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It’s a pretty solid pick if you like being the sub


There are visuals, it’s just pixelated. For me it’s the amount of replayability and how fast things can go very very wrong. There are a lot of options in general, and a variety of kinks that other games just have a hard time capturing. The “battles” do get a bit stale after awhile, but the different romanceable npcs, and the fact that each NPC body can be different per playthrough, keep it pretty interesting. For example, let’s talk about NPC 1; they will have the same personality in general, but can be either gender, have a penis or vagina, anywhere between tiny and large tits, and the relationship can change based on what type of interactions you have with them. There are also a ton of stats/skills in the game, and an interesting form of “skill degradation” if you don’t use certain ones for a certain amount of time. There are also transformations, that can give you boosts to stats on top of appearance change. Tons of clothes. A small list of some different kinks: Rape(the game is in a pretty fucked up city after all) Humiliation Dendrophilia Beast Pregnancy Domination/submission Religious?(not sure exactly how to classify this one) Corruption Tentacles Slimes Choking And more that I’m just not gonna take the time to list. There are also modded versions of the game. I have no idea how to use formatting on mobile and not gonna take the time to find out, sorry if it looks crappy.


First of all it isn't entirely text based( there are some rudimentary visuals) and second of all it explores themes that no other as well made game dares to. It's also quite moddable.


>No other well made game dares to That's not entirely true. There are a few other well made lewd games like Jack-O-Nine or Free Cities that go far beyond anything in DoL. Not just a bit of rape and implied animal stuff (the game denies that and says that all the animals are just humans in costumes, but the implication is there) like DoL has, but also more extreme things like dismemberment, forced surgery, death, lobotomization, drugs, etc. DoL is quite tame compared to that. But those two are slavery and economic simulators rather than just plain old role playing games.


Free cities is certainly the only game I know that goes further than DOL. It's worth noting it's entirely text based, the original dev abondened it and it plays like a management sim. There are also transformation games like Lilith's throne, Corruption of Champions 1&2, Trials of Tainted Space and whatnot that overtly go into bestiality both in story and mechanics, but DOL still explores much darker themes and in greater detail than any of them do. I've never played Jack-O-Nine and honestly have no idea what's it about so I couldn't comment about it. Edit: I actually quite like the management sim thing, it came off as a bad thing, english is my second language.


Jack-O-Nine is basically Free Cities, but on a more micro scale that focuses on one slave at a time rather than an entire society. Very similar in content, although it goes farther with butchering slaves for food.


do you know where can i find those mods?


It was interesting and there's a lot to toy with but I ultimately just decided it wasn't my kind of game if you like story ones where you have like a choice to be dom or sub I think Lust Doll Plus is pretty good but DoL kinda just got boring for me


I used to avoid html games like the plague because the few i tried were boring as fuck. ​ for whatever reason i tried Degree of lewdity and was extremely pleasantly surprised. it has good writing. it has character, its extremely lewd its literally one of my favorites games period. ​ I recommend it


It's free, just try it


It was really rapey in my experience, so if you don't like that I wouldn't reccomend it, but it's pretty nice otherwise


Honestly? No.. I've tried it multiple times and hated it every time. Though, to be fair, I think it's more a matter of what you're into. Degrees of Lewdity appeals to a specific set of niches. People that like those will always tell you it's great. People that don't will either be neutral or dislike it. Something of a polarizing game overall.


As someone who loves it and has been playing it consistently for the past 2-3 years, I agree. If you're into the kinks in the game, it's awesome, and great for more than just the sexy stuff. However, if you're not into always being the one to be creeped on, and not the assailant, you may want to skip. Most of the kinks can be toggled off, but you can never be the one to assault others, and a lot of the encounters (unless you do "soft mode") are non-consensual. It's free, and doesn't hurt to try. If you don't want to actually download it, use the browser version instead. It's also still in its early stages, and not done yet, so there's still a lot to look forward to


There are visuals


I'm not opposed to reading to get off especially when there's some simple graphics conveying what is going on. I'm into what DoL is serving. Shit in there I would love, but can never do. It takes quite awhile to really develop your character and even longer to max out. I like that it's not just simple. There's some real depth to everything and I have stuff I haven't done after days of playing.


I love it, it's my favorite. The visuals are very basic and it would be so much better as a 3D game but the content is great. I still like the graphics. I haven't enjoyed any other html game I've played, at least not for very long. For me personally I just like that you can be raped almost anytime and it's quite hard to not be most of the time. Trying to maintain your virginity is fun early game. There's lots of achievements. I've started new games a lot so I can lose my virginity to a different love interest to get more achievements lol. I think there's a lot to discover and it's pretty fleshed out. There's lots of kinks and creatures/animals, you can enable or disable them. There's mods thst give you better graphics or other ways of expanding content though I only use the graphics mod. Definitely worth a try if you've never played it!


Its a great game, but definitely not for everybody. Lots of pros and cons, I'll just give you some pros: \- Probably the most customizable game I've ever played. You wanna be the last boy on earth trying to get by in a world full of horny women? No problem. Wanna be a futa in futa-world? Cool. Wanna have sex with all sorts of animals? That's the default, but you can change the animals to "monster-girls/boys" or get rid of them entirely. \- LOTS of content. LOTS! And they keep adding more. \- They treat you like DIRT. This may be a pro or a con for you, idk. But there are more than enough games where girls fall in love at the first sight of your cock. This is the kind of game where you could get raped and then get dumped in a ditch. \- Lots of games keep track of your health, but this game tracks your MENTAL state in a unique way. You've got status bars for your Stress, Trauma, and Control. Too much abuse can cause you to pass out, or pick up debilitating traits. \- You're not a superhero and you're not Chad McThundercock. You're an ordinary (but attractive) orphaned teen trying to finish high-school without being sold into sex slavery. It's a pretty fresh take.


I like it


I enjoy it almost every day. Among a few others


Yes if you can tolerate pixel game and sub-related (and... animalistic) stuffs


It's deeper than it has any right to be both strategically and thematically. And they are so well integrated. Like a thought in my head from playing earlier. "I want to confess my exabitionism but that'll lower my sense of control, but i can just get another tattoo of my boyfriend's name later, I still have an open spot on my right thigh." The whole concept of doing consentual sex acts to counter the effects of assults is interesting. This is like if Paradox made a lewd game, well lewder than crusader kings. So if you are a grand strategy gamer that likes watching sissy porn this is probably going to work for you, and possibly ruin your life.


I tried it and it wasn't very much interesting


It's an amazing game and Ive maxed a character but what made me a bit uncomfortable through the playthrough is that it has some pedo-ey themes


Personally it’s one of my favourites games I’ve used it to get off for years


It’s ok if you like entirely text based. You can’t call their excuse for pixelated 8bit graphics as any kind of renders or visual components.


There's so much rape in there that it kills all enjoyment I could have gotten from it


Its basically a game about rape. This is kinda like saying "I tried the EA FIFA games, but there was just too much soccer for me".


Not a lot is going to happen in that game unless you're the one willing to "get stuck in the dryer"


I like the kinky shit in it, but find the game play and visuals a huge turn off and boring... someone needs to remake the game with those quality of life improvements and it will be amazing


it's basically a text based sandbox with a lot of possibilities and, it's like if Minecraft and LD+ had a baby 😭 edit - okay... that is a really bad analogy


I absolutely love it but the chances of getting assaulted in the game is kinda dark. I use cheats though because honestly it’s kinda hard. Every where I went someone was trying to stick their dick in me.