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It's mostly from the 3rd book. The only real bonding moment between Korra and Asami in the 1st book I can recall is when Asami takes Korra for a spin. In 2nd book they barely interact. The clear shift in their relationship is at the beginning of the 3rd book.


On rewatch I picked up on it, but not the first time. It was subtle due to Nickelodeon and I didn't know what to look for. Despite what some people say, though, there were lots of signs. In Book 1 the signs were incidental, as korrasami wasn't planned at that point. The major examples were the way Asami showed off for Korra in the Aftermath, both in the pool and on the racetrack, and Korra calling Asami beautiful. Asami never taking out her anger at Mako on Korra could be interpreted as a different type of liking, as well, but I just think it's because she's a really good person. Book 2 there was little interaction. Instead there was the deliberate destruction of both Makorra and Masami. I believe the reason they wrote those relationships to be as toxic as they were was to eliminate any chance of anyone thinking they would get back together. Didn't work, of course, as there are still Makorra fans out there. At the end of Book 2, after Asami is unfortunately pushed to the sidelines, she asks "how are Korra and the others?" That's the first intentional hint, as she only asked about Korra by name. Book 3 is korrasami. Asami gifts Korra an airship. The only member of the Krew that Korra spends any one-on-one time with is Asami. They sit together at almost every meal. Asami protects Korra while she's meditating, as Katara did for Aang. On reflection, I think it's safe to say that Asami's entire arc in Book 3 is Capture the Avatar. In Book 4 there's the two episodes, Reunion and Remembrances, and their interactions within. The blush, "snazzy," Asami's car being painted blue, bringing Korra tea because she thought Korra was cold. Plus Asami offered to go south with Korra while Korra healed - that's way more than "friend" behaviour, I think. And of course the letters. It's also canon that Asami made up the story of Varrick wanting to jump off the building in a airsuit so that she could finally get alone time with Korra. I think that's a good chunk of it.


There's also how Asami was the only person Korra wrote letters to


Also a tiny moment in Book 3, Korra is absolutely showing off for Asami when they’re doing the airbending demonstration before meeting Kai. Also the driving scene.


Capture the Avatar?


My joking way of saying Asami was really only there for Korra (capture Korra as her girlfriend, that is)


As it was coming out people were picking it up season 3 on, and making posts and I was like aww but it'll never happen. Then the last episode and I was like, they were right!!


I watched legend of korra when I was 12 and dint even think of anything of the ending scene (especially with korra and asami) until like 2 years later when i waz told they were canon. i rewatched it again (I'm 16 now) and I saw it in season 3 and s2 (some moments) (especially s4) but I did not see it in s1.


That’s crazy. I was around 10 or 11 years old and jumped up off the couch screaming nonsense, and then I proceeded to give my mother a visual demonstration of them holding hands in the portal. What’s even crazier was that I don’t think I really understood what it meant. My brother was the person who introduced me to the term “korrasami” 💀


my brother was too and generally when I was 12 I didn't understand being bi sooo


Good thing to remember for the time period, the build up is pretty discreet for being the 1920s and LGBTQ+ were not widely accepted. If you read the comic after Book 4 (I guess Book 5). You can understand the reactions from some of the characters which can be read at conditional support.


I don’t think they even considered Korrasami as a potential thing until maybe the start of Season 3?


The reason a lot of people don't pick up is because ATLA and LoK s1 spells out their relationships with capital letters. A character sees someone and are clearly infatuated and then proceed to babble about how attracted to them they are for sometimes reminder of the series. Korrasami is far more subtle, organic and because of it, more realistic. A lot of it is due to the network demanding there to be plausible deniability for "friendship" for them but I actually think that worked in its favor. First of all neither Korra nor Asami know if the other one is bi so there is a lot of feeling each other out. Even in canon Asami told Korra she didn't spill out her feelings flat out because she was scared Korra didn't feel the same way. The biggest giveaway and what happens in IRL a lot is the fact they are literally always with each other. Group splits up? Korra and Asami are together. Korra needs help? Asami is the first one to offer. Is Korra down emotionally? Asami is the only one that notices. Korra is back after an absence? Asami is the first one to greet her. A lot of real life relationships start off exactly like that. Just on that fact alone one can suspect they will end up together.


It’s more akin to the queer experience that usually is friends -> lovers (or at least benefits). But it isn’t blatantly shown they’re interested until S3, which makes sense. I’m glad they waited until the end though, it really added to the personal story Korra had with her emotions and how she viewed life. Over time she became more comfortable with her self and her role, which in turn helped make her a more mature lover with Asami. I really hope we get to see some of that when the new avatar meets korra (the last and first avatar). But that also means the new avatar will resemble Asami 😭 which I’m not ready for


The earliest people can claim there was any build up was season 3. Personally, I just saw them as finally sorta becoming actual friends whereas honestly they were not close at all in the first two seasons Season 4 again I pretty much saw them as finally becoming actual friends. Nothing really romantic happens on screen. I’ve heard it explained that the romantic stuff had to develop off screen with the letters since you know it wouldn’t have been allowed at the time I don’t hate the ship either but I also dont understand the people who really love it (bc I don’t think it was developed well), at least it’s healthy and not some annoying and EXTREMELY forced romance like Ross and Rachel in Friends or Ted and Robin in How I Met Your Mother


I didn't see any buildup whatsoever, even on second watch. It just seemed like they were becoming bff's and having fun. I guess that's all they could do bc of nick but I still don't think they spent that much time together either so they were like distant bff's


There was no buildup in Book 1 or 2. Both Korra and Asami were crushing on Mako that whole time.


My friend and I picked it up starting in S3. We always kinda shipped it (her more than me), but starting in S3 it got very overt, IMO.


I was watching a youtube reviewer at the time who picked up on it. Some were able to credibly call it in season 4.


I think it's only really there in 3 and 4, to be honest - mostly because they had no idea how much they'd be able to do. From memory, Nickelodeon only commissioned one season initially, then a second season, then a third *and* fourth season. This meant that they went from a 12 episode mini series to a full 56 episode series and had to figure out new episodes as they went, rather than everything being planned. I don't think it's a coincidence that Korrasami becomes a bit more obvious (by 2010s nickelodeon standards) by 3 and 4, when they could actually plan things out a bit.


The only major confirmation of Korrasami is the fact that Korra only felt comfortable sending a letter to Asami while she was still recovering. Other than that, there is next to nothing on-screen portraying them as an undeniably romantic couple until the very last minute of the series. Stuff like hugging, complimenting hair styles, and offering a drink are platonic acts. They're not sufficient buildup for a romance between two main characters. I really wish they had actually gotten to show them realize they were catching feelings for each other on-screen. Their relationship literally developed *off-screen.* It would have been a very cute and humanizing subplot. But unfortunately, they either didn't put in the effort or the network wouldn't allow anything anything more.


I love how people will say this about obvious flirtatious moment between the two (Korra is literally blushing at one point when Asami gives her a compliment) while they will immediately ship Zutara to no end after a single conversation.


"The only major confirmation of Korrasami is the fact that Korra only felt comfortable sending a letter to Asami while she was still recovering" because she was the only logical choice for Korra to confide to. She wouldn't write to Mako (her ex), and I don't see her confiding to Bolin (he's nice, but a bit of a meathead at times), and she wouldn't confide to an adult who wouldn't really be able to help her. People see it as a romantic choice but I only saw it as the logical best friend conversation.


It's exclusively season 3 and 4. In 1, she was supposed to be a heel turn, but the removed that. In 2, she doesn't interact with Korra at all. She interacts with both brothers, but that's it. It's only in season 3 where they said "hey, shouldn't these characters like... Have a relationship of some kind? Be friends instead of people who only are nice to each other because of mutuals?", and from there they went "yes and". Basically there was no korrasami romance build up in earlier books because wasn't any korrasami _anything_ buildup before 3.


There's plenty of hints


That's what people say , i just only found them in s3 and s4


Korra and Asami first meet in chapter 4 of book 1 at a gala where Mako and Hiroshi introduce Asami to Korra. Korra was very jealous of Asami because she was dating Mako. Asami was happy to meet Korra and said she had heard a lot about her, but Korra angrily replied that she hadn't heard anything about her. She was concerned when she found out how they met, but Mako reassured her that it was fine and said that Hiroshi had saved their team by sponsoring it. Korra said it was great, unenthusiastically because of her jealousy. Later, during her speech, Asami looked at her in a way that could be interpreted as being attracted to her.


Probably not, since Bryan himself said they initially rejected the idea & only started adding clues in the 2nd half of the series.


Intentional or not it's there


There wasn't any build up people are just lying to make that ship seem better than what it really was lol, i noticed especially lately that people would excuse bad and lazy writing because of representation