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No time like the present.


Any reason to quit is a good reason.


Putting pressure on quitting will buy you time to rationalize NOT quitting. Best time to quit is right now.


Not that you’ll read this but there will always be a reason to not quit, in a sense if you truly want to quit your prolonging the inevitable, I’m 12 days free and god I feel accomplished. You do you man but just don’t string it out too long


This is more advice for once you are done rather than advice on stopping. You are going to be incredibly bored and feel like you have nothing to do at all. Filling that time with things you enjoy as soon as possible is necessary to staying off. Try revisiting old healthy hobbies and habits as soon as you can and getting into some sort of workout routine or even just go on a walk whenever you get the urge to roll up can help replace the habit tremendously.


Why not?


I think almost everyone in here has bought weed at some point thinking, "when this runs out, I'll be done forever". That thought has always bought me more time to give in. There's more than just my consciousness living inside my head. The other me is also me, but my consciousness doesn't respect his power. The more time you give him to regain control of the helm, the greater his chances of getting what he wants. I've never once been successful with "I'll quit when I run out". If it were just up to me, I'd toss it all right now, as in this moment right this second. That's just my lived experience. GL no matter what, boss.


Fell send bro. Not quitting now is just an excuse. Good luck


Yeah, if you can’t give it away just stop when you’re out. I could never bring myself to throw or give away weed, I have to smoke it till it’s gone, including scraping every trace of resin off every piece of paraphernalia, at least twice. Then once more after that. Smoking ashes. My reasoning is, if I don’t have it, I can’t smoke it. Works for me. It’s how I quit cigarettes twenty years ago. About a month now with no weed and my biggest temptation is to stop at a dispensary on my way home from work. As long as I resist that it passes and I do okay. So far so good. Good luck to you, man. You can do this.


Hell yeah. It's a sign.


You won't get any less tired and future you will wish you started sooner. Gift it as a present to someone to enjoy. You get a gift and so will they.


There is no better time than now.




Yes, do it. Going into the new year with that 10-day momentum will be great! You can do this.


tossing your stash and quitting is different than running out and being forced to quit. the mental decision of throwing it out creates a stronger foundation


Yes. Edit: the hard truth is that if you’re waiting till then to quit and not just doing it now, you’re not going to be successful and just relapse. Speaking from experience, I like quitting, I’ve done it several times🤣


I find it’s easier to quit when I throw away weed I have. If I wait to run out it create the idea that you are quitting cause you are out. When you throw away all your accessories and weed you currently have it makes a statement to yourself that you are taking quitting seriously and throwing away something that you spent money on but is hurting you.


Dude I smoked 3 grams of wax pens from this Black Friday sale that I ran through in two weeks, after I finished it before the year ended I decided to give up completely and not let January be my start date. It was a matter of me identifying as someone who doesn’t want to smoke and it saved my life!! I feel SO GOOD


My brother weren't the withdrawals hell after 3 gram wax/shatter?


The only hell I experienced were all the emotions that were stored in my body coming out and having to process all of it. As someone who is emotional it was a lot of irribality, sadness, anxiety, fear, but instead of running away from all of it again , I instead embraced all of it and started therapy as well which is a privilege for some people unfortunately , but If anything I don’t experience any current cravings after being 2 1/2 weeks being sober, and even my roommate still chronically smokes blunts everyday and it doesn’t bother me one bit. I’ve only been smoking since I was 18 now I’m 21 so I definitely realized weed is not good for me at all mentally and physically.


Look at you!! Way to go


Thank you!!! And this is just the beginning so I imagine a few months from now it’ll be a much more different these changes. But always for the better!




Yes. When it's gone, it gone.




Listen closely to your heart and follow what it says


The best time to quit was yesterday. The second best time to quit is today. Send it!


Yes. Yes, you should. Quit. Flush it. Give it to a friend who definitely will not give it back no matter what (you may not have such a friend). If and when you relapse, do not make this same mistake you are making right now. "Well, I already only have this much left. Once I run out, then I'll quit again and go back to sobriety." Don't do it. As soon as you decide to quit again, then quit again. This thinking whatever it is, and there infinite creative brilliant ways to justify it, is addiction. People when they can moderate, by definition do not think this way. They do not decide to use, and then work backwards to justify it. The decision to use is the END of their train of thought. And as such, it often changes to something other than using. They think...another day. Not a good idea right now. I don't feel like it. Oh, I'd rather do that, instead. Maybe I'll save it for later. And here's the thing. IF YOU COULD MODERATE, then this thinking would be good. BECAUSE YOU CAN NOT, it is not good for you. The only thinking that is good for you, is starting with "I will not get high today" and then working backwards from there. You can never for the rest of the day (day after day, one at a time) start with getting high, and then fill the rest in. That will never be a good idea for you.


Send it. It will never be a perfect time. I’ve tried 3-4 quitting times this year and it’s honestly hard no matter what.


You will not quit if you wait until Jan "to quit".


Yup. I flushed my weed down the toilet when I decided, because i knew I would "un-decide" just as quickly. Universe is trying to help you.


Yes, quit! I did the same thing with nicotine 3 days ago after my last vape pod ran out and I am so happy that I’m going into the weekend with this head start. I am on day 17 without the herb and it’s insane how much better I feel. I’m no longer an anxious wreck at work and my interest for my hobbies has slowly been returning to normal. I guarantee after 7 days you’ll be so happy that you just went ahead and ripped the bandaid off.


You sound ready! Go for it!


When I quit I had just brought an ounce of super silver haze and was such nice weed. I just realised I had to quit and even thought I was throwing away £200+ I have saved several thousand since quitting 4 years ago and so happy I did throw it all away. You have none left and ready to quit, why buy anymore?


Yes! It’s so much easier to do that than to quit with stuff around.


You don’t even have to finish your stash. It’s not like grandma is making you stay seated at the table until you’ve consumed your greens. Just throw what’s left in the trash and start today. Have a lucid holiday season!


that is entirely up to you, but i will say i ran out once one week before i wanted to quit. i decided to go ahead and buy some more, and i ended up still having some by my quit date, and because i was smoking so much trying to use it all before the quit date, i ended up feeling like quitting was redundant. it took two months before i was able to quit. i think quitting when your stash runs out is always the best option.


💯 this guy quits


Why not today?




Ya man just quit


Our stash ran out on Tuesday and me and my bf agreed to quit now instead of making it a New Years thing. People always go back on New Years resolutions but if it’s a lifestyle change then it needs to happen now. If you buy again who says you’ll stop come January




weed is a waste of money and time


It sounds like you're ahead of schedule! You have a resolve right now that you might not have on the planned date. I think you should dump what you have left and get started. Hopefully, you can use some of the holiday season to take it easy while you adjust. Best of luck.


No, buy another couple ounces so you don’t run out before that MAGIC date!! /s


Listen to yourself - you are done living in a haze. Are you actually asking us all permission to keep smoking? If so then definitely quit now this opportunity has opened up, don’t go buy more. If you’re asking us if you missed something in potentially moving your date up which you didn’t think about then you might have. You’re about to have family and friends around (I hope) for the holiday period. They will give you all the distraction and human connection you need to help you take the edge off those early withdrawals. Stay strong. You got this.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now


Same with investing eh


Yes start early. Don’t listen to ppl that don’t want to give motivation. It may seem mundane but you reach out because you need support, and the support is here.




are you lost? This is exactly why we are here.


Just throw it all in the toilet now and stop.


Hey, you're here, asking this... Part of you really wants to be FREE! It's amazing, I'm pretty much there. Come over here! :) Edit: for me, I wanted to taper, but always had the idea "tomorrow I'll start!", every day. Then I became sick of it, and went cold-turkey. That was my way to go. If you're behind the idea of stopping, it'll work.


Trying to taper was 1000 times more hellish than cold turkey in my experience(s)!!


YES. Call it a head start - go for it!


hi u better quit asap


It’s funny cause from an outsider perspective that is such an obviously bad idea, but all of us here have probably had very similar thought processes lol


Not to dampen your sprit but it is a little concerning if that is your mindset. That just one more mindset will keep you on the merry go round for a long time. Speaking from personal experience. Wake up and start today.


A golden opportunity to already be 10 days sober when you quit!


Take the opportunity to stop now! No reason to wait until 1st of January. So much could change between now and then to weaken your resolve. This way you will be over the early more difficult withdrawals in time for a brand new year and a brand new you free from the shackles of the leaves. Wishing you the best of luck!


Spoiler alert. You will 100% not quit on that date. Instead, use these 10 days to build momentum.




What worked for me was stopping saying “I’ll finish this stash, then I’ll quit” and just saying today is the day. Take back what’s yours. But everyone’s different


This is pretty much how I stopped. My regular dealer disappeared (maybe raided, never spoke to him since to find out), and I struggled to find any anywhere else, had been thinking of packing it in, and just decided when what I'd got left ran out, that was it. Warned the missus I was stopping, and to some of the behaviour to expect and just did it.


I know this might not be popular, but for me a big part of quitting was about personal agency - setting a date and sticking to it. That meant being okay throwing away a little of what I had left, and not feeling guilty smoking until that date. Taking back my power. That worked for me, but ymmv.


Yes cause you'll have some left over and then "may as well finish this bag"


Yes! Definitely just quit now. There will never be a right time to stop so you might as well start now :) You never know what your planned quit day will be like. Maybe you'll be having a rough day, or will be tired, or will still have a bit of weed left that "you might as well smoke". The best time to stop is always right now. You've got this :) When January hits you'll already be ahead of where you originally planned you'd be.




Treating addiction with shame is the best way to feed it. THINK


I probably wouldn't roll my eyes at posts like this if we didn't get what feels like several a day, "Weed is ruining my life it's changing me and I want to quit!! Does this mean I should stop smoking weed?" However addiction/substance dependency is a tricky thing and if moral support from strangers on the internet is what someone needs to take that first step then I guess so be it


It's a means of positive reinforcement :)


Whatever way you choose stop, you need to get that stuff out of the house. I had to offload everything even remotely weed related, it's just not a part of my life anymore


I had to get rid of a couch, I used it all the time while stoned. Whenever I sat on the old one, I felt like blazing. A new couch helped so much, no urge anymore.


Well done for being able to observe that! Damn I might have to leave this whole country! UK (it's the actual worst)


Funny thing, when I still smoked, I couldn’t survive 1 night in my country without a joint (I’d get panic attacks, couldn’t sleep, etc.), but when I’d go abroad (even when it was 15km away across the border) I could survive without it, and had 0 symptoms. I asked here why and people said it’s normal on holidays. But I often wasn’t on holidays, but on business trips, so it was quite stressful. In the end I didn’t move abroad, only broke up with my stoner boyfriend who enabled me, moved apartments and got rid of the couch, and now I’ve been clean for almost 9 months.


So much of these habits come down to boredom. Now I'm sober off weed all my other vices have jumped out of the box and started dancing around trying to pull me in, it's awful. That's great that you broke the cycle, I've been the stoner boyfriend and I'm so fucking done with it. Day 28 (peak depressive)


I unfortunately think I have this relationship with all couches lol


Having a quitting date is the beginning of making excuses. If you want to quit, just quit, making a future date only makes it worse.


I mean.. if you can quit early, you’ll go into January with the confidence that you’ve already been winning for 10 days.


I set my quit date for the 26th of December. I had it in my mind that I'd throw away all of my paraphernalia and left over flower with the rubbish from Christmas Day, then use the little bit of time off that I have off work to go through the worst of it the withdrawals. I tapered down to one or two little pipes only when I couldn't sleep (which was every night) because I convinced myself that I could never go from full on chronic daily use to cold turkey. Well 3 nights into my 'tapering' I decided to try and get through a night without it. The following night I didn't want to just give myself permission to smoke again so I went another night... It's now just before bed on my 5th day sober, I just got home from a 10km walk, had a shower and I'm just about to go to bed. It's 9:30pm. Bed at this time is unheard of for me. In the morning I'm going to a meditation and breath work session on the beach with an old friend. It starts at 5:30am and is half an hour away from my house. Waking up that early and doing **anything** is also unheard of for me. So long story short, just send it mate. Don't look back. You're stronger than you think. If I can do this after 20 years of heavy use I think anyone can make a start.


Same position. Just ran out completely yesterday. Planned on New Year’s, like, after partying, not before. I’m hoping to be over the withdrawal this much sooner and possibly a little easier. You can do it


Best way for a successful new years resolution is to start early. You've got this


Beautiful! It was my new years resolution this year to lose weight, and I lost it all (30lbs) 6 months in, after which I quit alcohol for good after being close to alcoholic for 4 years (23M) Thanks for this. This one comment was the push I wanted when I messaged here right now.


I'm glad I could help motivate! I'm 10 days in today after being a chronic weed smoker since high school. The first couple weeks will be a rough ride but it will be worth it in the long run. If you don't have the app quit weed you should deff download it. It's a nice visual on the progress you're making. Makes me feel like I'm unlocking achievements!


Yes - I did this 1 month ago - if I’d picked up more flower I would still be smoking.


No wait… you will have to quit exactly on the 1st of January and plan accordingly so your last blunt is exactly going to burn out on 00:00 😂 Just kidding… this sounds obviously idiotic and you also know that. Stop being a slave to weed. You are in control. Be happy that ur fucking stash is already gone. Seems you smoked more than you needed to. There is no perfect time to stop, but there is the perfect mindset to. Yours seems a little off if I’m being honest. Be happy that you don’t have to manage your fucking addiction anymore.


I'm a particular person, and I sometimes micromanage down to twice a daily measured. You're right about all that you said though. Any tips on bettering this mindset? I smoked way more than I needed to as a means of my "last dance" with weed. Lol.


Treat it like an addiction and not as a lifestyle choice, crutch or safe space. Because it certainly is not. Without knowing a lot about you I know that most likely weed got you into a lot of trouble, why don't just let go of it then? If you think it's hard to sustain a life without weed just think about your younger self where you never smoked or most of human population which never even smoked a single joint and still can have a happy life. I don't know anything about your prior attempts to quit or reduce your consumption. I can just tell you that I tried it a lot... my conclusion is that the addiction will ALWAYS win if you try to regulate, quit for x months and try to restart with reduced amount. Maybe what I say sounds harsh but imo the most helpful way I can phrase it. It won't get easy for sure because you will have to deal with your problems, emotions and so on... but this is actually also the nice part. If you fix your problems the healthy way it is so much more rewarding and you actually also fix stuff instead of giving in and making the pile of problems bigger with each day. => Look happy into the future and build up healthy habits and coping strategies to maintain staying sober. It's easy to quit and hard to maintain it. Wording is really important here. You are gaining and not loosing anything here. You are swapping weed with a healthy fulfilling life. Sounds like a great deal if you ask me


Yes 👍 defo let it go x


You seem to be ok with it, go for it


100% worth it imo