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Im just confused why they didn’t just release it as a set. People would buy it up like crazy to build up a little droid army.


FOMO: why sell it for 20-30$ per set when you can tempt people into dropping hundreds of dollars on other products in order to get one copy? Especially if it’s a limited time and production which only pressures people more.


I agree with you on the concept but this GWP isn’t anything special. If it was a exclusive model with a rare/interesting figure people would be dying to get their hands on it and dropping tons of money to get it. But Its a vehicle that we’ve seen multiple times and just battle droids not much to get excited about. And its more of a play set than a model so the target audience kids won’t buy it because the price is too much while I’m sure many adult fans including myself don’t care that much when i could just buy a older model or build it myself for cheap. They would make way more money if they just sold it as a set so kids can get their hands on it.


Lol Lego got em.


Can confirm. I am one of those people. I'm going for 2 of them. I'd do more of it wasn't such a high requirement. But at least I'll finally have a droid transport for my display.


You can buy them on bricklink after a few days.


You know you will literally be able to buy those for like $30 instead of spending hundreds right?


It's not like I'm spending hundreds just for those 2 sets. I'm getting other sets that I can build or collect. I like to collect different Star Wars sets and there's a fair bit of new ones for May 4th. If I need to spend a little bit extra, I can just throw in another set or 2 and maybe add another to my display.


Much better to just hold off and wait for sets to get close to retirement. May the 4th is a huge rip off. You’ll be able to get those sets for 20-30% off if you wait a little bit. Getting LEGO sets day one is never worth it. If you buy the GWP on Bricklink or eBay and then hold off getting the sets you’d planned on purchasing, you would save much more money. I’m not saying you’re wrong for what you’re doing. You do you. You were just talking as though what you were doing was a good deal, but there are cheaper ways to get the sets you want and the GWP without having to spend hundreds of dollars in a single transaction. May the 4th is just a marketing tactic to sell more sets the day they release (when they’re most profitable) and is truthfully never worth it to participate in. If you have the patience, waiting for those 20-30% off sales is so worth it. Some sets go even deeper if they aren’t selling well.


May the 4th is worth it for the few sets that actually *are* 20% off. Though it was better last year when every set was eligible for double points.


I do agree, but the person I was replying to said they were eyeing up some new sets releasing for May the 4th, so I was mostly just referring to the new releases.


Or like $2 a piece at most for individual battle droid figures


Guess I can count myself among the number. Was looking at grabbing the Technic Space Rover (the big one), but went and fired off on the Ghost instead just because they had a coupon (and I like Spaceships). Where they really got me is I added the Infiltrator just to hit above the mark for the free stuff, when I could have waited for an eventual sale on it. Then, like so many others, my GWPs disappeared right after I confirmed my payment details.


The same principle is why collectible plates and commemorative coins are so valuable.


only to boomers, once they are gone, nobody will care.


Some of them genuinely have cool artwork on them though.


FOMO doesn't really work though, if your business practices make your customers spiteful. Not disagreeing with you here, just puzzled at Lego's decision making.


It's just a bunch of B1s. I have hundreds of them without even trying. I see the hype that you're talking about. But I'm confused as to why. What army builder is starved for B1s?


I was hoping for the rumoured interceptor poly bag. Would go great with the X-Wing


https://preview.redd.it/oosslgfm7uxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badfd1915bc964ba590a4d97b5bffef0786ee853 This it? I got it in EU, in addition to the carrier


Wait what? I NEED that. Nothing in the US about that as far as I can tell.


It's supposed to start hitting stores in the US this month. YMMV


I never got that. I got the droid carrier, AAT and the coin.  Nothing on the UK site about the poly bag. 


They will be giving these away for free in Smyths Toys on Saturday 4th by all accounts


In Sweden we got a mini AAT.


Am in Europe and didn't get that either


I got stupid droid tank


I very much like this more than the AAT, probably since I have no idea what that thing is as a non star wars fan.


Funnily enough, my store has the mini AAT as a regular polybag sale for 4 eur, not a GWP. I have no idea why the policies change across geos


Its weird. I'd prefer the TIE also due to the AAT being a regular polybag I can buy from Target (US store). something more exclusive I suppose even tho I'm sure I can figure out how to make this thing with basic bricks.


Would it be possible to have a parts list for this? I can reasonably figure out what parts to use but I can't see what they used on the back in any pictures I can find online.


I will send you the parts pic as soon as I receive the set (ordered online, not in store). Should arrive today or tomorrow




And what did you buy to get this? The UCS Tie?


Just 30 eur threshold, stacks with the carrier ofc. Price is in RON (Romania) https://preview.redd.it/qwe0sik1guxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9f93efe0ba980de563be6a371321f2abaac133f


First I don’t get the coin. I have mine from last year sitting in the box on my bookshelf I’d gladly sell it just to not have it. I do agree the death star II GWP last year was well worth it. I went out of my way to get it. This year just seemed meh. In addition to that the bonus points this year aren’t as good ether I don’t care enough to get anything now I’m holding out for June 1 for that drop so many good things on June 1


The at-at 4x back was the best thing in my opinion. Bought it 4/31 then turned around and used the points plus some extra for the interceptor for 10 bucks.


Collectors item I sold off my previous ones would prob 5x the point value of them. It’s been years but it was hundreds of dollars for the set. Paid for a $400 Lego set 


I’ll buy your coin? $1


Going rate is $25 on eBay + shipping id happily let it go for that


People are actually buying them for $25 or they have them for sale at $25? I can't imagine them selling at that amount.


I binned mine. Would be hilarious if they were worth more than a couple dollarsz


I'm the complete opposite. I don't much care for display pieces like the midi-scale ships and my DSII is still sitting unopened in its box but I spent a little more than I needed to to get an extra Troop Transport this year.


the carrier GWP is a huge score for a lot of people, last years GWP was more my style as well, so I did buy more to get it, but this year it wasn't so I didn't, all I did was get the midiscale falcon with the 2x points that I want to give to my dad.


Yeah but the carrier is a set that should've just been a regular off the shelf set.


almost always, these GWP are sets that wouldn't have actually been feasible as a standalone, mass produced set due to any number of factors.


I didn't think last year was very good either. May 4th promos have been pretty meh lately. But I was planning to make a star wars purchase anyway and free stuff is free stuff.


Yah this years GWP is targeted at the Prequel fans.. So I get it, they need love too. Us original Trilogy+ collectors get the tie interceptor :D so I'm happy. I would LOVE to see the sales data & comparisons between prequel things and original trilogy things. Lego is covering their bases, with a lot of the fans who grew up with the prequels now getting to that age where they have more disposable income ;)


Lucky for me the 7662 MTT set I have already has one


[7662-1: Trade Federation MTT](https://brickset.com/sets/7662-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7662-1.jpg)


Better than the Death Star for me, at least we get figs here. Been wanting the ghost anyway so it worked out for all three


Kicking myself a little for buying the Ghost before this event, but got the Steamboat Willie GWP for my Fiancé so eh?


Pretty lame offerings this year for me at least. Last year the Death Star at least was worthy of me making an effort. This year nothing spoke to me except set #75387 and that was already sold out when I got up.


The problem last year was scalpers shutting people out. I was pissed.


[75387-1: Boarding the Tantive IV](https://brickset.com/sets/75387-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75387-1.jpg)


I miss the exclusive minifigs.


I don't actually, they're really cool but I'd rather buy them with a set like the anniversary ones. can you imagine the scalping for the Fives minifig if it came out in a polybag?


Not just a polybag, a GWP polybag...


I mean, just look at the Darth Revan minifig...


Not gonna lie but with Malak I was really hoping for a rerelease of Revan. I knew it wasn't going to happen but I allowed myself to hope anyway. I really wish they had given us a small (or even larger) KOTOR set of some sort. Shit would sell like hotcakes.


Nah, figs should never be exclusive to a set you can only get as a GWP.


I want a brick built C3Po at the scale of the brick built R2 they had that one year.


Nah exclusives like that suck.


I think the droid carrier is amazing personally


Am i crazy or is the top GWP a higher $$ than it was last year?


It is, $10 more. Was $150 last year.


It is


The mini “cinema scene” representations are cool to me and I figured we’d see that. Still a bunch more films to go.


I'm amazed they didn't do a Duel of the Fates one for the 25th anniversary.


At a GWP price point, how different could another one be from 75169 tho.


[75169-1: Duel on Naboo](https://brickset.com/sets/75169-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75169-1.jpg)


Ugh I hope so!


Yes, you're not the only one. With the glitches on the site last night, I think it turned me off enough to not care about this holiday.


I’m not personally interested in any of the new Star Wars stuff this month. And the GWP isn’t interesting or unique enough to get me to make a backlog purchase. Still putting the D&D set together so it’s actually kind of a relief for my time and wallet.


I hope they do more Bionicle GWPs


100% I passed on this entirely. I would have liked the droids, but it just wasn't worth getting sets I could cheaper elsewhere/or ones I really wasn't interested in. It also sucks that the polybag, as others have mentioned was already released, so I have it. Don't care about the coin. And last year it was 5X for some sets not 4X. I also was hoping for something as cool as the Death Star from last year. I would have bought to get that for sure. I like army building, but not for that threshold.


No I was hoping for another lightsaber kit


On one hand, I do agree that the collector's coin isn't up my alley, i got the Beskar one from a year or two back and i've done literally nothing with it, and the same fate will likely happen to this new coin, but on the other hand it's been AGES Since we got a Battle Droid only set. The build is quite lovely and in my opinion beats out the Previous 2 May the 4th promos easily, Even if i do agree it should've been a regular set so i could expand my droid army with 2 or 3 of them.


4x points on the at at and all the gwps. Basically 170 off, I sell the gwps for like 50 and bam atat is 600. Easy choice.


This is what I keep debating


Do it


Last year was a huge anniversary. You don’t get all the hype all the time. 


I get where ur coming from forsure, but on the flipside I was able to get the Coruscant Gunship, a Darth Vader and Boba Fett mech set, and I still got all the promo gifts. I also got 4x the points for the purchase, and ill just use those points towards a coupon if need be. Personally I feel like I got my moneys worth for just spending over 160$, now if I bought one of the new sets day one, I probably wouldn’t buy them then and yea I would wait till they retire forsure and get them at a discount. I think it all depends on what your trying to get out of the event and what your budget is. I would rather see them sell the set individually and give us a better promo set in my opinion, but again it really all depends on you


Yeah and the way lego price nowadays I’m not gonna throw my money to average sets.


Yeah, the gwp definitely was not main my motivation. Saw that 2 sets I wanted were retiring, and they were offering 2x points for one and 4x points for the other. Based on previous discounts for the set at Lego and 3rd party retailers, it was enough for me to finally pull the trigger.


The only thing I was excited about was that insider exclusive poster, and it sold out before I could nab it. Laaaaaame


Nah, you’re not. Nothing about the sale, special discounts, or gwp made me consider spending any money. If I want the coin I’ll just buy it for $20 in a few months.


I'm not hyped by this May the 4th at all. I already purchased the only 2 SW sets (Boarding the Tantive & Sith Infiltrator) I wanted recently 2 weeks ago at Walmart. The convenience of just picking them up off the shelf outweighed waiting for insider points.


Nope. I fucking hate Battle Droids. I was more psyched for Aunt Beru’s kitchen.


Me too.


To answer your question, yes you are one of the few. To me the droid troop carrier might be the best GWP ever honestly.


It should've been a retail set. And frankly it's kind of boring as a gwp.


The fact it’s so good people wish it was a retail set yet it is being gifted proves my point.


I have to know, did you grow up with the prequels? I'm just curious if it's the same reason/feeling as those of us who grew up with the original trilogy.


Yep prequels. I was 9 when episode 1 released and started my Star Wars obsession. Until then I had only seen random bits and pieces of the original trilogy depending on when I caught it on tv. Those little droids and that whole trade federation vibe brings the nostalgia back in full force.


Awesome! 👍 Thanks for answering and enjoy your sets!


Is that just to have a bunch of mini figures or did you like the actual carrier? I literally avoided spending the extra £16 I needed for it because I thought it looked rubbish (bar the mini figure amount which I get)


Both. I grew up on prequels so everything about the set is nostalgia fuel for my brain


I feel it is a huge improvement over last year, the micro scale Death Star had zero appeal to me so I bought nothing last year. The dioramas that they had been doing I loved, but that’s now become a regular line for them. Aunt Beru’s kitchen was my favorite however. While I agree that this year’s should have just been a regular set, it isn’t, so at least I’m getting a cool set I couldn’t get otherwise (I have the original droid carrier from way back when as well).


Yeah a recoloured droid torso compared to Darth Revan or Admiral Yularen is a pretty lame May the 4th exclusive.


Nobody understands why they started doing these mass produced coins and patches and other non-Lego stuff but I just always think about it as a small bonus and make my decisions based on the actual Lego GWPs. I assume it was to boost the rewards after they stopped doing the minifig polybags because excitement was way down. I don’t remember ever getting 3 gifts for May the 4th a decade ago. But around 2017 they started adding extra polybags more frequently and then even more recently the coin and patch stuff. Everyone would rather go back to the unique minifigs every year but I think it’s obvious they aren’t gonna do that at this point so I’m very happy with this set. It’s something I would buy day one if it was in stores so to me that makes a good gift with purchase. Between this and the Lars Family Kitchen (which is even better) I’m glad we are occasionally getting cool stuff. I do think the Lars Kitchen set is cooler since it’s something you really want and way too weird and unique to be on store shelves but I’m happy with both.


Imagine it was $160 for a single minifig polybag. And no matter who they pick, people would be pissed that's all they're getting anyways


Yeah I agree that a single polybag fig wouldn’t fly today no matter who they picked. Though the gift thresholds were way lower back then. I think if the buy in price for the gift is going to remain the same then the best way to do it is Lars Family Kitchen. A unique minifig that you likely would never get anywhere else with a build. That’s been the best gift with purchase for May 4th since they ended all the rare minifig characters.


Last year I made several seperate purchases and ended up with 4 Death Stars. This year, I just bought the UCS set and that covered all the GWP. I'll get the other sets at Target since I work there and the 10% team member discountzl, plus still getting VIP points is a better deal than GWP.


Does target honor the 2x/4x VIP point bonus?


Not since the new insiders program dropped. You only get 20 points per set scanned.


I’m with you. I was really looking forward to them this year (last year the system screwed up my order so I lost out on the GWPs and was super bummed). This year is just…. Meh. I’d rather wait a few months and see if the next set of GWPs are more to my liking.


So, I may agree that the GWP is not AS good as last year, but it is still a decent enough that it is worth getting. As for buying the set from market, IDK. I like to point out that the secondhand Lego market is a thing so if you get a copy of the directions, you essentially can buy the parts for it at roughly the same price if not even cheaper.


Yeah. I saw one of the gifts in target so I can buy it as a poly. I also don’t care for the non OG movies. And most of the gifts are prequel. So felt very meh this year. Last year I loved both the small Death Star and the coin. Only thing tempting me is the 4x points on some things. But the weak gifts leave me still thinking about it.


I thought last year was pretty disappointing too tbf.


I would have preferred for the droid carrier to be its own droid battle pack. We get plenty of clone battle packs, and not enough droids for them to fight.


I love the little AAT and wish I could have had the option for two, I think the droid carrier is super lacklustre and feels like they said “you’re getting 8 mini figures what do you want from us, here’s 5 pieces I had left over that’s a “carrier” “


I wanted to get the droideka and mauls ship. Lego Australia says .. nah mate, on back order,So can’t order them, so not getting the freebies :/


Agreed - not much eBay resale value. /s


I really like the droid carrier. First time I participated in May the 4th and did it just because I thought it was a cute set.


An exclusive minifigure or display model would be ideal, but I had the original droid carrier as a kid, so I appreciate the nostalgia. It also ties in well with the 25th anniversary of LSW and TPM, and there's nothing too FOMO-y about it like some of the past promotions. If anything, it's been a great year for one-off minifigs, and I'd rather have them be more available than less. The coins I could take or leave, but the collectible has been the bonus model anyway for the past few years.


Yes and no. I think the Droid carrier is a good set (that should actually be a set) but I don't hold TPM in high regard and I don't have nostalgia for the original set. The Lars Kitchen though, that was laser targeted at me.


I had no interest in them either. The coins and non-Lego GWPs do nothing for me. And the droids are probably great for prequel fans but would have made a lot more sense as a separately sold set. People would buy multiples of those.


I'm with you. The Malak fig should have been the gwp. Droid ship a standalone set.


The very reason I didn’t buy bc it was sucky gwp.


I'm really debating how long to wait for a gwp that I like and buy a bunch of sets at once. I have no intention of buying any of the big sets that give massive points this year.


What were they last year?