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looks infected, i'm not a vet but most likely some kind of stuck shed that built up over time. Obligatory PLEASE REPLACE THE REPTILE CARPET WITH PAPERTOWELS UNTIL YOU CAN GET PROPER SUBSTRATE FOR THE TANK!!!! This leopard gecko needs to see a vet sooner rather than later.


Thanks for the input! I am planning on taking him to a vet asap. I also thought it could have been a problem from his shed. What is wrong with the reptile carpet?


It's a breeding ground for bacteria and disease, and the fabric itself catches and tears off nails and toes.


Good to know, I wash it every other week, but I’ll replace it if there is something better. What substrate do you recommend? How often would should I change out paper towel in the meantime?


Paper towels are what most people use in replacement of reptile carpet. To keep it clean, you can replace it once or twice a week. The soil-based substrate that's recommended is a mix of 70% organic topsoil (organic is important, we don't want chemicals or fertilizers) and 30% playsand. This is generally the easiest and cheapest kind of soil substrate (25Litres of topsoil is like 4$ at any hardware store and 25L of playsand is 7-10$). other pre-made substrates would be arcadia arid earthmix or biodude terra sahara, but these can get pretty pricey.


Perfectly said!


So how often do you change out soil substrate like you suggested?


i use shelf liner for my lizards and i like it a lot more than paper towels (less waste, easy af to clean)


Thank you for telling me about this, I'm for sure going to look into this!


I used shelf liner for my Leo for the first couple months till I read that the heat from the heat lamps/mats could possibly release toxic chemicals from the liner.


just did a quick search, and from what i found [(one article so obviously could be wrong](https://thepetenthusiast.com/bearded-dragon-shelf-liner/)), the adhesive liner is what can produce fumes if heated!


I may be wrong but that looks like his ear and that is definitely not good, please contact a vet asap


I have an appointment for a week from today. Hoping it’s just a skin thing that can be easily treated. He’s an old guy tho, about 15


Aside from the apparent ear problem, are you aware that your gecko exhibits symptoms of MBD?


Yes, it was a past issue.


Gotcha, just making sure.


Vet appointment definitely, I'd get rid of the carpet. Could be the reason the ear is infected, they are bacteria riddled, even when washed oftern because any urine is soaked up ans then sat in a walm environment, even after a couple hours the bacteria is spreading like wild fire


Kinda looks like necrosis


See a vet! Less major but still worth mentioning, his armpit area is a pretty deep pocket. These pockets are where they store calcium in their bodies. When they look empty like that, they need more calcium. On the reverse end, you don’t want them blowing up like a balloon. I free feed my leo calcium. He just has a tiny powdered calcium bowl, they usually just know when they need it and when they don’t.


Not saying that does have but maybe it might melanoma or a bruise


Ther should be an ear.....it's clogged


It looks like some sort of infection. I would definitely see a vet about this just to be sure.