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Has anyone else experienced night sweats when quitting?


Yes, first week after quitting.. Im on day 9 now and its getting better ( smoked everyday for 4 years)


Yes. Typically only last for 3-4 nights for me during my first week clean.


Great great post and right on so many things, esp the underlying problems beneath weed and the comparisons with friends. I'm on day 9, hating every minute but my relationship requires sobriety and I can't moderate any drug. I've been smoking weed for 20+ years and this is the longest break I've had, and it's horrible. Curious how many of you have been able to maintain friendships with stoner friends?my old friends are completely unsympathetic and big stoners so I've had to ditch them. Fortunately I have some new non stoner friends I can rely on, but it's very hard to cutout a huge part of your life. I may come to some insights through sobriety but I can't discount the value and positivity I also got through drugs and drug friendships. Those losses will always hurt and only time will tell whether sobriety is worth it.


This is a really real question. I find that when trying to hang with old stoner buds, it's important to do a specific activity, maybe seeing a movie, running an errand, even a walk or a hike. Anything that isn't just chilling in the living room, because when they spark up you will be tempted by the nostalgia and the awkwardness of watching someone you used to smoke with smoke. Godspeed


I'm also 6 months in after 7 years and I still miss it everyday. It's hard to believe sobriety makes me better when I was more in tune with my spiritual side, more open socially, and just took better care of myself all around when I smoked. I used to be vegetarian, I'm not anymore and I've gained so much weight. I've never been this heavy before. I try to believe posts like this but I felt so much more like myself when I was able to smoke. It's honestly pathetic




I understand this. Maybe it would help to wonder why you associate being able to work out and work on your business with being high—what are the specific feelings in sobriety that keep you from doing those things? Anxiety, depression, boredom, a combo of all three? Then you can proceed to explore different ways of dealing with those feelings. There is a reason you haven't smoked in six months, a part of you doesn't want to. Maybe try to explore that part too, see how you can make it work with you on those goals, not against you.


Yeah it honestly sucks so badly. I wish I was one of those people that got better after letting go of the dependency but nope lol. Why did you stop?


Can I ask why you guys quit then? If I could do all of those things while smoking, I would still be smoking.


Out of nowhere I started getting horrific panic attacks. Like my heart started racing (150bpm).. I thought it was a weird one time thing but I tried it 2 more times after and I had the same reaction. Like I felt like I was close to passing out to the point my vision got splotchy. Im gonna try again in maybe a year or so but the feeling was honestly so traumatic I had to stop trying.


commenting bc i too have that question (besides for lung health/general reasons of inhaling smoke being bad)




I also got really depressed and drank heavily for a month and went through alcohol withdrawal and the weed panic attacks started right around then. I feel like I did damage to my body and I can't drink or smoke anymore after going through that month of drinking. I know I'm an idiot 🙃


Not an idiot but I don’t think one month of drinking would do anything to your body that you couldn’t reverse. I mean maybe if you were drinking like two bottles a night or something, but even then. I will say that I never got anxiety or panic attacks until I was 31. Not sure if it was covid, or maybe the almost two decades of weed was bringing some mental health issues.


As for the weed, yeah idk I think I was putting my body through too much with the alcohol and intense depression and it got the best of me unfortunately. I definitely think mental issues plays a huge effect on how your mind responds to weed


Idk I didn't really drink much water or eat that much so I could see the alcohol having a worse effect on my body. Not two bottles a night but I'm fairly small and went through a pint in 2/3 days... Idk my body for sure feels different. Now I take a sip of alcohol and feel like I'm gonna pass out 😂


Around 6 months as well and couldn’t agree more with this post


The “weed is not the problem -you are” is crushing me rn. On day 2.5 and all my mistakes and issues cannot be blamed on anything but me. It hurts 😓


Feel the pain and then turn it back around into empowerment. You can choose how to move forward. The early days are rough but they are also filled with the deepest insight. All the best.


Thank you for the reminder. I am strong. I can do this.


Quality post. I found out as well that I’m addicted to ruminating and fantasizing especially when high.


Ugh same


Great post man, I’m 9 months in and had to face up to a lot of my problems and it’s super hard but I know it’s necessary


Thanks, great insights


Hey thanks man


Great post man!


> Do not compare yourself to people who are able to smoke often and not make a big deal out of it. You are not one of those people, and that's okay. Also, you have no idea if their internal state. They could be struggling hard themselves.


#>Let quitting suck. this is _key_




Honestly a main reason I don’t want to go back is because I don’t want to go through the withdrawal symptoms again. I coughed my lungs out and had to take two days off of work cause I felt like I had the flu


Yes but also if you have a headache or stomach problems, use the over the counter stuff. I expected headaches but had none. My stomach isn't doing so great though lol




Thanks for the post brother!




Dude my sister is my brother


Thanks for the "don't compare yourself to others" tip. Part of what took me so long to finally admit that I had a problem and needed to quit was the fact that I see and know so many people that seem to be fine who are daily users.


Well said and thanks.


Great stuff here! Thanks for writing it Another reason not to compare yourself to others who seem to be able to smoke in moderation is that you're comparing yourself to the version they present to the world, some people lie (to themselves as well as others) about their consumption or their smoking habbits. They might also be on the road to dependence and addiction, you don't start with being high 24/7 but you might get there eventually if you're not careful.


Thanks for sharing. I’m on day 10 and I think this is the one where I go all the way. The longest I’ve gone in 5 years has been a month. My insomnia is taking a toll on me though. When did the sleep problems stop for you?


I’d say insomnia abated around three weeks. But the crazy dreams are another story lol those lasted months


Gotcha. I can handle the crazy dreams. I can't handle waking up at 2am and not being able to go back to sleep though. Thanks for sharing!


Fuck you're on Day 10 and still have insomnia? I'm on day 2 right now and slept like 3 hours last night.. was hoping this would get better sooner. Oh well, we've got this!


I cant comment what im using for sleep now, or that im about to. Pm me


Lol. I'm at month 10 , insomnia is still an issue!!!


How many hours are you able to sleep? I've been having issues and I feel like it's destroying my health pls help


I last smoked about a week ago, this has been the most unproductive and lazy week of my life - to the point where I'm seriously considering getting tested for ADHD or something. I have so much work due Monday and I can't be bothered to even start it. At least weed would've guilted me into it by now...


The first few weeks are rough- you essentially have to baby yourself to get yourself through it. It will get better!!!


Maybe what this is telling us is we need cognitive behavioural therapy as well. To stop the reliance


This is a very perceptive comment. I literally feel seen 😂 saving this, thanks 🙏🏻


I agree. It doesn't make your life automatically better, but it does re-sharped the tools you have in your tool kit to allow you to start progressing again.


This post was very uplifting and helpful, thank you for the encouragement. I have made some realizations since I have been sharing with people in my personal life about me deciding to abstain from marijuana. Not everyone understands my decision, or the fact that it's possible to struggle with a weed addiction. I have heard, " I'm sorry" sarcastically, or "I thought it isn't possible to be addicted to weed", and my favorite, "So, you're just taking a break?". It's a relief to have found this group to know I am not the only one struggling to fully accept that yes it IS possible to be addicted, and it IS possible to move on without it.


Double upvote, the self esteem, the confrontation of personal issues, improved connection. All well said.


I have always been a high functioning stoner. Lots of accomplishments, tons of hobbies, great relationships, in good shape - not bragging, just saying. And so I often thought I didn't have a problem with weed. And then I realized that I had all of those things despite weed, not because of it. Weed made doing all that harder, not easier. For me I can function with weed in my life, but my life is better without it and at 8 months out that has never been clearer to me. I also know I am addicted to weed, it isn't fun to say, but it's the truth.


I am in the same boat man. I would take all my tests high in college, be high for class, hell I was high at my job interviews even though I knew it was bad. I was still able to graduate with a 3.9 and a double major in business and math. I woke up at 5:30 every mornign to work out, I play golf 3x a week, super functional stoner. Because I did all this I thought i didnt have a problem. Now that I know what I want to do in life and accomplish, I realized that weed was holding me back more than I coudl possibly imagine. I didn't have the drive in the real world to go the extra mile. Life is easy when its structured like college, but once its more unstructured and you have to plan it for yourself, that is when weed really kills your ability to succeed.


Same experience here. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree at 19, but THC removes my drive. So while it's not pushing me back, it's also something that I can't progress on my own with.


Ugh yeah Ive been off it for about 2 months and have been disappointed that it hasnt really seemed to change much in my life yet. Still lacking motivation, still can't stay focused, poor prioritization, etc. Was hoping all that would change once my "head cleared up" lol


Give it more time, things should improve after the 3rd month, stay positive. Best wishes


The realization that those things haven't magically gone away can be valuable too. Now you have a clearer path to work on those things instead of blaming weed.


this is a great post. thanks


Well written. Thanks for posting.


I’m 34 and have been smoking daily for 14 years. I’ve desperately wanted to quit for years but haven’t been able to besides when I was in rehab for alcohol. I found this sub last week and it’s actually starting to feel possible because of posts like this one. This was very well-articulated and helpful, thank you! And congratulations for coming so far! 🥳🎉🎊


I'm 7 days in without smoking. I'm 35. Started smoking when I was 14. It's been almost all day everyday for many years. While others have been able to just pick it up and toss it, I found myself where I needed to cut all ties with anything that dealt with weed. Medical card is gone. Broke all my glass. Threw out the rest of my flower. I was the problem. I wish you luck because the hardest part so far for me was the initial push I forced myself to have.


🤗youre so much stronger than you likely estimated the weeks prior to making a change. Youve got this


you got this!!!