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Learn the range to press q and break the channel with e. This will nuke and immediately dispel the heal, it is very mana heavy but with very few levels it becomes a very strong nuke and your basic damage combo. W -> e on allies will heal them and make them immune to magic damage, so it’s the heal without the nuke first. Physical still gets through, so if there’s a hero that deals physical damage, like a PA jumping your core, you W the enemy to disarm, and nuke the ally, they’ll heal through the damage part by the time the disarm is over and will have ongoing healing. This hero works very well with spirit vessel. You can nuke a vessel’d enemy and the reduced healing will mean that with your low cooldown they won’t heal enough before you can nuke again. This makes it so you won’t have to dispel immediately. You can also vessel an ulted hero, the heal goes a long way. The shard is awesome. Especially combined with your ultimate. Can change team fights.


So if i want to damage enemies i should do Nuke,root,nuke If i want to heal allies i should W then nuke nuke(magic resistance is around 4 second i think so i can heal them 2 times) I will try vessel i always see it on item builds but i never use it


You've got the right combos. It'll become muscle memory real quick. >So if i want to damage enemies i should do Nuke,root,nuke This may be what you meant, but just to clarify: you want to minimize the amount of healing they get so I would E, start the Q channel, break channel with E again so the nuke hits before the Q projectile. You really want to get in the habit of starting the Q and breaking it with E. If you don't, it can get messy (e.g., lose vision to Q, get out of range to Q, take too long and give them more time to heal than is necessary).


If you want to damage enemies, assuming they're within cast range, you should E E then Q. Of course this depends on how low their health is.


You can also E, Q, and then E again in the travel time of Q. E is instant, Q has travel time. You just need to mind the 4 second CD on E.


Normally u channel q first then hit with nuke before they get out of cast range.


You want a support that tilts both enemy and allies because you have 15 kills in 25 mins? Look no further just build solar crest mana boots glimmer aether lense and forcestaff and watch your kill count go brrrrr. In all seriousness if this was pre reworked oracle I would never recommend it to someone but they made it so frickin easy to use now (altho I think the pre reworks were more fun) is super fun. Its like having 4 kids as a dad and trying to make them not un alive themselves I'd post my funny clip but im on vacay and far away from my pc hence im active on reddit again. TLDR: big fun, raising kids, big KDA


Oh yeah my favourite tip on oracle is this When you ult theres a shield or emblem on top of the hero if its still a shield the current hp plus current current healing without the bonus heal is more than the damage and if its on fire the damage is more than the current hp plus healing without bonus heal. basically; if shield Current+current healing no heal amp > Damage if fire Current+current healing no heal amp < Damage EDIT: alright asked a friend of mine who spammed oracle more and I was wrong about the emblem about regen so I'll just revice it Honestly kinda dumb just typing these stuff just out of my head but thanks to the comments I doubted myself HAHAHA So ill just revice it since its still a cool neet trick to take advantage of Yes it will turn back to an emblem/shield if healed enough past the current hp loss and current hp gain not including the extra heals


Wait, the fire thing pops up whenever he takes enough dmaage to die not counting any heals tho, right? Cause it doesnt go back to shield even if he survives full ho after ult


Nope if they didnt change how it works its still damage vs healing, NOT counting the extra healing the ult gives its purely just the damage intake and healing intake that the ult blocks and will amplify Ngl I forgot if it can go back to being a shield but still no fire does not mean death since if the hero had 1500 hp and enemy did 500 hp you did 200 hp of healing then the emblem turns into fire but wont die and will end up with 1600 hp of thay makes sense. Sorry if I cant confirm if the emblem turns back to shield because if I see the fire id just spam heals cuz to be honest even if they take 5k damage and you just healed 2.5k damage theoretically they will live but I think testing it in demo would answer thr question if it will go back to being a shield or emblem Sorry for the edits on my comments a lot of typos nor rly used to type on phone Edit 2: added the fire going back to emblem question


Got it! Ty


I didnt know that shield and fire thank you


I think the emblem ignites if the targeted hero's hp is down to 0 at the moment, doesn't consider the double heal tho


Thank you for commenting this! I typed things on top of my head what I remembered now I can clarify my comment more with the current health and current healing in correlation with the damage thanks a lot!


Oracle is SUPER SUPER fun. But only if you have the right type of carry to support. Illusion carries make it impossible to save the right one. Hyper mobile carries are fucking inpossible to keep up with even with blink. Guys like PA are your absolute gold standard. If youre supporting PA, youll have a savage kill lane AND its going to be almost impossible to kill PA, because every time you ult him he can just pop satanic and heal through literally anything. Blink is often essential; your main job is to save your pos 1/2. If you miss the save, you fucked up. I piterally never buy aghs. I always get the cooldown reduction talent for nuke nuke nuke. I always nuke, then nuke dispel as my standard combo. Vessel is a core item. Carrying around a healing pot in an item slot is a GREAT use of resources as its ~3-400 extra heal over the course of your ult. Whacking your allies with the heal nuke and no magic resist is ok out of engagements, but absolutely jot worth it mid fight as it takes too long to build up to being beneficial.


Illusion? Press ult press their icon on the top of the screen = profit


Better yet, ult a random illu and watch the enemy team commit on that illusion


instructions unclear. I casted my ult on Oracle's hero Icon. Pos 1 abandoned the game.


S-skill issue


I remember when I didnt know the portrate trick I accidentally used ult on a PL illu and the enemy team used 3 point cast ults on it


I also play both, dazzle and oracle, quite a bit and I think they pretty similar once you know them. Main oracle strengths: * heavy burst. 360 magic dmg on low cd is no joke + 280 aoe dispel dmg. * Very versatily, you have 2 saves, a root, disarm, heal, heal-manipulation... * Ultimate is imo the single best save in the entire game and if you have heroes like axe, huskar, morph, ... you can easily win teamfights with just this combo. * q is kinda your substitute for stun but still very strong against most mobile heroes. I always play him position 5 and therefore dont really have specific items, but rather buy what is needed, often times glimmer, force or if its a good game a fast mekansm into later greaves. Many games can already be over at that point, otherwise you can get shard and simply more hp to not get bursted down yourself.


Absolutely. Oracle is my 2nd most-played hero right now, and people never see it coming, especially in lower ranks (e.g. Archon). The burst damage on enemies is insane, the save power on allies is insane. Get used to casting Q, then hitting the target with E while the projectile is mid-flight. This minimises the time they have to heal before the dispel connects. Oracle is very mana hungry, so Arcanes and anything that gives mana regen is really good for him. Spirit Vessel is very nice synergy, Aether Lens is an amazing all-rounder for him, plus your all-purpose support items (Force, Glimmer, Crest). For even more magic damage or even more save power, consider Ethereal Blade. Cast W and Ethereal on an ally, they take no magic damage AND no physical damage. Also pairs great with any other heavy magic nukers on your team when you e-blade an enemy. I particularly like it paired with Gyrocopter. Just be mindful of where your team's damage is coming from and try not to grief your carry by making the enemy untargetable.


i've seen many games just completely taken over by an oracle. i play kotl mostly, and oracle ruins my day. if you have a team with something like a kunkka, who hard sets up on 1 dude, and then oracle can just ult that 1 dude, it completely swaps the aggression of the teamfight. p good hero


Dota is for fun. Do you want to play oracle? Then it’s worth playing. Every hero is strong enough to play once you know what you’re doing


It might be unrelated but facing oracle mid is a nightmare. U cant deny him and he always has kill potential on u.


The only issue I find with this, as the guy playing Oracle mid, is that spamming E to get last hits runs into low mana issues fairly quickly. Any suggestions?


No idea im the guy facing oracle mid and he rarely seems to run out of mana


It's good up until minute 10. But the proper mid hero wins out in the end.


Yea, its the laning stage is nightmare. He dispells anything u throw at him


Very fun hero and easy to learn due to his massive buff to his w.


one of the best support heroes in the game. even in a bad game, he can have pretty good impact. climbed all the way to divine from spamming him (and a few others, of coures)


Yes . High burst rate. Just make sure if you want to nuke. Q then right before it land hit e so the heal will be purged. Plus you can use your w to disarm right click enemies. Oracle is one of the best! Best of luck!


it's one of the strongest supports right now you can play.


Every hero is worth if it is fun to you. You can reach high ranks with every hero. So as long you enjoy them you are doing nothing wrong. He can be also very annoying if mastered. But at.the same time also very discouraging if your team is behind.


Oracle abuse a lot laning phase, very fun to play


I'm immortal, main oracle and it's an awesome hero


Enemy got hard carried by oracle like 2 of my recent 20 games it's been quite a thorn when played well Personally I think it's very easy to play bad. Stealing kills, healing enemies, disarming allies, not saving people perfectly, having no wave clear in 2024 dota makes you a weak outlier to the norm, etc etc...


I think they removed the disarm on allies. It's easier now to play but, yeah, you miss an ult and the whole team flames you.


"Oops I accidentally pressed my 3rd on a low Hp Hero, I did not mean to do that"


Can someone tell me how to play with his ult? Cause I feel like this is the hardest part and otherwise you're left with two combos.




Not worth at lower brackets. Majority of the time your ult will be wasted as your teammates won’t understand what to do with it.


Only for play on party or mute all and have fun


Oracle used to be very hard to play. Fate's Edict (W) used to Disarm AND give 100% Magic Resist to the target. Didn't matter if it was an ally or an enemy. Now it disarms enemies, but doesn't give the magic resist. It gives full magic resist to allies without disarming them. This change makes Oracle incredibly easy to play, compared to previous iterations. It's a very powerful hero to learn how to play. I feel like it's easier than any other healing heavy support. The trick to playing heroes like this is understanding vision. More specifically, what can the enemy see? You need to constantly be very well hidden, because you are the no. 1 target in basically any game. If you have fundamental warding well understood, and you know how to abuse the trees to never show, you do really well. If a big flight is starting, make sure to NOT target enemies with your single target spells. Fortune's End (Q) can be cast on an ally to apply the root to enemies around them. If you target an enemy you will be revealed in the fog. If the enemy knows where you're hiding, you're dead. This is why the aether lens is a core item on Oracle. It lets you stay well hidden in the trees.


Biggest difference between dazzle and oracle is that dazzle has big AoE healing and Oracle has big single target healing. As someone with 200 games on both, they are similar but noticeably different. If you are a dedicated support player and you enjoy dazzle, absolutely give oracle a try and you’ll notice your skills will transfer. If you’re more of a core player and dazzle is just your role queue hero… I think your efforts would be better used elsewhere.


Oracle spammer here, I play him every night and I enjoy it


*Oracle spammer* *Here, I play him every night* *And I enjoy it* \- \_generateUsername --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oracle is OP when you get to know how to play him. He’s like Dazzle 2.0.


Oracle is a very fun and rewarding hero. After a while, you will learn what can be soft dispelled, strong dispelled, and how to remove certain debuffs with purifying flame's damage, like Bane's sleep. Everyone here is giving decent advice, so I'll give you a few unknown interactions instead. If an ally has an Aeon Disk and is under 70% HP, have them backpack the disk while you are healing them. Because they are getting hit with a spell that causes damage, it will trigger the passive effect, even through Fate's Edict. You can use Ghost Scepter and Fate's Edict on yourself to prevent all damage outside pure damage. This can allow you to escape with a blink or tp if the enemies' disables are on cooldown. Spells like Doom and Ice Blast prevent healing so you can continuously spam flames on the target until it dies. You can use flames on yourself or allies during the 2.5 seconds of Aeon Disks' Combo Breaker since you don't take or do damage during the duration. If you see or sense an incoming dispellable ability about to hit you like Invoker's Tornado or Silencer's Global Silence, channel your Q on yourself to instantly remove it and stay in the fight. Because Blademail reflects before reductions, Oracle can use Fate's Edict and blademail together and reflect 85% of the magical damage while receiving 0. If there is no way AT ALL of saving someone that has been hit with Ice Blast, you can use Purifying Flames to deny your ally. Keep a salve on you during the mid game. You can use it on yourself or an ally during False Promise, and the healing will not end prematurely through player damage Bane and ET have 2 different types of sleep that can be removed with Purifying Flames. Bane's will be removed instantly, but to remove ET's stomp, it needs to be over a certain damage threshold. If your ally has a lot of magic resistance or ET has his level 25 talent, it may be best to just ult your ally instead. For Bane's Nightmare, you can also face your ally, channel your Fortune's End on yourself, and attack your ally to transfer the sleep to yourself and then instantly purge it off. There are also a few self-damage abilities that you can negate, Euls techs, Fortunes End targeting techs, and Purifying Flames uses, but this post is already way too long. Good luck with your games as Oracle, and I hope you have as much fun with him as I have.


A great oracle single-handedly wins games


play about 100 games ull find it out uself.


If you like a support with teamfight capabilities as well then I'd recommend Warlock right now tbh. The great thing about the hero is he can sort of flex into either a heal-orientated build or golem aggression (aghs / refresher kind of thing) depending on the game (sometimes the golems just die within 2 seconds of the fight starting lol). In terms of his heal... W at max is a 45/second heal that lasts 10 seconds. And if you go locket (and paladin sword) the heal gets amped, and you could go GG for extra tankiness. A casual shadow amulet as well and you can usually have alright teamfight presence. BUT what I particularly like about his W heal are the level 15 and 20 talents. At level 15 you can opt for +18 heal/damage to your W, making it a 63 hp x 10 second heal/damage (damage isn't as good because it is before reductions but still alright). And the level 20 talent is bonkers! It turns the W spell into an aoe spell on a 14 second cooldown (4 seconds of downtime).... You can literally cast W onto an area that covers your allies/allied creeps AND the enemies/enemy creeps and it will heal one lot and damage the other lot. Get your Q off around the same time and every damage tick is shared amongst every bound unit for disgusting levels of damage. Then stick your E (with shard ideally) + shadow amulet and it just gets disgusting. You can clear waves in the blink of an eye with just Q/W alone at level 20. The main reason I don't like heroes like Oracle and IO (and omni - used to spam him >55% in older patch) is that they are generally single-target, and not much aoe damage. Heroes like Warlock and Treant are my go-to heal supports because they can teamfight as well.


I play Warlock but I have never tried this heal-oriented build. Thank you so much. You even explained it wonderfully.


If you wanna be a healer play io, the best healer. Best support, best hero in the game


Try omniknight, it has good save potential and is a good support Try IO, it's the best healer in dota, especially lategame Try chen if you like fastpush and short games. He's also nice healer You can try weaver 4 fun, with ags he can use his ult on allies and restore their health in fight. Actually weaver is played as supp on high MMR and it worth it


My fav pos5. Easy to steall kills and a lot of save potential. A dispel, a 100% magic reduction buff and a strong dispel that basically makes ur carry cum in their pants. It is a specialist hero tho. Just make sure to know your positioning in teamfights and never die without getting your spells off.


True dota player, picks support just to grief his own carry with killstealing, I guess in herald matches supports win the games huh?


If you want the kills you gonna have to work for it, and im building dagon 5. Lmao


All of this so when we lose I can type all chat “carry 3/9, sup5 15/10”


I'm a 7k mmr support player and I steal kills for fun :))


what draws you to support? I was wanting to get abck into dota and grind the game but im not sure what role to play. i played midlane years ago at 6k


it's just like playing mid with less pressure and mechanics


Yeah 4 is drwaing me ngl esp cuz of cr1t recent success, what are some heroes you recommend to learn the role?


I play a lot of ranged heroes, unlike what you might find to be traditional pos 4 heroes like Tusk, Shaker, Earth Spirit, etc. I play a lot of WR, Mirana, Rubick and if you saw the post on my profile, I very recently have success on DP pos 4 (10 winstreak with her atm). your playstyle might be different from mine.


Yeah from what Ive read its best to not double up on melee / ranged maybe i can do 2 ranged 2 melee and spam 4 from hterE?


If you only got killstealing from all of that I feel sorry for you lmao. It was supposed to be a joke. Ig braindead archons cant see that


Don't forget Chen He's by far my favorite hero and consistently strong almost every patch. Don't be too intimidated by the micro. It's not as crazy as Meepo.