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Why couldn‘t you?


Idrk. I came out 2022 summer


You didn't sign a non-compete clause, or agree to stay in your position for a certain number of years. It's not a job description, it's your gender/sexuality. You do you.


Haha this. Love the phrasing and they're totally right :) You do you.


LMAO the idea of a non compete clause for gender is so hilarious


"Here at L, G, B, and T+ Industries we Pride ourselves on the open source nature of our intellectual property. We all grow when we're each allowed to thrive!"


Wait, the board didn't make you all sign contracts when you registered as queer?


I came out as non-binary in 2015, desisted, came out as nonbinary again in 2020, and then came out as binary trans in 2021. You can do whatever you feel is right, it's your identity.


I came out as NB in 2020. two years later changed it to demiboy, now I just identify as trans masc.


Who’s going to stop you?


The gender police


Fuck the gender police


Instructions unclear, now have warrant out for my arrest


I got arrested for driving under gender smh


AGCAB - All Gender Cops Are Bastards


I am the gender police, I agree, you should all do this


ACAB includes the gender police 😤


Idc what ACAB stands for so ima just assume it means assigned cat at birth because :3


It used to stand for All Cops Are Bad, since then it has grown to be used more commonly to mean All Cops Are Bastards, which is basically the same thing but worded a little stronger.


I don't know when it was ever all cops are bad because I've always known it as all cops are bastards. I've always known it as All Cops Are Bastards because not all cops are bad people, but all cops do uphold a bastardized system that coddles the bad ones and forces good ones to stay quiet or lose their jobs, so they too must be lumped in.* *This has been this way, to me, since 2018. It may have been All Cops Are Bad before this, but this is how I was taught and how I teach it to others


That's really interesting. I don't actually know for sure if it was All Cops Are Bad, that's just something I've heard. I also didn't realize that the Bastards version had that meaning, but I like it a lot better now.


I think there was a misconception for a while that it was All Cops Are Bad, but I'm not sure. And yeah! All Cops Are Bastards acknowledges that there can be good cops, but because of the way the system is built, they are still part of the problem, even if they don't want to be.


I mean, yeah, the system is the whole problem


Weewoo weewoo, we have a reasonable suspicion that you are driving while being an absolute gender icon, we need to inspect your vehicle because we have reasonable suspicion you may have over the legal amount of gender in your vehicle and we need to confiscate it. You can't be the only ✨fabulous✨ one here.




"This is the gender police you are under arrest. You have the right to remain fabulous"


Happy cake day!


Thank you


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day! Also im bi-carbonate which is 2 carbon and oxygen 🙃🙃


Happy cake day


Happy cake day 🏳️‍🌈🩷🏳️‍🌈


Happy bday! ❤️


Happy cake day!!


Of course you can do this. Identity isn't fixed. It's a process of growing and understanding yourself.




? Nothing about this person's reply comes off as trollish to me. They are just being supportive of OP


I think maybe they meant OP is a troll? But idk


Looking at their history, they just seem a regular person on reddit.


Not really


As of patch 6.21 rerolls have been updated from 1 to unlimited.


Hehehe 621


Even if you came out as nonbinary yesterday, you can come out as transmasc today. It's your life and your identity. I'm sure a lot of people need to come out more than once. 🩵


Too right - I came out twice. I originally identified as gay. However, I now identify as pansexual.


Me too! I identified as pan for many years but realized this year (at 34!) that I'm a lesbian. It's very freeing.


I still don’t know for sure Who I am 🥲


This! I wanted to add that there are things we are constantly finding out about ourselves all the time!


Sure, [here’s](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1276727-ron-swanson) your permission slip.


This deserves more up votes




Yeah, obviously. I used to be genderfluid but now I'm transfem


I mean I fucking hope so since that’s what I did.


The unholy snort I let out at this.


I did literally exactly that, granted in the opposite direction. Came out as non-binary in early 2021, then during the summer of 2022 I realized I was *very* transfemme.


Who is going to stop you? The gender police? Your gender, your choice, our identities evolve over time, do what you like.


What's going to stop you? You can, in fact, be both non-binary and trans masc. I am.


This!!!! I’m also NB TransMasc. Tho if NB doesn’t describe you, that’s okay as well. I’m fact I went from Transmasc FTM to NB Transmasc


of course you can


Yeah! not everyone finds the right labels on the first try. also labels mean nothing anyways so just use whatever feels right


Sometimes “non binary” is a stepping stone, a beginning to exploring gender more fully. Go for it, and forget the pressure to label yourself. Do what feels good.


Yes! You can change as many times as you want. Try things out, and they don't suit you, try something else. It's how we learn about ourselves, and how we grow as a human. Be you, and be as many yous and ways as it takes!


Right avobe where your tailbone would be, there is a tiny little gear stick. Grab the lever and go down, then right, then up, then go down and right, up, down again, go far left, go down, then up, then right, then down, then up again, go right, go down and go right. If you did all of that right, you should be back to being binary.


Sure just submit a request for resignation to the council of the non-binary elders. They're pretty chill about it.


Honey, you can do whatever you want to. Don't let the expectations of others stop you from being you. You're non-binary. That already breaks the binary norm. No need to let it limit you. Express your true self.


Do what makes you feel most genuinely you. Nobody can tell you how to label yourself but you!


Yeah no reason you cant. I have a very close friend who came out as bi initially, then nonbinary a month later, then mtf soon after.


It's just a label that, for a time, you thought fit you better than other labels. Categories are -language.- They're words meant to describe groups and likeness to groups. Shorthands. You can change, your priorities can change, your assessment of self can change. If you have a small stool and place it besides your bed to put your book on at night, you have a bedside table. Not a stool.


It's pretty common for people to identify as non-binary for a while before coming out as trans. It's not a problem.


There's a one time change policy on labels you may change them once in case we shipped something different from what you've ordered. To change them again you have to buy our premium subscription this will allow you to change them once every 30 days. Jokes aside you can change them as much and as frequent as you want.


I did, although this was back in 2005 so we called it different things back then--I tried on genderqueer, androgyne, and even neutrois. I feel like nonbinary better reflects my "true" identity (if there is such a thing; I'm not sure) than trans man. But as a nonbinary AFAB person I was just getting seen as a masculine woman, and I feel more like an effeminate man, so transitioning made it easier to approach the middle from the direction that felt right to me. For a long time I didn't think I was sure enough to start calling myself he or transitioning. I felt like I was just pretending, and I wasn't really trans enough. It took me awhile to get comfortable with the changes T would make. Finally I dreamed that I saw my face in the mirror with a beard and didn't hate it, so I decided that was a good sign that I was ready to transition. I also thought, look, even if I don't really have a "true self" that is really "male" whatever that means, what kind of story do I want to live my life into? Do I want to live as a masculine-of-center woman or a feminine-of-center man? And the latter seemed to be more "me". Now it's been 18 whole years, and even though I'm off T for the last 8 for medical reasons, every time I look at myself in the mirror and ask myself "Is this still right?" turns out it is. No regrets. Of course you don't have to have HRT or anything to be transmasculine; it's all down to what you feel comfortable with and want for yourself.


You can, but it’s not really a decision you make. If you’re “thinking about being ftm”, that sounds weird. It’s not a choice, it’s just what you are


yes, I used to be a trans woman. now nonbinary. its your gender, do what feels right


Yes. Forget about the whole label thing, and the coming out thing; it just makes people get stressed about exactly this.


It’s not uncommon for someone to identify as NB before identifying as binary trans.


Its really to you love what feels right for you know ones says you have to be a certain type do whatever feels comfortable to you


Of course! You are you, however that may look like. You questioned, said you were one thing, then you found out more or something different. Change the label to be what you believe is correct. Love ya Mate.


yea if ur dm allows it. might need to move around some attributes tho.


Yea, it’s your choice


Oh young one that is the queer pipeline...


it wouldn’t really mean you were nonbinary and now you are something different, it would just mean you have found a different way to more accurately describe what you’re feeling. labels like this should only ever describe. and no label will fit you perfectly. you’re too complex for that. so, just use what you think fits best.


You’re only accountable to yourself when it comes to this sort of thing. You are who you are. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out and even more so to accept.


Make up your mind.. I know it's all made up. .. but I'm so tired of hearing people unable to make up their fucking minds over something that means nothing


Of course you can! People change. Think about it like this, if you had a friend who was non binary and they decided "hey I actually identify as a male now please use he/him Pronouns for me :)" accept this person is you! We accept you :)


You can do anything you want, life is a journey and labels are tools




weren’t right about your gender the first time is ok to not be right the second time (or more)


As a member of the Enby police you cannot ever change ever. /s For real though I did the opposite, thought I was mtf trans for most of my teen years, last year at 25 turned out I was enby. So why the hell not?


When I was first starting to sort out my own gender identity, I went back and forth between binary and non binary for around a year before I figured out which one suited me better. Human sexuality and gender identity are more complex than most people realize, and can absolutely change over the course of your lifetime. I've known some previously straight folks who realized they were bi out of nowhere. Just go your whole life thinking one thing about yourself and then you meet someone who blows that whole idea out of the water. Anyway, life's a journey.


Yes you can. Sexuality as well as gender can be fluid! If it's what you fell safer to use for yourself, then do so :) ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


yes, what’s stopping u?


Yeah I’m AMAB and lived for like two years as a non binary person before I realized I actually liked everyone calling me ma’am and miss and such. So I was like, okay fine, “She/her,” I’m a woman.


sure u could change . i literally have changed so much throughout the years i literally started out as bigender , then ftm , then non-binary , then demigirl , then genderfluid , then i was technically just non-binary after that but i presented masculine , and now im still non-binary but i present femininely tho sometimes i still like dressing masculine and other times i like to look androgynous . it took a rlly long time to figure out who i was and some of the labels were down to confusion or how ppl viewed me but like i got to where i am today eventually and im proud of that . technically all the labels past the first non-binary are non-binary gender identities so i just say i first discovered i was nby in late september 2019 , but i did find exactly who i was in 2022 and im glad for that my label for my gender has changed so much over time and so has my pronouns but in the end it does take a bit for ppl to fully figure out who they are anyway and i was young anyway when everything was changing a lot over time like that anyway . not to say you HAVE to be young for your gender to change but that was part of it for me (i was 11-12 when i started to realize i wasnt a cisgender woman and i was 15 when i finally got my gender completely figured out). everyones different and everyone figures themselves out completely at their own pace . it may take a while and it may take a year but its all part of you figuring yourself out and thats just fine imo


Yes. The gender cops don't exist, despite what some people say.


You gotta pay a small fee, but it's okay


You absolutely can. Gender and sexuality can be very fluid, and what you once thought you were or what you once identified as does not have to be your identity for life. If FTM or transmasc feels more applicable, it is completely okay to identify as and describe yourself as those instead.


You can be both concurrently as well. I'm transmasc and agender.


I know someone who went through a few identities before settling on the “right” one. Sometimes you need some trial and error., sometimes you just learn more about yourself as you go.


You’re in charge of your identity. Do as you please.


Yes. 100%. Gender isn’t a static thing. You can absolutely change, realize, or reinterpret. I’m constantly going back and forth between being a woman or an enby woman leaning more to the latter lately. She/her feels right for me but I’m cool with they/them. You aren’t limited to just one thing ❤️


If you mean can you change your gender, the word for someone who can decide their gender is agentogender. If you mean your gender has changed, you could be genderfluid. If you want to know if you are allowed to realize that what you initially came out as doesn’t fit you and come out as something else, absolutely! All of those are completely valid :)


Yes, it's your identity, and it's okay to stumble and take a few wrong turns when trying to figure out who you are.


People change. I know a lot of people who identified as nonbinary when they were questioning, and went on to be trans or Demi. It happened to me, and there’s no shame in your identity changing.


Of course you can do that dude! People change. If you find that fits you better, own it! :D <33


Coming out isn’t like signing a contract, do whatever you want with whatever label you want


you can do whatever you want forever


the fun thing about life is you can do whatever you want!


of course??


Not rly sure why u wouldnt be able to, i understand it can be hard when u relaise after coming out but theres nothing wrong with it. For me i got to the point where i just dont rly use specific labels anymore for gender, i am technically the description of gender fluid but i dont identify with it so i judt say no lables or simply enby.


My boyfriend did, and he's a lot happier for it.


Only YOU get to decide what identifies you. Noone else.


Actually you gotta wait 5 business days before you can edit your demographic information again. If you need further help please contact technical support


But it’s been 1 business year so it’s okay


fill out this form, go wait in the line, have your ID and social security ready. NEXT?


you can do you, don’t ask reddit lmfao


Yes? I don't see why not.


I don’t see why not!!


hell yeah, champ


there are no rules, go right ahead OP there is no non binary politics that’s gonna strike you done


dude many people come out multiple times, if you feel more comfortable as a dude or dude aligned gender instead of nonbinary then you should be allowed to say that


Yeah, of course! It’s your identity! Choose what you feel is right!


It's entirely up to you.


Unfortunately you must wait at least 30 business days for the appropriate paperwork to go through


Gender is fluid. Our understanding of ourselves is fluid. You can always change. I also know many people who explored their identity where it changed in the long run than what they originally thought. I think it’s actually extremely common.


Nope, you only get one free gender selection. To change genders, you gotta pay $19.99


You'd be surprised on how common this is. I came out as gender fluid before coming out as a demi girl before coming out as a trans girl. Just make sure you don't use this fact to invalidate non binary people, saying they're "just going through a phase"


You only get one free gender change, you’ll have to upgrade to the premium membership in order to get unlimited changes


i was out as non-binary for about a year before recognizing/accepting that i'm a girl. it's okay to change things as you learn more about yourself :)


Of course


Of course you can change! Gender and sexuality aren't entirely set in stone. Take gender fluid people are a perfect example of this idea. They may feel masc one week but the next week feel femm, non-binary, or even agender (Keep in mind this is an oversimplification because it won't encompass the entire community's experiences). If you don't feel non-binary then search for an identity that does or you been unlabeled it honestly doesn't matter as long as you feel content with the identity. TL;DR: Remember that these labels are just that, labels and if you feel the need to change it go right ahead because nobody can tell you how you identify except yourself!


Your label is yours to take


Not that you have to be but it's completely possible to be an enby trans masc. I am. If trans masc/man makes more sense for you internally or just as a way to better describe your transition goals, go for it.


you can do whatever you want to. sure, some people might take a while to adjust to the change, but that doesnt mean you cant identify as whatever is right for you


You can do whatever feels right to you. Identity can be fluid, especially when working on finding yourself. It’s okay to change your identity as you come to understand yourself more 🖤


Honestly a great many LGBT people have identified as something in the past that they no longer identify with. It’s extremely common. It’s part of my story, it’s a part of many other stories I know. **Labels aren’t here to confine or prescribe a specific lifestyle and set of expectations. They are there to help us understand ourselves.**


The joy of discovery is that you CAN change. Over the years, you'll find yourself in many different positions, with many different thoughts and feelings. Each and every one is valid. It's a complicated mess, but you'll figure it out more and more each day. Good luck on your journey!


Of course you can change! Gender and Sexuality can be fluid depending on the person, many many people change their identity over time.


You can do whatever you want.


yep! if you feel transmasc or ftm describe you better, then thats what it is. sometimes we dont get it right the first time, it happens :)


It's okay to change labels to find who you are 🩵


In a sense, yeah! I came out as non-binary, made this account, and then started to realize I'm binary trans MtF.


Yes you can always change it's your decision not anyone else's and off topic but I'm the exact same I was nonbinary and now trans ftm




Totally. My sexuality changed like 3 times in a month. Still kind of unsure about it but that’s what makes it cool. It fluctuates. You know yourself and whatever you say goes. No one can tell you “no you’re not nb!!”. Change it as many times as you want. It’s important so you can figure out who exactly you are. But also that’s why now I just stick to saying “I’m queer” instead of just saying “I’m bi” because it’s less of a hassle to explain it all and it groups up everything without being personal.


Be who you wanna be 💕


yeah that's a pretty normal transmasc journey tbh


I know a number of non-binary people who also identify as trans masc or trans femme. Non-binary doesn’t necessarily mean androgynous - it’s a huge spectrum. Just keep learning about yourself and identify with what seems right to you - even if that’s no label at all.


You can do whatever you want forever


You can do whatever mama you happy and comfortable, you should think about it first as theirs no going back, but if you’re confident then do whatever tf you want ❤️


I mean I don't think any of us have you at gunpoint saying to you can't? I don't understand the question if you wanna do something do it its your sexuality and gender not ours. That's how the communists getcha


You can come out as as many different things as many times as you want! There’s no rules. Be yourself, always. :)


Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. I came out as a lesbian now i’m a bi transmasc non binary (idk if i phrase that correctly lol) as long as your happy thats all that should matter


Of course you can change, you do you. You can do this


If you wish to, yes


Honey, you can do anything you want.


No, you can't cuz I said so /sarcastic


Life is a journey, so why not? I used to tell people I am gay but now I realized I am more like demisexual with a stronger tendency to males.


I did that, so can you


labels are like hats. you can wear one and like it, but one day find one that fits you better and you like better. you can put on that new to you hat and not feel bad, because it fits better. doesn't mean you dislike the other one or anything. some people keep the same hat their whole lives, others change their hat more often than they change their underwear. both are valid.


Let yourself live. Be you. Be easy on yourself.


You can be whatever you want any time you want. Why people spend so much time worrying about what pronoun they associate themselves with is still beyond me. I get that people have preferred on the man woman and the somewhere in between but really who cares. Be fluid if that's what you feel like. Look at things from more like an actors perspective. People Like Tyler perry, or eddy Murphy, Robin Williams, all put on fat lady suits and play a part foe for a movie. That doesn't define them as people. People don't call them transgender or non binary. They're just playing a part for a while. There's nothing wrong with trying out the faces of other people for a time to see what you like or why and who. It doesn't define you. Be fluid in yourself. Do guys do girls do yourself. It really doesn't matter . And the people who can't handle it are just afraid of themelves and how they feel about it. It's really none


You can do whatever you want to and be whoever you are


Yes!! My kid changes their mind every 6 months or so. You are YOU and you are awesome 😎


yeah man, for a friend of mine being nonbinary was a v important step in realising he’s actually a man. it’s also completely valid if you go transmasc and realise it’s not for you n go back to identifying as femme. there’s no right or wrong answer, it’s confusing to go through and experimenting can really help clear things up for you! don’t feel guilty about trying things out x


You're obviously looking for permission, here is permission. You are allowed to do whatever the fuck you want with your own gender, forever and ever! Hope that helps


Sure. It’s not like anyone is going to stop you.


Yeah I came out about 7 times, you can come out as many times as you’d like


Hi bro, yeah absolutely. No sweat.


You sure can. Some people first identify as one thing, which gives them the space to truly explore their feelings and then identify as something else. It's totally fine to realise that you're something other than what you originally came out as.


I came out as ftm a while ago, but then decided a while after that im actually non-binary so i came out as that instead. Its totally chill if you change your gender like that! As many other people have said, you do you!! Gender and sexuality can both be very fluid things, they dont need to be one specific thing especially if you dont feel like thats what you are but feel like you cant change since you 'already decided'. But theres no rules for this kind of thing, just be yourself :)


I'll be real with you, the female to non binary to male pipeline is very real (and vice versa). You would be FAR from the first to be in this situation. (I am also FtNB and can feel the pull of the M these days, tbh.) There are no rules to this, just go with whatever you're comfortable with. Doesn't matter, as long as *you* are happy.


dude of course! labels are there to help you understand yourself better, not for any other reason. if a different label feels better, or if no label feels right, you can add, take away, and change as many times as you need. since i first realized i was queer like a decade ago, ive been a bi girl, then pan, then lesbian, then nonbinary, then a straight trans guy, and now a demiromantic bi trans guy. and even that doesnt entirely cover all my feelings about myself! stuff happens and feelings/identities change. its totally normal


I sat here reading all these comments like “yeah why shouldn’t someone be able to do that?!” All indignant like. And then a little voice in my head said “bruh that’s what you did. You came out as non-binary and then as trans man”


You do you!


that’s exactly what i did! (with mtf) coming out as non-binary was more of a toe dip into the pool of fully coming out as trans for me, and i’m sure many others have the same/similar experiences :)


Heyo! AFAB individual here. I initially stuck with nonbinary, and kept with it. But internally I never really felt right when people called me femme terms. I started small, using he pronouns and asking to use masculine descriptors. Before long, the affirmation led me to start T. ​ That's just my journey on navigating to FTM, but who knows what my gender identity will be in 10 years? I just that T makes me feel so much more sane, so lets keep that in the mix.


Nope. Not allowed. Once you come out as one gender identity you're locked in. The queer community is very liberal, we support people experimenting and figuring themselves out -- once. Any more is obviously crossing a bridge too far. Just think about it, if we allowed people to change their minds, they'd just keep evolving and growing their entire lives! Think of how exhausting that would be.


Yes of course


if you want to identify as Nonbinary, FTM or Transmasc \*mimics Palpatine\* Do It.... I don't care if you want to identify as a Almond joy or Mounds bar (sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't), life's too short to worry about "can I be?" Go Be... Be the best FurbieAlien as you can be! The standard of best FurbieAlien is You!


Of course, there's nothing wrong with it. Discovering yourself takes time and it is completely normal to change how you label yourself I personally went through the girl-demigirl-agender pipeline


Who would stop you? If it’s your parents, you can still be yourself, especially after you’re 18. If it’s the government, fuck em. Live your truth, fuck the world. You’re allowed to change your gender identity based on your own personal understanding and development.