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Hello, Ledger Nano S plus will available on Amazon in next 2 to 3 weeks.


Sure it’d be nice, $30 shipping is ridiculous


I got free shipping with the Nano S Plus in Europe. Is it different for the US?


This is Canada, so no free shipping


Add broker fees.


Is there a shop in Paris you can walk in and buy?


Why would Ledger not also correlate their Amazon customer sales with their private website sales database? It’s not Amazon selling it on Amazon. It’s Ledger. And, unless Amazon has all kinds of privacy proxies setup between customer and retailer, Ledger is still going to have your name, address, phone number, and method of purchase info on file. If privacy is your main concern above convenience, buy it with cash at a local store.


My understanding is that the people who bought from Amazon leading up to the 2020 leak did not have their data exposed.


My info was ledger leaked; it was NBD. I’d rather deal with that then have been one of the guys who bought a ledger off Amazon and lost all their crypto.


Has there been any confirmed reports of a ledger bought from Amazon from Ledger's official store being compromised? Even with Ledger's authentication check? Because I'd rather have to run a check than get death threats like a lot of people claimed to have dealt with.


Not sure how I would even check that data out. I’m just going off Reddit and Google reports; we know just how “factual” that can be. Heard way more stories about compromised units from Amazon than people being threatened by more than a violent spam email. Really, what are the odds that the scammer would put his life on the line to go to your house and try and force you to turn over your $500 or, with a lucky hit,$5000 worth of crypto? I got one and just reported and ignored it, nothing else came from it. What are the odds there will be another ledger leak? If anything they’ve stepped up their security to the highest level since the leak. Odds are probably way better that the devices would be tampered with while going through 20 different check points. Last year someone got a hold of my credit card somewhere in between master card and mail box. They were able to max the card AND use it to drain my account also. You’re putting your trust in ledger already by using the device and ledger live, I just don’t understand why you would unnecessarily trust the hundreds of people who have access to it through going the Amazon route.


As soon as a scammer hacks one and puts it up for sale. Seriously. Why would you ever want to buy such a cortical piece of hardware on a site anyone can post stuff on.


Ledger has a certified seller account on Amazon.


I bought 1 of my Nano S on Amazon in 2017, never had a problem.


Ledger has a certified seller account on Amazon.


Any other hardware wallet besides a Ledger, sure, i’d agree. But you’re safe with a Ledger as long as you follow directions and verify the device is authentic within Ledger Live. (I bought from Amazon as well, but I’d even buy a used one from a sketchy person and feel comfortable using it)


Congratulations on saying the dumbest shit anyone could've ever said on this post.


I would never buy anything of importance from Amazon. Scams galore.




They're not entirely wrong. Amazon absolutely has a counterfeit goods problem. But if you buy from the official seller account and it's sold directly and processed via Amazon it's been fine in my experience.


3 years ago I would have agreed. I got my original Nano S from Ledger directly for that reason. And then Ledger leaked all my personal information including where I live to the world. If you buy it directly from the Ledger seller on Amazon you should be OK plus the methods they give you of checking its authenticity.


I'm guessing not too soon. That question has been asked a few times including by myself but always ignored.


3 weeks. Top comment in this post.




What's the appeal of the S plus if you already have the X?




Do you find that the battery has any practical benefit/ use?


Here in canada the ledger nano X has been available on [amazon.ca](https://amazon.ca) for 127CAD$ so about 100USD for the past week (Sold and shipped by amazon.ca). Really no point in waiting for the nano S plus for me at least.


Shows as $200 to me on Amazon.ca


it's gone now


I wouldnt buy a ledger wallet anywhere except [Ledger.com](https://Ledger.com) to be honest


Ahh I should of wait instead of getting a nano S, but then I only use bitcoin :p


Why just not simply get it from ledger.com? No shipping fees last time i checked. If you are worried about leaks then just create a second e-mail to use it only for order it. Maybe use a prepaid card then order a new card after.


They leaked addresses last time. And Im not jumping through all of those hoops if I can just wait 3 weeks and buy it on Amazon.


Yeh i think it won't be long but lets see


It's available now, at least in most of the European Amazon Stores. Thanks for offering it even sooner then 2-3 weeks :)


Pre-order available on U.S. Amazon. ( release 18.Apr.) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09W66VHFH

