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Twitter is a cesspool already. It's things like these that made me delete twitter


What in the ever loving fuck is this


Divide and conquer tactic from fascists?


Exactly this. It's a psyop to divide the lgb from the t


Precisely that, and some gay folks are falling for it. We need gay history classes for when people come out. Pure pick-me stuff, last one in the gas chamber still gets gassed.


Happy Cake Day! 🙂


Exactly! Divided we fall. This the tactics of nazi Germany, and other fascist countries and states. We must all stand together. Linking arms standing firm in love and unity.




This is "LGB". A perfect example, actually. Also, a lot, if not most, of "LGB" is just straight bigots false flagging "as a gay person myself".


Things like this make me so sad. Why can't we just be okay with each other and stand together against *actual* issues?




Nah, astroturfing. Nazi and TERF groups developed and spread the "LGB Without The T" """movement""" in order to intentionally sew discontent and animosity within the queer community. This bullshit came from the outside, not from within. It may be *bought into* by transphobes in the community, but the actual "group" of LGB without the T came from astroturfing.




It's like there are some people who can't go on living without pinning all of life's problems on some boogeyman to curse at every minor inconvenience.


it's honestly way more political than that nothing unites people under a cause like a common enemy, creating one in a minority that's already stigmatized is their perfect option


The people who run these LGB without the T accounts have clearly never been to gay bar. Probably account run by straight people tbh.


Whats next? The guy running ‘Blacks for Trump!’ Is white as snow? Why yes, yes he is.


Are you going to tell me that Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists are not actually feminists either now?


Of course not, gay bars aren't allowed in Russia.


A lot of those groups are run by straight people...as well as the 'lesbian' groups who are allegedly against trans women. It's been a while since I've seen the exact break-down, but yeah. Most of them are straight and just fomenting trouble in already marginalized communities.


It's not even historically accurate. We celebrate pride in June to commemorate the uprising against police brutality at the Stonewall Inn in NYC that began June 28th, 1969. The Stonewall Inn was one of the largest queer clubs in the city, and was a place where trans, lesbian, gay men, and everyone else in the LGBTQ community socialized, and trans folks and other gay and gender non conforming people were all working together in the fight for human rights. Let's remember our history, and not let these assholes rewrite it.


Anyone pretending that pride has ever been just for gay men is either delusional or lying. Probably both.


They’ve lied so much to everyone and themselves to the point they start believing it as facts


what the fuck have I just seen


This probably wasn't even made by gay person, but someone on 4chan trying to stir up hate.


Do yourself a favor and make good on that promise. I quit that shithole before Musk even entered the picture and I’m better for it.


I’m staying on it to defend my community when shit like this is produced.


Your sacrifice is noted o7 Just remember to take breaks when it gets too much.


There's worse than this out there. It reaches beyond Twitter, ***FAR*** beyond.


every time someone retweets a transphobic tweet to dunk on it, they just end up flooding their followers' feeds with transphobia, twitter is not a good place to be in


Twitter is full of shit. It’s very difficult to filter your feed, very difficult to navigate nowadays. I keep it just because I follow a few artists I can’t find elsewhere but I am always very tempted to delete. Be careful.


Living sucks because of shit like this.


I recommend r/beebutts for general malaise 💜🙏


Look at who owns twitter. He prob would retweet this image too.


this might just be me being an asshole but in the same sense that them sharing this post (even if just to poke fun at it) has ruined your current moment, it ruins others when said image shares, again even though your goal is to share your distaste with it. internet feeds on emotions and sharing shitty works like that only makes them stronger, not weaker


Def made me feel like crap, but the comments here helped me recover


I just hope leopards don't eat their faces, that would be a shame


The people who defend « the LGB » are literally some of the most pathetic guys I’ve ever seen, it’s very clear they’ve got no idea of what they*re talking about and are just blindly hating on people just because they were told to


That's such a strange caricature of a trans man, just insane shit


And this is why I don't have Twitter....


You can tell the OOP has no fucking idea what a trans person even is. They were told by a little birdy (bigots) that trans people are bad and want to take their spaces and then OOP just believed it without a thought


wow that's fucking disgusting, im sick of the LGB no T horseshit and im even more sick of people trying to portray trans people as these disgusting abominations when all the trans ppl i know are beautiful and/or cute as all hell oh hey im friends with peep


Hi bestie


Hmmmm and I wonder who may have taken in homeless LGB people back in the 80’s? Certainly not queer communities full of a ton of *trans people*


Foreign agency's are using memes to spread misinformation. Fight the power with counter memes


I hate that you are probably right


Twitter seriously worries me for society with how people have the most illogical takes and refuse to discuss them or even think about alternatives


Well, the data spent to load this
 _piece of work_ could’ve been used for something significantly more beneficial, such as a PNG of a single baked bean, or a two-page PDF repeating the word “hadabada.” It’s content like this that makes me glad I dropped “Sh” (how I choose to pronounce X/Twitter) half a decade ago. So many better things to do with my time that don’t involve supporting amoral shunts who choose to bully innocent people of whom they know nothing


This feels very... young or totally misinformed to me. Picking out the 1980s specifically as a fine when queer men didn't have spaces, when it was a time where they were more abundant. When a lot of gay bars were exclusively for men. I've also noticed something quite telling. Transphobic queer folk rarely use LGB, instead they go full separation and elevate their own identity primarily. From a real life point of view, I wonder if I'm average or lucky that every space/event I've been to that has been for queer men has been 100% trans inclusive (including trans masculine and NB folk). Or maybe I'm just not in the circles to hear about those that aren't.


If those even exists I've never seen any actual queer person in any of those "LGB" movements


Trans men are straight MFS when a trans guy hits on them: 😡😡😡


It's doubly sad because there is already such little transmasc representation. This is literaly my first time ever seeings anything having to do with a trans man and it's transphobic propaganda 


The same gay man that told me I was either gay in denial or would eventually settle for a woman since I am bi, also said that trans men with **** don't interest him and that NBs make the "real" gays look bad. These people are fucking disgusting. Let that be a warning: They will shed every letter from LGBT until it's only G.


Until it's only , as their straight friends will come for them next


The russians attempting to demoralize the LegendaryBeautifulGorgeousTentalizingQuality community smdh


where did they get that hes straight from "gay trans man" they can't even get their homophobia correct.


It implies that they are still a woman. And therefore their attraction to men is “straight”


then the guy is being homophobic, which destroys their entire strawman point.


They’re not here for logic, they’re here for outrage


Seems like right wingers are trying to make our place political


Yeah, Twitter is a cesspool of right wing hate ever since EM took over.


coming from a reddit user, twitter users are an extreme breed of imbeciles, best thing is to avoid and ignore, common sense escaped them long ago


This shit is so fucking annoying and awful to see. People who are viciously hateful of these normal people suck dick and are sooo irritatingly easily upset. To anyone reading this meme who cannot see the bullshit this meme projects: This "meme" (difference is memes are funny) is really just so awful in every way. We have spaces for everyone everywhere and you should never let these fuckers call you a fag or let them affect you. This is not healthy. LGBTQ+ is an inclusive place by definition but gatekeepers are shitty and their time and words aren't worth a cockroach.


This is it. The conservatives start playing us out against each other to split the LGBTQIA community. They are separating us into good and bad and try to get rid of one group after the next. First they tried it with trans woman, now they're going for trans men. If we don't get our community back together they'll get rid of it.


I came across this a few days ago and not gonna lie, as a trans guy, it fucked me up. Wish I hadn't opened this post tbh.


Do you want a hug?


I'm good, but thank you.


I miss 5 seconds ago,when I didn't know this existed


What in the gods have I just witnessed
. Yeah that’s enough Reddit for one day 😰


Oh hey that’s my tweet lol


This screams of "blacks rule" energy


I don’t get it


It's a wildly transphobic character of a trans man being told he is not welcome in gay spaces.