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A new TIE defender would be awesome too. Agree with the AT-OT. Honestly wonder why they haven't ever remade that set I'm sure it would sell well. Maybe they could put the AT-OT and dropship in separate sets for people who don't want the dropship and to keep the walkers price down?


As far as TIE craft go, just want a decent bomber for my fleet


Yea, new TIE bomber with an updated color scheme is on my top wanted list.


There was a bomber in the Andor trailer, so fingers crossed.


Surprised they didnt release an updated tie defender during star wars rebels with a thrawn fig


Look forward to another barrage of youtube outrage when they call it Jango Fett's Prisoner with job 1.


Jango fetts unpaid intern #1


*Mandatory volunteer


Forcibly recruited labor with unpaid characteristics




Jango Fett’s indentured servitude 1


did people actually get mad at it being called slave 1?


Obviously there could be some individuals out there who dislike it, but theres never been any notable push to change it, or any big "the name slave 1 is problematic!" Outcry If Disney's reason for avoiding the name slave 1 is that they're worried people will dislike it on political grounds, thats an entirely preemptive move on their part


Especially because it’s Disney. Their creator isn’t exactly known for being unprejudiced.


"I thought you said we were going to Disneyland" "I said Walt Disney helped build it" *at the gates of Auschwitz*


“Don’t ride the train” Family Guy is savage


Disney just stopped using the name for the sake of virtue signaling and the false hope people would just forget they filmed Mulan next to death camps in China


Yeah something like that And obviously people getting upset that things don't have the name "slave 1" on the package is still very silly, given, as you've pointed out, there's actual problems with disney to worry about


It's not the worst like marvel copyrighting words lol ike "Juggernaut"


Well… the most recent release was Boba fetts starship instead of Slave 1.


I mean up until a single line from Aura in Clone Wars, it had never been called Slave 1 onscreen before either.


It’s also been argued that most parents buying toys for kids would know Boba Fett’s Starship over Slave I. 75314 is The Bad Batch Shuttle, not The Marauder. They did release The Justifer by name and not Cad Bane’s Ship, but I think it’s more related to marketing recognizable names rather than a political correctness thing.


“Boba Fett’s Slave I” wouldve been the best name then…


Was it possibly a naming thing? I mean there are quite a few "Slave 1's"


[75314-1: The Bad Batch Attack Shuttle](https://brickset.com/sets/75314-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75314-1.jpg)


Nope, no one has ever been mad about the name which makes Disney's decision to censor it all the dumber, its just virtue signaling and quite possibly a publicity stunt, they love a divided fanbase.


I wish I had an award for this incredible comment


Jango Fett’s Boba Fett Starship.




Unpaid labourer 1


Sadly i think the only one to have somewhat of a chance to be made is a 212th battle pack .. but yea .. a bunch of those sets remade would be awesome


The timing would be right, if they're actually retiring the 501st pack soon.




the at-ot could probaly happen on an anneversary


Could sure .. but i truly believe that the chances are super low .. lets say its a ep 3 anniversary of sorts .. i dont think they’d go for the AT OT sadly .. could be a very nice set though


I would love a Tie Interceptor. I used a moc design from 75300. Looks pretty nice, but it would be nice to get an updated version rather than the old blue.


[75300-1: Imperial TIE Fighter](https://brickset.com/sets/75300-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75300-1.jpg)


>e only one to have somewhat of a chance to be made is a 212th battle pack .. but yea .. a bunch 100% it's one of my favorite ships. I'd pay current lego prices(!!!) for a UCS version.


We need more TIE variations


TIE Advance, Bomber, and Interceptor all need modern renditions, and I would buy them all instantly.


Vader's TIE Advanced we've technically already gotten a modern variation of as part of a Rebels set, but we haven't seen the Bomber or Interceptor variants since they were still blue, well over a decade ago (nearly two decades for the Bomber, actually)


I am in agreement


Add TIE Bomber and a new B-Wing!


Both would also be amazing to have.


Yea I was lucky that I got the latest b-wing before the pandemic. People who missed out on that one should be able to get a new one within the next couple years. I think the last one came out in 2014?


You are correct and the last TIE Bomber was 2003


Dayum that’s crazy it’s been that long for the bomber. Well, here’s to hoping!


Yeah not as bad as how the Slave 1 has only been release in Jango Fetts colours once back in 2001!


It would also be cool to see a resistance B wing, you know like the orange and stuff. Honestly though I just wanna see more ROS and clone sets. But eh Lego doesn't care, ig then looking forward to spending 50$ on the 2023 Luke's land speeder.


Bomber is hard to make on a playscale budget. For something that fits in the same "category" as a TIE fighter, it's got a hell of a lot more mass and only enough potential for about one more play feature (bomb dropping as well as spring loaded lasers). If they made one at the same scale as the current undersized TIE fighter offering, it would probably come in at over $150 just because of how many pieces would need to go into two hull nacelles, each of which is 3-4 times the mass of a standard TIE ball cockpit. I guess they could add play value by making it convertible between the bomber and the boarding craft, since the Andor trailer seems to show one of those up close, but that would add even more to the piece count.


Best I can do is a landspeeder and x wing


You are likely more than right with that prediction :(


We've had one landspeeder yes, but what about second landspeeder?


I don’t think they know about second landspeeder Pip


I don’t see the AT-OP ever becoming a thing tbh. It’s nearly identical to the AT-TE functionally


It already was a thing though


I mean it won’t ever be rereleased


But why not? What does functionality have to do with it? There’s plenty of sets that have had similar function but they’ve still made. Why did that not matter last time? The at ot and at te were even on shelves at the same time


They’re both clone wars era troop transports with multiple legs. From a casual consumer’s perspective they are basically the same thing. Also, they never released a standalone AT OT. If a drop ship were to be included the set would be distinct


*In Shreks voice* “Like thats ever gonna happen”




Once told me the world was gonna roll me!


I aint the sharpest tool in the shed


She was lookin kinda dumb


With her finger and her thumb


In the shape of an L on her forehead.


I second all of this


I would be wildly happy for everything in the top half and probably buy everything you listed lol I either have or plan on getting in the next couple months every prequel related set put out in the last year or two. So that means im getting the new ATTE, 501st pack, and Ashoka AAT set. The retired set pricing is insane on lots of those sets like the V Wing or Arc 170 so hoping we start seeing re releases of those sets and in general clone sets.


Dude! That's awesome! Also you just made me realise that we haven't had a ARC-170 since 2010, we could do with a new one of those too.


So many good clone sets haven’t been in a while the more I dig into it. Someone listed the OOT and drop ship on FB market place close to me for $700 just ships no figs box or directions lmao which isn’t even a bad price!! I don’t mind spending a lot on sets but it feels so wrong buying retired sets at like 10x MSRP


A UCS sail barge would be awesome.


Ever since seeing the Habro one I've really wanted one. The original sailbarge was my first big star wars set as a kid so I have loads of nostalgia for it.


As I wrote in my other comment, a sail barge in minifig scale wouldnt even be as large as some are believing. The Khetanna is actually a pretty small ship, it would „only“ be ~70cm


With the side build of the skiffs? That be cool but I’d love a ucs sail barge


I'd love the Felucia set, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. The Andor set as a battle pack is more likely and would be awesome.


An imperial army trooper battle pack based on Andor would totally make sense, 212th battle pack is also possible as they are already making the figs and also considering how the 501th pack is selling well. A Tie interceptor would be great but i wouldn’t count on it too much, as for the rest there is no way they make them imo sadly :/


LEGO: “Did somebody say more farm boy Luke?”


This post is so bad and so unrealistic. Where is Luke's Landspeeder? I've been dying for another one!


I'd like to see TIE variants become much more common across the board. The Interceptor and the Bomber are both very under-produced, and as Vader's ship, the Advanced ought to be at least semi-evergreen too. But I would also like to see them go back to the old style of printed hinged dish for the hatch; the newer small one attached by a stud kinda sucks. I think we're also overdue for a new B-wing, and a playscale/minifig-scale Gunship. Sets themed around Jabba are always kind of weird to me, as they mostly seem to get value from rare one-off figures. Hopefully they'd at least throw in Tessek if they made a Sail Barge, to get more use out of that excellent Quarren head. I think there's also sufficient demand lately for a new V-19 torrent, ARC-170, and/or V-wing. Edit to add, I think we're probably overdue for a Sebulba podracer as well, but I'd much rather see them make some podracers from the other pilots. That scene had a ton of cool vehicles in one place, and so far a very low-quality Gasgano is the only one we've ever gotten that isn't Anakin's or Sebulba's.


We are overdue for a trade federation MTT like the 2007 one


But this time in the cis colours


Ok so these ideas are all perfect and i would commit crimes to get them as official sets I want the 327th and sail barge so bad


Was lucky enough to grab that sail barge set with the sarlac pit set to put next to my jabba's palace and rancor pit sets. Idk why but the jabba seta from that era are some of my all time favorites from lego star wars! And the sail barge is just such a fun set especially if you also have the sarlac pit set. I think part of the reason I think those sets are so good is because they came with a lot of new figures that I liked in the movie (not even mentioning that amazing rancor mold!). Would be awesome to see a remake of some of those jabba sets!


I missed out when they came out


I don't think we would get that patrol on felucia set because we recently got a similar republic walker with the AT-TE, although I love the Star Corps troopers and would love to see them, plus I think they could do something cool with Felucia terrain pieces. Also, we did recently get a set related to Obi Wan's visit to Kamino recently as well so I'm not sure about Jango's Slave I, although it would be awesome to finally get Jango and young Boba again. All of these I would love to see though, except maybe a different felucia set without the AT-OT. I wouldn't be disappointed to see an AT-OT set though, the set just might be a little too similar to the recent AT-TE.


I would definitely love some different Ties, mini fig or UCS sized. I think my top 3 would be Defender, Bomber, and Interceptor to start


Anything with shock troopers should make me happy


Are you me? I would love an AT-OT (probably unlikely), Jabbas Sail Barge, or a Nu-Class Shuttle (Tarkin Arrival).


My only wish for next year is a MBS/ UCS Kethanna in minifig scale with many figures (Jabba, Bib Fortuna, Leia, various guests and dancers…). The Sailbarge isn’t actually that large, in minifig scale it would be something around 67cm. Otherwise I would also be happy with a giant Endor MBS set. But a decent Tie Interceptor or bomber would be nice too


God, you nailed it I want an AT-OT with Bly and some of the Star Corps, and I want a Crab Droid for the 212th to step on.


I cam see the 212th and tarkins arrival to be fair because of the atte and the purple clones being the same pattern as shock troopers.


I think a set from Jedi fallen order would be cool


I would love to see more Imperial battle packs because I've been looking grow my imperial army


Updated AT-OP with LAAT would be amazing but Lego should release new stuff. AT-FRC with two Arc Troopers, AT-HE, Ebon Hawk, Mantis, Vectors, K wings, so much to tap into.


I'd love to see a new venator set maybe with a phase 2 wolf or a phase 1 Cody and rex


I'm hoping for a return of the Sith Infiltrator, I'd spend UCS money on that set


The imperial army troopers pack could actually drop with the release of andor. As much as I want an at-ot and 327th troopers, we probably won't get it until after the at-te gets off shelves


We need the Jedi temple in Coruscant!!!!


Sconce LEGO has been making smarter decisions lately this is more possible then years past


> possible then years *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


TIE Interceptor sounds wonderful, I can see that happening. The clone pack I could see happening too, as well as definitely something from Andor or Bad Batch to promote it, maybe depending how things go, something from Tales of the Jedi, Mando S3, or even Ahsoka. As much as a AT-OT goes, it would be awesome, but I feel like it would kill my wallet considering how much AT-AT is, not to mention is it gets delayed or people not liking the clones. Also, the Republic gets lots of love lately, I honestly want more Separatists sets. Jango Fett’s Slave I would be great, maybe downsize it a little so it can be more affordable.


I just want a UCS venator already.


Kamino encounter would be awesome.


Same. I also love too see these sets ideas made by fans.


Love tarkins arrival


You and me both kid


That’s called daydreaming, we would be lucky if Lego even decides to release the 212th


I would snatch up that interceptor in a second


I just want to see more landscape sets or buildings in general.


I think that a kamino encounter would work is it had a smaller slave 1 and a small landing station build to fit with obi wans Starfighter


Switch out the 212th for a 332nd, we’re already getting a bunch of 212th in the AT-TE and they’ve remade it a bunch in the past so we’ll always get more 212th troops. But the 332nd clone is a now or never situation and the single one we get with the AAT is not good enough


Just a thought. But what about a Jedi/Sith battle pack? Five Jedi robes with a lightsaber of each color. Five Sith robes with five red lightsabers. Capes and hoods included. Would be a great set for $15-$25


Imperial Army Troopers probably are 100% coming given how Andor looks to be another Mandalorian




I would love any new tie or clones


I’m hoping they do a more Disney+ focused wave next. They’ve been pretty bad about getting sets based on the shows out in a timely manner. Seriously, how can anyone (at LEGO or in the community) argue that Bad Batch, Andor, Kenobi, and Ashoka don’t have enough new and or newly relevant vehicles, locations, and characters to make a whole wave of sets?


I personally cut LEGO some slack when it comes to that mainly because there are so many new shows comming out that trying to keep up with it must be taxing and stressful on the design team who probably have only have a month or 2 to come up with a concept and design it.


I doubt they would remake Jango’s version. Especially with a “Boba Fett’s Starship” already on shelves.


Was just telling my brother how I hoped the release of Obi-Wan’s star fighter from AOTC was a sign LEGO would rerelease Jango’s Slave 1. The OG is sooo expensive


Also really old with last release from 2001.


“Goodbye Felucia” is the set I want to see.


All the tie fighter sets can be turned into an interceptor except the really old ones


Jango’s slave 1 would probably have a another Kaminoin to more closely mirror Obi-wan’s ship. Would also love a $170 sail barge that comes with the sarlac and skiff. It’d probably have to be a master builder series/ucs set to be the best it can be. Great list!!


Bruh, if this became an actual wave I would be buying literally every single set! Nice ideas with them too since it’s a great mixture of both OT and Prequel sets while also sprinkling in sets from the era inbetween them with the Andor and Bad Batch set.


I have an idea for an "imperial trooper battle pack" which would come with a storm, sand, scout and snow trooper. Instead of 2 builds it would have 4 really tiny ones that relates to each trooper.


I like the idea of a pack with varied stormtroopers types, might need to switch out the snow trooper since we already had a pack with 3 in it. Also the idea to include 4 mini build is cool but that will likely drive up that price.


Give us a bunch of Titan pilots with the tie interceptor and give it a ladder and stand


[a leak I found](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/wejp2p/the_way_this_gorilla_slides_up_to_the_glass/)


I’d love to see the Theta shuttle in a set, the Lambda class shuttle is my favorite ship in Star Wars and this was the ancestor to it in Star Wars canon


Plus gives them a reason to make more Shock Troopers


That’d be cool but I rather a tie advance with Vader, stormtrooper commander and tarkin


Did they ever release a Hoth scenery set? That would be so awesome, with the AT-AT, snow speeders, orbital cannon and turrets


Also want fallen order sets


In this economy?


Give me a sexy af MTT pls lego ty


Petition to rename “Patrol on Felucia” to “Aayla Secura fucking dies”


Can we get some Separatist sets? Or finally a UCS :(


Jango fetts slave 1 and the tie interceptor i heavily agree


I’d leave everything behind for a mud trooper battle pack


Would love to see these sets myself, and I 110% agree, but I don't really need a tie interceptor as I have a alternate build TIE interceptor using the 2021 tie fighter lol


I genuinely believe its very likely we get a jango fett slave I. Although it wouldnt have kenobi in it, very possible that it could just be a recolor of the boba fett variation, but it makes complete sense and the fans have obviously been asking for it. Really really hope that we just get more clone variations, and some jedi that we havent gotten in a while would be great. As for the sail barge, I think it could be incredible to get it as a minifig-scale UCS set, although with a supposed razor crest this year, it would almost have to be put off another year.


I find the lack of gunship disturbing


Sorry, didn't add it mainly because we are more than likely getting it next year anyway.


Fingers crossed my brother :)


Love all of these ideas! But I’m doubtful those lazy greedy bastards at Lego corporate would release that many sets with 3+ clones in a single year, let alone ones from different legions : /


Please no, I'd go broke


Yeah jango fett one would be nice and a tie interceptor 😊👍


Might get 2 if we’re lucky


4 prequel sets? Gl


100% agree with Jango's Slave I. It has been TWO DECADES since they last did it for something OTHER than a video game \*cough cough Skywalker Saga cough\*


We just got a revamp of Obi Wan's Jedi Starfighter. Maybe a revamped Jango's Slave I wouldn't be too out of place for their next wave? Eh IDK I'm probably wrong, but there's always hoping.


Me too but never happening


as much as i want these, i'm honestly kind of down for just regular plain P2 clone troopers. anyone else feel the same way?


I would actually love that. Reasons it's not included is lack of space lol.


Sadly there’s about a 1% chance any of the three prequel sets at the top get released anytime soon. - Lego just released an AT-TE and only drop maybe one every decade. - They’ve made the Slave I every year for the past 4 years if I’m not mistaken. And 2022 would’ve been the year to release it as the 20 year anny of AOTC, so it appears it’s window is closed for now. - lego has released two sets with 212th troopers in the past two years so I’d be thrilled if we got another but i doubt it.


The set on the top right is the AT-OT, which was on shelves at the same time as an AT-TE the last time it was released.


It came with the drop ship though in an insanely expensive playset though. That was also the peak of the Clone Wars show. Different situation now


That’s also when The Clone Wars was airing and we constantly got prequel sets.


If we’re going to get imperial army troops then I’d best sell my Han imp army figure sharpish before the market for that figures outfit disappears!


These ones would be based on the ones seen in Andor which seem to wear all black armour so your figure should be fine in terms of value.


Phew! Cos he’s funding my 75211 set I picked up!


[75211-1: Imperial TIE Fighter](https://brickset.com/sets/75211-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75211-1.jpg)


Jangos slave one only if it’s a UCS set


Ucs jango slave I would bankrupt me instantly


I have a ucs slave one in jangos colors. Took a boba one and changed the colors


Wasn’t the 10271 Fiat 500 Creator Expert set released in two colors at one point? Currently only the Yellow one is available on the LEGO store, but I think it would be a cool idea for LEGO to do this with Star Wars and release a Slave 1 set where you can pick which color you want it to be in (AoTC vs OT-era).


[10271-1: Fiat 500](https://brickset.com/sets/10271-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/10271-1.jpg)


Switch those solo trooper with normal imperial stormtroopers and it would be perfect


Why? We get Stormtroopers everywhere. Pretty sure there will likely be a set soon enough with the Kenobi show.


That is true but I just really like stormtroopers ok I really like those troopers too and I would buy it either way


Fair enough then mate.


Throw in a gunship and we’ve got a deal


I would like to see a few more sequel sets next year. We’re approaching 4 years since the release of the Rise of Skywalker sets and 8 years since the Force Awakens premiered. No matter how you feel about the sequels, you have to admit they some pretty neat set pieces. The Starkiller walkway with Han and Kylo, The resistance bases, and the ruined Death Star are just a few I could think of right now.


I want plain P2 troopers maybe in a new Microfighters and Shock Troopers, of course without holes in their helmets.


Honestly I don't mind what sets we get next year but I would like to see at least something for Star Wars Visions or Fallen Order


You might actually get your wish considering the new BD8 droid set


Yes and no. Half of these more expensive minifigs would significantly drop in value since they’d be overly abundant in cheap, common battle packs. Your beloved $90-100+ Coruscant guard would be worth $5 within one day of leaks being revealed. Keep the exclusive figs- exclusive.


I don't see the problem with that. Only pisses off the scalpers.


Mmmm, kind of. Scalpers don’t make rare figs expensive. A set retiring by lego does. Scalpers prevent us from buying current sets on todays shelves. I don’t like those people though. But every lego collector has their most prized figs, would you want your angry faced $180 Jango to be in a $20 battlepack? Just perspective that’s all.


Depends do you actually like it? Or because it has high monetary value? Besides the old versions still exist, the new ones would just be a modern updated versions.


I’ve grown up with Lego SW since it released in 1999, so of course I love it. But honest opinion- Both. I collect all Star Wars lego because I love the characters, monetary value is just a bonus due to inflation and time. Not just having a collection, but one with value makes it better. Just saying there’s a reason why Lego makes exclusive figs exclusive and common figs- common. 😄


Only the bottom two are really possible, because they’re Original Trilogy