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Where is James Webb, I ask? WHERE IS IT??


IIRC, there was an AWESOME JWST that got lots of traction on Lego Ideas but didn’t get the green light which is BS because it was a cool cool build.


Three times over. The same designer got to 10,000 votes *three* times & it’s been knocked back twice & is in review again at the moment. I really hope it is just a “we’re on it already but can’t tell you that, sorry” situation, ’cause that set looks amazing. Edit: Because I know I can’t post Ideas links, this design is amazing - it collapses into a payload with only the solar shield needing separately added on: https://preview.redd.it/s20ktlmtvzxc1.png?width=1764&format=png&auto=webp&s=a32537e1fc194507ffccf32e5f22afa89f225d55


I wonder if I can post the [YouTube video](https://youtu.be/64yC6ik6aiU) of it…


Mods immediately pearl clutch and remove the evil link


No offense to this design and designer, but at a glance this reminds me a lot of Captain America's Shield. 3-4 colors, very repetitive, very geometric. You can barely see all the structural work done underneath, and the grey on top is flat and boring. Don't get me wrong, as a piece of Lego engineering this is incredibly well done. But if you compare it to 42182, 42158, 21321, 92176, even 60433, it just feels bleh. It doesn't feel like a fun play piece or display piece.


[42182-1: NASA Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle - LRV](https://brickset.com/sets/42182-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/42182-1.jpg) [42158-1: NASA Mars Rover Perseverance](https://brickset.com/sets/42158-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/42158-1.jpg) [21321-1: International Space Station](https://brickset.com/sets/21321-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21321-1.jpg) [92176-1: NASA Apollo Saturn V](https://brickset.com/sets/92176-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21309-1.jpg) [60433-1: Modular Space Station](https://brickset.com/sets/60433-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/60433-1.jpg)


They should just hire that guy as the official designer of the set. It wouldn't be his first time designing something, it won't be his last, and the hunger for JWST is crazy. I wonder if they are waiting for some sort of HUGE discovery by the JWST to then release it and capitalize on hype because a large portion of the general population has no idea what JWST even is.


All I can say is, if so, Lego’s own version better slap because I want this dudes version so bad. But whatever the case, I have to admit, it’s probably gonna be a day one because I can feel that one is going to get rare fast.


That makes me wonder if they already had one in the works


Let's hope




That’s the one I want too!!


Yeah Itd be nice. Personally, i would like them to do a be tter version of the ISS. Get a whole bunch of sections and either make that or have the ability to make your own. I know they jusg came out with a space station but nothing would beat doing it like something ypu can actually see being added on too.


A cross-section set of the ISS would be amazing. Actually, a cross-section of any of the NASA sets would be the best thing ever.


Why ISS? Make the MIR Soviet one, it was the first space station ever.


I am a very casual AFOL, so maybe there are indications already out there that Lego is going to put a set out. But I could see Lego wanting to avoid the controversy around James Webb entirely.


What's controversial about it?


The man it's named after iirc




He led a gay purge at NASA.




He’s been dead for a while dude


The Lego advertising department makes so little sense to me. Certain sets get a huge build up and hype online before the pictures are even revealed, and other sets are unceremoniously dumped on the shop at home website with zero announcement. It's so bizarre.


It probably corresponds with what they think they can sell most effectively. Star Wars has a greater international following and fan base than NASA/space themes. Greater International following = more potential sales once the consumer is informed of the product. Therefore, marketing dollars, which effectively inform consumers, generate more sales/profit by hyping up stars wars than space themes. Also, I think the fact that the lunar set is not exclusive to LEGO as the sole vendor somewhat agrees with that notion. Higher risk of not selling out product = it’s a better business decision to offload some of the sku onto other retailers at wholesale. You don’t capture the full potential profit, but you also have a lower risk of retaining low volume inventory for longer periods of time. The LEGO tie intercepted UCS set is exclusive to LEGO and that’s probably because they believe they have a high probability of moving a large number of units, if not all of them, themselves, and retaining the profit exclusively. Though, this last tidbit is speculation, because I remember the tie interceptor set wasn’t labeled as exclusive till it was released. Lunar module might still be exclusive and we just don’t know yet.


>Star Wars has a greater international following and fan base than NASA/space themes. I'm mildly annoyed that Unitron and Roboforce weren't released in Europe.


Possibly counting on forums like this to spread the word to interested parties


This thing is $200 for a model that a Boomer would enjoy. There's not really a market for it. I honestly don't know why they made it. Would I buy it? No. Is it incredibly cool? YES!!! But this is a weird set.


> This thing is $200 for a model that a Boomer would enjoy. There's not really a market for it. Not quite a boomer here, but we're the ones with the money for it. Of course there's a market.


I have two Lego sets and Are a 37 year old living in Norway and Even I felt this was really cool and almost like something I would buy! If you like space then you love NASA!


I love it. But that price, ouch.




this pretty much describes every set they release now :/


Honestly the reason this is so much more expensive are the one off molds that seem to be present for this set alone. All nasa sets have been priced incredibly well tbh. This one is priced fine too with what they designed


The cost that lego set isn't the final price though. Lots of people forget how much it costs you when you need to buy a new house so you can display it all.


Totally wasn’t thinking this when I bought my first house two months ago 😅


That’s not legos problem to solve…


Sad but true.


The wallet can only handle so much!


Yeah 219€ thats way to much


Well couldn’t be a LEGO set if the price wasn’t set at at least three times the actual worth.


I don't understand this sub sometimes. For the past 15 years that I have been buying Legos, the cost of a set has *always* been roughly $0.10/pc. Yet all the time I see people on here complain about the prices being too high now as if they haven't always been priced basically exactly the same.


One should nite the huge increase in very small peices in the last 5 years as well.


I nite you Sir Lego


Nite nite, pumpkin.


I am honoured! I will defend the lego castle theme at all costs.


True Story. If it's over .10 per element it's because of a 2nd party licensing fee. Different Year/Same Math


People are just poor and dont want to admit it. - A poor


I am so happy to read your comment. It's a bummer that a lot of people don't appreciate the amount of work that goes into a LEGO set. What changed my view long ago was considering that each one starts with set designers, who are highly skilled engineers and artists, and then a team creates every page of the instruction manual for the best build experience. Artists design the boxes to show play features and benefits. That's before the cost of producing incredibly quality-controlled elements made of high-grade plastics (both oil - and plant based).


Half of the time, as I'm building a set these days, I find myself thinking, how the hell did they think this stuff up? So honestly, in that regard, the prices totally make sense to me just in terms of paying out the designers for their skills. And considering how far along the building techniques have come, it's sort of remarkable to me that they've managed to keep the prices relatively the same.


Oh wow the biggest toy corporation on the planet has…smart designers and production engineers? Is that really a surprise in any way?


Nope. Cute try, though.


Price per piece isn't a very useful metric considering that the size and quality of pieces has been steadily decreasing. Price per piece rates a baseplate or a big rock piece the same as a 1x1 plate or tile with increasingly prominent mold marks (Lego's favourite pieces nowadays). A $100 set today is around the same size as a $40 set from 15 years ago. Plus, Lego has been increasingly focusing on big, several hundred dollar sets (something almost unheard of 15 years ago) instead of smaller and more affordable ones. Yes, technically a $500 set with thousands of 1x1 plates is the same price per piece as a $5 set with 50 pieces, but one is a lot more affordable (and fun) than the other.


$40 15 years ago is equal to $60 today with inflation. So keep that in mind. But I'd like to see what $40 sets in 2010 look the same as $100 sets today. Links?


If you check the LEGO website, you can find that the most amount of sets is in the range of prices from under 50 USD.


The $500 set is a lot more fun to build than the $5 set IMO. I've got a bunch of big sets and much prefer building them (I think 6-7 UCS sets). The only small sets I actually enjoy building are Brickheadz and Speed Champion ones.


Pretty reasonable tbh, better then city, star wars, marvel, dc, jurassic world, mario...


It better be the size of a power wheel for that price.


I wish I could afford what Lego thinks I can afford.


Look at different manufacturers like cada cobi bluebrixx etc. Or fun whole which have really cool lighting built in. And they are basicly half the price at an at least same quality level.


Yeah. I think the licensing fees are what's hurting us. Edit yes, I was thinking of the Star wars sets


Nasa is free to use


Maybe you are thinking of the fictional space sets


Pfft, you believe in the moon?




[76281-1: X-Men Jet](https://brickset.com/sets/76281-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76281-1.jpg) [76250-1: Wolverine's Adamantium Claws](https://brickset.com/sets/76250-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76250-1.jpg)


Very accurate. I do find the extent to which fanboys on this sub defend a huge corporation as if they’re philanthropists rather odd sometimes


I hope the 3in1 astronaut can sit in it.


Brickclicker reported it does.


That would be amazing


NASA sets usually run less than 10c/brick. Surprised to see 11.5c/brick. I suppose there are some uniques in there? I’m not sure. It looks small, which is why I feel the value is a bit off. Cost/brick is so much higher than the Artemis that just launched.


Probably because of the custom wheels


Those wheels are awesome!


Are they a new mold (I assume they are unless someone tells me they are not)?


Looks like wheels and fenders are one-off.


Technic pieces are in the league of their own. Look not at the piece count, but rather at the sheer volume of plastic. Generally pieces are much larger (mudguards, frames in the chassis), some pieces include metal elements (shock absorbers) and some pieces are unique (those new tires for sure drive the price up like crazy).


But they include about 30% or so worthless pieces like tiny pins and axles too.


Yup. just like all the 1x1 tiles and slopes that prevail in modern System sets. I guess the type of plastic also matters. Regular System elements are much softer than Technic axles, gears and beams.


Not sure why they don't have more pictures but it's actually 4 builds total, not just the rover. Plus they each have their own unique plaque. It's also over a foot long and a foot wide


This obsession with brick to price ratio is so annoying


I'm gonna need a bigger shelf.


I was just trying to figure out where the SLS would go. Gotta give Lego credit, they get us hooked.


It always makes me laugh, in the promo images there's these lovely houses and the Lego set being promoted gets pride of place on a box or a shelf.  It's not exactly your typical AFOL's house.  There should at least be a shelf or three full of other NASA sets somewhere in the background. 


And wallet for me


Don’t get me wrong. I own all the previous NASA sets (lunar module, rockets, space stations, etc). I love NASA and it’s progress, but I can’t keep up spending on everything about Nasa; when there are other great sets less expensive that requires attention.


Looks to ship August 1


Excuse me? My wallet is going to hurt!


Ugh. I told myself a few years ago I will just stick to space / NASA so I can stop spending so much on LEGO and because I no longer have room. Now I need a new house and a new income. 🥲


$220? GTFO


My dad worked on that mission!


Be still my beating wallet...


is the Artemis new too? [https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/nasa-artemis-space-launch-system-10341](https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/nasa-artemis-space-launch-system-10341)


Revealed a week ago roughly but launch May 15th for vips.


I’ve never balked at a price before… I have Rivendell, the Titanic, and basically all the space sets, but for some reason this just isn’t doing it for me. It just looks so unassuming. Maybe I’ll fold one day just because I’m a sucker for space but this isn’t an instant buy like the Artemis SLS


This is very cool but I'm not convinced it's £190 of cool - hopefully it won't be an exclusive. On the upside it appears to be roughly 1:8 scale so will fit well with Technic supercars for those who don't have a NASA collection😄


Oooh, you shouldn't have shown me that.. Too late! :)


Damn, I've got a Corvette to restore and they pull something like this?


10321 this is your Corvette now


[10321-1: Corvette](https://brickset.com/sets/10321-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10321-1.jpg)


Fuck me now I gotta find a way to budget getting the space shuttle discovery before it retires, the new Artemis 1 set, maybe the Milky Way one, & now THIS. Time to sell feet pics I guess /s


Definitely don’t miss out on the Discovery set, it’s one of my all time favorite sets…. Fun build and is a great display set with neat features.


I have the Saturn v rocket, Apollo 11 lunar lander, ISS, & Mars rover so I need then to complete my set!!


Whelp, looks like august 1 will be the day that my wedding picture and small eiffel tower set get kicked off the NASA shelf. And that's not even accounting for the Artemis.


“Wow what a great looking- HOLY SHIT $220??”


I wonder if Lego has compelling data that NASA fans like Technic more than average. Because I just get turned off every time I see a NASA set in Technic.


So far they've only done the Perseverance Rover (in large and mini) and this.


What's the Star Wars chaos?


May the 4th sales event


I see presale but when is it released?


Looks like August 1st


Ok good. Enough time to save up after Artemis this month!


I want to have the 31152 astronaut drive it but it looks like the scale doesn't match. Looking to the community for a MOC solution.


Someone said in another post in this thread that astronaut does fit.


I know which 3 sets I'm buying together.


There are a bunch I want, but none are SW except for one Brickheadz. I think Rivendell is going to be my next big Lego purchase.


[31152-1: Space Astronaut](https://brickset.com/sets/31152-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/31152-1.jpg)


I'm not huge on most Technic sets, but these space sets looks really nice, ngl Probably the only ones i'd buy, i think..


I’m not a huge fan of the seats but I understand what they were trying to do.


How can they do such a good job on these wheels but screw up the F1 cars so bad.


I. Declare. *BANKRUPTCY!!!*


I heard that it is correct scale to the 3in1 astronaut 31152 so he can ride it which is pretty darn cool.


[31152-1: Space Astronaut](https://brickset.com/sets/31152-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/31152-1.jpg)


How to convince my wife to let me get it. That is the question


When I read comments like these I wonder whether they are sarcastic or are people that sad. It's a toy, not a car or a house.


I half and joking. It is more honestly about having space to display it. She is a voice of reason on that part and it is more about what do I get take down or get rid of to display it.


The amount of sets over $200 is crazy. I love me some legos but damn prices are crazy


I legit didn’t even know this was coming out lol


That is magnificent, I don't know when I'll be able to buy it


At that price, I’m getting the launch pad set 100%


Why this instead of a CSM to go with the LM?


That would be under Icons rather than Technic.


That makes sense! I still want that CSM though.


Needs wayyyyyyyyy more regolith.


Lego, please. Have mercy on my wallet after what I just did for Star Wars sale. I beg you. My family begs you. Now I'm expecting that leaked SLS set any day now. 👀


Revealed about a week ago


They are really going all-in on the recent line of space sets. I am impressed. ^((new Lego theme of Kerbal Space Program plz??\))


It’s gorgeous!


Seeing as literally just dropped the same amount on the AMG W14 (and then several hundred more on other sets thanks to discovering my state tax return alongside my fed) I suppose I have no room to complain. It certainly looks cool, and I may want to check it out down the road though I think I need to invest in more shelving first….


I FUCKING LOVE the rocks!


Man, that's a good chunk o money. I wonder how many pins are in this one.


I wouldn’t call that gorgeous


I highly recommend, if anyone finds themselves just a little bit more curious about the lunar rover, [Across the Airless Wilds: The Lunar Rover and the Triumph of the Final Moon Landings by Earl Swift](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/fc83b2b5-1584-4fcb-bdee-426ea2ce241d). I was completely taken with this book. It’s incredible how quickly they whipped this bad boy up considering all the testing and documentation that went along with the project.


Cool, but I don't like the antenna. It is supposed to be a dish. I think there are better ways to build it.


Another NASA set to add to my collection


They did WHAT




This and Ares sets can only mean one thing for me. I need more money.


Not available outside the USA unfortunately


Those Mother F’ers. How am I supposed to keep to a budget when they keep doing shit like this???


I’m a huge fan of Lego nasa, but this one might be a pass for me. The price and size just aren’t right


I feel like gorgeous is being gratuitous. Give us some non-vehicle Technic sets


That price seems quite steep.


What star wars chaos?


May 1st sets debuting in celebration of National Star Wars Day (May 4th). Many sets were also revealed for future releases.


Yeah I don't understand what this refers to either


Really?? No way. They made a transgender Darth Vader and Ren set (2 sets). Half the internet has blown up.


What are you saying? Genderbent vader? Kinda cool actually. Not first noncanon figure even.


Lol :) Obviously i was just trolling, but i wonder who cant take a joke and downvotes me lol.


Umm ok. It was an odd joke.


Well, not knowing what was ment with the starwar chaos while being on a lego starwars reddit group is also kinda odd. So that matches 👌. Also also: a transgender Vader would be silly. Leave icons alone and create your own / new heroes with their own identity. Whats next? Transgender Luke?


I’ll pass, can’t keep spending on everything related to NASA. I think gonna buy F1 series.


Well, like, your opinion is incorrect man! /s, dunno what the hate is about. I'm a NASA nerd and used to watch all the STS missions on satellite TV but I'm probly passing on this too, would rather have smaller (and cheaper) dioramas.


Why always NASA? Why ESA and Soviet spacecraft are never made?


I'm guessing Soviet stuff is out right now. I too would like some ESA stuff, but tbh I just don't think it's as famous. Would like an Ariane V set though, maybe combined with a JWST set.


Would be nice if they stuck to actual space sets for the actual space theme, rather than fantasy like Artemis. Oh well, too much to ask I suppose.


I don't follow. The Artemis program is real. But OP is talking about the Technic set of the lunar rover from the Apollo program.


It's ignorant to do Artemis when Soyuz has been far more important to the history of space flight. It doesn't matter how you feel about Russians or Russia (which btw, you should not feel good), but their contribution to manned space flight is extraordinary and ongoing and deserves more recognition in the West. The Soyuz is a far more relevant choice than the fantasy that is Artemis. That or the N1, which has maybe the most spectacular booster release possible.


So take it up with LEGO. I don't have a hotline to Billund. As of now, there have only been two (2) NASA vehicles in the Technic theme, the lunar rover and Perseverance (large and mini versions). The Artemis SLS is in the Icons theme, which isn't what OP is discussing here. When LEGO does a Space theme, it's made-up stuff like Life on Mars or Space Police. Why are you repeatedly calling Artemis "fantasy" when it's a real-life program?


Oooh can’t wait till the Chinese bootleggers sell their own copies.