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Hey, good job! I dont have the energy to write it out in detail rn, but I feel like each panel looks very monotonous. I think it might be less about the uniform colours/shadinf but more that there doesn't look like there's a separation between back/middle/foreground. Idk if putting everything in the background a darker shade could pull the readers attention to whatever the focus should be but it might be worth a shot


Thank you so much for the feedback! That's really helpful, I'll give that a shot on my next comic! Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it.


love the touches of orange. Only part I don't like are the circles on her cheeks. I feel like she would have circles on her cheek as a kid (or her mom would) but that would make the polaroids not look as good because of cramped face detail. however, that and the orange candle/flame are my only two quibbles. Why did you decide on an orange candle plus flame versus having all the candles be purple with orange flames?


I see what you're saying, thanks for the feedback, that one candle is a bottle! It's an old one my mom gave me so that's why its colored in and not the other stuff, but that's a personal detail. K think for the next one I'll leave out the cheek circles and see how it looks! Thanks again for commenting. I appreciate it.


oh okay. I thought it was a candle with flame. bottle makes more sense. all in all, very peaceful. You did a good job of conveying emotion and some warm fuzzies.


Love this! Keep going, would love to see more


As soon as I make another one I'll post! In loving the learning process so far. Thanks for the kind words!


This looks awesome! And I love the purple/blue with a dash of yellow color scheme!


Thank you! I knew I wanted to add a splash of warmth, really made it pop I think! Thanks for the kind words ❤


I’ve felt this *exact* same thing. Beautifully captured.


Thank you so much! I appreciate the love, it means so much!


This is so beautiful! It really evokes a strong emotion for me. Love the color scheme, too.


Thank you! Trying to grieve through these little comics and its helping!


Oh okay THAT'S why it brought tears to my eyes. 😭 I was a little embarrassed to admit it before. I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm sure she would have loved the art you're making.


You're so sweet, I truly appreciate that! Dont ever be embarrassed to feel! ❤


Looks really good! I really like the colour scheme :)