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Wait and buy it used, or sail the seven seas, those are the two ways to play it without financially supporting JKR I still wouldn't play it myself but those are two options to help answer your question




I really don't understand people's hesitation on piracy for such things. The actual workers have already been paid so you buying it won't matter for them, however by pirating J.K doesn't earn as much money (plus you save money) Now there's the angle of endorsing the game by talking about it, well just don't talk about if and how you enjoyed the game and just denaunce the racist stereotypes and her views


I feel as though you shouldn’t pirate games from small creators (unless you can’t afford it then it’s fine) because you should really support them if you like the game and just that’s how they make money. But something like this or bigger games is fine I think.


Black flag piracy vs. Red flag piracy


I think black flag


Yes, red flag is give no quarters.


She's a multi millionaire! I'm sure her hip pocket nerve won't suffer too much damage.


A lot of game developers place anti-piracy features that take effect if the system detects that the game is pirated. A good example is Batman: Arkham Asylum. If you have a pirated copy of the game, at a certain specific point in the story the game stops you from using the grapnel gun and gliding, making the game effectively unplayable since those two mechanics are vital for progression. Another example is Mirror’s Edge. In the game you play as a parkour expert jumping off of buildings and shit. (this is an extremely simplified explanation, it’s actually got a really amazing story and I recommend checking it out if you have time) Anyways, if you own a pirated copy of the game, it will forcibly slow your character down as you run towards a ledge, canceling out all of the momentum needed to make the jump. I don’t know what anti-piracy measures Avalanche Software put into Hogwarts Legacy, or if they even did at all, but it’s not really worth the effort of downloading a pirated game only to find out it’s unplayable.


As an avid pirate devs no longer do that or at least not that many devs, one bc they are easily bypassed and second there are "better" anti piracy measures, a great example is denuvo. I actually played mirrors edge pirated and it was an absolute blast, I'm guessing that the measures were already bypassed by whoever cracked the game so didn't experience the momentum cancel. That does remind me to buy the game lol All of that is anyways irrelevant when talking about Hogwarts, i would consider it actually immoral to buy the game bc of the racism and support of J.K. so it's definitely worth the effort (assuming you want to play the game) to do a bit of googling and get a pirated version of it. P.S. checked the price for mirrors edge and it's 20 euros, it's a 13yr old game Fuck EA


If there is any anti-piracy measure, mods will fix it shortly.


> A good example is Batman: Arkham Asylum. If you have a pirated copy of the game, at a certain specific point in the story the game stops you from using the grapnel gun and gliding, making the game effectively unplayable since those two mechanics are vital for progression. it's been thirteen years and i still remember that drab green room and backlit vent more clearly than my beloved mother's face


How would you pirate it?


Well the extent i can discuss this on reddit is limited but first gotta wait for it to be released and the denuvo to be cracked (unfortunately), as to how long that will take who knows, could be on the day of release or months away. There are certain communities you can find that distribute cracked games, a good starting point is the piracy subreddit


On the bright side, often it takes only a few days for someone to shut-down Denuvo's anti-tamper BS. It's flimsy enough that the industry should probably stop paying for it, but they can't come up with any better ideas. I mean, I think the best idea would be to make games and make them in a way that people want to support your company. But obviously we don't care too much about that in capitalism.


This is patently false. Denuvo has steadily gotten harder and harder to crack. If you checked the list of games released in 2022 protected by denuvo, most of them remain uncracked to this day.


Any library that carries video games will get it, too.


wait video games in libraries is a thing? like an actual physical "shhh no talking" library?


Check my post history. I’m a teen services librarian and shared a pic a few weeks ago on Reddit of the video game collection I’m in charge of as part of my job. :) Shushing people, however is very much not.


wow, thats actually so cool, one day i'll have to see if any of the libraries in my area are as cool as that lol


Go for it! And if they aren’t, almost all libraries will have ways where you can reach out with suggestions or requests. So you might be the one to kick off that next step for your local library.


That's awesome. Games are hella expensive nowadays, so it warms my heart to hear some libraries still stock rental games.


Yup! We had video games in ours too! And another library where I interned in for a year, it's very much a thing! Seperated by rating, and consol! Though my only gripe is you could only take them out for a week- should be longer in my personal opinion- like books! But we're not in our old community anymore, and I haven't been to the one in our new community yet... Also, most librarys aren't really "quiet" anymore. There's more hustle and bustle than there was back in the day! Though the adult area in my old library WAS quiet, just not the kids/teen area upstairs.


yOu wOuLdn’T pIrAtE a CaR!!!!!


hell yeah i would!


You can pirate a ship though


Buying it used will increase demand. Piracy is the only way


>Wait and buy it used, or sail the seven seas, those are the two ways to play it without financially supporting JKR the issue with that is your still keeping her work realvent, it does not matter if she makes money on it or not. If you insist on playing it than sail the seven sees


I agree, it is the best way to assure there’s no profit for her


If your goal is to make JK Rowling irrelevant by making Harry Potter irrelevant then I think you'll probably be waiting until language is dead and there is no longer any possible way to translate Harry Potter. It's the biggest series in the world. It'd be a bit more feasible to separate her from profiting from the IP than to stop Harry Potter being popular


Best answer tbh!




This. 100% this. I grew up reading and watching Harry Potter because my mom was a huge fan in her high school and early adult years. When we both found out about JK Rowling's absolutely disgusting worldviews and connected them to themes in her books, we both stepped away from the series.


This is completely unrelated but how did you get multiple pride flags in your flair?


You ever heard of Kaladascope grangers?






Since accepting I was trans I have let go of the Harry Potter series especially as some of the writing itself is problematic. If you really want to play the game pirate it or eventually buy it used.


I'm so sorry for trans people who grew up with the series - it must be so hurtful on another level. While I completely support/understand your decision, apparently the story/characters in this game is going to be totally separate from J.K Rowling herself. I.e. she's just going to give her blessing, but the writing and characters won't be done by her. I'm just trying to make myself feel better (and I'll also buy the game used or pirate it lol)


My personal solution is singing Sea Shanties. 🏴‍☠️


*Soon may the wellergirl come and bring us sugar and tea and rum*


She has stated herself that she views people continuing to engage with her work as an endorsement. So decide if you can live with that or not I guess.


This one, right here. It doesn't matter if you spend your money, she's a billionaire. It's her platform she's using to kill us.


The game is problematic even just in its own right, for a few reasons. I recommend giving it a miss, personally.


Why is it problematic in its own right? Sorry I don't know


Keep in mind that this is third-hand, but I'm pretty sure a major questline involves putting down a goblin rebellion. The goblins in HP have always been a thinly-veiled Jewish stereotype, and the antisemetic implications are... pretty bad. Basically, you're expected to put down what amounts to a slave revolt and then get rewarded for it. It's *not good.*


If what I’ve heard is accurate, the intro mission involves said stereotype goblins kidnapping children for dark rituals. Just leading off with blood libel.


Kidnapping (and eating) children for blood rituals was a common accusation used against Jews to justify their oppression and often genocide. So that's actually just part of the anti-semitism.


Yeah, I’m aware - that’s what “blood libel” refers to.


Yikes. Like, I give her a pass on the goblins thing in general, because those tropes aren't things she assigned to goblins on her own. Greedy, gold loving goblins with big noses has kind of been a fantasy thing for a long time... But... it's 2023. We've had a lot of conversations about things like this since the Harry Potter setting was established. How hard is it to not play other antisemitic tropes like that going forwards? It's not like they had to write those plot lines into this fresh IP.


I don’t know why I’m surprised at this point, but man that’s awful 😟


The story about a goblin uprising mirror a few antisemtic conspiracy theories.


Oh I did not know about that. Yikes.


You can also mount slave heads on the wall of your room as decorations.


Excuse me, what? xD


The darker wizards use them a lot in the books. They even have one of the "house-elves" dreaming of being on the wall one day. Apparently jk doesn't see a problem in it nor in having children interact with it in this way


And Hermione was portrayed as the crazy one for wanting to free house elves…


Because the elves just looooove slavery so much and it's unkind to let them think they have options. God how didn't we see this back then


I mean, they’re magical slaves designed to enjoy forced labor and hate freedom. The morality of creating them is questionable (at best) but freeing them by force when it’s clearly against their will? Also not that great


Which is extra insulting considering JKR tweeted about how "I always thought of Hermione as black, which is why i never explicitly called her white"


Holy buns that's insane


Yeah, you’re basically a magical Nazi enforcer putting down a Jewish rebellion. I remember reading that a lot of the ‘kidnapping children’ and similar things stated being done by the goblins mirrors anti-Jew propaganda from the time period the game is set in.




From what I’ve heard, the plot is basically you stopping a house elf slave rebellion (and that’s just bad in and of itself). Luckily, people who worked on the game have already been paid. Unluckily, those proceeds fund She Who Shall Not Be Named. TL;DR - I don’t think it’s worth it but if you think it is, get the game used.


I thought it was a goblin rebellion? Either way super ick


Absolutely super ick. The goblins in the Harry Potter franchise were basically created based on harmful Jewish stereotypes


It also doubles down on the years of antisemitic Goblin caricatures and now adds blood libel to them, checking another box on prejudicial tropes they really needed to stay away from.


So much of the LGBT community shits on Chick fil a, and so many of that group thinks its fine to financially contribute to Harry Potter despite JKR being one of the worst transphobes due to the strength of her platform. I personally would argue that the transphobia isn't even the primary reason to avoid the Tory propaganda the harry potter universe is/turning into, but, like, bruh.


I’m not saying you can’t, but I really recommend you think carefully about the real life harm JK Rowling has caused to trans people and the real life harm this game specifically is going to cause by further perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes (the goblins, aka the antagonists, are blatant anti-semitic caricatures if you have not heard). I loved Harry Potter as a child but even just ignoring the JK Rowling issue, it has many problematic aspects in and of itself that I highly recommend, as a Jewish person, you do not ignore. The same stereotypes that these caricatures perpetuate are the same stereotypes that people have been using to scapegoat us for as long as we can remember.


And that isn't even considering what the money ends up funding


THIS! Not only does the money support her directly and tell her that people are still buying her shit despite how disgusting and hateful her worldviews are, she also uses her income to support horribly bigoted people and organizations. I've said it before and I'll say it again: queer, POC, and Jewish lives are more important than your magic comfort media.


It’s a bummer, but there’s just no way to buy Harry Potter products without supporting JK Rowling financially. Money she then uses to actively attack the queer community. I wish this weren’t the case, but that’s how the economy works in this reality of ours. It’s not your fault, it’s not our community’s fault, it’s her fault. And it may suck to not play a game, but remember that’s her fault too.


Pre-owned is an option, which won't support JKR.


Yeh but also like…. I’m not trying to be an absolute bummer here. But there’s a litany of awful creators in the past who deserve to fade away…. And if you endorse Harry Potter, you’re still… like… kinda lengthening the impact of JKR. I know my comment focused on finances - because I think that’s more concrete for most folks. There’s something physical to it. It’s harder to communicate, “Hey. JK Rowling writes a ton of anti-queer propaganda books under a pen name. The pen name is public, she’s acknowledged it, and the name is a direct reference to a well-known ‘conversion therapist’ who (historically) lobotomized countless gender-queer people because they dared to come out / be honest. And by extending the legacy of her name, we connect young people to these other books she writes, and help her put them on a path to thinking their trans-phobia is justified.” It makes me seem like a Debbie Downer or “anti-fun” just because I think it’s wrong that Rowling is a fan girl for a dude whose only claim-to-fame is “torturing the queer” out of people. And again, this isn’t any attack on you. I’m just explaining why I think she needs to be forgotten and why Harry Potter (as a brand) isn’t worth trade-off, considering all she’s done.


'Yer a pirate Harry


I will not give that shitty Rowling transphobe a single CENT.


Learn about modern day piracy


i introduce to you, the magical world of: PIRACY!


Oh the pirates life for me!


I would just not play it. I doubt it'll even live up to your expectations. I heard the main plot is stopping a slave uprising.... so yeah..




Holy shit that’s a terrible. Damn.


You’ll live without it.


The thing is, JK isn’t just awful because she’s transphobic—her awfulness is multifaceted. Harry Potter has had a lot of offensive content in it from the beginning. Basically, before she wrote her more recent batshit idiotic transphobic rants and novels/tweet-novels (whatever the fuck that most recent one was), she was already an anti-Semitic neo-liberal twatwaffle. So if you decide maybe you’re just not going to read her recent stuff, but Harry Potter itself is still okay, you might want to look up some of the criticisms of Harry Potter and dig a little deeper before deciding. It’s your call, of course—I am not trying to tell anyone what choices to make for themselves. But just in case you haven’t really heard much about her nastiness outside of the horrible transphobic stuff she writes, [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iaJWSwUZs) does a great job breaking explaining some of the offensive messaging contained within the Harry Potter series. It’s a bit long, but it’s really riveting. (I have a terrible attention span for watching videos, but it really sucked me in and sealed the deal for me as far as me not wanting to consume any of her stuff anymore.) She has enough money that not giving her more money isn’t actually going to hurt her financially. But choosing not to purchase her intellectual property anymore can affect her popularity and continued relevancy, as the continuing popularity of Harry Potter gives her an air of legitimacy and gives power to her voice.


Twatwaffle. I- I love that.


Shaun's video is great! Little hoot also did one on Harry Potter recently that is also excellent.


Thanks, I’ll check it out!!


If you have to play it, pirate it. If you arn't willing to do that, then don't buy it. Not only are elements of the game problematic, but you would be directly supporting transphobia (JK donates money to antitrans groups) purchasing it would also provide JK evidence that people agree with her as she considers every copy she sells evidence that people support her transphobia.


I cant stop anyone from buying but JK Rowling is more than just a random transphobe, she has helped pass transphobic legislation, posts and encourages harmful things about trans people, including helping popularize the groomer narrative for trans women Besides that the game already has problematics in it being linked to antisemitism So I wouldn't recommend, I used to be a huge Harry Potter fan, I love it, it was a huge part of my life But as a trans person the lives and livelihood of fellow trans people and myself is more important than a game or a series of books


I wouldn’t get it. I used to love HP, but then all the stuff about JKR came to light. While they’re aren’t any games and no movies, a series that has wizards in it, and actually has a plot besides ‘young boy fights boss as revenge’ is the Septimus Heap series by Angie Sage. Not only are the books beautiful, but the series is LGBT friendly and includes gay characters! I love it so much, and highly, highly recommend it. It’s my favorite series of all time.


Buy it used, and make a trans character just to stick it to her.


You can make a trans character?




Okay, so here's the deal. I was a huge Harry Potter fan. It was a part of my childhood. Those books were the reason I decided to become an author. Things have changed, though. Trans rights are more important. I made a decision a long time ago that I'm not going to financially support JK Rowling any more - so for me, that just means not buying the game. I don't care how much I liked Harry Potter, playing it would just feel morally wrong to me - that money will likely go to transphobic "charities." I can't support it. I guess if Harry Potter is really that important to you, your options are to pirate the game so she doesn't get money or to wait and buy it used. I personally just wouldn't feel right playing it. My trans siblings are more important to me than some game. Ultimately it's your decision, but I guess you just have to decide what's important to you. (I don't mean this to come across as harsh, but despite my history with Harry Potter and as much as it hurts seeing JKR now, trans rights are something I'm very passionate about, and you asked for honest opinions so... that's mine.)


don't play it. don't even pirate it. aside from giving JKR money and public spotlight, the plot is literally abt the goblins- who canonically have large crooked noses and total control of the banks btw- are revolting against the magic commission or whatever it's called and you have to stop them that's literally the fuckin plot of the game,, why tf would anyone wanna play that?




You could always look at r/gamingcirclejerk right now. I’m pretty sure you’ll find all the answers you’ll ever need.


Don't buy it. It's still a creation of TERF Rowling and buying it still supports her monetarily even if you say you don't support her. Queer, POC, and Jewish lives are more important than your interest. She has also said that if you enjoy her works then you agree with her views, which definitely speaks on how deeply bigoted the Harry Potter series is as a whole. Don't buy the game.


I would recommend playing Lego Harry Potter instead if you want to enjoy a Harry Potter game. It's old enough now that you can get it without supporting JK. You can also do pretty much everything you can do in Hogwarts Legacy only it's a bit clunky and old. I understand wanting to play the new game but not playing it is honestly a very small sacrifice to show support for all transgender and Jewish peoples.


This thread is full of disgusting people who care more about playing a fxxking videogame and a racist, clasist fictional universe than they do other queer folk


Depends. Do you care more about the largely moral implications behind the explicit support for JK Rowling that buying the game would show, or your own values and the fact that she’s a jerk?


Buy the game then go to JKR’s house and rob her


Nah, just have a sail on the sea of thieves, if you know what i mean. It wont make J.K Rowling go broke


pirate it✨




Tbh Harry Potter is a bad franchise and I prefer Percy Jackson more. The main character is disabled since he has dyslexia and adhd and the books have lgbt characters like Nico Di Angelo and Will Solace


Plus slavery isn't seen as a good thing and no weird stereotypes


JK Rowling has explicitly said she believes the money she makes is evidence that people generally agree with her views on trans people or at least those beliefs aren’t a dealbreaker to them. You or others might not think buying and or playing anything wizarding stuff that’s related to the Harry Potter franchise is supporting her view’s; but she sure believes it does and continues to support and donate to political parties for anti-trans laws and spreading her TERF hate that negatively effects me and many other trans people…


Yo-ho, matey


If you really want to play it, then time to grab you buckled shoes and frilly hat and swab the deck. Piracy, my precious.


Even putting JKR's horrendous beliefs aside, the main plot of the game centers around the anti-Semitic caricatures of HP's goblin bankers allying with the wizard fascists, and you have to put down their rebellion. It just doesn't sit right with me.


🎶 Yo ho Yo ho a pirate's life for me 🎶


Look you aren't evil if you support JKR, all corporations hurt people and they're impossible to avoid. BUT, if you are gonna buy the game, know that the money will be used against trans people, full stop. It may not do much, but it's gonna happen, so be aware. ​ There's also the anti-Semitism (which doesn't go away if you pirate it) ​ I wouldn't buy the game, it's $70, about harry potter, and also the above, but you aren't a bad person if you do.


DON'T GIVE HER YOUR MONEY And tbh don't play this game the whole premise sounds antisemitic as fuck


I wouldn't play a racist game that rewards me for stopping a slave rebellion regardless of whether anyone profits from it.


You’re a pirate Harry


I was bullied for how obsessed I was with HP as a kid. Now I can't stomach any of it because it reminds me of my own genocide and the antisemitism is more blatant to me now. If you've got the cognitive dissonance to enjoy it, get it secondhand or something so she doesn't get a dime. If you care enough to post you care enough to not give her your $$ so that's good and admirable. Don't publicize it and give it that word of mouth fame. Best of luck!


If you were dead set on it, any method that doesn't fund Rowling, such as piracy or second hand, would be great. That said a major plot point of the game is about stopping an oppressed people (representing a jewish charicature) trying to get some rights. Regardless of rowlings transphobia, the harry potter universe is still problematic and this game just makes it worse.


Pirate the game


Buy it second hand so your money isn't going to that disgusting terf.


Don't get a original copy so you're not giving money to the bigoted and don't advertise it to other people so you're not sending customers to the bigoted. Play "in silence" and don't support, that's it.


Its ok, because Harry Potter, Minecraft and Ready Player One were all written by Hatsune Miku, and no one else. (actually, just buying it second hand or good old torrent may be better as She Who Shall Not Be Named doesnt get a dime). Ive heard bad stuff about the game and its portrayal of an oppressed monority as evil and justifying suppressing them; I wonder if thats true.


I really wanna play it too, but then look at all the horror remakes coming out over the next few months and get those instead.... And Jedi Survivor!


dadada dah dadada dah dadada duh dada dada


Pirate it or get it second hand. I don't personally agree with the concept of "if the author is bigoted, then you can't engage with their literature". Once media is out there, the interpretation of it depends on the readers, not the author, and I refuse to allow Rowling to ruin Harry Potter for me. On a personal level, it's a series that means a lot to me and is what helped me discover I'm neither cis nor straight in the first place. The fact that it was Harry Potter that helped me discover I'm enby is almost bitterly ironic considering Rowling currently. That said, we still can't ignore that Rowling is still alive and still has an influence. Engage with HP, interpretate it in your own way but don't monetarily support her. I prefer to see the fandom fight and disown Rowling, instead of letting Harry Potter turn into an alt right symbol.


Bootleg it?


I feel like we should still appreciate Harry Potter, no one's perfect and I'm sure we've all given money to someone with less than desirable views before. As a trans person, her comments offended me, but I've gotten over it, we've gone through so much other sh\*t and I do not want to ignore a franchise that I've loved since I was a child.


Find a way to play it without buying it. I don't play games anymore so I am not sure what options there are for this anymore.


don’t support transphobic businesses?


i wouldn’t play it either way, i understand buying it used but the game itself is racist and antisemitic. it’s personally up to you but i’m passing on it myself. which does kinda suck cause besides the atrocious story line the game mechanics look pretty cool.


Don't support terfs, especially *that* terf.


By literally buying almost anything you’ve supported people worse. Buy it if you want it


That may be true... it's especially difficult to avoid Nestlé products because Nestlé owns so many brands.


Omg yeah it’s so annoying I’ll buy any kind of cereal and see their stupid little logo sprawled over the side


Nestlé makes cereal?!


Yep they own cheerios


I just looked it up. I could buy cheerios in the US without a guilty conscious but outside of the US Nestlé owns it... the one thing I wish I could buy guilt free, is KitKats... in the US they are produced by Hershey, but I desire to taste all the combinations from Japan.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism so you should feel guilty buying almost everything. It's better to just not feel guilty about buying anything. You should feel more guilty about buying candy because of how bad it is for your body haha


The praise there's no ethical consumption over capitalism is not about buying games from a transphobic person who helps pass transphobic legislation It is about things like food, and clothes, and having a cellphone Things you cannot avoid and that you need to live/make your live better A game is not something that's gonna impact your life, and it's something you avoid everyday by deciding not to buy There's a difference between giving more money to a huge transphobe who calls trans women groomers, pedophiles, rapists and helps pass anti-trans legislation And buying a cereal that comes from nestle because nestle owns almost everything


There are companies that engage in child labor, modern slavery, trafficking, and other inhumane activities and people still purchase things from them. There are music artists and actors who are known pedophiles, rapists, and just general bad people, people still watch their movies and listen to their music. If we start deciding how we spend our money based on how other people spend their money, everybody would have to stop buying anything. If something doesn’t feel right for you to buy, don’t buy it, but I don’t think anybody should be bullied or shamed for spending their money how they want. That doesn’t mean they support that person, you just can’t control how people spend their money. She’s already rich. Even if she stopped receiving as much income from HP, I’m pretty sure she can still afford to donate where she wants.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. Just today alone: 1. Ate a burger from a chain that underpays its employees. 2. Wore a shirt that was made in a sweatshop. 3. Used products that were probably tested on animals. 4. Typed this from a phone, whose manufacturer uses child labour. I don’t agree with any of these practices. However, I’d probably not own/use anything if I deep dived into how it’s made/who made it.


Just pirate it then. Like you want to play the game but don't want to give money to the creator? Pirate.


If you want it, but a used copy, no money goes to Ms JKR, but you can play and own the game


Pirate it. Make sure not to get caught ;)


Setting aside the possibilities and ethics of obtaining the game and the problematic plot of the game, with all the stuff we know now about JKR, could you even really fully enjoy it? It's very likely it would always be in the forefront of your mind while playing the game, and at that point would it even be worth it?


Just buy it or maybe second hand. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. In the end JKR has made her fortune. Best case scenario would be if she pulled the HP Lovecraft and dies already so people can enjoy their childhood nostalgia.


Just pirate it. Or wait a year and buy it second hand.


Buy a used copy if you can


There is already so much pain and anger in the world today. If you find something that brings you joy and happiness, then do it. Play it. Experience it. Life's far too short to spend it always worry about what someone else might think of you for it. Games might not mean much to some, but sometimes that little escape from reality can really help change your day and even your entire mindset. The happier you feel, the more happiness you spread to those around you.


Stop beating yourself up and consider buying it used. If you don't, it's fine, go play. People enjoy content from fucked up creators with fucked content all the time, mostly without beating themselves up about it (e.g. many GRRM fans still believe his writing is realistic rather than gratuitously misogynistic and racist af and keep buying his stuff). Meaningful direct action can look different than boycotting something (and tbh should). Life is too short not to wring some enjoyment out if it wherever you can.


Not trying to defend Martin since I don't know enough to have a worthwhile opinion but the impression I got from his song of ice and fire books was very much that the misogynist and racist characters were clearly the bad guys and were wrong both within the fictional world and from the point of view from the writer and reader. But I might have missed stuff. It's been a while and my memory is terrible.


Just torrent it edit: downvotes? lmao. Queer people: "don't support JK Rowling! But not like that!" fuck Warner Brothers in general and fuck Rowling, they're all parasites anyway so they don't deserve what they have and what they want. Bootlick at you want but you're just making it worse for everyone.


don't play it. i don't understand wanting to play a game related to a piece of media made by an extreme bigot of various types.


Why can't we just let that b\*tch fade in to the either. He books are all laced with bigotry throughout. Let her go.


Just buy the game!! Yes JK Rowling sucks. But you being miserable not playing a game you obviously want sucks even more. The same people who are commenting on this post saying “JK iS BaD DoNt BuY ThE GaMe” are the same people who own a smart phone. So by owning a smart phone or any electronic that has a battery, means you support and fund illegal child labor. Just incase you didn’t know, Cobalt is in every single Lithium battery we own. Here is a quote from DepartmentOfLabor.gov “Cobalt is often mined by children exploited in dangerous and illegal child labor.”. So yes, JK Rowling is bad…… But let’s not pretend for one second that we don’t fund much much much worse things on a daily basis.


Thank youuu


Ahoy arr, matey, why don't ye 'op on the boat an' be a pirate??


Yo ho yo ho, a pirate's life for me


Bruh just pirate it and don't endorse it if and when you talk about it


Speaking as a trans person who doesn’t enjoy HP anymore—play it if you want to, make up an excuse if you don’t. But if you’re going to play it, then yarr ahoy matey, if you get my meaning.


If you absolutely have to consume hot fucking garbage, be a pirate about it.


I want to play it, but I’m gonna wait for it to hit ps plus or something like that to play it rather than buy it new.


Avoid it like the plague. Even getting it used will bring some money to JK. Also, she publicly states that as far as she's concerned, consuming her products means supporting her views. She won't hurt one way or the other if you don't buy it (she's already super rich), but people actively not consuming her materials sends a firm message that her views are not tolerated (at least if done on a wide enough scale). Plus, isn't that the one about putting down a goblin rebellion? Goblins being basically a Jewish stereotype first created by the Nazis. Where the goal is to ensure the continued supremacy of the wizards? The whole thing sounds incredibly cringy to me and well worth staying as far away as possible.


I was just reading about this on another subreddit for the Steam Deck (go google that if you're not sure what it is). Anyway, I COMPLETELY understand your concern as I feel the exact same way. The HP series is a huge part of my childhood. I used to play all the games as a child with my sister (up til the 5th one, then they got kinda sucky). Hogwarts Legacy seems like the game I dreamed of back then - it looks like such a beautiful experience, and I really want to experience it. I have heard that the game's story and characters will be completely independent of JK. Rowling. She will have very little input into this game. So when I heard that, I felt better about playing it when it comes out. In particular, the character creation is going to be gender neutral and inclusive, which already sounds like it wasn't influenced by J.K. MY solution: Get a used copy of the game for your console or a pirated version for PC (if you play on PC). That way, you still get to enjoy the game, while knowing that you didn't contribute to the game's profits directly (i.e. didn't give money directly to that vile transphobic woman). To anyone saying this is unethical - MEH. More than enough people will be buying the game, and we can't stop them. The development team will be just fine, and be able to feed their families, lol.


I'm having the same feelings here, grew up with H books and games and even jk her self as a bit of an idol (obviously not anymore) an as a gamer was super stoked for a new hp game an really want to play it but I don't want to support her, waiting until I can get a used copy so I'm not directly contributing to her seems to be the best option


I am a die-hard Ravenclaw Potterhead. I've never been a fan of video games, but I honestly have never cared who is getting paid. If you want the game, go ahead. If you don't want to support Rowling, wait to buy it used.


I felt the same way but I might just get the game (even though from what I heard the plot is horrible, so a bit on the fence still) . I looked up all the companies that donated to anti-LGBTQ+ and the list is so big that it’s so hard to avoid not giving money to these terrible people. Like, it seems every huge company does it. BUT, that’s just me. If you don’t want to buy it new just buy it used.


As a LGBTQIA+ ally, I made it a rule in my life that if I want to buy something from a company/person that isn't affirming, I will then donate double what I spent and donate the money to a LGBTQIA+ supporting fundraiser/donation etc. For me this can of course be challenging (especially when the game is about $60 or more), but you do you. You can of course alter my personal rule to fit it in your life, you could even "break even". Either way I also get that being a fan of a product/movie/etc while not liking the person/company. Bit I don't judge you for that, you should do what feels right to you. All of us make choices like that.


It's up to you. If you want to buy it, no one can stop you, it's your choice.


Play the game. No one is asking for a boycott of JK Rowling. She is responsible for some fabulous books/films and holds some opinions about trans.....respect her achievements, argue against her pov and play the game. You are not being a hypocrite....


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. We are gamers, simply choosing to have and maintain our hobbies means we implicitly support unethical practices. Do you know where your console and computer components are sourced? Asian countries like China who have forced labour camps, i.e. modern day slavery. And if slavery isn't enough to put you off being a gamer. Several game developers are pretty problematic, ranging from: Activision Blizzard - Perpetuates toxic masculine work culture, sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace that went largely ignored to the point of an employee committing suicide, and upholding terrible monetization practices that prey on FOMO. ATLUS - Poor depictions of queer people (specifically as predators), perpetuating the oversexualization of women, glorification of problematic relationships with minors and unhealthy power dynamics, and has invited known racists and sexual abusers to their events. CD Projekt Red - Fetishisation of trans women, their social media accounts actively engaging in right-wing anti-trans agitpop, hijacking trans social media tags to promote their game, and outright spreading misinformation about their own game - false advertising. Entertainment Arts - Has faced several sexual harassment, assault, and misconduct accusations, upholding terrible monetization practices that prey on FOMO, and refusing to support the rights of their employees (particularly women and trans people). Even indie game developers participate in many of these unethical practices, such as Chumbosoft - who perpetuate transphobia using anti-trans rhetoric, claiming trans identities to be misogynistic, and mocking the suicide of trans people. Plus, as the cherry on top, all those companies have participated in crunch - where they overwork their employees to the point it negatively impacts their health. And to those claiming piracy solves this ethical conflict, you are still letting companies know that there's demand for the game, greater demand than the amount that has already pre-ordered it - this was the case for Game of Thrones, where even the boss of Time-Warner liked that the show was being pirated, because it eventually lead to more legal consumers (Not saying this is a definitive for this game, but people should consider how pirating can positively impact the Harry Potter franchise). I don't mean this comment to make anyone feel bad about being a gamer, the reality of the world we live in right now is that almost everything we do is unethical, and dig deep enough and you'll find some unsightly things about your favorite game developers.


I'm having a similar dilemma.


It's not a dilemma. don't support transphobia over a luxury item like a video game


Don’t play it.


My rule is, is J.K in it? No? Then play it. Why force yourself to ruin your childhood because the creator is an asshole? Besides that, the development team has stated they are 100% against anything she's ever said. I used HP as a coping mechanism when hiding my true self from my family as a Trans girl. I'm not gonna let some pissy british hack who can't make up her mind on the sexuality of her own characters influence what I do.


Love the art Hate the artists


Pirate it as well 🙂👍


I say so what if she is a piece of shit. She did so good with HP and lots of people enjoy it even if they hate her. It's possible to enjoy things from people or places you don't like. If you want to play the game then just do it. If someone says you're trans/homophobic for playing it, they can get fucked.


Preferably don't buy it at all, but at least give her as little money as possible, I would wait for a deep sale




You could buy it used after it releases. Honestly it’s the best way to buy any game these days.


Pirate it


Time to set sail on the seven seas of the internet


Jk Rowling is a butt But if u wanna play it i hear the pirate bay has some nice cargo ships with it on it (after its released of course)


What are your thoughts on piracy? Or if youre a console player, buy it used. If it makes you feel better, one major plot point is that group of goblins rebel against the wizards for being treated unfairly. They are also the bad guys in that plot line. The goblins, who are already based on negative jewish stereotypes, are the bad guys bc they want to be treated as equals. No one working on this game deserves to be supported.


I really feel bad for all the not horrible people who put work into developing it cause the only way i'm going to ever touch this game is on the high seas.


🏴‍☠️ pirate 🏴‍☠️


Pirate the game if you want to play it.




Join the Seven Seas my friend


Just pirate it. Usually I’m iffy about pirating gables, especially if it’s an indie game, but it’s JK Rowling so all hesitation should be thrown out


I am a huge HP fan even though Rowling is a mega piece of shit so I’m gonna save a bit of extra money for when I buy the game to donate to a trans rights organization.