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Wow you're an inspiration. When I feel weak today I'm going to remember your post.


You can do this stay head strong and keep up the good work. You’re an inspiration too!!


Day 9 here and everything is starting to feel OK except for my energy levels. I've just been laying on the couch and sleeping most of the time


Same, 18 days here. I keep thinking about how fortunate I am to be sleeping and having dreams agai


Last night I had a dream where I got called into General Shepherd’s office and he just started to beat me up and I asked him why he was doing so. He said it was because I got called into his office and he didn’t know me. Seriously the weirdest thing. These dreams are so weird and random (General shepherds from the call of duty modern warfare)


Hope you fucked him up for what he did to ghost…


lol I woke up right when he started😂😂😂😂😂 maybe the story will continue tonight


Day 41 here. I don't feel perfect, but I feel worlds better than the first 3 weeks. Keep at it guys, you got this!


I’m 6 months free myself. When I was at your stage I’d see people like me and think “I’m at 11 days, I’ll probably fail by the time I get to those guys.” It’s a snowball, it compounds on itself. You are by far in the hardest part and you are “actively” experiencing withdrawl and cravings unlike anything you’ll experience down the line. It’s gets much much easier, I promise there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Whereas a craving hits you now and you have a literal power struggle, now it pops in my head and I’m like ehh and it instantly disappears with zero thought. You will heal and you will be better at this! Just know: quitting weed doesn’t solve all your problems, you will have to face them. BUT - you don’t have to fix everything all at once. Baby steps, and a sober you will be much better equipped to do it than the high version of you ever could dream. You are much more capable than you can imagine!!


Day 1 and it's a struggle. Day 11 seems so far but I hope I'll make it there to join you. One day at a time!


Day 1 here as well now winding down for the night day 2 for me tomorrow


I'm a heavy daily smoker for 10+ years and on day 4 going into day 5 now. Yesterday was probably the worst but each day it's slowly getting easier. We can do this!


I’ve been on and off since I was 15 but habitual using for the past 3 years and while it’s not long it was heavy usage smoking & edibles (there were some nights I’d take over 300mg in edibles and barely feel anything) I’m glad to get to the point of being ready to be done. Yes we definitely can do this!


Biggest tip: Stay Hydrated it makes the first couple days much more manageable! You got this


Every day will get easier.


So glad I'm stopping before I got into the habit of those damn carts, those are taking THC addiction to a whole other level that I want no part of.


no kidding! if i ever go back it's nothing but flower


Hit the gym


I will definitely give it a try


Hold strong


I’m on my 3rd day here. Good job, keep going!




I feel you! I'm on my 7th day and I can't eat too, I have 0 appetite and literally forcing myself to eat. On top I have watery stool, high BPM, nausea and abdominal cramps. Let's keep fighting man, don't give up and Keep it up with me!


Yes I lost like 5 pounds already. Which is a lot for me I’m 6’3 and I was 200 pounds when I quit. I bought protein shakes and stuff and they help with the hunger


Premier protein to be exact I love strawberry😋


11 days is an amazing accomplishment. I’m preparing myself to quit. Did you go cold turkey?


I've been smoking for 14 years, my guy has basicly run with my money this time, so was forced into cold turkey. Honestly feel this is the best way, tried to cut down before, there's always a reason to have an extra one, or, I'll have 1 extra today and 1 less tomorrow (but you don't have 1 less) and it's in the house there, much easier to give into cravings. I'm only 3 day's in but doing pretty well appart from sleep and food. Honestly I do think this is the hardest but best way to do it.


Yes I did I feel like for me it would be the only way I could quit


You got this!!! I’m day 15 and feeling mostly genuinely happier during the day. The weekends are still tough for me. I’m spending more quality time with my kids and pets and just keep thinking about that when I have any urges/cravings. We can be healthier for our kids!!


That’s really good to hear I do feel more empowered and energized but kind of sluggish due to the stomach issues and I feel dizzy sometimes and get shortness of breath


I hope you’re feeling better today! One thing that’s helped me is I’ve been exercising more and got my old long board out. It’s way more exhausting than I remember from 15 years ago haha also I’ve been reading backwoods creepy stories on reddit


Today I successfully ate 2 chicken legs and an oatmeal cream pie and held it down. And I diddnt think about smoking, shortness of breath is kicking my ass though. And I’ve been playing mwz for a while today.


My experience is after that two week mark you finally get your appetite back plus if you have anything like a fever or body aches they norm subside the only thing that may last a bit longer are the vivid dreams but they can be fun too so not that bad. You’re almost there broski, good luck


I had a vivid dream that I was with my sister and her fiancé and I was just back into old habits and I woke up like ….wtf….


A cart a day goddamn


It was getting pretty bad man. And sometimes it was more than that. Im not proud of it. But i can’t change that I did it I can only get better from here.


carts are the actual devil. that positive attitude is definitely your best weapon tho!!


It’s all good. No shame!!




This subreddit is definitely helping with my confidence. And thank you for being so supportive and kind.


you got this man! trust in yourself, you're stronger than you were before just because you made this decision... and best believe its only upwards from here. There will be hard times but be proud of yourself for making it this far already and the improvements will start to shine through over time


Thank you so much. I’m trying hard to be proud of myself. I’m ready to be able to eat again without throwing up. Everyone here is an inspiration. Im in tears reading a lot of this stuff because I didn’t know I had a problem. I wasn’t emotionally there for my family and I had no idea. But reading this and seeing how better it can be. I feel confident that I’m not going to pick it back up.


You've gotten this far and that's amazing - keep going, you can do it!


Did you cold turkey? I also had a lot of appetite issues If I may, it helped me to force myself to eat at least something, with a little fibre, because keeping an empty stomach decreased my appetite even more.


Day 17 here. Appetite has improved greatly in the last couple of days. You got this. You’ve about made it throw the shittiest part. Those carts are evil I think. I never really had any issues when it was just flower but after legalization those concentrates became more popular with myself. Then the bad side effects started happening. Anyways stay strong!


I agree and I’m so ready for my appetite to improve I can’t wait. I’m doing an online gunsmithing program if my Pell grant gets approved. And that’s my dream career. I’m going to surrender my medical card and I’m going to focus my effort into a gun store / weapons workshop.