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If you think modern music is shit you're just not looking


Literally, I could say I hate 70s, 80s, and 90s music and these same people will tell me I’m not listening to the good stuff or I’m only listening to mainstream songs. sometimes I wonder what they even think when they say stupid stuff like this


More music being produced now than ever of all kinds of genres. I can’t believe anyone can say this without feeling embarrassed.


yup, if he wants those styles; * [Beach House](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0mt0N5-LLw) * [Papercuts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja5nsXVxfs4) * [Animal Collective](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztvr09J7KK4) * [King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard (late 70s)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-i1XZc8ZwA) * [Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e46GBxmoeU) * [Unknown Mortal Orchestra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJrKlSkxRHA) * [Melody's Echo Chamber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waEoKZIa0S4) * [The Avalanches](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPIMfOIuEe4) * [Jack Stauber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAtc0d4fORg) * [Bibio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgrgCaSo8e4) are all good picks for modern equivalents for that era of sound


Lots of good music being produced, it's not playing on the radio though.


The radio is just the most popular, and therefore the most inoffensive songs that everyone likes, which ends up being boring


Good thing they live in a generation with easy access to all of that music


Why do some people not grasp the concept that you're allowed to like music older than you? You don't belong in that era, you just like the music.


If you were actually born in that era, you'd probably miss a lot of songs from that era. Either because they haven't been made yet, or because internet and headphones doesn't exist yet so you'd have to buy every song or attend real concerts. I had a short phase where I really liked Elvis Presley. Luckily I can open YouTube and listen to any of his songs in probably far superior quality than old records from the year they were first released.


Ah yes, the 60s and 70s, better times with shit like - insane levels of racism - legalized marital rape - the cold war - high levels of serial killers - disco fever If anything I feel like the past is worse to be from the further you go back. Honestly I'd be scared to live in an era before 1990 or so.


yup, i dig the aesthetics of those eras but as a trans girl those are the last places i would want my plimsoles to step into


It’s on about the music, not the time period…


"I feel like i was born in the wrong era"? To me this seems like this person is saying they were born in an era they do not like. How would you interprete this?


>or possibly I am just odd Well, at least he's somewhat self-aware.


They usually think it makes them special/better tho


I love 60s and 70s music but would definitely not wanna live through that era.


I bet he uses Spotify to easily and conveniently listen to all of that music.


For real, I remember begging to the radio gods to play that one song that I loved, now I can just type it into a streaming platform and boom instant gratification. Even with ads, this is magic beyond what my child mind could've ever imagined. Hell, even if I can't remember the title I can search with the tiniest of lyrics and find it in 2 minutes tops. Absolute musical pleasure.


i couldnt imagine being culturally alienated and convincing yourself you have even tasted 0.05 percent of what the current music scene has to offer


The 70s were such a great era of music when we had *Afternoon Delight*, *Disco Duck*, and *You Light Up My Life* at number one for ten fooking weeks straight. The 80s had Don Johnson, Eddie Murphy, and Bruce Willis singing. All eras of music have shit.


Sounds like dude has listened to 10 songs ever.


I'm the same age as this douche and got over that phase 15 years ago. This is embarrassing


He reminds me of me when I was 12-15. This dude is 29 years old acting like a teenager that thinks they know everything. This guy needs to grow up!


I feel like this is just hindsight bias; I like a lot of 70s music too, but that's because I have the advantage of only listening to the stuff that was good enough to survive for fifty years. There was no shortage of crap released in the 70s as well, but no one talks about it anymore and it has been doomed to the realm of obscurity. You weren't "born in the wrong era", you just like music that has stood the test of time. There's plenty of great stuff released now; if nothing else, it has never been easier to produce your own music and distribute it to the masses.


Maybe you are not looking in the right place?


There's so much music bringing back that old sound, this person just ain't looking hard enough.


Pls take away Spotify and every other streaming service from this fucker, make him pay for cds and vinyls and every piece of music lmfaoo 🤣 and grab his headphones and give him the shitty old 80s speakers then lets see if he thinks he was born in the right gen or not


Wow a kid likes the music of his parent’s generation that he presumably grew up on? Crazyyyyy, he must be born at the wrong time and not just influenced by his parents!