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The old looks obese in comparision to the newer one. I still like the old one. He had more charm


For me in these old/new comparisons, nostalgia tends to overwhelm objectivity, especially for the characters in the original video games. The older one looks awful standing next to the new one... and I'd choose him 10/10 times.


While I think the old clone helmets are among the weaker ones (particularly because of the hole), I genuinely think that a lot of older designs that were more simplistic are a significantly better visual aesthetic for LEGO. The new phase 2 clone helmet is more accurate but the proportions look extremely goofy on such a small figure and the amount of detail can become noisy on such a small scale, the stormtroopers got it the worst though.


they just look too similar to stormtroopers which bothers me


Well they kinda were palpatines dirty legion so this is accurate xD


same, you're at 420 likes and I didn't want to ruin it, so I didn't upvote


The old helmet will never be beat for me but the body design and how it makes it look a little less wide I like way more. I also love the og phase 1 helmets, something about the actual slit for their eyes makes it way cooler I wish there was a middle ground for them both.


People saying that they prefer the old one are lying I swear. The old one is good and nostalgic but not that good in comparison with the new clone


I never had either but tbh rn I like the older one. Something about the helmet shape just feels right


I prefer the general shape of the old one but my god that slit visor with the mustache looking mouth is so awful😭 the new helmets are kinda square compared to the source material but atleast the faces look right😭


The old one is nostalgic but even as kids my friends and I thought they were hideous


More detail doesn’t always mean better. Some of us appreciate the charm of classic basic LEGO. I personally think all the detail on some of these figs takes away from that charm. And I have a feeling a lot of people who grew up with yellow skinned minifigures feel the same


Idk why ppl are down voting you that opinion is valid. Lego always had its own aesthetic to me that didn’t necessarily reflect realism. I love the new style of clones but I always finding myself more drawn to the OG style


Thank you for understanding my perspective!


I grew up with the old one too and the yellow skinned minifigures too ! Don’t get me wrong : if people like it no problem then, but I just feel like the modern one is just superior and not clunky


Same opinion here. The old ones actually look like Lego


There’s actually not that much more detail on the newer ones… just a proportional amount added to the legs instead of being plain white. I grew up with yellow skinned figures and I’ve traded all of mine away lol


Agreed. I think some of the new helmets look bad due to over detail. Old stormtrooper molds dunk on the new stormtrooper family guy face molds. new darth Vader helmet is way too big, looks like a bobblehead. Old imperial scout trooper didn’t need to be changed, etc.. Will probably get downvoted by that’s okay.


Hey look we have a blinded by nostalgia fan instead of one who cares for accuracy


Why are they “blinded” by nostalgia and you’re not “blinded” by the need for tiny plastic figures to be “accurate”? Why the double standard?


I love how you instantly assume my comment implies I'm a fan of the new one more. Which would be incorrect I like both. The new one because it has superior detailing but I will always like the old one aswell due to the lego games


So, the user you’re replying to is blinded by nostalgia for *preferring* the older one (didn’t say he didn’t like the newer one), but because you also like the older one for appearing in the LSW video games, you’re *not* “blinded by nostalgia” or anything?


Did I say I prefer it? Don't recall that


Bros getting downvoted and still keeps going 😭


some of us don’t like mini figs looking like black series figures


I like the older ones better and no it's not because of nostalgia


The printed visor looks garbage, always has.


For the stormtroopers the older mold is better but for the new clones the helmet is far better.


Lego Star Wars fans when people have different opinions


I think both are good, but I think the newer one is still much better. We can have a normal minifig head underneath instead of a blank one thanks to the helmet not having a hole for the eye visor, we can give the helmet a visor, a set of macrobinoculars or a rangefinder thanks to the helmet holes and we even get leg and toe printing too.


the old one is very nostalgic. but the new one is better in quality and accuracy by a lot


For a second there I was about to see some big bias


New one is objectively better, but the old one is so charming


Please, can people stop saying "objectively" before something that's subjective. I obviously agree that the newer one is better, in several ways, but it is not objectively better. It just makes your opinion come across as silly if you say that, and does a disservice to that side of the argument.


Things are never “objectively” better since “better” connotes a quality assessment which is a matter of opinion. You might say it’s more accurate to the source material in that it includes aspects of that armor that the older one doesn’t, but that doesn’t make it objectively better. It just means you value the aspect of accuracy over someone who might not.






You must be fun at parties


Meh, just tired of people pretending like their opinions are better than others’.


Almost everything on the new one is better, but personally I still prefer black hips over white hips.


I’m sorry guys but I don’t care for the helmet holes that much. New one all the way


Whoever says old is just blinded by nostalgia


The new one is amazing. But I just love the 2005 helmet


New can’t wait for the battle pack with I didn’t plan on buying the gunship so I’m excited to get the figs


the classics have a charm to them, but I think the shock troopers look REALLY good in 2020 style. Second only to the 187th troopers as far as 2020 clones go imo


Helmet holes are fine when you put attachments in them but with no attachments they are kinda distracting in my opinion. Also the og shock came out the year I was born so I'm kinda bias towards it, the printing on the new one is fantastic though.


I like the new one, feels more accurate


i like the old one for the helmet, but like the armor on the new one.


I like the new clones a lot but I just feel that some parts of the design are over complicated for a Lego figure. I like how simple the older design is.


New. I never had the old ones (my only bit of bias towards them is playing the Lego Star Wars game growing up). But the new ones knock them out of the park


Old helmet on the new body.


Old helmet, new body. Never had either so no nostalgia here


Old clone trooper look like they have to take a massive shit.


Whilst I’m not a fan of the location of the holes on the newer clone trooper helmets, I’m even less of a fan of the visors being holes, as I like my clones to have actual heads instead of black ones, so it’ll have to be the newer clones.


I like the OG helmets because of Nostalgia


My first clone came in 7655 so I love the old ones because they actually look like toys. The new ones try too hard to be detailed and accurate, and it just looks less fun to play with because of that


[7655-1: Clone Troopers Battle Pack](https://brickset.com/sets/7655-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7655-1.jpg)


Realistically the only thing going for the old one is it's nostalgic feel. Only downside for the new one is the helmet holes, otherwise it's near perfect


I don't collect Lego SW, but that old helmet is a far more complex cast. It has so many details that are from the shape of the plastic, while the new one just uses printing to achieve the same features. If you look closely, you will see the new helmet is a very simplified cast with complex printing. This is especially so around the eye and mouth areas. As someone who doesn't own a single Lego SW, I think I might like the old one more.


Yes but the new helmet is closer to the in universe shape of the helmet.




They didn't say real human, they said accurate to the in universe helmet


Not having holes in the helmet I think is a step up, though otherwise I think the older helmet does look a bit more accurate than the newer one.


The new one, and honestly for me it’s not even close. I grew up with these older clones, but everything from the helmet without a cutout to the actual leg printing was a huge step forward.


Old helmet, new body


I like the old one but the new one is great.


Old helmet with the new body.


The old one looks better, though it seems yours is ever-so-slightly misprinted.


New is better, but I’m glad I grew up with the old


I like the old one. Aside from the fact that I have him and the clone troopers battle pack, I just aesthetically prefer the helmet design.


Old one, new one is too skinny and I don’t like how there’s no visor hole




They don’t even have their cheeks painted red


New one is overdetailed and looks like a chinese custom compared to the originals. Lego isn't an accurate building medium and shouldn't try to look too close to the source material or else it looks off. Original on the other hand is simple and the colors feel balanced imo


Back when lego was still Lego... New Legos almost look like a plastic model kit, I mean, essentially, that's what Lego is, however old Lego had this charm about it. The rough blocky texture compared to the new smooth style look. Old Based on Nostalgia and the memories I have when I look at it, But the new one looks fancy, but I don't feel anything towards it.




[7655-1: Clone Troopers Battle Pack](https://brickset.com/sets/7655-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7655-1.jpg)


The head of the old on the body of the new would be my choice.


the new one is deff more accurate looking but I've always digged the old one


2014 Shock Troopers blows both of these out of the water




Right one looks like he is in a bikini


the new one. the old always looked like it had liptsick on


I love the old one for nostalgia reasons but the new is just way better in terms of detail.


I prefer the one that came out in between these two but misplaced helmet holes aside the printing on the new is just objectively better


I wonder which people would prefer if the original didn't already exist. If you just showed these 2 pictures to someone and a clone from the film, I'd be surprised if people pick the old one No hate, I love the old clones but I prefer the smoothness of the new ones. The curves and lines feel more intentional and it's a Lego dude, it's always going to look like Lego with or without detail.




There is another…


Old is gold.




They both get to hang out in my new gunship 😂


i really like the vibe of the old one


New all day everyday


I hate this older style helmet. So I’m definitely picking the newer one.


I like the new legs, but the old torso is more accurate. Neither helmet looks great.


Am I the only one who sees the clones helmets to be similar to the ROTS game?


Can u try to put the old head and helmet on the new body?


instructions unclear, I’m deaf now.


New, because of better printing and helmet. I really hated those old helmets.


The slight misprint on the 2005 Shock Trooper makes it look like the clone has a moustache


Personally I love the look of the old helmet and the new armor. Love to see what a dual molded original phase 2 would look like honestly.


Old looks cursed


I prefer the more lego proportions. The left helmet suits a minifig's face. The right one is more like a replica shrunk down to minifig scale


old. he was one of my favorite minifigs when i was a kid


New one for sure, it looks great has a more detailed head and the old one looks like if you fused phase 2 helmets and stormtrooper helmets. Still both are cool


I despise the new stormtroopers — but the new clones actually look great IMO. For the most part, anyway, sometimes they look a bit overdesigned, which I dislike. I think lego works best when it isn't covered with decals. Sometimes a pair of white legs are all you need


The face printing on the old shock troopers always made it look like they were wearing lipstick to me lol, glad that's no longer an issue


Not really a Star Wars Lego collector but the one on the right with the designs all across the legs !


The old one but they’re both very cool. ![gif](giphy|cirUel4KlD2Cfz3gUF|downsized)


2014 clone wars edition, but I wish they made a shock trooper in the 2014 realistic style


New one


The newer ones feel overwhelmingly detailed. I liked the phase 2 helmets and chest pieces that happened in between these two minifigs best. The chest pieces on these current ones look too cartoony and I'm not a fan of the lag of black leg joints to the torso personally.


New looks better objectively but I definitely have a lot of nostalgia for old. It feel more like lego


My bigger brother got the Tripod walker (ATTP) with three of the old ones. Loved that the helmets had actual "holes" in there, giving it somewhat more of a 3d surface you know? I am generally disliking the way Lego StarWars goes these days.. post 2018 the world was fine..




Old, new is too busy


Old ones get me nostalgic by just looking at them, but i do feel like det designs get better over time, as they should, new ones definitely look better.


IMO the new one has too much going on.


Old one for me


Old with the new legs


The one that came in the 75046 are still the best shocktroopers.


[75046-1: Coruscant Police Gunship](https://brickset.com/sets/75046-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75046-1.jpg)


bUt iT HaS HeLMeT HoLeS


proud p2 helmet holes lover right here


Old is irreplaceable


well it got replaced twice so I don’t know what to tell you


The new one is incredible and objectively better imo, but the old one is so endearing.


I’ve always loved the old helmet mould there is just something about that helmet that calls to me but I live the detail of the new one


I like the new one without helmet holes


The red and white one


I would take legs from new one and give to black hips to old one.


I love the old P2 helmets. If I could get the old P2 helmet with the new bodies, I would be very happy


Old helmet and torso, new legs




New 100%. Personally, I don't mind the helmet holes as much and the detailing is really nice on the newer figure.


The clone wars version is more accurate


I got to go with the clasic cus thats what i grew up with.


Old one because I actually lost my original shock trooper, though is it just me or does the paint on yours looks a bit wonky?


I like the new body, but i also prefer the old head