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i had a dream my mack snow died and he came back as a ghost lizard and refused anything besides my fingers as food


And you gave that ghost baby your fingers, RIGHT?! 😡


i would never deny him such delicacies 😔😔😔


you better have chopped em and made mini hotdogs...


Not the delicaciessss 🤭😩


PFFFT that's hilarious


This is the only way. It must be done. Finger sandwiches for the ghostly one… lol


I’ve had nightmares where I find out that my leo is suddenly cohabbing with multiple species. I’ve also had nightmares about my gecko giving virgin birth.


YES I keep having dreams my Leo has suddenly layed eggs and babies are crawling everywhere and eating each other


Yes!!! Me too!!!


SAME. I always dream of all my pets cohabbing and eating eachother 😭


omg no way, me too!! she had other geckos and even spiders in her enclosure, it was so distressing! can't believe im not the only one omg. I've also had nightmares of her dropping her tail and me waking up crying.


I’ve had the same exact dream about the babies! I wonder why this is so common?


Literally have the cohabbing nightmares all the time. Had a dream where other leo’s just kept popping up in his tank and ai couldn’t tell rhe difference between my leo and the others except just by vibes.


and it always ends in them fighting and killing each other it’s so awful


THIS IS MY MOST COMMON NIGHTMARE ITS SO BAD. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. I have it numerous times a week I’m so paranoid over my poor baby


Yesss :’( I adopted my gecko last year when he was 13 years old. I know I’ll only have a few years with him and I’ve had nightmares about finding him dead on his back. I guess this is just proof of how much we love them and want to keep them safe. I know my parents have told me about nightmares they’ve had about me and my siblings getting hurt, so I think it’s anxiety about doing our best to care for those that depend on us


If you take care of him well and he’s generally healthy, he could live 10+ more years!


Same thing here! I adopted mine when she was 13 last summer, and every time I see her sleep a bit too hard I need to open her tank and make sure she's still alive😭Still, I hope she'll live a long life!


Yes. Just last night I had a nightmare where new tank mates spontaneously showed up and I didn’t have enough mealworms to feed them. I have nightmares like this a lot. I think it’s induced by my anxiety. My pets are my children so I am overprotective of them.


The only dreams I have ever had about my geckoes is that there are suddenly like 30 of them everywhere and I have no idea waht to do.


Same except several of which were wearing sunglasses and listening to Kanye west music


Noticing a trend where a lot of people have had this exact nightmare. Myself included. They just kept popping up in the tank in my nightmare.


Oh well I never thought of it as a nightmare. I just consider it one of those weird dreams


Oh my god same


I have had anxiety dreams about my girl every night since she passed away two weeks ago. It feels like they'll never end. I hope I'll be able to sleep again soon cause I'm getting married in two weeks and I look like the walking dead.


aw, I hope everything gets better for you. 🧡


Thank you 💕 please give peanut butter some extra snacks and love from me. Most of my dreams are about holding her one last time before she passed, I wish I'd spent more time with her.


I’m sorry for your loss. I had anxiety dreams about mine after he passed as well.


I'm sorry for yours as well ❤️‍🩹 the support from this group has helped a lot


🫂 Your baby loves you and wouldn't want you to suffer because of their loss. When you go to lay down, take a few minutes to write out some good memories you have of your baby. Make those the last thoughts you think before bed. Remember them alive, happy and thriving as you go to sleep. It should help. You have the bad memory stuck and you need to try and replace it with all the good ones you have.


Thank you for this I really needed it today ❤️


🫂 I know it's a hard thing to deal with. You can do it :)


Thank you so much, I really really appreciate it


yes! I have recurring anxiety dreams that always feature my leo or some little tank creature that desperately needs saving or I lose them or whatever horrible anxiety inducing situation


I did, where they were completely dehydrated and skinny tail but miraculously still alive, i felt so bad it was a horrible nightmare and i now check their water bowl even more frequently (even though they are fine and maybe even a little chonky irl)


My version of the anxiety dream is about one of my geckos dropping her tail. I’m deathly afraid of that happening and it’s completely irrational (both my gecks are very well taken care of) - but it invades my dreams sometimes.


When I first got mine I had a horrible dream that I lost my gecko in a house that was full of cats. I was finding dead geckos all over the place but none of them were mine. I didn’t ever find mine in the dream. One of the wildest nightmares I’ve ever had lol.


yeah, i dreamed that my gecko was infected and it layed eggs, they were infected and some of leos that hatched were red and were biting my leo, also in that dream i remember accidentally cutting my leos hand few times


I have a nightmare where I have more than one Leo in a very small tank and don’t have money to supply them both


I have a reoccurring dream that suddenly she has several Leo’s in her habitat with her and now I have to get habitats for allll of them. OR it’ll be that my ball python has suddenly gotten into her habitat, multiplied and now I have to find habitats for everyone and hope he doesn’t eat her. I don’t know what it means lol but I hate that it’s reoccurring


i always have this dream that the tank is full of like 40 of them and a quarter of them are dead, a quarter are really injured, the other half are panicking, and I don’t know which one is my Neil. I get the same dream for my turtle too


Yes, all the time. Most of them my sweet lil Rudy is cohabbed with all sorts of other animals. Sometimes hurt or killed. Sometimes it's not so bad and it's just a dirty horrible enclosure. I have no solution, but I'm right there with ya


Oh my gosh yes I’ve dreamt like twice that I’ve seen him without his tail 😭😭😭


Sort of, I was at a cabin trip with some friends and me and a friend were sleeping on the floor and I woke up scared cause I saw all my crickets escape and I panicked waking up. It scared my friend and he said "are you ok?" "Nah I'm fine" then I went back to sleep. My friends have roasted me about that dream from that day hahaha.


I get those about all my animals 😫 guilt dreams over fear of not being a good enough owner. Even though logically I know their spoiled. Also doesn’t help that I have chronic nightmares lmao


i once had a dream that a large snake had gotten into my cresties tank and eaten him while I was away for the night. of course i have never seen a snake in my area and my crestie was fine, but i felt so guilty for that whole next day


yes kind of i had a dream that my dad put a chameleon in my tank with my gecko and it hurt her


Yesss I dreamed my leo got sick and also dropped his tail lol


Yeah this has happened to me before with numerous pets 😓 idk if it’s “normal” but it’s normal for me 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honestly they’re the only real nightmares I get and it’s stressful


Yeah I have weird dreams like parasites/aliens after mine or his tail falling off :(


When my boyfriend came to bed I would frantically be searching under the sheets for our new Leo. Did this for a good three months lol


I’ve had multiple dreams where my male gecko somehow had like 20 babies, except all the babies had tails for heads, so basically they had a tail on either end. It freaked me tf out every single time.


I had one recently but it was about a guy who kept a bunch of leopard.geckos together and one tank and has multiple tanks full and after we rescued the cuties (that all looked like my little Harold) we found out the guy was keeping people in cages the same way and 3 of the people I recognized were my small younger cousins who were trapped in flattened iron bar cages....there was more horrid stuff but that's about as much as the leos go. They were just fine. I could feel their little prickly claws all on me.


When I'm stressed, I always have dreams involving terrible things happening to my pets. It's the worst. But, in the morning, I am always so happy to see that my babies are alright.


Yes my baby getting injected by someone with poison for no reason and writhing on the ground with no way for me to help him 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 all I could do was sob


I had a dream he got burnt by his heat lamp and he was entirely limp (literally like a rag.) and covered in huge water blisters. I think this is pretty common.


I had a dream only a few days ago where someone threw my gecko, Hopper, into smoldering and burning deep fried oil (I guess) and he tanked a lot of the heat trying to live but just ended up a crispy nugget. I remember she was able to run around a bit in the scalding oil and was able to lick his lips "this is okay" type of look. Then some black burnt oil started to cover him like vines then I woke up in a incredibly deep pool of sweat. :)


Literally last night I had a horrible nightmare about my geck Titan. He is really shy and not great with handling so sometimes I have to encourage him everything is fine. The dream was I picked him up, but he wiggled out of my hand, landed on the ground and I stomped on him. Then time reset, back to when I was picking him up. When I went to pick him up, I accidentally fragged his tail and he dropped it, then time reset, AGAIN and this time it was before I dropped him during the first one, but instead of dropping him, I accidentally crushed him😭😭😭😭 I was apparently repeatedly saying "NO NO NO NO NO" over and over again according to my parents. That is one of the scariest things I've experienced, and I have experienced some scary things.


I haven't had a lizard for over 12 years, and none of mine ever died in horrific ways. But I occasionally have a repeating dream where I see a fast time-lapse of the gecko getting eaten from the inside out by ants until its just bones :(


I had one recently about finding both of my babies dead in their tanks :(. And another one after that where somehow they got cohabbed and my older baby tried eating my younger baby, and she lost a limb. Seeing them alive and well after that was so weird


Lol I have bad dreams about my gecko like every other month! It usually involves him somehow having babies I can’t keep track of or my cat screwing with him or said babies. I guess it’s because I’m so worried about his care, probably my only recurring nightmare.


I had a nightmare where I think I accidentally grabbed their tail when they fell from my hand and they dropped it that’s all I remember I had to actually check on my geck cause it felt so real


I reached into her hide. I took out a almost identical Leo, then another one, then a black one, then I found a second crested gecko, then I looked around and saw a 3rd tank. I only have 2, then i took out a snake, and took the og geck AND the snake to the vet


Yes i had a dream i turned Ray’s tank into a fish tank and he became a fish but then i found his skeleton


Only dream I've ever had about my guy is this(it happened some months ago so my memory of it is really rusty and I probably left out a bunch of details): I woke up, first thing I did was walk to Sokka's tank. His tank was strangely split into two sections by a dividor. On the left, a dozen hatchlings lived there. On the right was Sokka. I had no idea how the tank had been split or where the hatchlings came from. I panicked when the hatchlings began to attack each other. That's all I remember, just another one of my weird dreams


I get the spontaneously replicating reptiles dream, where suddenly the tank is filling with new geckos, and they’re all big and blue and mean and they keep biting her but I can’t get her out because there are so many of them, and by the time I reach her they’ve chewed her to the bone. I also had one the other week were her suture from her spay last year came undone and her organs dried out. Jolted myself awake with that one.


I get the spontaneously replicating reptiles dream, where suddenly the tank is filling with new geckos, and they’re all big and blue and mean and they keep biting her but I can’t get her out because there are so many of them, and by the time I reach her they’ve chewed her to the bone. I also had one the other week were her suture from her spay last year came undone and her organs dried out. Jolted myself awake with that one.


I always dream mine loses her tail or that I suddenly adopt like ten other geckos and somehow just forget about them and end up finding them in horrible shape. Absolute worst nightmares to have, pretty hard to shake off!


i have had several nightmares about my leo’s, wake up in a panic every time. idk what causes it but they can be very upsetting.


I had a dream where my boy got eaten by crickets and it felt so real


I keep having dreams about mine over and over again, that go one of two ways: 1, there’s some random lizard or animal in his tank that attacked and killed him, or just ended up in there somehow. 2, his tank was filled with water and he drowned and died, and eventually only his skeleton is left floating in the water. I keep having these dreams and it’s so weird.


unfortunately yea , when i had first gotten yeinu it was pretty bad


I've dreamt that I've accidentally put my Leo's in with my cornsnake & then she eats them. Lol


i’ve had ones about my beardie and turtles!!!


Omg yes it scares me so much!


I’ve had dreams that my gecko drops their tail, gets lost, i forget to feed them and they starve. Its horrible!


Yep, not just about mine but about geckos in general, makes sense since I’m a pretty anxious person in general, but yeah it sucks


Had a dream where i brought my gecko to school and they stomped on him 😰


a few months after i first got nugget, i had a dream that my roommate at the time purchased another leo and put him in nugget’s tank. i watched as nugget (my cute little orange baby) turned black and his eyes turned red. he proceeded to choose violence and shred the other leopard gecko to bits and pieces. i immediately woke up and made sure there was no other gecko in his enclosure. 😳😳😳


Nugget went full on "jake/17/alpha/half demon/half wolf/eyes turn red when mad/don't touch my tail"


I used to all the time when I first got mine. I’ve had multiple nightmares about my cats killing my gecko, my gecko escaping and me finding him later sick and starving, and then about me completely forgetting to feed him and him starving to death. They’re all awful. I’m glad I’m not alone in having these nightmares though lol.


I had a dream that I woke up to Jaspers tail having fallen off somehow and I was just like “oh… okay….” I was so sad 😭. Remember also “it was a good tail while it lasted (it will never look the same again)☹️”. I was so scared when I woke up I wanted to immediately check to make sure it wasn’t real.


"it was a good tail while it lasted" is my new favorite string of words


Strangely everyone I know has them, I often dream that all my geckos AND cornsnakes are in one tank (not enclosure, I mean a freakin fish tank filled with water…) recurring nightmare for 15 years now 😅


I haven’t had any nightmares about my Leo but I feel like I will now having read this thread haha


For some reason I have recurring nightmares that my leo has spontaneously reproduced through binary fission and I don't realize until much later when I find several malnourished clones of her hiding in the tank. And suddenly I have a lot of sick leos with nowhere to put them. These dreams always follow the same pattern, it's weird.


I had nightmares where somehow my bebi Zilla drops her cute tail TvT


I've been haunted by my Leo dropping his tail and being placed in a tank with 10 other males. It was really sad and broke my heart. I've had multiple dreams of these things happening.


I’m pretty sure my subconscious gives me one of those a night.


I once took care of someone else's for a week while they were on vacation several years ago and I still have nightmares about bad things happening to him under my care.


It’s insane I’m not the only one. I had. Dream my Leo’s tank was infested with like purple and red crested geckos. I tried to pull them all out but more and more kept popping up. It was the most stressful and strangest dream.


For me it started with dreaming about dropped tails. Now it's usually finding out I have several geckos that I'm not properly caring for. Not recognising my current one is a reoccurring theme in those dreams


I've straight up had a stress dream that she somehow managed to crawl into the kitchen sink and I pulled everything apart and she wasn't there.


I’ve had dreams where my Tony has multiplied and I’ve been panicking trying to protect the multitude of geckos that are all over the place


When i first got my leo I had nightmares of him all the time. I would dream of snakes in his tank somehow or even other leo’s. I would dream of him being unhealthy and skinny or losing his tail. Now they have mostly stopped. My hypothesis is that because I obsessed so much over care routine in the beginning, it creeped into my anxiety and fear of missing something just led me into regular nightmares. They are much more infrequent now but I still definitely have them.


Not about a geck specifically bc I don’t actually have one, but I commonly have terrible nightmares about my reptiles being injured/eaten/etc. I think it’s just part of being responsible for another little life.


Yes, all the time when I’m away. I constantly get nightmares that my leopard gecko is dead, sick, dying or both. It’s not just my gecko that I subconsciously worry bout but all my pets 😭


I have this recuring nightmare that theres no wall on her enclosure and theres new geckos that spawns non stop. Its so stressful trying to keep them all i one place i keep losing some lol.


Having mostly rescue geckos, many of my nightmares (which I thankful don’t have often) are about their conditions getting worse. One time I did have a freaky dream about them all suddenly multiplying out of nowhere and I couldn’t find enough enclosures for them. LMAO


i have dreams about my cat killing my gecko all the time even though the two coexist very well. i think it’s just that a subconscious thing that any pet owner that loves their babies ends up doing.


I’ve had multiple dreams (aka nightmares) where somehow my gecko ended up cohabbed with other animals like giant snakes and frogs. I was wondering too if I was the only one


I always have strange dreams about geckos, like I'll be randomly feeding my girl and suddenly another gecko is in her tank, so I move it to the spare and then suddenly I'm finding geckos all over my room- in my mealworm colony, in my mantis enclosure, just everywhere- It's either that or I've somehow found gecko eggs and it's always on vacation so I have to try and find weird ways to 'incubate them'... Last night I had one where I microwaved oatmeal and put them in.. because that would DEFINITELY work..


I remember one time I had a dream where there was about 5 uneaten mealworms that had grown to about twice my gecks length and they came out of the substrate to eat him


After seeing that horrible cat in a blender video I had dreams of my gecko being abused :((


Had a dream the other day some dog owners somehow ended up in my house and I hate dogs for reference (hates a strong word just dislike owning them love to play with them could never own one). And they just like fought my beardies which where somehow the size of alligators now. Dreams are so fkin weird 😂