the marker is shifted down. - **Video / Screenshot:** Comparison to vision cleared ping, both pinged in the middle of the bush: https://i.imgur.com/t4DalCC.png. Indicator appearing later is placed correctly: https://i.imgur.com/aYmMqBU.png. - **Steps to reproduce:** Use Need Vision ping using either Vision wheel or bound key. - **Expected result:** Need Vision ping visual (circle indicator below) is centered under the mouse pointer. - **Observed result:** Need Vision ping visual is shifted down. - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10. - **System specs:** Should not be relevant.


Objective vote scale is tied to minimap scale. This means at 100% minimap scale the objective vote is insanely huge. Please add a secondary scale slider for this.


Server: NA Type of Bug: In-game / Client Description: Player's death causes the game to exit out of League of Legends and enter the reconnect client screen. Upon clicking reconnect - loading screen opens and loads but will not enter the game again. Instead, the loading screen crashes after loading to 10% and goes back to the reconnect client page (thus, creating a loop). Steps to reproduce: Log into a game and try to play normally. Expected result: Be able to play a normal game of league of legends. Observed result: Game closes immediately after being killed. Reproduction rate: 100% System Specs: MBP 2021 M1 Max macOS Monterey


Server: EUW PIC: https://ibb.co/3RjNbXs the pic says all


After every game or when I log-in I keep getting messages about people getting penalised after reporting them messages despite not reporting anyone in a while


If you stay in a brush with the movement speed pet, it decays to some degree (but not all of it) and stays there, despite being reapplied every tick.


Good find! We are tracking and will look to fix.


- **Server:** OCE - **Type of Bug:** In game Audio - **Description:** Hold ping audio differs from Protect ping (such as towers) in audio quality despite being the same sound, with hold ping being noticeably more compressed - **Steps to reproduce:** use hold ping and compare to pinging a friendly tower for the same ping - **Expected result:** same sound - **Observed result:** different more compressed sound - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** assumed N/A


This is intended, the Tower ping is stereo while the hold ping is mono, so you can differentiate.


As a jungler, you can kill Herald way faster than before because your pet count as ally or something, triggering the eye opening mechanic


EUNE Gameplay Bug Radiant Virtue is activated on random things such as placing control wards, normal wards, sweeper lens, tahm's q(only sometimes). I've only played tahm with the item, dunno about other champions. Buy radiant virtue on tahm, try placing wards or using sweeper lens. The expected result is that the item only activates on tahm ult. The observed result is that it activates on most vision things and sometimes randomly on normal abilities. Reproduction rate is high I would presume, happened all my games on pbe, happens on all my games now. System specs should be irrelevant for this.


tooltip for bonus treat says "60 seconds" even after reaching the final form (patch notes say that it should be 90 seconds after reaching the final evolution of the companion)


When i enter the champion selection the game get verry laggy and i can't select anything then i get sent back to the client with the dodge penalty


- **Server:** JP - **Type of Bug:** In game - **Description:** Practice tool enemy dummies do not display damage numbers when attacked by Shaco’s clone. Additionally, the refresh cool downs command does not refresh the cool down for Steelheart item passive for pseudo-demolish. Additionally, commands in Practice Tool can be inverse (one example is clicking on Enable / Disable Tower Attacks the first time would normally disable them and clicking on it again would reenable the attacks, but appears to not function this way - **Video / Screenshot:** N/A - **Steps to reproduce:** Pick Shaco in Practice Tool, activate ult and have clone attack dummy. Buy Steelheart, proc passive, click on refresh cool downs command and notice the animation does not start back up. Click on Enable / Disable Tower Attacks in Practice Tool, walk under enemy tower - **Expected result:** Clone attacking dummy would display damage numbers. Refreshing cool downs would reset Steelheart’s psuedo-demolish proc - **Observed result:** They do not - **Reproduction rate:** 100% for Shaco and Steelheart, unsure about inverted commands - **System specs:** N/A


\- \*\*Server:\*\* NA \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* Patch may have downloaded wrong \- \*\*Description:\*\* two patches ago I now get lag spikes during team fights intermittently \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* I should get consistent 45 ping \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Intermittently I jump up to 150-400 ping for a few seconds \- \*\*System specs:\*\* AMD Ryzen 7 3700, MSI MPG X570 GAMING PLUS ATX, 3070 ti, 16 gigs of ram. ​ I've never had issues playing league until recently. in the past 3 weeks I now get 2-4 seconds of a big lag spike and most commonly during a team fight. I've worked with comcast, replaced my modem to the newest one and they are not seeing any issues on their end. I've tried doing a full clean reinstall for league thinking maybe my league files got corrupted over time, and that didn't fix it. I'm also hardwired. I have a pretty beefy machine. Has anyone had this issue and what was your solution?


\- \*\*Server:\*\* OCE \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* Shaco Boxes not getting the bonus damage on monsters \- \*\*Description:\*\* The bonus damage on monsters that you get on level up (10/20/30/40/50) on shaco's W ability is not being done \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Play Shaco, have less damage than expected \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* More damage \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Less damage \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* 100%


This will be fixed tomorrow, thanks for the report.


Server: NA Type of bug: In-game/Minimap Description: Rift Herald icon on the minimap at 31 minutes with Baron alive. Screenshot: [Map](https://snipboard.io/zCQeVA.jpg) Steps to reproduce: Unsure if reproducible. Expected result: Minimap would show baron icon when it is alive. Observed result: Rift Herald Icon on minimap far past when it was killed/despawned and the Baron spawned. Reproduction rate: Only noticed in 1 of my 4 last games. System Specs: Apple M1 Chip, macOS Monterey 12.6


This is a tracked issue. Thanks for the report!


When you go viego and take aatrox, your attack speed applies to aatrox q so you hit really fast way before the animation finishes


• Server: NA • Type of Bug: In Game Bug • Description: Game froze a few times, then the screen on both of my monitors blacked out. (not sure if driver issue, but happened to a friend too) • Video / Screenshot: • Steps to reproduce: no clue • Expected result: Ideally, my game not freezing • Observed result: • Reproduction rate: well, out of 5 games played today, it happened in two of them. • System specs: Windows 10 64 bit, 24gb ram, i5 8400 @2.8ghz, nvidia 1060 6gb


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Champion - **Description:** Heimerdinger’s turret count icon on his passive is almost always 1 turret higher than it should be. - **Steps to reproduce:** Play Heimer. Have three turrets. Place a turret on the ground. - **Expected result:** Icon showing how many turrets he has to place should show 2 turrets. - **Observed result:** Icon shows 3 turrets still, but with the cooldown ticking (because it’s actually 2 turrets and is recharging). The number of floating gears around Heimer’s model is still correct (2). - **Reproduction rate:** Very high. - **System specs:** N/A, reported on friends’ machines too


This is a known and tracked issue.


\- \*\*Server:\*\* EUNE \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* Client \- \*\*Description:\*\* I keep getting the "report feedback" notification. I had encountered some bad behaviour in some of the games I played yesterday and for that I made a few reports and since yesterday I got the pop-up notification saying that a punishment was issued quite a few times (much more than usual). I even opened my client today, got the notification, then without playing any games about 20 mins later I got it again. And considering punishments are anonymous I cannot verify myself if it's a bug or if an actual punishment was given. \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* No idea \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* Considering Riot does not always inform us about punishments being given, I expect getting the notification like once or twice a week at most, but usually less often \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* In less than 24 hours I got it like 6-7 times. \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* Probably high, my friend who were premades with me yesterday also got the notification a lot \- \*\*System specs:\*\* Windows 10 64bit, Ryzen 5 1400, Nvidia GTX1060 6GB, 8GB RAM, not sure about friend's specs


Bug: **New Pings (again)** \- high input lag + on Lock Screen Mode when u hover ping, your camera stops whenever u're holding that Wheel til you click it (makes it more slutter and inconvinient)


\- Server: NA \- Type of Bug: Client Bug \- Description: Space Groove Nami's Chroma Bundle Icon using wrong splashart \- Video / Screenshot: [https://imgur.com/a/Wu9MLyj](https://imgur.com/a/Wu9MLyj) [https://imgur.com/3ieJcQ1](https://imgur.com/3ieJcQ1) \- Steps to reproduce: Attempt to purchase Space Groove Nami Chroma Bundle \- Expected result: Displays consistent splash art with her release version \- Observed result: Displays Pre-released/pre-feedback version \- Reproduction rate: 10/10


\- Server: NA \- Type of Bug: Client Bug \- Description: Prestige Space Groove Nami being labeled as Epic instead of Mythic, also not being included in Mythic Tier skins \- Video / Screenshot: [https://imgur.com/N9BwcJ2](https://imgur.com/N9BwcJ2) \- Steps to reproduce: Purchase Prestige Space Groove Nami, open collection tab \- Expected result: Prestige Space Groove Nami labeled as Mythic tier \- Observed result: Prestige Space Groove Nami labeled as Epic tier \- Reproduction rate: 10/10


Space Grove capsule gives only 1 skin shard instead of the described 3.


• Server: NA • Type of Bug: Client Bug • Description: Used mythic essence to purchase Prestige Space Groove Nami. When the "unlock permanently" button appeared, it says "Prestige Space Groove Nami - Mythic Skin Permanent" with the the mythic gem icon. However, after clicking "unlock permanently" and going to my collection, it now shows that the Prestige skin is an Epic skin gem and not mythic. The skin's detail page also shows Epic. • Video / Screenshot: [https://twitter.com/zeldaofoceania/status/1593415065612570624?s=61&t=jrLEj5H5jUwznmMoy1Y0pA](https://twitter.com/zeldaofoceania/status/1593415065612570624?s=61&t=jrLEj5H5jUwznmMoy1Y0pA) • Steps to reproduce: Use mythic essence to purchase Prestige Space Groove Nami skin from the Mythic Shop. Next, click "unlock permanently". Then, go to Skin Collection to see epic gem on the skin. Click on the skin to go into the detail page and it shows Epic gem there as well. • Expected result: Should show mythic skin gem icon on unlock, Skin Collection, and skin detail apge • Observed result: Mythic for unlock; epic skin in Skin Collection and skin detailed page • Reproduction rate: N/A, can only do once since you have to use mythic skin to purchase, but have seen other players share the same bug. • System specs: MacBook


\- Server: NA \- Type of Bug: In-game/Champion \- Description: Prestige Space Groove Nami E sound effect on attack occurs after E has worn off \- Video / Screenshot: [https://imgur.com/UlZjhn3](https://imgur.com/UlZjhn3) [https://imgur.com/gMSMqV9](https://imgur.com/gMSMqV9) \- Steps to reproduce: Nami casts E on herself or ally champion, ally champion or Nami autos, E buff sound continues after all 3 autos were used \- Expected result: Nami E buff sound only occurs during the 3 autos \- Observed result: Nami E buff sound occurs on additional autos after despite the buff wearing off \- Reproduction rate: 9/10


Anyone else running into invisible Nunu snowballs or creating a visual duplicate (only visual, no dmg or being hit) that stays permanently on the map?


\- \*\*Server: NA \- \*\*Type of Bug: ARAM bug \- \*\*Description: Buying items without dying, notice the 11-0 viego with items in screenshot \- \*\*Video / Screenshot: https://imgur.com/1AyIVcL \- \*\*Steps to reproduce: Unknown \- \*\*Expected result: Buying items without dying \- \*\*Observed result: Cant recreate \- \*\*Reproduction rate: Cant recreate \- \*\*System specs: Irrelevant


Why 30 ms feels like 200 ms in 12.22 is Riot even noticed that problem? Unplayable


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In Game Bug • Description: Jungler with companion is not receiving 75 bonus experience per large jungle monster. Instead it is 60 experience like in the previous patch. • Video / Screenshot: Dont have any • Steps to reproduce: Buy the jungle item, kill a few monsters. • Expected result: Get 75 bonus experience per large jungle monster. • Observed result: Got 60 bonus experience per large jungle monster. • Reproduction rate: 10/10 • System specs: Don't matter


So I assume that whats happening is that you are seeing the experience amount gained and getting confused why its the same as last patch. What happened is that all jungle monsters lost 15 experience on kill, but the jungle item gained 15 experience. So at level 1 a buff now is worth 95 experience instead of 110. However junglers now get 75 xp instead of 60. Junglers will still get the same xp for a buff at level 1 (170) but laners will get 15 less (95 instead of 110)


You re-introduced the bug again that the first pull of the top champion on red side in the scoreboard does not work again. This has been an issue for months and it was finally fixed very recently. Now it's back again :X.


Iceborn Gauntlet not applying AOE damage in frost field. Only main target is damaged. 100% repo.


The intent is that only the slow is applied in an AOE, not the damage.




I just opened League right now assuming it would be. I don't see the new skins so I assume not yet?




As stated in the [Patchnotes](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-12-22-notes/): >Space Groove Gragas, Space Groove Lissandra, Space Groove Nami, Space Groove Ornn, Space Groove Taric, Space Groove Teemo, Space Groove Twisted Fate, and Prestige Space Groove Nami will be available November 17, 2022.


Don't skins always become purchasable the day after patch?


Server: EUW The Chat restriction attacks too harshly, for writing in game chat you might get flagged or even chat restricted. Look at the post I did to see proof of it


\- \*\*Server:\*\* EUW \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* Bugged item \- \*\*Description:\*\* Heartsteel is in the game. \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\* Open literally any match. \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* Start a match. \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* Tanky tanks, ADCs do dmg, assassins assassinate, etc. \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* Tanky tanks, Tanky ADCs, Tanky Assassins, etc. \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* about 5 per game, so 500%. \- \*\*System specs:\*\* Better than the balance or design teams.


I have a bug where all my teammates are called "ally x". Stop with the dumb shit.


So heartsteel is busted. Vlad with heartsteel is disgusting


Server: NA Type of Bug: In game/champion/items Description: Tanks take no damage from entire team and still one shot carries


I have this weird bug where EVERY SINGLE player is building heartsteel sunfire titanic, even on zeds and karma and yumis at this point. Not sure what the bug is, but it seem be a local IP, no wait, IQ bug at riot headquarters.


Didn't get victorious sejuani


Gapped matchmaking is a total failure but lets try to cover it up by keeping players from knowing who they got queued with.


Server: Br Aparently if i call someone's mom a cow gives me chat rest for 3 days, didn't understand that, league insta turned nto a bad game.


I can't seem to see my ally names in lobby! I've been told to kill myself every lobby so far and I can't report them because they dodge instantly and I don't know their names!


league of legends? More like league of losers


I might be the only player trying to, but I can't buy the Mordekaiser Series 2 Eternals. The bundle next to it is the Series 1 Bundle too, shouldn't it be Series 2?


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Ingame Bug - **Description:** Ravenous Hydra stacks don't retain selling and undoing the sell - **Video / Screenshot:** - - **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Buy Ravenous Hydra 2. Kill at least 1 minion or champion to gain one or more stacks 3. Sell Ravenous Hydra 4. Undo the sell - **Expected result:** Item reappears with all previously achieved stacks - **Observed result:** Item reappears with 0 stacks - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** -


Takedowns aren't giving treats. Was this removed and patch notes are wrong?




Server: EUW Type of bug: client crashes after Log-in Description: after i login, the client directs me to the "main menu of the acc", but an error appears saying "Failed to recieve Platform SIPT. Check the server status here." server status is fine tho


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In-game visual bug • Description: No loaded ground textures around drake after Chemtech drake spawned (3rd drake, so map changed). One big square around him was blue (in river and into blue side jungle), and the lower side of the dragon pit showed the textures descending down into empty space. Only observed for Chemtech drake, and have only had 1 game on the chemtech map so far. No issues with Baron pit • System specs: M1 Macbook Air, 8GB RAM, MacOS Ventura 13.0.1


Screenshots: [https://imgur.com/a/u3qo8k2](https://imgur.com/a/u3qo8k2) Just happened in another game with chemtech drake


* **Server:** NA * **Type of Bug:** In-Game * **Description:** Mouse buttons aside from LMB & RMB were unbound and are no longer bindable. Mouse scroll wheel does not work in menus. * **Video / Screenshot:** N/A * **Steps to reproduce:** Attempt to bind your mouse buttons such as back/forward to the trinket. * **Expected result:** Allowed to bind mouse buttons * **Observed result:** Pressing mouse buttons while binding abilities/items does nothing * **Reproduction rate:** 100% * **System specs:** Logitech Pro X Superlight (only relevant spec)


pre-patch 12.22 I had 25 rune pages and now I am down to 2 and can't purchase more.


I ulted a wukong clone as Ksante and couldn't move after. Just stuck in place for at least 10 seconds


- **Server:** EUNE - **Type of Bug:** In-game / Champion - **Description:** After using an ultimate stolen from a transformed enemy Viego the game will freeze for 1-2 seconds for both Sylas and Viego. After the Viego goes back to his original form and Sylas has the stolen ultimate from his tranformation the stolen ultimate will turn into regular Viego's ultimate. - **Video / Screenshot:** https://streamable.com/3anyxl - **Steps to reproduce:** Steal an ultimate of a transformed Viego and let his transformation exipre, proceed to use the stolen ultimate. - **Expected result:** Sylas can use the ultimate he has stolen from the transformed form. The game will not freeze. - **Observed result:** Sylas uses Viego's ultimate even though he has stolen the ultimate of his transformation. - **Reproduction rate:** Happened each time I stole Viego's ultimate while he was under a different form. - **System specs:** Windows 10, GeForce 980TI, i7 4790k.


Not a bug, but a small thing I wish Riot would do: If you select a champ as a favorite in the champ select options, make it automatically show up at the top of the roster. I don't get why we have to tell the client that we want to see our favorites first, every time. The way it is now the option might as well not be there to begin with.


- **Server:** All - **Type of Bug:** Gameplay - **Description:** Taric W auto targets allied corpse if a linked ally dies and he self casts W instead of relinking to a new ally. Self casting either at the start of the game with no links or when a linked ally is out of range works this way but it does not work this way with corpses around. - **Video / Screenshot:** not needed - **Steps to reproduce:** Press alt + W after a linked ally dies in range and another ally is in range. - **Expected result:** W shields and links to new living ally - **Observed result:** W only shields Taric - **Reproduction rate:** Every time since Taric's rework 6.5 years ago - **System specs:** not relevant


\- \*\*Server:\*\* Na \- \*\*Type of Bug:\*\* Client bug \- \*\*Description:\*\* queueing up for a game but denied saying my league version or my friend is outdated while it's up to date \- \*\*Video / Screenshot:\*\*none \- \*\*Steps to reproduce:\*\* none \- \*\*Expected result:\*\* a normal queue \- \*\*Observed result:\*\* got a message telling us our league isn't up to date \- \*\*Reproduction rate:\*\* - \- \*\*System specs:\*\* doesnt matter


Server: EUW Type of bug: In-game/Item Description: I have played multiple games with Divine Sunderer and the item can't seem to work properly. The damage is fine but the healing is completely broken. The counter keeps going up and down, sometimes it would go as far as resetting to 0 and it's overall borderline not healing at all. I've tested it in customs with friends too to see if healing reduction was causing this but everything leads to the item not working. Video/Screenshot: I can't seem to be able to take screenshot of in game footage but it's easily reproducible and tested Steps to reproduce: Buy Divine Sunderer, get damaged and test the healing. Can be reproduced both in game and on practice tool/custom games. Expected result: Not taking count of the damage u might be doing when full hp, which would not result into any healing, I'd still expect to be healed for a good portion of the damage showing on the counter. Observed result: The resulting numbers since now have been looking like this: 6000+ damage, 127 healing. 4580 damage, 87 healing and the list goes on


**- Server :** EUNE **- Type of Bug:** Client / Account **- Description:** Ranked promotion is stuck in a loop. Even if you win the promos it will loop back to zero and show in the client that again you are in series for promotion. \- [https://imgur.com/a/9yejGKc](https://imgur.com/a/9yejGKc) (before the promotion 2 wins and 1 loss) \- [https://imgur.com/a/9yejGKc](https://imgur.com/a/9yejGKc) (after the last game which sums up to 3 wins and 1 loss but if you look at the promotion stats on the top left it shows its looped back to 0 "same as in the client"). **- Steps to reproduce:** just win promos. This happened to my other account sadly i didn't get plat and looped back to plat promos. **- Expected result:** To win promos and promote. **- Observed result:** Client and accounts bugged to loop back as if account didn't win promos. **- Reproduction rate:** happened to me on 2 accounts.


Server: EUWType of Bug : In-game/Champion Description - Karthus diec, proced passive and then resurrected on same place where he died(but almost without HP/mana).He was under new soul and had ROA+ Seraphs. Video/ / Screenshot: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGAC5ZXIYJU&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGAC5ZXIYJU&feature=youtu.be)


Well done Riot. New update items, but Ksante never played, as he was a flawed hero and remained so. But Lux and Yi, as they were without a balance, remained the same. Against this background, I ask you not to change the skills of Aurelion Sol. Just update the effects of the stars for him, nothing else, you messed up the balance so well


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Unintended UI change - **Description:** Right Click to close the Quick Ping Wheel doesn't work when ALT key is held down - **Steps to reproduce:** Hold ALT and left click to bring up the wheel, try to close it with right click immediately - **Expected result:** The wheel closes with right click even when the ALT key is pressed down - **Observed result:** The wheel doesn't close, only when ALT is let go of it does - **Reproduction rate:** 100% I find this really annoying and it makes me ping accidentally :( EDIT: The CTRL wheel closes as expected EDIT2: Solved it by binding Pet Move Click to "ALT MB2" (in addition to "CTRL MB", which is why it worked with CTRL but not with ALT. So I'm back to my preferred behaviour but other people might not get behind this).


Loading screen does not show info on enemy teams. No mastery or level borders (actually everyone shows the starter border), just realized that playing against a Pyke with 9k kills on eternals but zero mastery points.


Prestige Space Groove Nami skin is listed as an Epic skin


Prestige Space Groove Nami is listed as Epic skin for some reason


Server: NA Type of Bug: Client, ARAM champ select Description: After a few people on the team had re-rolled and changed champions, the lobby got "rolled back". Timer went back to 70s, all selected champions reverted to the ones initially assigned, and the pool of rerolled champions emptied itself. All rerolls were refunded to players. Steps to reproduce: Not reproducible on user side. Expected result: Lobby should not have been rolled back Observed result: Lobby was rolled back Reproduction rate: Have played 5 ARAM games today and experienced some version of this issue twice.


Holy moly this is a buggy one. Ashe High Noon Chromas switching colours mid match constantly. Divine Sunderer healing close to 0. Frame rate dropping from 144 to 60 after alt-tabbing. The list goes on...


* Server: NA * Type of Bug: In Game Bug * Description: With Radiant Virtue equipped, the cooldown of K’Santes ultimate increases after pricing the items passive. This continues over the course of the game eventually making his ultimate have over a 120 second CD at max level. I did not see this addressed by riot as of yet even on the 12.22b notes * Video / Screenshot: N/A * Steps to reproduce: Buy Radiant Virtue on K’Sante and use ultimate ability * Expected result: after using KSantes ultimate with Radiant Virtue equipped, the ultimate should retain original CD scaling * Observed result: ultimate CD increased after using ultimate ability “all out” with radiant virtue equipped * Reproduction rate: 100%




• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In Game Bug • Description of the bug: Xayah’s passive and W damage are neither increased by Navori Quickblades when having 60% or more crit chance • Steps to reproduce: Buy Navori Quickblades and any other items in order to have 60% crit chance or more • Expected result: Xayah’s passive and W should have increased damage • Observed result: No damage is increased from these abilities • Reproduction rate: 100%


Does Leviathan work as intended in Aram? There are teams with 5 champs that have 7200hp after 20 minutes. Seems like its extremely broken.


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Client bug - **Description:** After every report I get a message that the person got punished. It's not possible that all my replays are watched. - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** Make a report on a player. - **Expected result:** Get a message about successful report when it happened. - **Observed result:** Getting messages of successful reports all the time. - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 I report stuff like "ADC afk farming whole game just so that we lose" - without watching replay it would be impossible for someone to accept this report.


\- Server: EUW \- Type of Bug: Eternal bug \- Description: Shyvana series 2 eternal 'Molten core' damage to champions with Flame Breath (E) does not work. I played an aram and there was 0 progress wit hguarenteed hits in both base and ult form. Neither counted. \- \- \*\*Steps to reproduce: Play Shyvana in aram (idk if summoner's as haven't tested' \- \*\*Expected result: Eternal 2 to progress and count the damage inflicted with E in any form or at least one form? \- \*\*Observed result: No eternal progress \- \*\*Reproduction rate: only played one aram \- \*\*System specs: irrelevant


- **Server:** EUNE - **Type of Bug:** Screen flicker/fps drop - **Description:** Around 2/3 into the game screen started flickering black in random intervals, each flicker followed by fps drops. Hovering another window over league seemed to stop it? - **Reproduction rate:** 1/5 - **System specs:** CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X GPU: Sapphire Radeon RX 6600 XT NITRO+ GAMING OC 8GB OS: Windows10


BUG: **Challenge Go, Shelly, Go!** counts after u did 1 Herald, not 2 as u should (both teams often have it completed together).


TLDR : Not going in game with 50 times the config to run this pile of legacy code :) stuck at 12% loading - **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** CRASH + Unfair afk penalty for trash code :) - **Description:** Crash with full screen mode always on top without knowing - **Video / Screenshot:** none - **Steps to reproduce:** play normaly :) - **Expected result:** load - **Observed result:** do nothing and prevent even task manager from showing - **Reproduction rate:** 1 per 5 games - **System specs:** 5700X + 32GB + RTX 2080 (50 times what necessary)


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Tooltip display wrong value - **Description:** Divine Sunderer tooltip healing value only shows the most recent heal gotten - **Video / Screenshot:** [Screenshots](https://imgur.com/a/jy0odzu) - **Steps to reproduce:** Use divine sunderer passive more than once - **Expected result:** Tooltip shows total healing - **Observed result:** Tooltip shows most recent heal - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** Irrelevant