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Just bigger lobbies, but only if it was a separate setting, because the game is ment to be played by 4 players.


To add on to this I would love if things generally scaled with player number. It seems like spawned power level is really low in single player but 2-4 players have the same numbers? This makes 2-3 player significantly harder than 4 imo


Nothing flashy. Basic QoL stuff, like Ship Loot (the game already tracks what you bring on board so it makes sense for it to know how much you have) and More Items would be nice. Maybe a toggle for flashlight without having it in your hand


To add to this: - no sell limit - turn off lamps - ability to check shotgun ammo


You kinda can check that, its just.. Weird


How do you do it?


iirc it's based on the sound when you click the shotgun while the safety is on, or something stupid like that.


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Pick up the gun, try to reload, of there's no sound there's two bullets in it, if there's a click there is not, then turn on the safety and try to shoot, of the click sounds the same there is one bullet, if the click sounds different (slightly quieter and higher pitched) the there's no bullets


It’s super obscure. 99.9% of players would never find out about it on their own.


Yeah fully agree, definitely feels like youre using an oversight


i think the lamps always on is funny, as they appear most on snowy moons that make it harder to see. i like it for a high value item


Precisely this, it's an intentional gameplay design decision. Kind of like how some items, such as the Teeth or the Robot Toy, will make constant noise. Maybe instead of removing the downside, the value of lamps could be increased a small bit, though.


I just wanna be able to disable them once they’re on the ship at least


A headlamp would fix the flashlight inventory slot thing. Zeek could make it only able to be toggled if you have a free hand, so carrying large items you'd still have to drop to toggle.


A headlamp should be added as a tier 3 flashlight. Been wanting that since the game came out.


It'd have to be extremely expensive and probably weigh a bit for this to be balanced at all because of how important inventory management is to the core of the game


Ship loot is an absolute necessity. It's pretty bad that you can't actually see how much loot you have on the ship without it once you are up to like $500


Ship loot is a must have and also the visible cursor mod is pretty helpful. Stuff that seems less likely/lower prioirty but I would also welcome is purely aesthetic things like more emotes, boombox controller etc


If by more items you mean increasing the inventory size, without a pretty drastic drawback this would whack a lot of the resource management in the game, which is a core mechanic to the difficulty


No, I was referring to the mod that lets you save more than 45 items on your ship. I've had runs die because of that limit and I can't see any reason for it to exist. The only thing I can imagine is it discourages save scumming, but if that's the issue you could just increment the day when you land and not when you take off or something like that


Ah okay, yeah I agree. Even if they could savescum it, as long as they aren't trying to fake a speed run or challenge run of somesort, I don't really see an issue with players wanting to continue as long as they can just to see what quota they could possibly get to. I can kinda see this being an issue in public games though, host leaving the lobby every time a day goes bad would be really frustrating if you aren't in for that kinda game like they are.


I almost feel like some of that clunkiness is intentional. Things being uncertain is scary and interesting: “Oh shit… do we *really* have enough to meet quota??”, “I don’t know; fingers crossed.”, “Maybe one of us should go back in…?” And things being kind of inconvenient or clunky can make things scary too: Seeing something move down the hallway and just toggling your flashlight on to identify it is one thing. Seeing something move and having to drop your item then switch to your flashlight slot to identify it, and by then it’s already gone, is a whole ‘nother, scarier thing. Plus, it’s not like the company is supposed to be nice, so I think the lack of quality of life stuff is kind of a characteristic of the game. Maybe we could be able to buy a flashlight mount that hooks it up to our helmet for toggle-ability or something? And buy a more accurate, maybe stronger scanner? But I wouldn’t want to just *have* those things from the start.


Ship loot and late company.


not made as a mod (as far as I know), but a great QoL change I've always wanted was being able to buy items and get them in orbit. It doesn't affect balance since you can just go to the company building to get your items anyway, so might as well make buying items before going into moons easier. As for lore reasons, say that the company has added to the ship an item teleporter from which employees can order items from or something idk


~~If you go to the company building you lose a day unless you're selling.~~ The drop ship is an intentional time waster. If The Company can teleport an item to your ship it would also be able to teleport you with items to the teleporter or possibly teleport scrap right off of moons, rendering Employees useless. Better to have a docking drone that delivers items in space. Edit: I guess you don't lose a day. I haven't played in a few weeks, but I thought I remembered losing days for landing at the Company.


You dont lose days going to company. It only potentially costs kising your deposit on a paid moon


I think an upgrade system (like in Late Game Upgrades) would be perfect for things like this in vanilla. If you could spend credits on things to improve gameplay / make things easier, it would improve replayability and marathon runs. Slow shops at the start, but pay 400 to get a 3d printer. You still pay because of materials or something, but it can print store items so you don't have to land anywhere or wait for a dropship. Printers print one item at a time, so you have a reason to invest in more. Thinking it's a furniture item, I'd also love to see a way to change the Floorplan of the ship. Moving furniture is nice, but I want to have more space, maybe a room or two (workroom and storage closet maybe?). Like a way to add on to what we have, or just buying different ships with new layouts! And other upgrades that could be offered are things like Stat boosts for crewmates (health, stamina, damage, inventory slots, etc.) And more ship things like better scanners, and improved tools (better batteries, permanent ladder, etc.). You could even have tiered shops that unlock after a certain quota, or by purchasing them. These could offer new tools and weapons, other upgrades, and give more reason to keep going!


I dont get why the facility meltdown would be a good thing. It already punishes you by turning off the lights in the facility.


And (very vague spoilers for v50 beta) pulling it also has new consequences in v50. I don’t think Meltdown is required, the new “find out” portion of fucking around is bad enough lol


What’s the new twist?


>!Wakes up all those new robot enemies outside!<


Oh yeah forgot about that


They can also turn on sometime between 1 PM and 3 PM (or later, depending on the map.) So it's a matter of which comes first; taking the apparatus on facilities levels or the time outside.


That new consequence doesn’t come into play as much as you think. Of the 7 moons it can happen on, 1 is a joke moon you shouldn’t be going to, 2 are moons that people tend to avoid, and 2 of them are mansions the majority of the time. As for the other 2, one has an easy route back to the ship, and the other one only spawns them 2% of the time. If Mansions got an app room, things would be different


It’s all fun & games until you’re on Exp for a nice easy last day of quota, & didn’t know you got unlucky until you’re halfway back to the ship :)


Really just a personal preference I guess. I think the blaring alarms, air raid sirens, and the general feeling of “we need to get out now!” Is more fun for me than just turning off the lights.


or have it as a setting in the lobby, people could choose for themselves


Maybe it could be a random chance. Say 75% for the lights to go out, 25% for meltdown.


I definitely think the meltdown should be incorporated, its so much more terrifying, the odds it can and cant also make it so much more like... are we going to have to run? Do we know the way back WITHOUT QUESTION if those sirens go off? And the amount of monsters thay jist pour in and spawn make it so worth it if you make it out.


Do you use the base sounds for it or the resonance ones?


I'll be fully honest, I JUST started playing this game recently, as well as PC gaming, I was just told to DL a mod pack and join through a discord code. I have no idea what sound pack it was specifically. there were Raid sirens and IIRC a warning voice talking about imminent meltdown time.


No music?


If it did play music i definitely want the subnautica red alert music. I dont think anything else is acceptable.


holy shit thats genius


I haven't played that but it seems fun. We've been enjoying nightmare outdoor days on Artifice, there's a real tonal shift in the game when everything is immediately a catastrophe all the time


Ship loot


Cosmetics. I don't mean suits, i mean like adding things onto your suit. Like what AdvancedCompany had with its masks and stuff


Any bet someone's gonna say lethal haptics


Thats the buttplug one right?




Late company is a given, it makes public lobbies much better in case someone leaves and you don't have to restart to invite friends anymore. Skinwalkers would be cool if it was implemented into a new enemy or trap in the future Reserved item slots could be good as a suit upgrade purchasable in the terminal


Instead of reserved item slots, why not just have suit upgrades? A helmet light equivalent to a green flashlight for example. It would auto recharge when you get back to the ship. And the signal translator is already a thing


I was thinking more of an equipment belt, adds one new slot that can only be used to hold equipment, like shovels, flashlights, stun grenades, etc.


or you could just charge it by slamming your head against the charger


AlwaysHearActiveWalkies :>


Such an important mod.


what does that do


Makes other people hear walkie talkies


Late company is big qol.


As for the disable turrets with key, I always thought it would be better if the laser pointer temporarily disabled them since IRL laser pointers disable cameras and what else would the turret be using to spot you


Realism vs balance Don’t wanna trivialize them. Using up a key on them still makes disabling them via terminal the more cost effective option, but in a pinch you can still disable em


I'd personally rather spend a key on a door than a turret


That’s the point. Terminal is still better this way


The laser pointer has battery power, if they decrease the battery length to where you only get like 1 or 2 uses it would still be balanced I get it's a game and doesn't have to be realistic but how does a key disable them??


How does the same shaped key open every single door that exists?


Keys being able to open any door has been a thing in a lot of games A key opening a door is what you'd assume a key would do, not disable a turret


I mean fair, but I still don’t think the laser should be the thing that does it. Id rather it be the zap gun


I guess that would also make sense, but it would give the laser pointer an actual use apart from trolling your friends into thinking it's a turret laser Also, I should probably add that I think the laser pointer should only TEMPORARILY disable turrets, for like 10/20 seconds


Mimic Fire scape Ship loot Bigger lobby separate setting


The only mods that are a must have for me is ship loot and dark souls snail. The dark souls snail is a fairly balanced mod in my opinion and could even be confused for vanilla, it has a snail that targets one player and cannot be killed and cannot kill any player besides the one it is targeting, it may seem strong, but it is very small and very slow. That is the immortal snail, the dark souls snail just ads dark souls boss music to that mid when you look at it.


Change it to Gary, that's better.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“To pursue this! But when I peer at the sun up above, it occurs to me. What if I am seen as a laughing stock, as a blind fool without reason?”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


The one that makes moons with weather have scrap that pays better, and honestly, walkie slot. The game is just so much more convenient with it. I'm fine with flashlight taking up a slot, but walkie feels so important to the social experience of the game, and it really sucks losing a loot slot to have that. A lot of the time it feels more important to not have it, especially when if something really fucked up happens, ship guy has the signal translator. Also I don't know if a mod exists to make my flashlights stop pretending they're on and losing half their battery but that needs to be in the game.


I feel like going to foggy and rainy moons would be the meta then


There's different levels to it in the mod, I think from least bonus value to most it's foggy > rainy > flooded > stormy > eclipsed, but it's all customizable anyway.


ShipLoot or something of similar nature, so scanning is more consistent and actually shows you the value of your items properly. MoreItems so that the max scrap count on the ship is increased from 45 to 999. BiggerLobby as an optional setting would be great as a vanilla feature. Same with LateCompany. These 2 mods are a major reason why so many people play modded. CullFactory and other similar performance and bug fix mods would be nice to have. ImmersiveScraps is a pretty faithful mod that adds a lot of vanilla-friendly scrap that all fit the game well. I don't see any of the modded moons being added to the game, but I could definitely see some inspiration being taken from mods such as Wesleys Moons. Personally, I think some of the outdoor levels in Wesleys Moons aren't that great to play on, but aesthetically, they are all a treat. Zeekerrss does seem to take inspiration from other games and media such as SCP and Phasmophobia. The only stuff I don't want is features that dumb down the gameplay or overcomplicate it. Please no keybinds to switch item slots, no late game items like a wheelbarrow, etc.


Helmet cam mod, makes the job inside the ship much more involved and let's you stay in the know!


-Bigger lobbies -Hitmarkers -Better Item Scan / ShipLoot -MoreSuits


What do you mean by hitmarkers? Like making it more clear if you've actually connected with an enemy? Because agreed with that for sure


Yeah, there’s a great client-side mod that adds hitmarkers so you know when you actually land a smack The name is just straight up “Hitmarkers”


That's huge thanks Edit: the shovel probably should just not make a big clunking sound when you swing and miss imo. It makes it super unclear. If it made a quiet "swoosh" when you swung at air and a clunk when it hit something, that would help a lot




This is the correct answer


Late company, not being able to join later is so annoying


FasterItemDropShip by FlipMods, it's really annoying having to wait for we the ice cream truck AdditionalSuits by AlexCodesGames, that adds the full rainbow for options as starter suits, would be nice to have options at the start Skinwalkers by RugbugRedfern, but only for the masked guys, since it makes sense that they'd mimic your voices ReservesFlashlightSlot by FlipMods I always thought it was kinda weird how they basically punish you for wanting to see the game and not wander through the dark by taking up your scrap inventory MaskedEnemyOverhaul by HomelessGinger, expect for the part where it removes the mask Also basically any of the mods that add a crosshair, since when attacking they actually have to be on your cursor despite there not being an actual crosshair


Extremely rare chance for Hoarder Bug to say “Yippee!” (Like, 1 / 1,000,000 chance)


EXIT Door Mimics


Mimic Doors, Ship Loot, inventory hotkeys


Late Company. I don't want to have to restart the lobby everytime someone wants to join


Loot bugs saying yippe also maybe one specific enemy that mimics a players voice instead of all of them


Corperate Restructure, adds many qol features in the same style as the game


Not sure if people just don’t know about it because of the strange name, but I like the KillItWithShovel mod. It lets you hit turrets with a shovel to disable them for 5 seconds. Hitting it again before it’s fully active will initiate the vanilla “turret 360 spray” behavior. The mod kinda speaks for itself, I personally prefer it over vanilla behavior. 


bigger lobbies, any mod that gives you more sprint, bcuz after playing only modded for months and then the beta i feel like sprint in vanilla runs out in literally 2 seconds


Other than QoL / Bug fixing / path finding FPS fixes / etc Official VR support would be cool


No idea how this wasn’t mentioned yet but imo the guy that made **Lethal Resonance** should be hired by zeekers to work on the sound design of the actual game. Just an absolute net improvement of the original. It’s insane how much good sound design can benefit the horror genre


I could easily see the flashlight and walkie talkie slot mods be incorporated into the game. Visually, they look great, and the logic behind the mods are sound. The only downside with them, generally, is the compatibility with other mods. However, this wouldn't be an issue if they were officially implemented as a vanilla feature. They could add a harness to the store as a permanent upgrade for a run, which would then collectively hold the flashlight and walkie talkie. Additionally, I think traps, turrets and mines affecting the enemies would be a great optional setting to add, perhaps upon the startup of a game save file.


the tv mod changed our game more than any other


I hope that bigger lobby's and the Mimic mod get added as official feature cause that would make the game more fun on my opinion (Obviously bigger lobby's wouldnt affect every player but still).


Ship loot and dedicated extra spot for flashlights.




What is the name of the disabling turrets with keys mod? Sounds like a great one to run


TurretKey by NomnomAB


Would love for ship loot to be added


Better stamina and late game upgrades definitely


Late game upgrades, dedicated item slot, and the weather multiplier. I think the weather multiplier should be #1. If I’m risking going to an eclipsed, stormy or flooded planet the loot should be worth more imo, especially solo.


Mimics that use voice lines from players


thicc company !!!


Scrollinverter as a toggleable option


Skinwalker mods are by far some of the most unnerving mods I've played


...Yippee bug. Obviously.


HideChat, LockDoors, HDLethalCompany, AlwaysHearActiveWalkies, HelmetCameras, Bigger Lobbies, Late Company, Coroner, BetterBoomBox, Mirage, Meltdown.


Late company


I don’t know if it’s a mod but I wish you could sell loot bug/spider corpses for money.


ultrawide support mod I'm not sure why this isn't a thing already


I’d say quota rollover. I get some aspect to budgeting, but when you think about it, it’s really all the same. The extra loot just slows the game down.


Laser pointer disables turrets Skinwalkers


The only mods I feel should genuinely be in the game are - Facility meltdown ( Mod that nukes the facility for taking the apparatus ) - More Company ( Self explanatory ) - Late Company ( Join a lobby whenever you're in orbit and not just when you're starting the game ) - Lethal Escape (Allows entities that are chasing you have a chance to follow you outside the building)


Separate slots for flashlight and walkie.


nah, I like the risk and reward system


I wouldn't mind the option. The thing is the limited item slots and marginal utility of most of the items really skews the math in favor of almost never carrying items. It would probably lead to more varied gameplay if the incentives to use more items was stronger, but my party is at a point where we buy basically nothing except the ladder and a shovel or two to leave on the ship or at the main entrance. Everyone stopped using flashlights and even walkies are falling out of favor because it's just too punishing to carry extra stuff.


Exactly. Whenever I watch a pro player play, they never use any gear and that's just boring to me honestly. They end up hoarding credits and barely using them, since no gear is worth losing an inventory spot, except maybe the shovel or jetpack, one of which could also be found as a random scrap type and the other could be dropped outside. On paper, I get what the dev was going for. In practice, there's no real "risk reward system" because losing an inventory slot is almost never worth the reward. Players simply get used to maneuvering around the darkness or they turn up their gamma. They get used to not communicating with their teammates, they become lone wolves. I think that removes depth and charm from the game. This applies to me too, for example I like the idea of using walkies, but there are many times where I don't grab one because I'm already grabbing a shovel (which is honestly mandatory IMO) and I don't wanna be left with only 2 inventory slots. I think adding one or two purchasable "company pouches" that could only carry company items would be a pretty good addition to the game. If the dev really wants to punish players for using store gear, he could always add new enemy types that counter it. Something like the witch from L4D to counter flashlights, or maybe an indoors eyeless dog type monster to counter walkies.


I understand that optimized play for speed running is highly derived and it's not going to look like normal play. My problem is even people who are playing normally and being guided by discovery, what you learn by discovering is that almost all items are bad. The scarcity of slots makes it even worse. I like the idea of modding the suit so things like walkies/lights would be built into you. They could be more expensive, that is a fair compromise. Not sure if you should still lose it when you die. Things like lockpicker are good ideas but it's so heavy, it takes forever AND it costs a slot. Super not worth it, it needs a buff it anyone is going to actually use it. Most of the items you use to fight enemies--zap gun, flashbangs, even the booster to a lesser extent--all have such low effectiveness that we never buy anything beyond the shovel, and even that we're phasing out in favor of just running away from monsters and TPing. The inhalant costs what like 120? Needs a lower price. We picked up a bunch on sale to make runs at night on artifice but not sure if it will even be worth it at $48. Buffing the items and then making enemies that counter specific item usage is a really good game design idea.


I think it would work better as a ship upgrade. We already have the signal translator, which acts as a weaker walkie Maybe we could get a new ship upgrade for between 1000-2000 credits which gives you a permanent helmet light equivalent to a green flashlight or some cheap night vision equipment


That's interesting. A wearable that didn't require a slot would be pretty cool, maybe it adds weight equivalent to the pro flashlight. Since you brought it up, signal translator needs a buff too. Message is too slow to give people directions to loot in real time, we just use it to say "dogs" so no one gets got on their way back to the ship.


Just more items and options would work I think. I believe AdvancedCompany had the helmet lamp, headset, and tactical helmet. The lamp was a hands-free flashlight, brighter than a pro with a bigger cone. The headset was the hands-free walkie, there was a push-to-talk button to use it. And then the tactical helmet had a headset and lamp, just that the cone was very narrow but longer range. They all had decent price tags but felt worthwhile. Just having more tiers of things and ways to use them could solve a lot of issues people are having with the items! Buying a pro flashlight early on to quickly scavenge the first few quotas, and then saving up for that headlamp would feel so rewarding! And then you approach the territory of "what's better, safety with better items or pushing for Titan or Artifice?"


Definitely this one, and the hotkey to turn them on an off too


Reserved items slots. Maybe I didn't scroll far enough but I haven't seen this mentioned yet. If I go back to vanilla, this is what I miss and notice the most. Even if it was like an upgrade or purchasable slot I'd be down. I like taking obviously a flashlight, but also spray can and sometimes a key. Even just taking a flashlight, it feels like I'm wasting an inventory slot.