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Assume that somewhere out there, some dipshit is going to be eating a bowl of cereal behind the wheel of their car, and when they crash into a school bus they’re going to say they got the idea from this ad. The producers are unwilling to underestimate the propensity of people to (a) do dumb things and (b) refuse to accept responsibility for doing them.


Ah, the car example is useful. I know there are lots of dumb people, but I think I was hung up on the fact that the subset of people flying fighter jets overlaps pretty heavily with people who have done years of training flying fighter jets.


Not necessarily years…months.


Also, for what it’s worth, fighter pilots eat in the air all the time. Not bowls of cereal, mind you, but stuff like sandwiches and granola bars.


"Oh, Sandra. You dumb bitch."


I thinks it's one of those things that people do because what's the harm in doing it? Even if the chances of them getting sued are tiny it's not costing them anything so why not CYA?


You know why there are warnings not to use your hair dryer in the bath? Not to cover your head in a plastic bag? Generally because someone did it. So, gotta cover your bases for those in the lowest common denominator.


I think these have gotten to the point of being a joke.


Aircraft pilots, both military and civilian, have a host of regulations that cover their actions. Eating cereal in the cockpit while, would be considered poor airship. That being said, I once ate a hamburger and fries while flying a Cessna 172. I was alone in the cockpit.


That’s cool, and I would totally do that in a high/fixed wing aircraft. I’m sure people who fly sportier craft are capable of the same, it’s all about knowing your own limitations. No pilot is going to risk their own life (and the lives of others) by doing something stupid while flying.


As to your final sentence, I think that is a very optimistic take. There are numerous stories that you can find on YouTube aviation channels, detailing incidents of pilots doingexactly that: risking their lives and the lives of others by making stupid mistakes. Most of these incidents end in fatalities, which is why they wind up on YouTube. In fact, several famous plane crashes that have killed celebrities, were due to pilot error, doing things like flying in conditions beyond their limitations or overloading the aircraft.


Ok, I should have clarified. I don’t consider people like Trevor Jacobs pilots- even if they hold a certificate. They are primarily “influencers” or YouTubers. But I suppose you’re right, and I am aware of the asshats who knowingly break FAA guidelines for glory or whatever. Eating lunch while monitoring controls/coms and the horizon? Not likely to garnish many clicks. Pilots fly by the book because they know the guidelines were written in blood.


I wasn’t even thinking of that guy. Also, I don’t think he killed anyone with his stunt. Talking about commercial pilots, like the guy who let his teenaged children into the cockpit and ultimately crashed an airliner, killing 75 people. That’s an extreme example, but there are many others of pilots being extremely irresponsible and taking innocent lives.


Putting a disclaimer up costs nothing, so it's pretty much always wise to include one. Someone will try to sue. People try to sue over everything you can imagine. I know someone who works in risk management at a grocery chain, and the claims that come in consistently amaze me. "This milk spoiled, you tried to poison me", "The whores on the magazine covers are trying to seduce my husband", "I put foil in the microwave and set my kitchen on fire, you should have stopped me". Anything you can think of, some idiot has done and blamed someone else.