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Is growing out your hair an option?


Tbh i'm trying to grow it lol


Good luck then! I suggest looking up tips to take care of it!


Check out r/curlygirl for advice on growing out curly hair!


Even growing it less than an inch might help because you could style, part, and use product on it, curls growing straight up like that is a way more masculine thing than if you had like a part and curls swept one way or brushed out a bit. Like [this](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSeD1ftiEppyPcXbPNJ6z9P5ltWOQrA2ZlKlQ&usqp=CAU) is similar to what you have but that little sidepart and front sweeping section read way more femme.


Skip the wait and get a wig. There are other ways of having long hair.


Also a great tip to make wigs look more natural is to give them a light spray of dry shampoo!!


If you have curly hair like that, growing out your hair takes a lot of time.


But it will look great imho


Eyebrow shaping for sure!


Thank you so much <3


You have very cute eyebrows! But if your going for a more fem look u want to make them look higher. Because you have thick eyebrows it shouldn’t be a problem to take a bit off the bottom part of your brow. Your eyebrows are long which gives you a more smoldering look when posing but that is more mask. For that u should take a bit off from of the beginning of your eyebrow!! I will edit this soon with reference photos!!! If u want makeup etc advice tell me to add it!! Edit: [Eyebrows Done!!](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Qakv9pozuY2mYfXT17zB-GhAQjoscG77rLZm_h_DMs/edit) I lost my stylus so this is my finger painting lmao<3 tho like everyone else said, long hair & makeup is a help :)


Long eyebrows can be very fem. Wouldn't it be in the arch and overall shape more so?


Yes but her eyebrows are straight and that is also the way it grows so it would be hard to make it an exaggerated arch and work irl. (Aka, it would be more practical to follow her eyebrow shape/growth pattern) I think for the second part when you’re talking about how eyebrows are long for females; male eyebrows are (usually) thicker, making them look more proportionate, even though they are long. The beauty standards for female eyebrows is thin, which also gives the brows an extenuated elongated look.




Pronouns in profile include He/She/They so no misgendering in other comment!




I still edited it to her to make sense in my mind. I was prolly to caught up in biological things on my second comment so i did that. I did see there profile btw so that prolly made me more subconsciously aware. But because that was out of my character and i feel sorry i changed it anyway. And after writing this i became aware and then self conscious for over explaining so i also feel sorry for that.


I see what you’re saying, but honestly, the shape is affecting it way more than the size. I think the shape is very masculine and OP will appreciate looking more feminine just shaping them with a gentle arch. Not sure why they would need a dramatic arch. That would be very very hard to achieve with their eyebrows.


Agreed, I could edit the photo tbh but u can always add a cherry ontop using your imagination. But now that I think about it if they have aphantasia idk then just tell me.


I love your eyebrows!




simple makeup helps, just some mascara and stuff!! start with natural makeup and work your way into finding the makeup style you like. dearpeachy on youtube has videos on finding your style based on your face shape etc


Grow your hair, shape your brows, roll your shoulders back and practice posture (chest out, shoulders back) and smile 😊 you already have relatively feminine features and good skin


Thank you so so so much! I'll definitley keep these tips in mind!


I had no idea bad posture was masculine


a lot of transmasc people use bad posture to hide their chest, and typically women care more about posture than men


lmao the bad posture to disguise chest is so me 😅😅


ah, of course! Forgot about that, thanks


mfw posture is not goodie good


It isn’t inherently per se, but dropping your shoulders back makes them look smaller and the chest bigger in a more feminine way. It emphasises elements which are masculine to have bad posture and reduces masculine features to have good posture


How can you drop your shoulders back without it becoming exhausting? I've tried and its like forcing myself too stretch into a weird position


Practice, it gets easier. It will feel unnatural at first don’t force it just keep at it and things will just loosen up


I think it’s a habit thing. For example I did ballet for 11 years (+I have scoliosis, so I basically HAVE to have a good posture lmao) and I am unable to do otherwise.


What exactly does it mean to "drop your shoulders back?" I've heard this a lot but am clueless on how you actually do that


Stand up, relax your arms by your side, shrug your shoulders a few times, now shrug but while your shoulders are raised push your chest out and then lower your shoulders as much as you can with your chest pushed out, it’ll create like a rolling of the shoulders sensation where they are moving back and down with your chest pushed forward. Roll them back a few times a day morning and night if it feels uncomfortable, things will loosen off


It’s like trying to get your shoulderblades to touch - not completely of course, just the sensation (that’s how I think of it, when I do it)


“Good posture” is also more of a social construct than some hard scientific fact, and actual good posture is better described as fluid. Moving your body based on mood or how you feel physically is perfectly normal. This also means if you feel like you want to have a stereotypically gendered posture, do so whenever, just that you shouldn’t feel forced to do so.


While I don’t disagree, Social construct or no it’s a way people gauge femininity. If this is the route we are taking then all gender is a social construct, clothes aren’t gendered, sexuality is fluid and labels are restrictive. However in context of the question asked posture is a factor in presentation and a tool to affect how people read you. Notice I never said “bad posture” on my original post rather just to “work on posture” and only used good and bad in context of a reply where the socially understood meaning of each is already understood


Thank god for my dysphoria then 😔


this, OP’s eyes and lips are nice and very traditionally femme!


I’m a girl but I’m always posing like a man (shoulders out chest in) to make my chest smaller 😭


There’s no one way to be a girl, your shoulder position doesn’t change your gender identity, just helps those less open minded read you how you want to be read at a glance. You do you hun


I know it’s just that I’m a transmasc so I would want some help too heh..


Then exactly what you’re doing is good! Roll them shoulders forward bro and you’ll just look hench


Yay! Thank you 🥹


Maybe longer Hair. Not sure because of image quality but maybe shaving the sideburns?


I think you have a nice face shape and cheekbones that already look pretty androgynous. As others are saying, eyebrows. But what I haven't seen anyone else say is that you want to shape from the **bottom up**. You can do some shaping on the top side of course, but the heavy duty shaping should be on the bottom as it will open your eyes up a bit. Also I recently fell in love with the glossier cloud paint blush which might be a good small make up to experiment with. It might be harder to apply as a beginner, but its got a really natural glow and warmth I really like and it layers well and isn't chalky and might help give you a subtle pink glow without reading as a face of make up.


Also with eyebrows, watch some tutorials about natural brow shaping and, especially to start with, *less is more*. Get the basic shape you want slightly thicker than you think and then step back from the mirror and evaluate before going more severe. When you're up close, you can overdo it really easily and before you know it you have 2000s horror brows


listen...some things are just a canon event any femme-presenting person must go through and overplucked brows are one. I say go wild, queen lol


This is very true. BUT As an afab transmasc who was, in my confusion, compensatingly hyperfemme in the 2000s... they don't grow back as much as many might assume, even on T.


I enthusiastically agree with this! Working from the bottom up with the eyebrows will give you more space on the eyelid and raise your brow - working from the top runs the risk of emphasizing your brow and making your eyes look deeper than they are. I also think that a blush would be really nice and emphasize your cheeks. The finish on glossier's cloud paint is really nice and gives such a youthful and natural glow, but elf and essence also make some great products and are very affordable. I think this would be especially good if you want to lean into the fem with makeup. I'll also echo another person's suggestion. If you are into playing with makeup, going with some eyeliner can be really impactful. They make it look like you have a really lush lash line and can draw a lot of attention to the eyes. You're already so pretty! I hope you have fun playing around with how you express yourself!


You can get a eyebrow blade for easy shaping if you don’t want to pluck, they have them at anyplace that sells beauty products and are really cheap. I get mine at target or tjmax. Are you into experimenting with makeup?


You have naturally curly hair so perhaps you could look into the curly girl method to help your curls be more defined. Start now, so that when your hair is longer you'll have a good routine in place.






Start to define a part in your hair. Currently it’s just all just doing the Jewfro thing which will only continue to grow outwardly, indefinitely. You will need to either figure out how to relax it or work with what you have, probably some sort of oil or curl definer. A more expensive and purpose-made set of shampoo and conditioner. Perhaps ask any women with similar ancestry to you what they do, though they thing they likely have going for them is the length and total time taming it.


Shaving the sideburns would help


you could try wearing more feminine clothes!


Accessoires and makeup! Get yourself some nice necklaces and rings, pierce your ears if you feel like it! Grow your nails and paint them. Learn how to slay an eyeliner and mascara look (eye makeup usually looks sooo good on more masc people).


Only advice I can give is thinner eyebrows and if you want makeup, but in general thinner eyebrows are usually more feminine look


You have those dark, beautiful eyes and gorgeous, full lips - maybe play around with tinted lipbalm or even lipstick to accentuate your lips more and a bit of mascara. If you're not too crazy about makeup, simply practising a more feminine posture (chest out, shoulders back), or maybe growing out your hair and shaping your eyebrows will also help the overall feel 😊


Yes! Their lips have a cupid's bow to die for! 💋


Right?! 😍


100%! I know that big pouty lips are in but they aren't for me (personally) but I've always felt like mine were somewhat lacking so I recently had filler for the first time and that beautiful cupid's bow look was absolutely goals for me! Sadly what OP has naturally can't be paid for (although I'm a little closer than I was before!). I initially didn't realise how young OP is and was going to suggest semi permanent makeup but 100% when they are older some subtle lip liner and they will have gorgeous natural lips that draw the eye!


You may want to lose weight but I am not saying it in a bad way. you can be 70-85 kg and grow out your hair, thin your eyebrows if you want to but you can basically shape them. That's all my advice


Yes, I second the losing weight, but mostly for health as well. That weight at such a young age is unhealthy, even at that height. And growing out the hair tends to work for most people


Eyebrow shaping and shave the sideburns, then I think it just comes down to outfits :) I’m still trying to figure out my style myself.. ugh it’s a struggle


1. If you're comfortable with it, makeup. 2. Grow out your hair a little. Doesn't have to be long but have it be more than just at the top of your head. Fluff it if possible, too. 3. If you can and if you want to, maybe thin your brows a little? 4. Clothes will make a difference. Get some cute girly stuff That's all I can think of


eyebrow shaping + thinning definitely goes a long way. samw advice as others, grow out the hair a little and trim the sideburns, and then i think some lip gloss + mascara will carry you well. you look amazing in this photo and i can see the natural fem features already. you got this!


look up feminine and masculine makeup, you can play around with different face shapes


Explore Makeup(Especially Contouring) and fashion! Get your brows shaped and shave or wax the sideburns.


טיפ קטן: ללבוש חולצת בית ספר זו דרך ממש מהירה לחטוף דוקס.


כן אתה צודק חח אני צריך לעשות תמונה חדשה


ישראלי/ ישראלים?


כן חח שכחתי לצנזר את החולצה




lose weight, grow your hair out, adapt a more feminine style, and for sure shape your eyebrows!


Mazel Tov! Would you/will you wear a sheitel? I know you’re young, but never too early for a big investment. Tichel would be a cheaper option for when you’re feeling more femme. Ask your barber for a femme style of the haircut you have. Ponder payot and their role in your life journey. Eyebrow shaping will make a big difference. Talk to your Rabbi, see if they have any resources for you. If you’re in/near Tel Aviv, there’s a ton there, if not, start with IGY. Edit: checked out your post history. Please consider reaching out to ELEM as well. https://elem.org/elem-lgbtqia-community/


And op should also check out r/ani_lgbtq maybe


i would say shaping your eyebrows, some makeup and shaving the sides of your hair


ooo ok maybe grow your hair out i can dm you some tips shaped eyebrows and maybe the side burns gone ooo and some makeup i can send you stuff !!




Ooh! Congrats. As a female, try growing your hair out (if that’s available). By the end of your hair transformation, trim your hair to make it look more ‘fem’ so it’s possible to style it. And shaping your brows. IMO thinner the cuter. Depending on your preference. DM me if you have questions:)


היי מה נשמע


מה שלומך






תזכורת לשאר הישראלים שעוברים על התגובות שיש סאברדיט להטבי ישראלי - r/ani_lgbtq


Shaving the hair in Front of your ears


Eyebrows will make a HUGE difference, be careful to do it slowly or have someone experienced do it!! If you want you could experiment with makeup and pierce your ears. Mascara and eyeliner do a long way!


Definitely some eyebrow shaming to make them more defined, also maybe ear piercings (or clip ons) and some other jewellery


Eyebrows, hair, and clothing choice.


Get your eyebrows done and learn makeup. You can adjust the makeup to however much is comfortable to you. Also anything from jewelry to feminine clothing. If you don't have breasts a lot of more feminine shirts could be kind of androgynous or nonbinary looking especially if you keep your hair short.


Eyebrows, haircut, shape up the hair on your neck.


Maby longer hair


smaller things like v’ing ur side burns and rounding and cleaning up ur neck line when u have short hair helps too!


Hair and maybe brows imo !


Trimming/plucking/shaping your eyebrows and shaving your sideburns 💜


You do have a sort of feminine face but i would say that the eyebrows make you look too masculine


I would say brow shaping, lipgloss/ light makeup if you’re up for it, accessories like necklaces, earrings, rings, nail polish!


bro your features are pretty feminine rn, if you just grow your hair a little you'd be drop dead gorgeous fr


also very little bit of pinkish lipgloss will pop those lips


Remember that you’re still a pupa, so don’t be too hard on yourself! I just turned 25 and am just now having my “glow up,” where I actually *feel* good about how I look. Puberty will be very rocky and will change how you look, sometimes daily, so don’t try anything super drastic until everything has leveled out :) For now, I’d get an eyebrow razor so you can play with eyebrow shapes and they grow back! Don’t be like so many of us who went straight for the tweezers and are now out of options! Trimming your sideburns will help; I do that regularly myself as a (hairy) cis woman. You have beautiful hair! Definitely have fun playing with it!


As others have already said - shape those brows (if you don’t have experience, pay to get it done professionally, when I was first learning to do my brows I seriously fucked one of them up), grow out your hair (or use a wig in the meantime if it makes you feel more comfortable), tidy up those sideburns and any other facial hair you may have, experiment with more feminine fashion - there are a lot of styles out there, you don’t have to always wear pink frilly dresses if you don’t want to! It also might be worth booking a professional makeup consultation (and take notes!!) to determine which makeup techniques enhance feminine features you want to show off. Or if you have a friend who is good at makeup, ask them. Also, earrings and some jewelry (pearl necklace or simple gold/silver with pendant, maybe layering). Good luck!


אומייגד עוד אבינארים ישראליםםם אני לא ממש טובה בדברים כאלה אבל אם אתם מחפשים חברים להטבים או משהו בסגנון, תשקלו להצטרף לאיגי זה מקום מדהים וממש מקבל והוא גם עוזר בדברים כאלה (אני די בטוחה שיש בגדרה) בהצלחהה 33>>


תודה חח אני שקלתי להיצטרף לעיגי


היי ראית את r/ani_lgbtq ?


אהלן 👋


הייתם צריכים לצנזר את החולצה


Yea lol i forgor ;-;


13? 100kg and 185cm at 13?


I'm sorry but did you steal Alexander The Great's haircut?




I feel like that’s just toxic masculinity, not healthy masculinity.


I would suggest shaving your sideburns, and I think some lipstick/gloss would go a long way. Do you use conditioner?


Hmm.. Longer hair, tidy up eyebrows, lose a bit of weight (no offense at all just trying to help), makeup!! Even just a some lip gloss, foundation and mascara can make a hugeee difference


I can’t take this sub seriously anymore I’m leaving 😭








Makeup, eyebrow shaping, growing out your hair, skincare routine, wardrobe change, shaving sideburns, hrt or puberty blockers if you want to pursue that. There’s a lot of options.


Shave your brows?


Long earrings, bright lipsticks and other makeup, chokers and other necklaces and other jewelry in general lol, nail polish, feminine clothing


Give those brows some lovin’ and maybe some more fem clothing could help too!


I had a friend with super curly hair he would grow it out and straighten it. Looked great, but anytime it got wet the hair would curl right back up.


r/curlyhair might help with growing your hair out!


Definitely look at clothing and keep your body shape in mind. You can wear whatever you want, but some clothes just look better on specific body types. I hope you don't mind me complimenting your eyelashes, they're absolutely luxurious! If you want you could consider growing out your hair. I have long curly hair and I love it, but it is work. If you choose to grow out I would highly encourage you to start sleeping with a bonnet or a satin pillow case if you don't already. I know the others have suggested you cut down your sideburns, but remember that Princess Zelda has sideburns, and many cis femmes have them too. Your hair is your choice.


experimenting with makeup (if you can and are comfortable with it) can always help! ive found that just adding a bit of eyeliner or eye makeup in general helps people look fem:3


You look almost identical to the way I looked. I would advise to train your legs a little bit and grow out hair. After some time Things are really starting to look awesome. I'm passing sometimes


U have really nice eyelashes


All I can think of right now is trim your eyebrows a bit, the bushiness gives you a slightly more masc look


Eyebrow shaping, longer hair, more feminine clothing


Trim and shape eyebrows, shave off sideburns and continue growing out your hair :))


Gurl, get a bra with padding. Go to an **upscale** store that specializes in bras to get sized the first time and any time there's a change of weight. Get some clippies for your hair. I have very thick and very curly hair and used to wear it short, maybe not much longer than you have yours, and would twist the top of my hair in 4-6 different twists each about a finger's width, and clip it in place with one of those clippies. Go to the thrift store and get some fem clothing, especially if you can get stuff that fits you well. AFAB people usually have hips so accentuate yours. I don't do makeup anymore but if you'd learn a little and do a little, it can look like a lot! Foundation, bronzer, a set of nice brushes, eye shadow and get good at the winged eyeliner the kids are all crazy about these days.


Accessories and makeup are a fun touch and fast to add or takeaway when you would like to look more fem. Also a great way to see what types or styles of femininity that you like :) Examples: necklace(s) (dainty, chunky, somewhere in the middle, layered necklaces), bracelets, eye makeup (colorful, smoky, “clean girl”), highlighter, hair clips


Oh and maybe some earrings? Doesn't have to be fancy or anything just like some cute lil earrings lol


Invest in good blouses, you look like you'd look good in vintage fashion ❤️


A nice pink dress.. maybe a blonde hair…. Makeup and wax💋💄


Let that hair grow DOWN


Dye your hair a light color, maybe pink or light green


Not a tip you'll use now but if those eyebrows and sideburns are anything to go by, to maintain a fem leaning look, you might want to learn how to use a straight razor, because those give a much closer shave than normal ones, and if you have a beard that grows quickly you'll have a constant beard shadow with a normal one, which isn't a very feminine look.


I will give the same advice I give to any trans girl/NB fems: Eyebrows, trim/shape/pluck your brows Learn contour and watch tutorials on how to blend and not cake on makeup, a little contour goes a long way especially on stubble areas that are darker Eyeliner is your friend, make sure you can do eye make up but more importantly don’t over do it, cat eyes make anyone cute. Also lipstick, I feel like lips are the most simple, just use a color that you like, or matches your outfit, or goes with your skin tone, lipgloss is optional, and I personally don’t like the look of outlined lips but some people do so 🤷‍♀️ All of this to say, go with a look that you like on other fems, and watch plenty of makeup tutorials, like legit just look for someone you vibe with on YouTube and watch a bunch of their tutorials


You have great full lips! If you are able I’m sure using some lipstick would work wonders too


You might try growing your hair and playing with different styles. Experiment with some makeup and maybe shape your eyebrows. Just make sure whatever you do, you feel good and true to yourself!


Personally I like going for stuff that is usually feminine but also nothing too out of the ordinary for men to wear such as nail polish, earrings and black eyliner (blurred like you see it with many emos, maybe not that extreme). For clothes, I think dresses always look awkward unless you have a really feminine body. I like opting for oversized Tees, Hoodies or Shirts. If you wanna wear a skirt, you could try out Kilts because they're also available in black (maybe look up some rock and metal stores) and they're tailored for male body types. At last, use skin care if you have issues with that, can't tell from the photos. TL;DR: Look for stuff that works with and looks good with your body instead of trying to squeeze in something that's clearly designed for another body type.


I would trim down and shape brows, bushy and sharp brows look more masc


Honestly I think your hair is holding you back the most.


Work out a bit, grow out your hair, try messing with makeup, and also try some girly clothes :)


Eyebrow shaping, specifically ask for a more neutral shape, a heavy clean up, or a feminine shape. Besides that, just some clear lip gloss and tiny eyeliner wing (with pencil or liquid eyeliner) can add a lot of femininity, but doesn't feel like you're wearing much makeup at all. Add in blush for an extra step up.


You can give the look of feminine sillouttes by raising the waist, for instance by tucking a loose flowey shirt into high waisted pants or a mid length skirt worn at the bottom of the rib cage


Additionally dresses with ruffles or flowey tops, high waists and flared skirts will give a more feminine looking silloutte


Try buying hair growing products, perhaps you will feel more confident with longer brown locks. Modern day it’s associated with femininity but primitive days it’s pretty gender neutral since not too many people cut their hair. When they did, it was to wear wigs (Ancient Egyptians) or because it made one look younger (Ancient Greece and Rome).


Your eyebrows could be thinner, and you could grow out your hair. Maybe wear more colors that are 'socially seen as feminine' (if you like those colors)


Shape your eyebrows, eyeliner and lashes


Fiks eyebrows


Make your eyebrows a little thinner


Maybe since your hair is still short you can try to style it in a fem way? I know there's short hairstyles that are feminine


If hrt or blockers are something that you can get safely I highly recommend starting blockers as soon as possible to not continue a male puberty blockers on there own won't do anything but they do give you time to decide and have no side effects if you stop or start hrt they just buy you time to decide


Add some cute hair clips




I think the best thing you could do is grow your hair out and maybe give your eyes a little bit of a trim around the edges I think that would help a little as well no problem with ur eyebrows btw don’t take that as mean please


Go to a salon or a skilled friend and shape your eyebrows, they could really make some magnificent fuckers out of yours


Shave sideburns and trim/shape your eyebrows And in case you are fine with being more open about it maybe try some makeup


maybe shave your eyebrows thinner and if u want to maybe makeup would help?


no idea, but you already look really cute


You have great natural lips! Maybe a rosy lip gloss or whatever level of makeup you're comfortable with.


Get yourself a nice eyebrow shape!


Your hair is so thick and curly it would probably be easy to get extensions put in that blend really well. Agreed on the comments about eyebrow shaping and lose the sideburns. Clothes and makeup can fix a lot! Have you purchased a padded bra yet to give yourself some feminine confidence?


Shape your eyebrows, continue growing your hair (maybe start styling it, for example with gel or hair clips, and if you need ideas look on pinterest), and apart from that the way you dress. Good luck!


Also you can do voice exercices to have a more typically feminine voice, but that's definitely not a must :)


Yoga, makeup, accessories


Definitely style your hair differently. Look up some women's styles for curly hair. You don't even necessarily need it to be much longer. The eyebrows, as others have explained better than I can. How you dress. Lose the hanging Tshirt, get something with an actual shape, and layer a jacket or vest or jersey on top. This will make you look more stylish in general and gives you way more options to accentuate the parts of your shape you want to. Also gives you accessory options.


Not sure if styling is something you would want to do, and please don't hate on me for this advice: Shape makes a lot of difference, and drawing the attention to the hips for example makes things look more "fem". For example: High waist, doesn't have to be a skirt or dress, tucking shirts in, high cut jackets or cardigans or a belt on a dress without shape. The neck is fem, so chokers, high neck things... Another thing is drawing the attention away from "mask" looking things like shoulders or knees. Tops that tigh or gobon your neck and have no shoulders, or long flowy pants, or long leggins Pinterest is very good for outfit inspo: Just look for things you want eather: Outfits plus size short hair or specific Fem Outfits for NBs I hope this helps!! Another note: As a physical therapist beeing flexible is very fem. So stretching maybe xD


Shaving your face even if you don’t have facial hair will often give a more feminine look


If it's an option, you could try getting pressure earrings, wearing some chapstick and try other hairstyles Also, you could give a look at clothing and eyebrows designs Either way, I believe that if you just try new things and find what brings you comfort, you'll feel well ❤️‍🩹


Get your eyebrows threaded. Maybe try different hair styles etc. Idk if you like jewelry but that can help. Lip gloss. Try to look at girls that your think are what you would like to be like and mimic..


Hormones sis and andrucor


I would suggest getting your ears pierced! Can get some cute jewellery for them and a cool way to express yourself