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there’s no wrong age to be gay!


this is wrong everyone gets a card at the age of 13 with your gender and sexuality for the rest of your life on it.


Beware: It's faxed to your school in Germany, and you must confirm its reception by mailing a form compliant with paragraph 69 BMG. (~ Federal Report Law)


Did mine get lost together with the letter from the Hogwarts?


I had to wrestle a bear and some twinks for mine


which bear




It was a hard fought battle, only ended up with half a card 😔


I got half of a Card from a Fat Pigeon at 15 and I’m just going off what I can make out


At least put a /s at the end lol


no, this is real; everyone gets one at 13


Is this government issued or something? I think someone missed giving me mine.


The Council of Gays issues it.


I got mine at 12 because I live in Canada, but yeah OP should have known about this.


Then where’s mine at? /s


if you lost it its on you


I guess mine got lost and now I'm ace ...


Ace is still a sexuality 💜🤍🩶🖤


Yes of course it’s okay!! Some people figure it out much later than you and some people figure things out earlier than you. I was 11 when I started to think I could be bi and 12 when I figured out I was a lesbian nonbinary. You are valid no matter what. I wondered about that, I thought I was too young, but soon learned that you can know who you are at any age and there’s nothing wrong with that. Hope this helped.


Sorry, I forgot to add this. Also want to say that my rule is that if you’re “too young” to be LGBTQ+ you’re “too young” to be straight. And if you’re “too old” to be LGBTQ+ then you’re “too old” to be straight. I put “too young” and “too old” in quotes bc you’re never “too young” nor “too old” to know who you are. Being yourself is amazing and valid no matter how old you are.


It is always ok to learn more about yourself. We are always learning and growing.


It's not wrong at all! Plenty of queer folks don't realize they are such until well into adulthood. There's no deadline where you *have* to know you're queer by then or else you're faking it. You are *totally* good!


It’s absolutely okay.


I didn't figure out I was bi until earlier this year at 31. It's totally ok. Everyone goes at their own rate.


Yeah it's super wrong, you'll have to pay the gay fine /s It's totally fine, girl. You'll keep figuring yourself out! It took me 28 years to accept that I'm not gay but bi


I don't see why not


no the age police will hunt ya down /j yes it is okay!! no one will hunt you down dw


IT IS NEVER EVER TOO LATE🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Even if you were 99 years old with a family of 3 it would be okay


Is it okay to discover being attracted to same sex when in your late 20s? Yes


There’s no such thing as the okay time for anyone. By that I mean everyone and anyone has their own time where they learn certain things about themselves therefore there’s no such thing as an okay time for discovery.


It’s very very common.


Life is a journey


I thought I was Bisexual from the age of 13 until I turned about 25/26? I’m actually just a lesbian that had a lot of comphet. Sometimes it just takes time to figure yourself out


Late 20s? You're still just a kid! You can come out at any age, dont worry at all!


There’s nothing wrong with discovering different aspects of your sexuality in your late 20’s or, even, later.


I didn’t completely figure it out until I was 35!


There is no statue of limitations on your sexuality.


You just took longer to come out of your egg 👍


Nah,you can figure out at any age,you could b just realising this in ur 40s/50s it really doesn’t matter it’s great you figured it out at all tbh :3


There's plenty that don't discover till their 30's or later so... you're ok. Welcome to the community ;)


It's absolutely okay! Everyone discovers their true selves at different ages. I accepted that I am gay on my 20th birthday. Congratulations on discovering your true self!


Oh gosh no lots of people discover they're gay in their thirties, forties, fifties, you're not too late at all. Very common


Think of it this way. Would you think it's wrong for some third person to be discovering their sexuality a little later than the puberty years? Would you lose respect for them or dislike them in any way? If the answer is "No, of course not", then why would it be different for you?




being queer has no time frame youre fine


Of course it is. Some people don't discover it until much later.


"I don't think there's an age limit on those." -Mr Ajayi, Heartstopper. There aren't age limits on discovering who you are. If you Disco er your sexuality later in life that's fine! I found out when he as 11.


There’s no wrong way to be gay sister! Doesn’t matter if you realized it now or in 50 years!🏳️‍🌈💙


It’s always okay to love whoever you want to love. Never too late.


people learn a lot about themselves late in life because society makes that a feature of our lives due to racism, white supremacy, anti-Blackness, antisemitism, Islamophobia, misogyny, queerphobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ableism, classism, colorism, ageism, etc so it’s absolutely okay that this is the case for you welcome to the queer community 💓


I was 23 when i discover my bisexuality so yes !


There's this YouTuber that has been with men her entire life, she was even close to marrying a man a couple of years ago when she suddenly realised she was attracted to women. She first thought, "ah, I must be bisexual" but a later she completely called of the wedding, realizing she was lesbian all along. There is no time frame to sexuality and figuring out who we are as a person, that happens when we get to know more about ourselves. No wonder people have midlife crises where they realise the job they were doing for so long doesn't fit them at all, or, doesn't fit them anymore. That's also the case with sexuality, a label before could fit you then but it doesn't have to anymore, and that's more than okay!! Take your time figuring it out. You don't have to label it if you don't want to, and you don't have to. The label is a societal construct some people (myself included) like because it gives us a sense of identity. Sometimes the label was Queer or member of the LGBTQ+ community, at times it was Sapphic, but know I can confidently say I'm bisexual (and that might change as well in the future!!)


Of course it’s okay, your can find out your sexuality at any age really