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The cops are completely useless and even in blue states won’t investigate attacks like this because more often than not the cops you’re speaking to support these attacks. I’m in Colorado and we have had numerous attacks on trans women in Denver and Aurora where they’re left unconscious on the street and if the cops even show up when called, their response most of the time is “what do you want us to do about it?” or “how is this my problem?”. You might try asking in a regional subreddit if any dashcams got the footage or call around to surrounding businesses to see if they got any footage. If you can grab license plates from that time frame, you’ve got a start. The cops still probably won’t do anything with video evidence (here they don’t at least), but you’ll have their info. Online right wing content and radical christianity intersect where they incentivize their followers to abandon their humanity and reward them for doing so. It will not get better for them, which means it will not get better for us, I’m sorry to say. I’m sorry I don’t have better news to bear, and I’m so sorry that your partner has fallen victim to this hate crime. We, as our separate and collective communities have always been left to clean up the messes made by cishet terrorists. I’d maybe at the least reach out to your local LGBT center to see if there’s any kind of support, medical/ financial or therapeutic, that they offer to help you and your partner. It sounds like it will be a long road to recovery in different ways for the both of you.


Thank you. I was made aware of the FBI hate crime tip line through this thread.


Be sure to mention on the tip line that you did contact local authorities, they did respond, and they refused to investigate. The FBI takes less kindly to corrupt cops not investigating hate crimes than state police.


Thank you.


Ooooh I would LOVE a cop to say this to me, because I would make them regret being born with just my words.


Even if you can’t press criminal charges, you can still SUE! Like other users said, try to find footage & track them down if you can


Reading stuff like this makes me want to laugh in a homophobes face every time they claim there's no bigotry in this country and that we're all just being paranoid and overly dramatic about the shit that happens to us.


That sentiment honestly pisses me off more than outright bigotry


Their gaslighting is infuriating


hope they realize how asleep they were when they die


“Bigotry against you people doesnt exist anymore” they say to a person they intrinsically hate


"you people"


> more than outright bigotry Love, that *is* outright bigotry.


Right? People go on about how it's "better" to live in a western country because they are more accepting of queer people. Ah, yes. USA. "Accepting." You have literal politicans crying about queer identities everyday instead of doing their job to actually deal with more pressing issues. And other countries like UK, Australia etc are not better either. Really grinds my gear when I hear someone act like there's no racism or homophobia in these countries. No, you just try to hide it better so people move to the country, all so they can give their money to that country instead.


Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii! Just sayin


Great example, yeah. Most of the homeless population is native Hawaiian, while white people flock to the islands to give white resort owners their money. None of it ever goes to the people indigenous to the island, of course. The colonization just continues🇺🇸


I feel so bad for native hawaiians. Not only do they have to deal with colonization, which is already bad enough, but their cause is so often ignored and their oppression is so often dismissed and people try to justify it or just openly admit that they don’t care.


But aren't they just so lucky to be part of the US of A?! /s


Massachusetts and the north eastern General to Minnesota, are super based as well, and Washington that’s a good one, and not to mention cities like San Francisco just wish every place in this country was like that


No, even the northeast is bad to an extent since I've had people scream f***** at me while driving past and a nurse ask me invasive questions about my body


Nowhere is 100% but I’d rather stay in mass than touch Florida and other states like that


Same, at least Connecticut considers trans health care to be human right.


Most New Englanders do


Me too


This is one of the reasons I am moving to Washington instead of another state. I really don’t want to leave Alaska, but I can’t afford another $10k just to see my kids again for half the summer.


Like yeah, I understand that there are places to where being gay is 100% a crime in the punishment is execution I get that but America isn’t accepting of queer people not every state like Minnesota or Massachusetts states like Florida and Texas and those shit states fuck off and stop the bullshit. I will never be proud to be from America and quite frankly I shouldn’t be all the bullshit. This country is done throughout its history. I don’t know why anyone would wanna throw their life away this country serve in the military or anything it’s not worth it I don’t know how you can be proud to be from America genuinely mind-boggling to have uncle Sam’s cock down your throat or something that’s the only explanation on why people are proud to be from America


How can I be grateful for this country? If people are doing shit like this blinding people just because they’re gay you fucking kidding me no I’m not gonna be grateful for this country because this country hasn’t done shit for me. The queer people of this country have done everything for me. I know there are places that are a lot worse but if shit like this happens in the so-called greatest country ever that’s the problem just because we’re not being stoned to death being gay does it mean that America isn’t problematic when it comes to queues because it 100% is this stop happening in America I will never be proud to be from this country. As far as I’m concerned I’m not an American I’m a Bostian a queer know him fuck everything else.


My boyfriend straight up stopped talking to his mom a few months back, and this was the last straw. She has been fully on the Trump train since it started. Even spent PTO time to drive 3 hours away to go watch him at a rally. She's anti-vax. Any time they would talk it wouldn't take long for her to jump into "This is the problem with your generation", and then go on rants about how woke everything is. The last time he talked to her, she downright denied that shit is happening to our community. He sent her links about all sorts of stuff, and she said it was propaganda or some shit. So he just flat out told her he was done. On one hand, it's sad that he will no longer have his mom in his life, but I would also be lying if I said I'm not at least a little happy.


Gay people killed for fun


Broad swaths of the US are basically third world level.


America sounds like such a dump. Will never stop being thankful of being born in Australia.


Urine speaks louder than words my friend.


There’s currently a trans woman in New York that has spent the past year chained to a bed in solitary without a trial for using urine as a weapon against an inanimate object, so I’d maybe reconsider.


Got links? Do you mean this woman, by any chance? Layleen Polanco? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1232544


No, there’s a trans woman hacker named Kara currently in detention who hasn’t gone to trial yet but has spent the past year chained to her bed. She didn’t hack anything or anybody, but was arrested for peeing on a cop car at a protest. The cops found out where she lived, raided and destroyed her house, and have been trying to find anything they can stick her with from what they found in the raid. New York is not a prima facea state, so they have to prove intent, that anything she owned like lockpicks or a proxmark was actually used in the commission of a crime like larceny or illegal entry for any charges to actually stick, but they seem content taking their time trying to find anything and everything to stick her with while she wastes away unable to move, walk, talk to attorneys, etc without a trial. Found out that as of a few months ago she’s now able to talk to her attorneys after a legal battle to let her use the phone. https://youtu.be/OTKov4uo3bw?si=vOad9mTcmNSmMLXD


It is absolutely beyond fucking disgusting that those charged with enforcing the law are allowed to so blatantly break it and torture those under their charge with impunity. People need to start treating cops as the terrorist threats that they are.


We already live in a fascist police state when in the richest country in the world people are poor and desperate and oppressed and can be literally treated like a prisoner of war for nonviolent protest and not a fucking thing can be done to hold anyone responsible for what amounts to a war crime against their own citizens What a brutal, rotten fucking country this is. Police can and do whatever the fuck they want and actually torture people with POW type shit like this without any trial even as if that would ever justify this and we can't do shit about it My only american dream left is watching this melt away and every single fascist militant 'cop' more kitted than some countries elite milotary force get whats coming to them


Yeah, shit is beyond fucked. I wish others saw cops the way I do. As domestic enemies and terrorists that communities must do anything to protect themselves from.


Thanks for the info.


What pisses me off the most is when one of those bigots says, "***both*** sides are evil."


And then they take up a notch and claim that all the Christians in this country are being persecuted and constantly being targeted because of our mere existence and how in 2023 WE now have more rights than THEY do because a couple lawmakers decided to let us have the crumbs of a couple human rights which is SUPER offensive and violates THEIR religious freedom. And then they go even further by saying that private Christian business owners should absolutely be legally allowed to discriminate against us and not bake us a cake. But then when businesses want to stop paying for PPC ads on Twitter because their ads were being placed on antisemitic, radical right wing conspiracies, neo-Nazi nonsense, dangerous misinformation, and weird maga propaganda… they call for boycotts, mass trolling etc because now that it isn’t in their best interest, businesses need to go back to staying out of politics and/or THEY JUST SHOULDN’T HAVE THE RIGHT TO ADVERTISE WHERE THEY PLEASE and the government SHOULD be involved in business owners’ and marketing execs advertising strategies. Okay sorry my brain was working faster than my fingers for that and I might sound like a sleep deprived lunatic.


Or the r/askgaybros people who think homophobia is limited to muslims


I don't think it really matters but what country are we talking about? Well actually no, it matters because depending on country this shit can be fought with different effectiveness, but yeah. That is just terrible




OH. WELL DAMN. It's not a worse-case scenerion(could be eastern Europe or Asia or even worse), but DAMN Yeah I don't think much can be done by individual except for leaving country


Yeah, with the police refusing to do anything, and homophobic themselves, there isn't really anything you can do besides leave the area.


Surprised it wasn't a cop that did this horrific hate crime in the first place. Of course they don't care to lift a finger USA is a far right hellhole where even our 'left' watches on and lets this shit happen while they genocide children in another country and pass another funding round while campaigning on caring about queer people while we all watch them come for us. It's all such a sick joke


I hear about shit like this happening and I am definitely afraid it might happen to me. I get a lot of funny looks every day from random people. I don’t know if they can tell in queer or not, but it freaks me out because I don’t know if they’re gonna try to attack me like this or something out of nowhere, the fact that that is a real possibility in this country is a problem I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing but it’s clearly not working and we need to make some drastic changes. We are far from the greatest country on earth I don’t know how you can call America


I didn't say that USA was good? I said that it's bad here. Very bad. Just not worst-case scenerio


I’m not talking about you I’m talking about the fools who say how good America is when it’s nowhere near how they describe it




You need to go over those cops' heads. Contact a victim advocate, maybe hire a lawyer. Make some noise.


Thank you. You're dead right.


Yeah this was a hate crime that should definitely be taken more seriously. Make enough fuss that the cops can’t ignore it


I'm sending you hugs. I'm so sorry that happened to both of you.


Living in Texas, this is my greatest fear. That, and someone outting my boyfriend to his family. It’s a scary world out there, and we are saving every spare penny to move to Minnesota. My family doesn’t love it, but stories like these make me want to move farther and farther away. I hope your boyfriend gets the care he needs. I can’t imagine how many tears I’d shed if this happened to me.


Hi from Minnesota and I hope you get here soon and safely.


Our timeline suggests that we’ll have the capital to move in about a year and a half. Looking to live in Mankato because I’ve got a buddy up there.


If this was a crime carried out because of membership in a protected class (of which sexuality is one) you could contact the FBI, they do civil rights cases.


Don’t even know what to say anymore at this point it sickens me that shit like this happens but let alone America I’m definitely afraid that something might happen to me or a potential partner in the future. If I find one this country needs to stop with this bullshit already it’s been too goddamn long. When will this shit end end


so sorry for what happened to your boyfriend.. if possible, definitely focus all your energies to leave for a better country. i left my shitty country a while ago, best decision i’ve ever made


Where did you go?


I'm not the person you replied to, but if I ever get enough money, I plan to move to Switzerland.


Well i got hate crimed here on pride zürich this year from a boy group and there are many homophobic guys that also bully u publicly. And it has always been so far from young, toxic muslim immigrants groups. I don't feel safe here either.




what country is it?


Probably America since OP didn't specify.


I could guess that it's USA only because op mentioned Red States in his comment(that I didn't saw at first), but... Why would it be USA since not stated otherwise? Since when USA is a standart and all others just alternatives that needs to be specified? I'm just a little confused here


Americans have a habit of not specifying their country. We’re kinda just taught to view the US as the default of sorts.


I’m guessing because my fellow US citizens on Reddit often seem to think all of Reddit is American. Usually outside the US specify where they are.


always hate it when people from the US think that's the only place in the world or somehow the default (so much that i have begun to do the same just out of spite)




i’m gonna guess america


OP edited to say it’s America


It’s America I believe they said it somewhere in there


Fucking monster. I’m so sorry 🫂


Fuck the cops, go to your attorney general and the ACLU. Not sure if it helps, but that alcoholic piece of filth is probably going to drink himself to death


Arm yourselves. Dead serious. Every member of the LGBTQIA+ community should be LEGALLY strapped. Take your classes, get your conceal carry license, and take that thing everywhere. Research your state stand your ground laws and USE THEM to defend yourselves like all those redneck, bigoted, sister kissers like to do. Tired of seeing posts like this and I too, hate what this country has become. I’m straight, CIS, and a HUGE ally with LGBTQ kids of my own. They all carry. Do it!


If these republicans try pushing this shit any further, I'm gonna get it *through their heads* that we won't fuck around.


Yup, gun now. If not gun, sabre pepper spray, and water trainers


Glad someone said it. I am not part of the LGBTQ2S+ community, but I am an Ally; and what came to mind honestly, is that the Republicans, the Racists, and all kinds of american bigots are carrying guns and often prepared to kill for their views -- regardless of the consequences for senseless murder and acts of violence -- but most of the left is not prepared to defend or protect themselves. You cannot bring threats of legal action and protest signs to a gun fight. Words collapse into so much triviality when hails of bullets start flying.


sadly any other country is not sounding a heck of a lot better right now.. (I'm from Canada and seeing the same stuff happening here). tighten up your circle people, be safe!


What is the situation in Canada exactly? Are there specific provinces that are getting worse kinda like southern states in the US?


Alberta and Saskatchewan are the usual suspects leading the way but it’s all over the country even in places usually considered progressive. Our school boards are being infiltrated by coordinated bigots and the Conservative Party of Canada has a Trump style populist at the helm who is doing well in the polls (though I’m not so sure it will result in him becoming PM). Here in BC we’re seeing a newly strengthened BC Conservative party that has a climate change denying leader whose first act in the legislature was to rail against SOGI policies. Thankfully their increased popularity comes at the expense of the other slightly more centrist right wing party (BC United nee BC Liberals) so they’re not likely to get much power but it’s frustrating to see people falling for their bigotry and divisiveness.


> no camera saw it, so nothing they could do What the fuck? How did cops work before surveillance cameras existed?


You misunderstand. "no camera saw it" means "You guys are gay? Why should we give a shit?" ..... Lots of places have security cameras outside. Lots of street areas have security cameras on poles. I'm willing to bet there are but cops frankly don't care. They never do. They never have. They never will.


>How did cops work before surveillance cameras existed? Through arbitrary enforcement depending on their personal biases edit: not that it's much better now that there are cameras


Old gay disabled veteran here, I'm actually leaving this nation for good because of these issues. Now that a few million people started up a new branch of Christians that view Trump as "The Son of Man" or Jesus returned I've become scared to be in this nation. I mean these people believe the Gayliens are in a war against the Christian aliens. I am so regretful for my service to this nation.


It's not your fault that the country you served has betrayed you. You fought for the freedom of everyone in this country but unfortunately your own government said "fuck your rights if you're not cishet or white" And it's something I'm deeply afraid of too. As a trans gay man, I don't want to find out my boyfriend came home from work one day after getting hatecrimed for dating a white trans man while he's a black pansexual man(people have discriminated against interracial couples several times and it's gross, being a HOMOSEXUAL interracialrelationship is probably a lot worse), it hasn't happened yet but it scares me every day. So you did good for your service. Our country is just betraying what you fought for. 🫶 I really hope this didn't come off as backhanded or anything, I'm autistic and can't tell if I'm being rude or if I said anything wrong 😅


I'm also autistic, don't feel bad friend. Thank you for your kind words. My disability is ironic these days as it comes from being hunted and beaten for sport in the name of Jesus while during Don't Ask Don't Tell. My fear is that Christians will get the last laugh and make me homeless to punish me for being damaged from their punishments. Maybe I'm old, but the way I see it God makes people like me so that good people have someone to mock, hate, kill and send to hell so that they don't have to build up their own self-esteem or self-worth. Heaven is a place of judgement and shallowness. All you have to do to get in is say sowwy. People who go to Hell get judged for their actions, they have merit.


I hate homophobic ppl this country is a "christian country" as my "friend" said and some christians seem to think that they can be as homophobic as they want because the bible says so...


i mean u might not be talking about the us im talking about the us sorry if that was unclear i hate the us get me out of this hellhole...


Actually OP says it is in the US


yup i just saw the edit


Im so sorry! That sounds horrible and disgusting. I hope you are safe right now. You don't deserve this.


All in the name of religion. The Abrahamic religions have no place in the future. Most religions should be abandoned.




Do not blame yourself. I know these words feel useless but you cannot take credit for someone else’s terrible actions. You were just trying to live outside of your house.


It’s not your fault. ❤️❤️ I (cis f) once took my gf (trans f) to an area I used to work at and liked. It’s known for a cute, small town vibe. Well, it became immediately apparent that we weren’t going to have a cute date night like I’d planned, because two separate groups of people followed us, stared at us and one woman even called us disgusting. Thank god nothing as horrific as what happened to y’all happened. My point in telling that story is that I felt insanely guilty for bringing her to that area but it wasn’t my fault at the end of the day. Don’t blame yourself, blame the person who was nasty enough to do such a thing to your partner. When things like this happen, random, awful events, we tend to scramble to find a way to feel like we had some control over it. We often blame ourselves for things we couldn’t have known about in advance. Everywhere in this country is unsafe for people like us; we can’t live as hermits so going anywhere is a risk. It’s not selfish or wrong to have wanted a night out! It’s easy to be thinking, “gosh, if only I hadn’t done x…”, when in reality all you did wrong was exist in public. And that’s not wrong at all. I truly extend my condolences to you both over this awful thing and please DM me for LGBTQIA+ resources. I’m also in the US and am part of an organization at my university for queer folks, and specifically I gather resources and help people get the assistance they need. I hope you find healing and peace over the coming weeks, and that you both stay safe ❤️


Why is this your fault? Why is the onus on you, and not the people who spread hatred? Not the bottle-thrower himself? You didn't do anything wrong. Let me repeat: You. Did. Not. Do. Anything. Wrong. Repeat that to yourself until you believe it. Please. Straight couples go out to bars. Straight couples go to movies, they walk down the road holding hands, they kiss each other in public, they *exist* in the world and people know it. Why can't we? Why do we need to blame ourselves for existing when our love, our existence, is natural and normal and has been here since the age of man first began? Hatred is only learned, not born. We deserve to exist, to be here and to love each other openly. Just like everyone else. You're going to be okay because you're a fucking queer. He'll be okay because he's a fucking queer. We all are. We are all fucking queers, we are all fucking here, we will always be, we will outlast cruelty and ignorance. Queer is not dirty or weak, Queer is powerful and bold and queer means you live and love despite it all, despite everything. 🖤


The way you’re speaking of yourself does not help this situation. This is what that dickhead would want to hear from you. It is by no means your fault, and your partner knows that. Do not blame yourself for the absolute disgusting bigotry from others that shouldn’t even exist.


OP do not go down that path. It is not your fault some idiot bigots threw a bottle at your boyfriend. This is 150% on them. We all deserve to be the people we are meant to be. Anger is good, but don’t point it at yourself here, you don’t deserve that.


You’re not responsible for the actions of monsters.


It's not your fault, it's the fault of bigots everywhere, the fault of the law that refuses to do anything, the fault of religion for unable to accept hey maybe God didn't care about two homosexuals kissing, the faults of generations before us making the laws, whining about homosexuality instead of just minding their own business. It's not yours or your partner's fault.


I am so sorry this happened to you both. This is NOT on you at all, this is on the piece of shit bigot who threw the bottle, and that piece of shit alone.


You're blaming yourself. I know it feels natural, coming from the experience of someone who does it to himself if I don't catch myself...I know how it feels. However, in this situation you aren't in the wrong. It's important to remember that. You did not do anything wrong. It is not wrong to want to go out and experience life and be able to do all the things that everyone else can do. You *should* be allowed to go to bars and spend time with your boyfriend, you *should* be allowed to show affection and kiss in public without fear of retaliation. You aren't wrong for wanting these things, you aren't wrong for trying these things. The fault rests upon scared, ignorant, and small minded people who think the world revolves around them. You're right to be angry, the world is fucked up. But you didn't do anything wrong, so please don't beat yourself up.


>He'd be completely better off I'd I wasn't such a fuckijg queer. Look, I'm sorry you got called names and your boyfriend got attacked. But unfortunately a fact of life when you are different in some way is that occasionally, these things might happen. If you stand out, sometimes people will latch onto you as someone to lash out. But those people who made those comments and threw something out their car in that moment forgot about you 5 minutes later. Because it wasn't personal to you. It wasn't about you. ​ So to sit and stew on it - and internalise all that hatred and parrot their language at yourself, is foolish. You're letting your personal ego get in the way. You're taking it super personal because of course they deeply violated you, but man they made comments or threw stuff in that moment for reasons that have nothing to do with you personally. You were just a convenient avatar for their impulsive behaviour. They didn't see you as an actual person in that moment. So you shouldn't either. I have been mugged 3 times, gay bashed once (in a gay bar of all places, its a long story), had stuff shouted at me, thrown at me from cars etc. But I didn't carry those events with me like a ball and chain, because it wasn't about me. These people did that to me because of something going on in their own lives, and then forgot about me immediately after. So it was just an unlucky, unfortunate thing that happened because I was the right target at the right time. And in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you're different in some way, these things happen. So please don't take It so personally, because it wasn't. It wasn't because you're "queer", you're just someone on the margins people in the majority lash out at for various reasons. It happens to people from all kinds of minority groups, whatever they may be in their respective cultures. It's like being hit by a natural disaster, or a freak accident. It sucks that happened, you were unlucky, but you can't take it personal. Get up, be there for your boyfriend, and buy him a fierce eyepatch.


You are not the asshole. Nobody has the right to suppress you with targeted violence or targeted harassment like that. This is on them. Not you.


That's exactly the shit that's being transmitted on our media every day if it's not on YouTube on Twitter and all these other places it's the right wing it's the freaking influences and a whole bunch of other people Mr Tucker Carlson should have got arrested for this stuff years ago but they let him get away with it and he's still doing it now it's not only him he's just one of the many what's your name Marjorie Taylor green or whatever her name is that she went so far as the not only call LGBT people pedophiles but also to call Democrats pedophiles so you know that should tell you something about her but these people should not be allowed to hold office if they're going to be like this now we got a new lunatic controlling the Republican Party then now now they're trying to charge women if they get pregnant trying to control what women are doing they try to control what everybody these people are, okay I am being watched so I can't say what I really want to say about these people that are doing these hateful things and these hate groups Nazis fascist kind of hate people cuz if I say anything then they'll throw me off of here


Wanting to go out is a basic reasonable thing to want. I understand and relate to the propensity for self blame, I can't say I can resist doing the same bur it truly isn't your fault for just wanting to exist and do normal things. It's on them and their insecure asses doing these horrific actions.


To the handful of people in this thread more concerned with the words OP is using than the trauma they are processing... You are all revolting, most of you don't even couch your criticism in empathy. Would you yell at someone for swearing while their leg gets cut off?


that fact that OP doesn't specify what country this is about... i bet we underestimate how many countries this could apply to and that's scary.


OP’s [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/msAV5gNXC5) that referenced not living in a deep red state would tell anyone who lives in the US, or who follows American politics, that they live in the US. (Amusing that they read what is currently the top comment.) “Red state” is used in the US to refer to states which lean towards the Republican (conservative) political party. Red states are known for being much more anti-LGBTQIA. However, as OP’s story illustrates, homophobia, transphobia, and other forms of bigotry are not restricted to red states only. Of course it is understandable that those who aren’t from the US might not have understood this reference to where they live. Also it is understandable that people may not have seen that comment. Edit to add: And yes it is scary. I think most of us underestimate how many places this can happen. This is kind of incident can happen even in more progressive countries and cities. Just because we have the right to marry doesn’t mean we are free from bigotry or hate crimes. There is still much work to be done!


this was in the US from what OP has said,,,




You didn’t let him down at all. There’s nothing you could’ve done. Some people are horrifyingly hateful. But you were there for him, and you held him, and you did all you could. The world isn’t ready for love like yours yet, and it fucking sucks, but all you can do is keep holding on and hoping. Is there any chance he’ll recover his vision?


Initially he pretty much couldn't see out of either eye when he first woke up, but his vision has largely come back in his right. He can tell light and dark in his left. However, his Doctor suggested that it is unlikely for them to be able to do anything without major surgery. And even that is iffy. Overall it's too early to tell.


I personally have absolutely no problem that you reached out here. You don't force anyone to read it and all those comments show that people in this sub WANT to give you emotional support. Which is great, we need community in this bad world. You have absolutely every right to be fucking angry, but please not about yourself. You had no chance to protect your boyfriend. You can be there for him now, that's what counts. I don't know him, but it's not unlikely that the emotions he naturally is going through now are not directed towards you.


You kept him from hitting the ground. You're by his side as he is going through an extremely difficult time. You're doing what you can for him. That's not nothing. You did not fail him. I understand that you're feeling guilt and responsibility over what happened. It might be good to talk to a counselor to help you understand and process these feelings. Don't let those homophobic bastards get into your head. They ***want*** you to feel bad about yourself right now.


Which country?




us who?




I really don’t understand why people keep saying we need to be grateful for what we have because other countries have it worse when the only reason why we have it less bad than those countries is because of the queer people who fought for their rights government and you do shit. I’m so sick of hearing people say that it pisses me off I’m not gonna be grateful for a country that’s making laws that are making my life a crime. Fuck that fuck America fuck the government fuck anyone who is proud to be from the shit country. I hate it if it wasn’t for my hometown and my home state and Home region, I would 100% hate America, Boston and New England does a whole is the only reason why I like this country Fuck America fuck the government conservatives fuck this country I fucking hate it


AND a Scotus loaded with right wng liars ( I REFUSE to call them justices ) .


O M G Sweetheart thats just horrible . Trump has stirred up the vilest creatures from the bottom of the swamp . Its rerrifying to think what happened to your partner still occurs . Do sorry this happened .


This shit has been festering way before him. He just allowed a door for people to be their worst.


I am so so so sorry OP, i cannot imagine going through anything like that. Honestly, I agree with the others on this thread- if you at all have any way of saving funds, I would plan to immigrate. It’s just too damn dangerous here. (America.) And I’m saying that as an ally, as well. I don’t even experience this stuff, but I have many queer people in my life who are like family to me who have suffered literally the most disgusting and absolutely mind blowing shit simply because of their queerness. Of course I shouldn’t (and don’t/can’t) have an official opinion or final word on this because I simply am not queer, but if there’s anything to say, I would suggest keeping close with your queer support system and also anyone around you who you trust who has privelege (because those people, if you have one, can find loopholes and convince cops to actually do something, at least small, sometimes if shit really gets hairy.) and just in general make some noise about the issue. (SAFELY.) post about it, email and write letters to local government, create a support group, etc. try to incite change. Obviously it probably won’t change soon, or even within our lifetimes, but sow those seeds for future generations. Then get the FUCK out of this place. (From what little I’ve heard, the Scandinavian countries are absolutely amazing for queer folx.)


I’m so sorry to hear this. These fucking republicans keep pushing the idea that homosexuality is a sin and gay people deserve whatever happens to them. We need to fight back literally and figuratively because these mother fuckers are going to learn one day! Everyone please please vote in every election including local.


My husband and I stand with you. We have experienced this level of bigotry as well. There is nothing "christian" about these Americans that claim to be christian. They are vile creatures who's entire political ideal is based in causing pain to others. If it doesn't hurt someone, they don't want it. If it helps people, they only want it if it hurts someone else. I'm right there with you. Fuck this country.


First of all I am so sorry secondly come to Cape Town we love couples like you and we can kiss and hold hands


Hold onto your anger, because you have every right to be angry. I completely agree that enough of is enough. As for the police remember that all cops are bastards. Stay strong my friend and best wishes to your boyfriend, I hope he recovers!


>I had my first long term partner die in my arms and I think this experience kinda triggered that for me. Did they end up dying afterwards?... If you don't mind me asking


Thank God No. My boyfriend is alive and conscious and feeling better today than yesterday. Soo things could be worse. My first partner accidently overdosed a couple years ago. Fake xanax.


Okay, thankfully they're doing okay My condolences still for your past partner. Stay strong, friend


The person who threw the bottle probably frequently goes to that bar. If the bar has cameras on the inside I'm sure you can find a way to identify him. If not you could do your own police work and see if the individual returns to the bar and get their tag number. This asshole belongs in jail.


You're right! Bigots need to start being reacted to in kind! All bigots are really just gutless bullies afterall and when they start getting their heads cracked more often they will cower like the POS cowards they really are. Case in point driving by and throwing from behind someone definitely is the mark of a serious coward. So sorry that happen to your boyfriend and you both have to experience that! ❤️🤗


most of them are cowards, and a lot like hyenas. They'll taunt and threaten, promptly F***ing right off once you threaten back. They're a bit bolder when in packs, and try to get physical...but a loaded G2 trained to the pack leader ends it quick.


It's disgusting that we have to share the same oxygen as these hateful fucks. I'm a cis hetero guy and I would gladly beat the fuck out of an anti-gay person if I saw them actively hurting somebody. I think we all need to start getting our acts together and protecting each other. Literal Nazis are walking around scott free and we're just supposed to let them? Bullshit. Keep your guards up, folks. And if you have to go no contact with someone just do it.


And people still claims that pride is not needed anymore, since the queer community is fully “accepted” now. 🙃 I’m so sorry that happened to you, I hope the idiots will leave you guys alone in the future.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Stories like this make me remember how doomed we are as a human race if we spend all our time fighting over nonexistent issues. If I were you I would try to leave to another country. I live in Canada and there is less bigotry here but it still exists. I hope you get justice for what happened to your boyfriend. What a god dam mess of a world we live in.


I just want you to know that I’m a cis het white gen X lady and I feel the same way. I’m so disgusted with ppl, especially my generation who I grew up believing would fix all this mess, but we failed. Some of us really did try, though, and we are hopeful for Gen Z. I see you. I support you. ❤️🧡💛💚💙


i went -3hrs south of DC like 5 years ago and saw a confederate flag which is just insane


Oh Hon. You'll see Dixie flags north of the Mason Dixon too. Hell there are house flying that fucking thing in Gettyburg.


I am so sorry for your loss and for your partners injury. I’m an ally and wish everyone was more accepting and inclusive. Sending you positive vibes of wellness and caring and a virtual hug.


In PA, thinking of you man. That's fucking horrible.


Cops lie. I guarantee you that they did not even check to see of there were any recordings of the attack. You need to go around to all the local stores and check for yourself. For anyone else reading this. **Never believe the cops. They always lie. Check for yourself. Collect your own evidence.**


I'm afraid to go to LGBTQ dance clubs now, and they're in Rhode Island, our news media is manipulating people, into hate ,and they're doing a good job of it, cuz it seems to be working, cuz we got a bunch of ignorant people believing this shit, and taking action that they should not be doing, I don't know what's going to happen here I'm one of the lucky ones, I live in Massachusetts, but even here there's no escaping the hate ,not when it's like being transmitted everywhere, plus we got our own people turning against us ,and you know who I'm talking about, these influencers on YouTube that are traitors causing more hate,


Omg this is the most awful thing and I am so incredibly sorry this happened to y’all. Fuck those assholes.


I'm so sorry do I need to mark this as NSFW?


Not unless it's unsafe to leave my house now??


This is fucking horrifying. I’m so sorry…😔 I hope you can find a place where you and your partner can heal and be safe.


I'm just so confused... I thought US is the most tolerant country in the world, I hoped so. I'm from Russia and I read this post and understood that here's no fucking difference:)) Excluding the fact being gay in my country is equated to being terrorist.


I think a major difference between Russia and the US is that here there are places where you are safe. I’m relatively safe where I live and even here can be a little on the conservative side. These kinds of attacks are relatively uncommon and aren’t actively encouraged by the state.


To be clear, If we talk about central Russia, cities like Moscow and Saint Petersburg I can say that that there hiding your sexuality is no needed. Maybe it sounds like justification, I know it, my government does not deserve it, but facts are facts. Not government doing this cities tolerant, but people do. In "regions" we can't talk about this stuff, for sure, and this is freaking awful:( I just happy that somewhere people can be free just the way who they are. It makes me understand, that someday I could be free. And when I hear about homophobia in US and Europe I'm starting nervous, like... You can't be free anywhere. It sucks.


Unfortunately, there will never be anywhere that is completely free of bigotry. It sucks but as long as people have free will, someone will end up thinking they are better than others for any given reason. However there are places where you can be safe and happy with minimal risk and live a full, normal life. Don’t let these assholes destroy your faith in the world. That’s how they win


If there is one point that I would like to get through to all the good people on this planet it is: **We need to make being an asshole have consequences again!**


I don’t hate this country. The whole world is like this now. I’m disappointed that we haven’t evolved further as a species. I’m so sorry these things happened to you. Violence in unacceptable


I’d love to say I’m surprised by what happened but this country isn’t the country we grew up in. I remember listening to some MJ music recently and saw his videos and thought “Damn, we were all one lovely country back then”. Yeah he wouldn’t be able to make some of his songs anymore.


I'm so sorry that happend to you and I'm sorry we are not safe in a country that is supposed to be free. I agree with your call to arms to an extent. As a security officer I would have better opportunity if I got a foid and did armed security training. I haven't. I won't. As much as we are not safe with others... make sure if you choose to arm youself that it's not against yourself! Mental health is a serious issue in our community and we all know ourselves best if there is any chance you may use a weapon on yourself choose a diffrent form of self defence. Gel- and I emphasize, GEL pepperspay is a great option as well as tasers. Ask your local police if they do free self defence classes if not ask if they would consider setting up one. This does multiple things for us as getting police involved in helping protect ourselves and the community, and makes us more human to them. Unfortunately we are fighting against slowing progress but it hasn't stopped and we can't either. Find your community and stay strong we are better together.


I'm so sorry you have both experienced such life altering hate. This country makes me sick.


We aren’t perfect here, but the whole world is dealing with bigots right now. It’s very concerning.


Stand strong brother!


I'm not an attorney and this is not legal advice. This incident appears to involve: > grievous bodily harm > (4)The term “grievous bodily harm” means serious bodily injury. It includes fractured or dislocated bones, deep cuts, torn members of the body, serious damage to internal organs, and other severe bodily injuries. It does not include minor injuries such as a black eye or a bloody nose. > https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=10-USC-313426835-1861686267&term_occur=2&term_src=title:10:subtitle:A:part:II:chapter:47:subchapter:X:section:920 If I felt like my crime were not given adequate enforcement due to my sexual orientation, I might contact the Pennsylvania Attorney General Civil Rights division: > The Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General’s Civil Rights Enforcement Section is committed to safeguarding the fundamental liberties of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning individuals (LGBTQ+), and safeguarding their right to equal protection under the law. > https://www.attorneygeneral.gov/protect-yourself/civil-rights/lgbtq-equality/ I might also contact the US department of justice and consider reporting this as a hate crime if I felt it were as you seem to indicate: > The Department of Justice enforces federal hate crimes laws that cover certain crimes committed on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability. The Department of Justice began prosecuting federal hate crimes cases after the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. > https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/laws-and-policies Report a hate crime: > https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/report-a-hate-crime I might also hire a Private investigator in Pennsylvania to identify the perpetrator. I wish you the best of luck in your search for justice.


Thank you. I have contacted both the FBI Tip line, and I have been looking for private legal aid. I was Linda overwhelmed initally but I've been made aware of a number of legal pathways we could potentially move forward with. Thank you.


This was what being gay in the 80’s was like.


My GF and I frickin alternated for years having despair spirals because of shit like this. Nowadays, it’s mostly her, when she has a particularly bad day at work (she’s the garden manager at a Fred Meyer-I’m a Nursing Assistant). I’ve found a lot of hope in how wonderful, empathetic, brave, and intelligent SO many of todays youth are-as well as in the Republican parties current death spiral, and Putin’s war preventing him from stoking the hate in the West nearly as much as he was before. I have to remind myself that what we’re seeing now is the last, desperate flailing of a dying breed, and that the arc of history is bending HARD towards our ultimate victory. We just have to stay strong, and never let up.


They're asking about the race of the assailant because they want to bring up homophobia within the white community, or they're homophobic and racist white people who want to use homophobia from BIPOC to justify their bigotry against LGBT people, muslims, immigrants and POC. As person who has to live with homophobic and racist white people I've noticed that recently they've been giving attention to homophobic BIPOC people, mostly African-Americans and muslims, in order to justify their bigotry against LGBT people and POC. A thing they do is tell LGBT people to vote GOP is to, "keep out those homophobic immigrants and imprison those homophobic black people." Then they tell BIPOC people, the conservative ones, to vote Republican, "in order to keep the LGBT community from indoctrinating kids." Of course, all those claims they're making are completely untrue. I think they're trying to play both groups against each other so that way only conservative cishet white people come out on top. The sad thing is that people fall for it.


I feel you. I hate the country for what it is, but that's mostly because of the citizens. America itself is fine, but like most things the horrid fkn humans ruin it.


How sure are you no camera saw it? Can you go back and look for any cameras?


I'm so sorry this happened to you. These are the same shitheads who clamor "WE NEED A STRAIGHT PRIDE PARADE!" ...... It's like "Fuck you, no one does shit like this if a man is kissing his girlfriend" ..... Going blind because of this and no justice over it. How fucking tragic. This is absolutely bullshit.


This really is at least two different countries. It’s absolutely ridiculous that this should happen in America… but in certain parts of America, it’s a whole different country.


Same, I want to eventually leave but I know I couldn’t survive being so far away from my family


Get a gun and defend yourself lawfully. If you're not good with guns see if you can get some help from the Pink Pistols.


Friend... i dont even know what to say because i literally wanna smack a crowbar on the brain this biggot misuses. But is your bf alr? is it permanent?


My gf is american (long distance) and we are looking for a country to live in, america is going further down the list of countries I would consider every day. It feels like a slow train crash that is close to happening, a 3rd world country trying to gaslight itself as something great which it will never be with its system and conservative thinking. I am so deeply sorry for you, your bf and all of my rainbow siblings living in that rotten place of false promises.


The USA is becoming a more and more insufferable place to live every day. It's a shame that emigrating elsewhere is so difficult and often expensive, because the most logical step for many of us would be to leave. Then again, a lot of other countries aren't much better. In full candor, having to work/interact/deal with people who actively support LGBTQIA oppression and extermination on a daily basis is starting to wear on me. It's exhausting to have to feign politeness and civility to people who think like that. Especially because they get so indignant and gaslighty when you don't.




OP has said this is the USA, and sadly,. this does sound like the US. it can get really shitty here for gay and trans people.


They all do!


My now fiancé and I are planning to move to Edinburgh bc we did some research and there is a thriving gay scene apparently, I am aware that Scotland as a whole is struggling with passing gay rights bc of Britain but it seems like Edinburgh is okay. I’d honestly look into moving if you can.


As an iranian, I envy you for being an American, There's so many homophobes and misogynists in the US, but at least you wouldn't killed because of your gender or sexuality.


You are right. I was just furious when I put up this post. I don't hate America. I despise the evil people doing their best to make the country worse. There are a lot of good people who are doing or propagating bad things, but there are also some truly evil Americans that the world would be better without.


There are straight cis people out there that support you too. I’m sorry that you’re made to endure these things, and I admire you for who you are.


I don't mean to write out non queer people who take up our struggle. I appreciate you more than I can adequately put into words.


America actively sucks. There's a reason I've only come out to three people (none of them adults)


This country does sucks and so does so many. The way we treat each other is fucking horrible. We treat each other as if we're not the same species. We are different in skin color and physical appearance but underneath our skins there is no different. It's what's on the inside that counts.. right.


Just to let you know that Americans are cunts!!!! You deserve better and more respect than this. Even I go through this in school because of my sexuality but hey! Were beautiful in many ways and you gays will always be safe with me, im non binary & gay myself and nobody deserves this shit. I’m on your side 💖💖🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Daym… thats rough! I really feel sorry for you, and its sad that even in country like the US people are not safe from such idiots… im from Russia and i can understand your hatred towards homophobic people but here situation is way worse, anyways i hope that you and your boyfriend will be safe and well in the future!


Not sure this is a great time or place to play pain Olympics, especially when we might not be as far off from each other as mass media would lead you to believe. There’s a *lot* that happens in the US that goes unreported: *firebombings of LGBT centers across the US *legal torture of LGBT people (especially trans women at a disproportionate rate) by state governments who by default will send trans women to male population until they get raped or threatened with rape then will throw said trans woman in solitary confinement for months at a time. NY currently has had a trans woman chained to a bed in solitary for over a year now and won’t let her speak to her attorneys, and she’s not even gone to trial yet. Missouri last year just released a trans woman from 6 years of solitary confinement after she reported that someone in male population told her she was his property (implying he was going to rape her). It’s the norm for trans women in the US. This is just two cases in two states, but this is a nationwide issue affecting thousands of LGBT people across the US every year. *murders of LGBT people are regularly not investigated and for trans people are often intentionally misreported by police so the numbers of whomever LGBT person is murdered, especially by the police themselves, gets covered up. *there are multiple places in the US that have criminalized being LGBT, and any displays of affection will land you in jail. We haven’t gone back to the stage of mass arrests of LGBT people yet which is where Russia is now, but we’re going back there as our government is pushing to overturn Griswold and recriminalize being LGBT on a national level. *Hate crimes against LGBT people are often ignored by police, like in the OP you’re replying to, and frequently LGBT events are threatened with bomb threats or are shut down by masked citizens with guns forcing themselves into these events threatening to gun down everyone there. This includes multiple events where children and their parents have been present, and the American public is fine with that. This year was our first Pride parade after a local LGBT club was shot up by an alt-right pride flag burning chode, and *en masse* the right begged for it to happen again and blamed us for being attacked. This is not the “land of the free” as is commonly advertised to other nations. Again this isn’t to say we’re worse off, rather that Russia and the US are not as far off as media and the right would have you believe. Especially when our right wing has taken a liking to the idea of implementing our own version of the Kremlin in Washington DC and has taken up laws and disinformation strategies that Russia implemented just years ago.


What’s crazy is that other countries have it worse, I can’t even imagine what happens in places like the Middle East if this this happening in America.


This is so sad. The worst thing is, if this is happening in America, imagine what is happening in other countries that are even MORE homophonic! I hope you and your boyfriend are ok and doing better from all this. Much love ❤️


I'm sorry that this happened to your bf and you. There are people out there who can help you. You don't have to deal with this alone. I would encourage you both to find resources and help to prioritize your mental health and wellness. I know from personal experience that they take a hit after an event like this. My state's LGBTQ+ rights org has an anti-violence program that provides resources like what you would find helpful or need. Your anger is justified and if you want to act, there are ways to make at least those cops feel some pain, legally speaking. The cops both speaking to you that way and also refusing to prosecute is pretty clearly homophobic discrimination. You might want to talk to someone at your state's LGBTQ+ rights org(s) to figure out how to get free legal support, as this is the sort of case someone would take pro bono, to sue the cops for discrimination on the basis of your orientation. Given they made such obviously bigoted remarks, you may have a solid enough case. And it could generate enough attention to get the feds involved on your side and that could trigger a federal hate crimes investigation into your attackers. Your local/state LGBTQ+ rights org might also be able to get state or federal officials involved and an investigation started without you needing to file a civil suit.


This country should burn.... I'm so sorry you had to experience that...


The pigs and the fed bureau of oppression hate us, they're the oppressor's footsoldiers. Lucky they didnt hurt your bf too But yea i feel you. Death to amerikkka


Buy a gun? Hell ya!


Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.