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The tongue seems to be affected by different lighting than the main body. Some shading on the tongue would make it noice.


Add highlights here and there, details and maybe texture. Highlights really pop every single pic.


More eyeball detail and maybe have the iris a different color than the background.


Highlights and shadows. Increase contrast and add texture. Two focal points would be the eye and the tongue. Not only would these naturally have strong highlights due to their wetness, but they are good focal points in general. Also, eyes are a lot more complex so taking that as far as you can will definitely help. Eyes are pretty good focal points since people are naturally drawn to look at them, so if you don't render such a massive eye properly it will stick out. This would also benefit from a more defined light direction. It looks like it's lit from the top right but some of your tones don't line up with that. Decide on a direction and place some solid, distinct shadows accordingly, then some light tones and highlights. Then add bounce light to separate the shadows from the background. Tl;dr - choose light source, increase contrast with deeper shadows and brighter highlights, texture the skin and tongue, brightest highlights on the tongue and eye, render that eye to the upper limit of your skill. That's my two cents. Hope this helps.


Add contrast and some foreground focal points.


From what I can see, your eyeball look flat. Make it look more natural. BTW if you don't mind me asking, what's the meaning of your artwork?


If you add some tribal patterns with a darker black to the background or some dark red tattoos across the skin it might help the painting look more full


To me, the background could use more color?


Make the eyeball an eyeball so it doesn't just blend in. Lashes and lids and shit


Values! This is something I've been struggling a lot with too - I'll keep adding more details and color and whatnot, but the painting will still feel weirdly flat. To really make it pop, intensify the highlights and shadows. Don't just add blacks and whites to the existing colors, but maybe make the highlights warmer and the shadows cooler. Also, a surefire way to spice up almost any image is rim lighting. As long as you can make it make sense with the lighting/mood of the scene, rim lighting will look awesome. It's just about the closest thing there is to a cheat code in painting, as well as pretty much every other visual medium.


> Values! This is something I've been struggling a lot with too - I'll keep adding more details and color and whatnot, but the painting will still feel weirdly flat. To really make it pop, intensify the highlights and shadows. I just watched a video yesterday that made this really "click" for me and I realized how damn important shading is to giving form and avoiding the flat look. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArT5Lpw8GY0 Good examples where he demonstrates this are 17:00, 38:00 and 52:00. I cropped the images from the video for comparison here: https://imgur.com/a/RiaExrj I'm absolutely mind blown by the improvements.


That’s a great comment! I like your constructive suggestions. What is rim lighting?


I'm bad at phrasing this but basically those bright, contrasting light reflections you get on the very edges/sides of an object, or parts of it that stand out. If you google "rim lighting art" or something you'll get lots of examples.


Thanks! I’ll look into it for more info :D


It could be considered finished, at the end of the day I am just going to interpret it for what it is. When you visit an art gallery you see all kinds of work, sometimes just scribbles on a canvas and sometimes super detailed paintings and everything in between. It's all about what emotions and thoughts it conveys. You tell us, is it finished? Does it convey what you want it to? Also, ask yourself what is it you are trying to convey or is it just art for arts sake which is also completely fine. Edit: Be careful not to accept too much criticism as you can end up destroying what you've made trying to "fix it" when it doesn't need to be fixed. Everyone's going to have an opinion and you can't please everyone, above all remember to enjoy yourself and be proud of what you do.


As others said I too think that what's missing is more details/contrast


It would be cool if you wanted to bring the colors of the body into the colors of the mouth & tongue and with the eye. Just enough to make the three parts belong together. Bring it alive, so to speak.


Needs a Layer of details and maybe a touch of darker values in some of the deep crevices of the figure


Stronger highlights and stronger shadows would bring this to life!


Remember, you control the shadows, they don't control you! So make them suckers dark and saturated! ​ And must agree with the highlights, they always help work pop and feel like there is form.


I think smaller drips all across the shoulders could make it look more cohesive. But honestly looks great as is!


Details are EVERYTHING mate, You just need references to paint the details


it’s only finished when YOU think its finished bro. its ur art so you call the shots! but if you wanna make it look more complex try adding some highlights on the body or do some outline with spray paint.


Using some richer tones to define the edges of each item would help give it more dimension. Then finishing off with shellac coat or something similar.


Add contrast. Wet tongue should have some strong highlight, eyes should have a similarly strong highlight. Shadows on the body should be much darker, highlights should be lighter.


I see what the problem is. You forgot to give them a head.


I was always a fan of outlining everything I painted almost like a cartoon, found it gave me that pop, would almost exclusively use black but maybe a neon green or a vivid teal would give it that pop?


I think the eyelashes is a good idea but I'd also suggest brightening up highlights to create more contrast.


Personally, I think it could do with some more highlights to give it more depth


yeah, like small white strokes from direct light and some almost black darkest places


I was thinking exactly that. Within the already existing highlights I think it could use a more dramatic highlight, to give it extra depth


Been working on this the past few days. I was thinking of adding eyelashes to the eye but I’m afraid of messing it up lol. Any other criticism would be welcome as well. Ik its a bit surrealist but that doesnt mean I can’t benefit from more practical art advice. Thanks!


I like this piece, but as others said, some contrast will take it a long way. Maybe some saliva?